Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 435 Lord of the Holy Blood: Wings of Purity Archangel Sanguinius!

Chapter 435 Lord of the Holy Blood: Wings of Purity Archangel Sanguinius ([-])!
【Simulation starting——】

[Current identity: Space Wolves Bloodclaw (Webway Comoros Prison Escape), Cypher Lord (Webway Unknown Area Drag Racing)]

【Please select the coming identity first】

[If you refuse, it will come randomly]

[Refused to choose an identity]

【Simulation starting——】

【You have come to the Warhammer universe】

【time:? ? ? 】

[Location: Queen of Glory Class Battleship Red Tears]

【You have successfully landed on a ship corridor, and the light red light from above your head is constantly reflecting between your gray and white short hair. 】

[You looked down slightly, and found that you were wearing the blue-painted speed-type power armor, and the heart of the plasma revolver furnace was inserted into your waist. 】

[At the same time, you are tightly holding the Blood Scythe that was not by your side when the simulation started. 】

[You subconsciously blinked the blue wolf pupil. 】

[And when you are a little puzzled about it. 】

【"Who are you? An Astartes from the No.13 Legion? But why are you on the Red Tears?" An Astartes wearing blood-red Seiko power armor suddenly appeared behind you, Asked in a low voice in your direction. 】

【"This painting... Blood Angel?"】

【You slowly drive the power armor and turn around to look back. 】

【You took a deep breath, and showed signs of your non-hostile actions to the other party. 】

【"Battle brother, where is this? I'm asking about the specific year." You asked the other party in a low voice. 】

【Perhaps your not flustered emotional expression comforted the other party. 】

[Or the good word-of-mouth of the Ultramarines made the other party subconsciously relax their vigilance. 】

【"...M31 during the Great Expedition, the fifth year."】

[The Astarte of the Blood Angel in front of me hesitated for a moment, but still spoke to you in a straightforward manner. 】

【"Understood, did you just say that this is the Red Tears? That is the flagship of your Blood Angels?" You muttered to yourself. "Then it's still too late in terms of time! Horus' rebellion has just begun to brew!"]

[In an instant, your eyes widened suddenly, staring at the vigilant Blood Angel and roaring: "Where is Primarch Sanguinius? Take me to him quickly! This matter is extremely urgent!"]

【"Huh? How dare you call your father by his name! Who are you! A heretic!" The blood angel who is not far from you seems to have noticed your strangeness. 】

【He took advantage of the opportunity and pulled out an ancient power sword from the waist of the power armor and pointed it at you, and launched a fierce charge at you without hesitation! 】

【"I am..." You sighed subconsciously, and swallowed back the words you wanted to blurt out. 】

【With an indifferent expression, you drove the speed-type power armor and stepped forward, and the blood sickle held tightly in your palm has been swung in turn. 】


[Accompanied by an extremely clear sound of metal breaking, the ancient power sword that the Blood Angel slashed at you was easily cut off by the sharp edge of the blood sickle. 】

[At the same time, you just raised a pottery steel fist. 】

[It also blasted out quickly under the strong push of the elbow thruster, and landed heavily on the opponent's metal helmet! 】

【In less than one round, with the crash of the Holy Blood Angel, he fell to the ground. 】

【This strange Astartes monk was completely defeated by your passive counterattack. 】

[You drove the speed-type power armor and stepped forward, a heavy magnetic boot stepped heavily on the front of the opponent's breastplate, stopping the opponent's desire to stand up and continue fighting. 】

【"I am the No.20 Primarch created by the Emperor. I have a matter that involves the future of the entire galaxy, and even the life and death of the human race. I need to meet Sanguinius! Where is he now!"】

[You asked in a low voice to the Astartes under your feet. 】

【"Cough, that's impossible! There are only nineteen master Primarchs in the empire! And as the heir of a human emperor, how could the Primarch's physique be as weak as yours... Pocket?" The fearless Holy Blood Through the metal helmet, the angel growled at you through gritted teeth. 】


【You waved the blood sickle in your palm blankly. 】

[Hit the Blood Angel's metal helmet hard with the side of the green light lingering blade, counting it as a small punishment for mocking your physique. 】

【"Heir of an angel! I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now! The revolver on my waist is Vulkan's carry-on gun. Only by meeting Sanguinius can I prove my identity! Even if you You think I’m just a fake original body, according to your father’s fighting power, are you still afraid that I won’t succeed? What are you worried about?”]

【You put on a stern face with a serious expression, looking down at the other party with cold eyes and persuading. 】

【"Okay! Even if I temporarily believe that you are a real Primarch!"】

【"But Lord Sanguinius is not on the Blood Tears now, he is currently leading most of the legion's heirs to the main star of Signus, even if you want to meet him, you have to wait for our legion to return... "At this moment, the Holy Blood Angel, who has fallen into a state of hesitation, seems to have made a final decision, he explained to you in a hurried tone. 】

[However, when you overheard the other party say the place name of Signus Main Star. 】

[A very vague and hazy fragment of memory flashed across your mind like lightning! 】

【"Oops! The Red Tears is about to crash! Your captain has been corrupted by the damn chaos!"】

【You subconsciously let out a roar at the bewildered opponent. 】

【Without hesitation, you removed the magnetic boots that suppressed the Blood Angel, held the blood scythe in your palm, and drove the speed-type power armor towards the direction of the bridge and ran desperately! 】

【"Wait! You stop for me—"】

【At this moment, the Holy Blood Angel, who quickly turned over and jumped up, followed behind you without hesitation, and he shouted to you in an uncertain tone. 】

【"The captain of the flagship, Athena, is a mortal admiral with an extremely tenacious will. Even we Holy Blood Angels have to respect her. How could she betray her father so easily?!"】

【"Because the damn chaos corruption never makes sense! Hey! Battle brother from the Blood Angels! I want you to believe me once! Even if only this time!"】

【"And afterwards, your own father, Sanguinius, will definitely be proud of you! Believe me!"】

【You drive the speed-type power armor and gallop forward continuously, while shouting at the strange Blood Angel behind you without looking back. 】

【"Sanguinius! I must be bloodthirsty to believe your nonsense... You are fucking wrong! Go left! Go left!"】

【"Also, remember my name! My name is not Hey! My name is Azkelen!"】

 thanks for your support!

  The first battle force of the original body is here!

(End of this chapter)

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