Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 449 Mysterious Assailant!

Chapter 449 Mysterious Assailant!
In the past, only Rorschach had the opportunity to raid other people's bases.

It was the first time that the enemy raided his territory.

However, after learning about this situation, Rorschach did not have any unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

He immediately ordered Iron David to summon Doom and his squad of stormtroopers.

In addition, the intelligent control army composed of five Ao monster machine guards and corresponding materials and equipment.

Prepare to go to the Japanese base together for support operations and necessary revenge.


Soon after, the metal ceiling gradually opened above the parking platform.

Wearing a set of vibration gold power armor, Rorschach, Dum and others stepped on the Thunderhawk transport plane to the Dongpu base in turn.

When everything is ready, the Thunderhawk transport plane driven by Iron Man David will be the leader.

A total of three Thunderhawk transport planes rose one after another and slowly flew deep into the thick clouds.
Tokyo, Mount Fuji base.

This volcanic base that originally belonged to Madame Hydra has already been successfully taken over by the Yashida family.

And it has gradually become one of the action locations that radiates the entire island and even Asia.

However, at the moment, an extremely bleak scene unexpectedly appeared in the brightly lit base.

The metal floor is covered with traces of various energy damages.

Countless automatic servo robots carrying heavy logging guns were scattered all over the place like metal parts.

At the same time, many servants of the Yashida family with solemn expressions shuttled inside the base.

They carefully cleaned up the traces of destruction on the scene, and tried their best to treat the combatants who were suffering serious injuries.

At this moment, Old John, who had temporarily put a white bandage on a thick arm, walked behind Bucky, who was coordinating and directing the rescue team, with an uneasy expression on his face.

"Boy Bucky, how about our loss statistics?"

"The loss of the base's logistics personnel is the least, because they are basically performed by automatic servo robots. However, the ninja troops stationed here suffered heavy casualties. There were hundreds of people killed on the spot alone, and nearly 500 people were disabled. .”

"This is enough for Mariko and Yukio to feel distressed. More than half of the thousand ninja troops have finally lost at one time..."

At this moment, Bucky, with bloodstains and bruises remaining on his face, turned around expressionlessly.

He stared at Old John who was close at hand and asked:
"Old man, how is your injury? I remember that Mariko specially approved the panacea for you? Why don't you use it?"

Hear the inquiry from Bucky.

Old John took a deep breath, shook his head, and said:
"Asgardian berserkers are never afraid of a little pain!"

"Besides, the remaining quantity of panacea is not much, let's leave it to the children on the training ground as a life-saving insurance!"

"Boy Bucky, do you have any clue about the enemy who attacked us now?"

"To be honest, I am also at a loss right now. What I can confirm is that our previous series of operations in Asia were basically related to reconnaissance and infiltration, and we have never had any conflicts with any forces, let alone caused human lives. Something happened."

Old John's voice just fell.

Bucky couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He subconsciously raised his hand and kneaded a bruise on his cheek, and continued in a puzzled tone:
"The group of attackers couldn't be Hydra, because the rest of the Hydras were basically cleaned up by the captain, and the remaining Hydras were all huddled in the American continent. Sol, Tony and others have not stopped Clear the suppression."

"The most important thing is, Old John, I don't know if you found out? I still remember that the few attackers headed have Asian features...but their behavior style doesn't seem to come from official forces, because for ordinary people The soldiers showed no signs of holding back."

"So, I think it's better to wait for Rorschach and Iron Man David to come and talk about it...huh?"

At this moment, something happened from the communication device next to Bucky's ear.

After he listened carefully.

A relieved smile finally appeared on the face covered with bruises.

"Old John, our support has arrived!"
boom boom-

The vector engine of the Thunderhawk transport plane gradually stopped roaring.

Wait until the rear metal hatch slowly opens.

Rorschach in vibram power armor.

And Dum, who was wearing a dark green cloak, and his stormtrooper team slowly set foot on the ground of the Japanese base.

And Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, saw Bucky with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and Old John with a bandage wrapped around one arm.

He drove the power armor forward, looked down at the two old friends in front of him, and asked in a concerned tone:
"Are everyone seriously injured? What force attacked us?"

"There is no loss of personnel in our command hierarchy for the time being, but the casualties of the ninja troops are relatively serious, and the number of automatic servo robots has also been reduced by two-thirds."

Bucky reported to Rorschach all the situation of the Dongying base with a solemn expression.

Not long after, Mariko with fanatical eyes and Yukio with furrowed brows also came to the parking platform to welcome Rorschach and others.

So, everyone went to the inside of the Mount Fuji base together.

A quiet conference room was chosen for a more detailed discussion.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bucky and the others also recounted the time and process of the attack on the base to Rorschach and the others in detail.

about sixteen hours ago.

Hundreds of attackers disguised themselves as several mountaineering teams, fooling the security teams and automatic servo robots on the outskirts of the base.

Then, they used the high explosives they carried with them to blast open an alternate entrance of the base, and launched an attack towards the interior of the base.

Faced with an attack of this magnitude, the garrison troops at the Dongpu base had already planned.

Not to mention that the base is full of autonomous servo robots that can mount heavy guns at will.

However, the four leaders among them turned out to be superpowers of the energy system.

And the technological restriction methods such as the energy-disabling collar that the Twin Islands base obtained from Hydra have not yet been allocated.

So, just a face to face.

The garrison troops at the Japanese base suffered very serious casualties.

Wait until Bucky and Old John arrive here by helicopter.

The attacker's team completely suppressed the entire Dongpu base with only four superpowers.

Of course, Bucky and Old John didn't do nothing while staying in Japan for a long time.

They also recruited a group of superpowers from all over the world through various methods.

And it is relying on the great help of these mercenaries.

This barely repelled the invasion of the gang of attackers.

Regarding this, Rorschach, who lowered his head and thought for a while, pondered for a moment.

He first admitted that the Twin Islands base was full of slack in the management of the Dongying base.

Otherwise follow normal.

The corresponding materials and technological means obtained by the main base will inevitably be distributed to each base at the same time.

However, in fact, not only did the Dongpu base fail to mobilize more powerful Ao monster machine guards to serve as defensive aids.

Even the forbidden collars specially used to deal with superpowers were not allocated.

This is undoubtedly the negligence of his team leader.

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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