Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 558 Three Ying Gather and Escape from Comoros!

At the same time, Primarch Rorschach and Wolf Rorschach, who had just stopped the slaughter, couldn't help but look at each other.

They clearly saw a tall figure in a white hood rapidly driving the power armor.

Running towards everyone through a large number of explosion flames and collapsed buildings.

"Why is he here too?"

Primarch Rorschach, wearing a vibranium helmet, took a deep breath.

"The overall shape of that guy looks familiar. You were so busy before, and you have become Lord Cypher? I don't want to meet those lunatics in the inner ring here!"

The wild wolf Rorschach squinted his eyes and looked at the approaching strange figure.

He complained to Primarch Rorschach without any disguise.

At this moment, the surrounding scene became more and more chaotic.

Especially when the leader of the White Shark Chapter, Tiberus, also launched a crazy killing.

Countless dark spirits who were fleeing outside decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Primarch Rorschach sent orders to the hunting team through the communication channel without hesitation.

"Pale Nomad! Go and take the Kongji Liuli! We are retreating!"

As soon as the words fell, Rorschach the Primarch and Rorschach the Wolf immediately rushed towards Sephroschach.

"What's the evacuation plan? Don't tell me you're not prepared!"

Primarch Rorschach yelled directly at Sevrorschach.

And Sephroshcha, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, didn't hesitate.

He raised his hand and groped in front of the pottery steel breastplate.

A webway beacon appeared out of nowhere in Tao Gang's palm.


Accompanied by the subtle sound suddenly issued by the network channel beacon.

An extremely wide webway portal once again appeared in front of everyone!

"Tiberus! Pale nomad! Gather quickly with me at the center!"

Primarch Rorschach immediately uttered a deafening roar at the fighting Astartes.

Not long after, Tiberus, who was covered in alien flesh and blood, and the hunting team that had successfully captured the Kongji Liuli also arrived in front of the three of them one after another.

At this time, the huge Tiberus first stared carefully at the wild wolf Rorschach whose appearance was almost exactly the same as the original body, and then set his sights on the mysterious and hooded Sevroschach.

"Everyone leave here first, Comoros' defense force has already reacted."

At this moment, Sevroschia suddenly turned his head.

He stared at the densely packed Reaper gunships rising into the sky in the sky shrouded by the 'black sun' in the distance, and quickly said to the people around him.

And the Primarch Rorschach and the others did not hesitate, and began to step in towards the webway portal that was being activated!
Wait until there are no more extra people around.

Taking a deep breath, Sephoroschau stood in front of the webway portal, and he even took out a remote detonator from his waist again!
"It's all here, how can I not leave some thoughts for you sharp ears?"

Sevrosha's voice just fell.

He pressed the detonation switch without hesitation.

And with the explosion flames rising everywhere in the Comoros.

An ancient star "Black Sun" that was originally hanging over the Comoros also slowly crashed down towards an unknown area of ​​the Comoros!

"Aha, the black sun has fallen, it seems that the melta bomb that was thrown out has done a good job again!"

The grinning Sefroschia took one last look at the group of Reaper gunboats that were about to arrive.

He quickly stepped into the portal of the webway, and gradually disappeared into the depths of the rippling webway! ——
Garden World's low-Earth orbit, the 'Grey Shark' short sword-class frigate.

It has been more than ten hours since everyone successfully escaped from Comoros.

And except for the several man-eating sharks in the hunting team who were inadvertently injured by the poisonous crystal weapons of the Dark Eldar.

No one was killed in the entire operation to seize the ancient artifact!

And this is in addition to the brave fight between Primarch Rorschach and Wild Wolf Rorschach.

I'm afraid it's also due to Sefrosch's careful preparations.

In fact, he hadn't just planted melta bombs all over the Comoros.

Moreover, they also used some unique contact methods of the Dark Eldar to lure away the defensive troops around the arena in advance.

Otherwise, as soon as the follow-up support team of the Dark Eldar arrives.

Even if the Primarch Rorschach and the Wild Wolf Rorschach can kill flowers.

I am afraid that it will also become the second Primarch captured by aliens in the history of the human empire...

"When I woke up from a severe coma, I was already in Comoros, and after trying to escape several times without success, I simply honed my fighting ability in the arena, hoping that one day I could rely on Go out with your own strength..."

Inside a room on the upper deck of the frigate.

The wild wolf Rorschach, who was eating a lot, said slowly to the Primarch Rorschach with his arms around his shoulders and Sephroschach who was sitting at the table without raising his head.

"To be honest, I am personally very pleasantly surprised to meet you, because everyone is in a different timeline..."

Primarch Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, first stared at Wolf Rorschach.

Then he looked at Sephora Schwarz again.

"If the wild wolf is due to an accident, what's the situation on your side?"

Primarch Rorschach asked the other party without any concealment.

Since they are all themselves, there is no need to be so outsider.

"Tsk tsk, you primarch really don't treat yourself as an outsider... We are you, but we are not you either. After all, our combat experiences are completely different, and our respective responsibilities are also different."

Lord Cypher, who lifted his hood casually, reached out and took out two black metal objects like bracelets from the space-time crystal.

Then, he swiped the two black bracelets across the table towards the other two people.

"It is said to be a mysterious relic of the dark age of technology. It can carry out a certain degree of message transmission through the subspace. If the Emperor blesses it, it can allow us to establish more connections."

"Although the empire has improved to some extent due to the existence of Prince Regent Guilliman, this is only a superficial phenomenon. In more battlefields, the power of the empire is retreating steadily, and many planets have been completely reduced to the playthings of chaos... "

"The three of us and other individuals that may exist in the future need to work together to prevent the situation in the empire from becoming more corrupt."

"I need you to continue to scoop up loyalists throughout the timeline. The more the number, the better, and the production capacity of the local world must also be doubled..."

"And you, your battlefield is not here, but in the past, after a period of rest, you have to come with me, someone is waiting for you."

Sephora, with a calm expression, looked at Primarch Rorschach and Wolf Rorschach respectively and continued.

"Wait, why do I get the feeling you know so many things? What's your big plan?"

Primarch Rorschach, who frowned slightly, stared straight at Sef Rorschach and asked.

And Sefrorschach leaned the power armor on the metal seat.

He spread his hands to the other two himself and said:

"I can do it, but I can't say it. Once I say it, the planner may set us up more difficult problems and bring greater uncertainty..."

"By the way, there is one more important thing that you need to know in advance... Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, you wolf cub is not far from the real God of Khorne, if one day you unfortunately completely degenerate Now, the rest of us will personally send you on your way!"

"Of course, the reverse is also the same. If I unfortunately fall, you will also send me on my way..."

"Let me get back to business. According to my personal experience and guesses, after the opening of the Great Rift, the remaining humanity of the more powerful emperor is decreasing. I hope you can be mentally prepared to truly become a tool." .”

"Aren't we tools now?"

Hear the words of Sefroschia.

The Wolf Primarch rolled his eyes and continued to swallow the food.

"Hehe, I've said too much, maybe you will understand the true meaning of my words in the future..."

At this moment, Sefrosha, who seems to be possessed by the prophet of the spirit race, shakes his head and smiles like a wise man who controls the overall situation.

The Primarch Rorschach raised a vibrating gold palm, and it landed heavily on the metal table in front of him, making a dull collision sound.

"If it's either you or me, I'll kill you, a riddler who doesn't speak human language..."

"Okay, let's talk about the Kongji Liuli next!"

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