Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 584 Dum's saving angel!

Chapter 584 Dum's saving angel!
On the bustling streets of New York City.

Countless panicked ordinary citizens are constantly screaming and shouting harshly.

They ran crazily towards positions they thought were safe within their line of sight.

However, most of them were blasted into coke powder by the countless Chitauri infantry who fell from the sky with laser energy guns!

At this moment, vehicles that were abandoned by everyone at will were congested in the middle of every road.

In the next moment, these vehicles were either collided and exploded by subsequent out-of-control vehicles, caught in flames and self-destructed, or were torn into metal fragments flying all over the sky by the heavy firepower from the Chitauri hovering chariot.

At the same time, ordinary mortals who had no time to escape were torn apart by the metal fragments.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, there was a sound of extremely heavy footsteps.

A dark green cloak behind him was incomparably broken.

Right now, the medical life support system inside the power armor has been activated for a long time.

In an instant, the burning alien corpse and the out-of-control levitation chariot slashed through the air with the last scream of pain, and caused more intense collisions and explosions after falling to the ground.

At the moment of lightning and flint, there was a burst of humming and tremors from the vector engine suddenly piercing through the air.

The huge soles of the feet smashed the street ground with all their strength.

A series of incomparably scorching hell flames continuously bombarded in the direction of the Jagged Brothers.

With an indifferent expression, Rorschach turned his head and stared at the seriously injured Doom.

However, the regenerative medicine that has repaired damaged organs and even mutilated limbs several times also brought an even greater burden to Dum, who only had a mortal physique.

At this moment, Dum, who was active in thinking, saw a more ferocious and cruel smile on the blood-red face of Brother Jagged.

However, after Doom hugged the young child tightly with his only remaining hand.


Inside an abandoned vehicle not far from him.

The flames of hell summoned by witchcraft completely ignited several Chitauri infantry on the floating chariot!

Twisting the magnetic boots under his feet and turning his whole body quickly, he chose to directly expose the vital position of the power pack to the Jagged Brother!

boom boom-

However, at this moment, Dum, who took another deep breath, did not relax in the slightest.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the Jagged Brother who was jumping up from the hole in the ground, and roared in a deep voice.

Now Doom's flesh and blood can no longer withstand the overbearing effects of the panacea.

At this moment, a hovering chariot controlled by a Chitauri infantry quickly passed over Doom's head.

For this kind of local alien elite with extremely powerful individual combat effectiveness.

He tried his best to drive the vibration gold power armor, wrapped around his body with rapidly rotating metal ten rings, and charged head-on towards the iron-blooded brother who also initiated a charge!
In an instant, shock waves that were almost visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted between the two sides that collided fiercely.

At this moment, Dum didn't even have time to think about it.

The next moment, one of the iron-blooded brothers was suddenly sent flying by Luo Xia's powerful Zhenjin Iron Fist.

And behind the waist of the opponent's heavy armor.

The Jagged Brothers who were galloping forward suddenly changed their direction of attack.

In the next second, Dum, who was completely unmoved by the alien's remarks, quickly waved the only remaining pottery steel palm.

After all, even the regeneration ability endowed by panacea to the human body needs to abide by the law of energy conservation. Healing an injury is actually consuming a large amount of the vitality of one's own cells, not recovering out of thin air.

They let the flames of hell that can easily melt metal fall on the tall and burly bodies!
However, just when Dum was about to take the opportunity to escape from here.

And this is Doom who has just gone through a tough fight.

However, the iron-blooded brothers with extremely amazing physical fitness have no defense measures against this.

And the other huge iron-blooded brother was completely split in two by the blood sickle and the thick armor on his body because of the slippery soles of his feet!
"Ah! Brother Iron Blood is actually dead! Brother Iron Blood is going to tear you alive!"

chi chi chi-

"Brother Iron Blood thinks that you are doing well, Brother Iron Blood wants you to surrender, because Brother Iron Blood doesn't have a slave of the human race yet!"

The invisible thoughts constantly pouring out from the body have already opened the metal door of the abandoned vehicle, and dragged out the young child who subconsciously opened his eyes wide!

Four hard fists that were strong enough to pierce ceramic steel armor slammed down on Doom's body!
In an instant, Doom, who had no time to react, hugged the pale young child in front of the broken breastplate without hesitation.

As the tall corpse of the hapless alien crashed to the ground, the angry roar from the last blood-colored alien almost enveloped the surrounding streets.


His thoughts were a little fuzzy and chaotic, and he even regretted not following Reditus' little suggestion in the past, which was to inject a dose of super soldier serum to improve his physical fitness.

Without any hesitation, he launched a terrifying charge towards the position of the young child!

At this moment, two tall figures with almost identical walking steps and even the shaking of their shoulders slowly appeared in the middle of the street.

dong dong dong-

The terrifying alien named Jagged Brother showed a ferocious smile on his blood-red face covered with ice cracks, and said to Dum not far away with overlapping voices.

Only combat teams with a lot of heavy firepower have any chance of success.

Inside the palm that was suddenly raised in mid-air.

He took a deep breath, desperately swallowing the blood in his mouth.

Boom boom boom!
And as Rorschach gradually clenched the blood sickle lingering in the green light in his palm.

Immediately afterwards, two burly aliens were like a steel train that started suddenly.

"Damn aliens! Your opponent has replaced me!"

The whole person fell heavily on the street floor like a rescue angel descending on the earth, and the powerful impact immediately set off countless smoke, dust and gravel around him!

He violently drove the dilapidated power armor to turn backwards, and the scanning function inside the helmet's eyepiece also quickly started working.

A young child who seemed to have just woken up from sleep was crying softly while hugging a rabbit doll.

He immediately activated the dilapidated power armor with his instinctive reaction.

Ordinary Astartes can't deal with it at all.

Several liquefied panaceas were also completely injected into his body.

Several broken heads belonging to Stormtroopers and Astartes are dripping drops of viscous blood to the ground.

The tall figure, whose left arm was missing, stumbled and drove the power armor that was on the verge of damage, and ran towards the inner part of the street where there were relatively few people.

One after another, the metal ten rings filled with purple energy bombarded the Jagged Brother's huge body one after another like shells just out of the chamber, completely blowing the two of them away!
At the same time, two metal ten rings were stepped on under Luo Xia's vibrating gold magnetic boots.

However, the expressionless Rorschach just waved his hand.

One by one, the metal ten rings screaming horribly unleashed a nearly Ling Chi-like metal spiral storm towards the tall alien not far away!


 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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