Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 59 Necron: Bloody Day

Chapter 59 Necron: Hundred Days of Blood
In the lounge, Rorschach took off his combat armor and placed the chainsaw sword.

The whole person sat cross-legged on the metal floor.

He reopened the emulator's page.

Found that there are forty-eight hours of cooldown until the next simulation.

Rorschach, who frowned slightly, thought about it.

Consumes resources directly and offsets cooldown time.

The appearance of Hydra made him feel a sense of crisis again.

Rorschach decided to increase the number of simulations to obtain more power or equipment.

"Emperor bless!"

Rorschach muttered to himself, and then started the simulation again.

【Simulation starting——】

[Current status: Catachan Recruit, Krieg Grenadier, Sergeant Major Kashezin, Letalis Storm Team]

【Please select the coming identity first】

[If you refuse, it will come randomly. 】

[Refused to choose an identity]

【Simulation starting——】

【You have come to the Warhammer universe】

【Time: Unknown】

【Location: Milky Way · Ultimate Starfield · Orpheus】

【You descended to the surface of the planet...】

【You find yourself falling from the sky. 】

[You couldn't help but let out an uncontrollable cry of panic. 】

【You fell heavily into a freshwater lake. 】

【You were bleeding from your mouth and nose due to the violent impact, and fell into a coma. 】

【You gradually sink into the depths of the warm lake water...】

【You are on the verge of death...】

[You woke up from a coma, and you were lucky enough to survive. 】

[You find yourself lying in the sidecar of a hoverbike, covered in a heavy colorful blanket. 】

[You turn your neck slightly, a girl with short hair and windproof glasses is driving a hovering motorcycle at a high speed. 】

[The faint glow of the setting sun shone on her fair-skinned side face, revealing some slender hairs. 】

[You subconsciously look past the thin pink lips, and just above the tall nose bridge of the short-haired girl is a pair of crystal-like purple eyes. 】

[Suddenly, you seem to have forgotten where you are, and you only see the profile of a girl with short hair in your eyes. 】

【"Hey! Big guy! Did you fall stupid?" The short-haired girl's crisp voice came into your ears. 】

【You shook your head, took a deep breath, and carefully expressed your gratitude to the other party for saving your dog's life. 】

[The short-haired girl is skillfully driving the hoverbike, her eyes are always looking directly at the road ahead. 】

[Hearing your thanks, the short-haired girl subconsciously revealed a faint smile. 】

【"Big guy, welcome to the agricultural world...ah, no, it's coming! Haha..." she said with a big laugh. 】

【Gradually regaining consciousness, you noticed that there are endless green fields all around you. 】

[Further away, huge machines are walking among the green fields, constantly spraying pungent chemical fertilizers and diluted fresh water. 】

[On the first day, you were seriously injured and brought back to the station by the short-haired girl. 】

[This is a factory building for the maintenance of agricultural machinery. 】

[The short-haired girl named Zhuoya lives here with her grandfather. Their family has been responsible for overhauling machines and managing the nearby agricultural harvest for generations. 】

【You once again expressed your thanks to Zhuo Ya, but the other party stared at you while playing with the windproof glasses on your hair. 】

【Afterwards, Zhuo Ya called her grandfather. 】

[A muscular old man moves a mechanical prosthesis and walks to your vicinity. 】

【He first looked at you expressionlessly, then the old man said to Zhuo Ya, this kid doesn't look like a rebel or a cultist...】

【"I'm just a currency of the emperor." You barely supported your body and said to the old man. 】

[The muscular old man froze for a moment, then grinned. 】

【"The emperor bless you! Welcome to my house!" The old man extended his palm to you, expressing a warm welcome. 】

[The next day, your injury has completely healed. 】

【You are used to this, but Zhuoya and her grandpa are in shock. 】

【You asked your grandpa and grandson how to leave this place. 】

【The smiling Zhuo Ya told you some bad news. 】

[Because the agricultural world is sparsely populated, there is no other long-distance transportation that can take you into the city except for the cargo ships that come to collect food and replenish supplies for the stationed personnel on the harvest day once a month. 】

[It's even more unfortunate that this month's cargo ship has just flown away. 】

[On the third day, you who were temporarily trapped here chose to join Zhuo Ya's patrol team. 】

【You and Zhuoya are inspecting the huge machine running between the green fields. 】

【You are very handy in this job, and you have won Zhuo Ya's high praise. 】

【Under the sunlight, you couldn't help showing a bright smile. 】

[On the fourth day, your communication with Zhuoya has deepened a lot. 】

[You unintentionally revealed some of your combat experience to the other party. 】

【This seems to have resonated with Zhuo Ya. 】

【You learned from her words that Zhuo Ya has an older brother. 】

[He is currently serving in the city's defense force. 】

【If Grandpa Vader didn't need someone to take care of him when he was old, Zhuo Ya would also like to join the defense force, fight against the enemy for the empire with his brother, and fight for the emperor. 】

【You squirmed your lips, but finally chose to remain silent. 】

【You can't change, and you don't want to break a girl's dream that she has been dreaming of for many years. 】

[On the fifth day, you are bored and decide to find old man Vader to learn some agricultural knowledge. 】

[The old man Vader began to inquire about your specific origin. 】

[You selected some battle experiences that you can tell about as a topic of conversation. 】

[This seems to have greatly aroused the interest of the old man Vader. 】

[He even shared with you the brewed alcohol that he has treasured for many years. 】

[The two of you had a great chat. 】

【The old man Wade, with the help of alcohol, kept rubbing his mechanical prosthesis, his eyes seemed to reveal a little nostalgia. 】

[In the first week, you seemed to enjoy one of the few peaceful lives. 】

[Only sunshine and breeze, and the pungent smell of agricultural fertilizers accompany you every day. 】

[I don’t know when it started, but the excited Zhuoya is always around you, pestering you to tell stories about the battles. 】

【You choose to refuse most of the time, but occasionally you can't resist the coquettish offensive of a girl who stalks you. 】

【You can only teach Zhuo Ya a lot of practical fighting skills, trying to offset the girl's exuberant energy by using physical energy consumption. 】

【The old man Wade not only did not stop your actions, but instead asked you to increase the training of Zoya. 】

【You became Zhuo Ya's teacher. 】

【You seem to have adapted to your life today. 】

【The distance between you and Zhuoya seems to be much blurred...】

 Thanks for the reward of 500 points from the Poisonous Flying Knife of Justice!
  Thanks to Adan AJT for the 500 point reward!
  Thanks to Zhu Xia's privet for the 1500 point reward!
  thanks for your support!
  Get ready to strike——

(End of this chapter)

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