Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 599 Primarch-level Seiko Power Armor: Spark Glory!

Chapter 599 Primarch-level Seiko Power Armor: Spark Glory!

At this moment, the squinting Rorschach subconsciously turned his head.

He stared at Reditus not far away, and asked in a deep voice:
"Then tell me about the functions of this set of power armor in detail."

"No problem, my lord Primarch, let me start with the manufacturing materials first."

Reditus, whose eyes were shining red, immediately drove the anti-gravity engine to swim back and forth around Rorschach's tall body.

It said proudly:

"After the original vibrating gold and the Antarctic vibrating gold are melted and mixed according to a certain ratio, this new light golden vibrating gold material is born. While retaining the indestructible strength of the metal, it also stimulates a new function, that is, when After the entire set of power armor has suffered a lot of attacks and damage, it will gradually accumulate powerful kinetic energy, and then burst out in one go!"

"In fact, this is one of the characteristics of the original vibranium. It's just that when I made the power armor on you last time, I seemed to have made a mistake in the proportion of the formula and failed to test it out."

"Of course, there is a problem, that is, it is impossible to spray any paint on the surface of the armor, and it can only keep this light golden color."

"The next step is the internal structure. The electronic muscle bundles made of Antarctic vibrating gold can increase the strength by a lot compared to before. If the power armor you are using now can increase by one-third, then the new The power armor can increase the strength by about half."

"In addition, this pair of metal wings made by me is definitely not a simple decoration. After adding a large number of electronic muscle bundles and servo devices as a supporting structure, it can completely become a mechanical arm that moves at will, and more importantly Yes, after the pair of metal wings are curled inwards, the propulsion device, which is more or less borrowed from the reactor of the ark, will be temporarily assembled, that is to say, you have successfully obtained the ability of short-distance flight!"

"If the exquisite structure of the metal wings is the result of my painstaking design, then the skull helmet is my own little taste, specifically inspired by the priest brothers of Astartes, who always like to wear this kind of skeleton A mask of form."

"And for your convenience, the skull helmet doesn't even need to be taken off at all, because the living metal from the Necrons is added inside. The neural link system will completely incorporate the deformed skull helmet into the interior of the armor."

"However, the only problem is that the defensive ability of the skull helmet is about one-third lower than that of the metal helmet made of vibrating gold, but it is also a hundred times stronger than the ceramic steel helmet, so you need to pay more attention to this. This is not a weakness. weakness."

At this moment, the words from Reditus entered Rorschach's ears one after another.

And wait until the other party finishes speaking.

Rorschach subconsciously took a deep breath and immediately nodded and said:
"Come on, let me try it out, if it is really as good as you said, Reditus, you have made another great contribution!"

"Hehe, it is my honor to be able to serve Lord Primarch!"

Hearing Rorschach's appreciation, the red light in Reditus' eyes flickered faster and faster.

It quickly beckoned the surrounding automatic servo robots to come forward and dismantle the vibrating gold power armor on Rorschach's body.

"By the way, does this new set of power armor have a name?"

At this moment, Rorschach who slowly stretched out his arms suddenly asked Reditus.

And Reditus seemed to hesitate a little bit, and said:
"Actually, I originally wanted to name it 'Armor of Truth', but then I temporarily changed my mind..."

"If you don't mind, Lord Primarch, I plan to call it 'Spark Glory', which also symbolizes that Lord Primarch is like a spark that brings the glory of the emperor to the current human empire!"

"Well, Starfire Glory, good meaning, that's it!"



A subspace portal was suddenly torn open in the cold air.

The think tanks from the White Shark Chapter were working hard to release their psionic energy while maintaining a [-]% alert.

In the next second, the huge Chapter Master Tiberus led a group of veterans who not only wore brand-new Terminator armor, but also carried ancient Terminator armor back to the interior of the flagship of the chapter, the "Water Monster". .

Not long after, a heavy magnetic boot with a pale golden metallic luster also stepped out of the portal.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was wearing Starfire Glory on his tall body, arrived in front of everyone carrying the Blood Scythe lingering in green light and the dark and heavy Dawnbringer Warhammer respectively.

With an extremely dull collision sound.

The Dawnbringer's warhammer was placed heavily on the metal floor, faintly hitting a shallow pit.

Today, thanks to the power increase brought by the Starfire Glory power armor, and Rorschach's growing physical strength.

It also allowed him to barely pick up Vulkan's Dawnbringer Warhammer.

But even so, the consumption of physical energy can only support Rorschach to swing it three to four times. If he wants to swing at will like a blood scythe, he still has a long ladder to climb.

Boom boom boom!
Several Terminator veterans stepped forward driving the power armor.

They reached out together and raised the extremely heavy Dawnbringer Warhammer and moved it into the ship channel.

And Rorschach, who was wearing pale gold power armor, had a brief conversation with Chief Thinker Kahuranki and others.

He also turned around and walked towards the outside of the ceremony hall.

Before long, on the metal throne that once belonged to Tiberus.

Rorschach slowly sat on it with a pair of huge light golden wings stretched out slightly behind his spine.

He first turned his head and looked around.

Then he reached out and took out a mind gem that exuded a faint yellow light from the storage space behind his waist.

"Leave the Space Stone to Tony and the others for scientific research, and I will carry the Mind Stone with me. Without an Infinity Stone, I want to see what kind of storm that crazy Titan can create..."

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, was playing with the Mind Stone, which was of little use in the Warhammer universe.

He quickly opened the simulator.

He took out a palm-sized throne coin from it.

At present, both the local world and the Ghoul Starfield have rarely entered a period of peace.

And Rorschach was finally able to spare some time to complete some things.

He intends to continue the simulation, acquiring various technologies or enhancing surgery.

"The Emperor bless..."

Taking a deep breath, Rorschach moved a few metal fingers slightly.

A throne coin immediately flipped into the air!


 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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