Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 91 Space Wolves: There Are No Wolves on Fenris

Chapter 91 Space Wolves: There Are No Wolves on Fenris ([-])

[The Thunderhawk transport plane with roaring engines leaped over the snow-covered land and passed through the barren valleys layer upon layer. 】

[After waking up from a drowsy sleep, you lean against the porthole, staring at the magnificent scene that keeps flashing outside the cabin. 】

[In the low-lying part of the valley, the Fenris elk fled in panic. 】

【The wolves of Fenris who were hunting their prey stopped their pursuit. 】

【They raised their necks covered with black manes and let out a long howl at the Thunderhawk transport plane. 】

【With the flight of the Thunderhawk transport plane, the terrain of the valley was quickly forgotten. 】

【You got up and took a piece of jerky from Wolf Priest Ulik, carefully softened it with saliva, and continued to chew on it. 】

[Ulrich, who closed his eyes, was sitting on the seat of the transport plane, a few armor-covered fingers kept tapping the ceramic steel on his knees. 】

[You seem to vaguely feel a kind of true feelings from the heart from the expression of the other party's gradual relaxation. 】

【That is the joy and nostalgia of a lone wolf returning home. 】

【You tore hard at the jerky that was as hard as iron, and looked out of the porthole again. 】

[The Thunderhawk transport plane took you into a stretch of icebergs. 】

[You saw blurry figures in animal skins walking on the ice and snow with their prey on their backs. 】

[Not far away, a group of tall figures wearing power armor noticed the trace and sound of the Thunderhawk transport plane, and they seemed to be waving to you. 】

[Unfortunately, the speed of the Thunderhawk transport plane is too fast, so you have no time to observe it carefully. 】

[Wait until half of your jerky is eaten. 】

[The Thunderhawk transport plane entered an even more desolate giant mountain range. 】

[As the snow evaporates on the black rocks, white steam rises. 】

[A stream of turbulent hot magma spurted out from the cracks in the mountain range. 】

[You stared at the terrifying magma that erupted at a height that almost reached the flight height of the transport plane, and seemed to forget to chew the jerky for a moment. 】

[Afterwards, an even more shocking scene appeared before your eyes again. 】

[It is a majestic giant mountain towering into the sky. 】

[Compared to the black mountains with strange rocks all around, the other party is like an adult giant standing among children. 】

[As the distance from the giant mountain got closer, the Thunderhawk transport plane gradually slowed down. 】

【For the first time, you can clearly see the huge caves on the magnificent mountain. 】

[Each cave is firmly guarded by a huge metal door, the size of which may be large enough to allow a warrior-level Titan to enter and exit repeatedly. 】

[At the same time, the metal buildings reflecting the faint light are connected and wrapped by thick and winding metal pipes, which makes the whole mountain look like a terrifying giant snake crouching without head and tail. 】

【"Mortal boy, we're home... Welcome to Wolf Fang Castle!" Wolf Priest Urik's vigorous and powerful voice pierced through the thundering engine of the Thunderhawk transport plane and reached your ears. 】

[In the fifth week, you followed Urik to the Space Wolves' battle regiment garrison, Wolf Fang Fort. 】

[It is also the first time you have seen such a large number of Astartes monks. 】

【Wearing power armor, they stepped on a Thunderhawk transport plane in full armor and drove continuously to the Gate of Bloodfire and Sunrise, entering the sky. 】

[The air in the hangar is filled with the mixed smell of oil and chemicals. 】

[Mechanical priests in red are maintaining many huge vehicles that you have never seen before with the assistance of a large number of machine servants. 】

【With a tense expression, you are wearing a simple bearskin suit and closely following Urik's pace. 】

【You were taken to a simple room made of metal by the wolf priest Urik. 】

【Urik took off the wolf skull, and he told you with a solemn expression. 】

[Because you are a foreigner from outside Fenris. 】

[The next trial requires him to inform the wolf master and the old people in the battle group and obtain the consent of the other party. 】

[However, Urik also told you not to worry, since he chose to bring you back, he must be sure. 】

[Urik's tall figure turns and leaves. 】

【You washed your stinky body with the help of the running water in the room. 】

[While you're combing your hair with a simple dagger made from sea monster teeth. 】

[A tall figure in power armor breaks into the room. 】

[It was a red-haired Astartes monk, who blinked his yellow eyes like a Fenris wolf and asked you to follow him immediately. 】

【You took a deep breath and put away the simple dagger. 】

[The unfamiliar monk Astarte leads you through long and winding passages, and gradually penetrates into the hinterland of Langya Fort. 】

[Shortly after, you came to a black stone gate engraved with the heads of a double-headed eagle and a wolf. 】

[With the opening of the Black Stone Gate, the howling wind passed over your face. 】

[At the same time, two dark and deep entrances are also presented in front of your eyes. 】

【"Follow me." The red-haired Astartes monk turned to you and said. 】

【Then, the other party entered an entrance without hesitation and disappeared before your eyes. 】

【You couldn't help but licked your chapped lips, stepped forward and stepped into the entrance. 】

[The sudden sense of weightlessness makes you raise your heart subconsciously. 】

[But the sliding friction from behind makes you feel relieved slowly. 】

[You fell into an underground cave filled with sulfur smell. 】

[The red-haired Brother Astartes is standing in front of a huge arch. 】

【"This is the gate of Mokai. Only those who are worthy of the space wolf in body and soul can pass through here, and there are only two possibilities waiting for you, death and glory..." He pointed at the gate The huge arch carved with wolf heads and mysterious runes spoke lazily. 】

【"Do you... dare to go in and have a try?" The red-haired monk Astartes stared at you with his wolf-like dim eyes. 】

[You can vaguely feel the throbbing coming from behind the mysterious arch. 】

[That seems to be a terrifying force that you can't understand at all. 】

【You raised your head and took a deep breath, then walked towards the back of the arch without fear. 】

[However, just when one of your feet just stepped inside the arch. 】

【"Russ! Lucas! What the hell did you do?!" The roar from the wolf priest Urik suddenly resounded throughout the underground cave. 】

[You subconsciously looked at the Astartes monk named Lucas. 】

【He blinked at you again with those dim yellow eyes like wolves. 】

【You didn't have time to make any noise. 】

【In an instant, you endured the icy cold and the heat waves that melted your flesh alternately. 】

[You seem to have experienced a drastic transformation of time and space. 】

[When you are in a trance, you seem to have entered a gorgeous palace where purple and pink are constantly intertwined. 】

 Thanks, Brandy for the 500 point reward!
  Thanks to Yuezhifengxing for the 500 point reward!
  thanks for your support!
  Here comes the big liar Lucas—

(End of this chapter)

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