What is a carry-type top order?

Chapter 32 Is your sword princess known as FMVP?

Chapter 32 Is your sword princess known as FMVP?

Li Hansheng's current average of six attributes has exceeded 80.

No way, the version understanding directly raised the average value too much by 100.

Just over the average of 80, the system evaluation is only one step away from the league superstar.

Then Li Hansheng estimates that when the average reaches 85, it is estimated that the evaluation will become a league superstar. When the average is 90, it is a world-renowned superstar. As for the average of 95, it should be a team of players entering the finals of the S game. The state of explosion can only be achieved after the emergence of seeds.

And in the end, the hexagons are directly filled, all of which are 100? ?
There is also Li Hansheng in the world who can reach that invincible level. Whoever let him hold the system in his hand is a hang-up.

Those factors that restrict ordinary people don't exist at all in the eyes of the bad guy.

Seeing that the appointed time is coming soon.

Li Hansheng quickly got up and took a shower to refresh himself, then took a black down jacket from the suitcase and put it on outside, and walked out of the hotel directly.

He stopped a taxi directly, and as soon as he got in the car, Li Hansheng reported the address, "Master, go to the Pearl River Creative Center."

In fact, this is the famous Lingshi Road.

This area is a gathering place for the sports industry specially created by Shanghai Magic City, and as an upstart in the field of sports, the e-sports industry is also highly valued.

In addition to LPL teams such as EDG, IM, and Snake, there are also Activision Blizzard, and the Banana Project led by Principal Wang to host this year's LPL is also nearby.

When Li Hansheng got out of the car, he saw Activision Blizzard's office building from a long distance away, and on the glass wall in front of another independent office building not far away, there was a huge EDG team logo with black background and white characters.

"In the future, the three masters of Lingshi Road will become the four masters of Lingshi Road? Anyone who comes to Lingshi Road to play a lap will lose a layer of skin?" Li Hansheng smiled.

He followed the house numbers one by one, and finally found the base of the TOP team.


There is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the luxuriously decorated office building of EDG, the location of the TOP team's base is a bit more remote, and it seems that there is no lease of the whole building, only three floors of it, and even the team logo hanging on the glass wall. A circle smaller than others.

Is this really the TOP team backed by Topsports Group? ?

Could it be that the change in the world line not only made TOP appear earlier, but also made Topsports less rich? ?

"Anyway, it's a regular LPL team. It's enough to let me play games. What kind of bicycle do I need at this time?"

Li Hansheng comforted himself, pushed open the glass door and walked in.

good guy?
There is no one at the front desk, and the entire lobby is empty, as if the decoration has not been completed.

He could only take out his mobile phone and call Godv directly.

Not long after, pattering footsteps were heard, and a man in a suit came downstairs.

He explained with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, sorry, the club has just been established, and the base has not yet been fully renovated, and many staff members are still recruiting."

"You are Li Hansheng, right? My name is Guo Hao, and I am your manager and team leader."

"Hello, brother Hao." Li Hansheng nodded to him, and then asked, "When are we going to have a trial training?"

"You go to the training room with me first, and go over there and talk about it in detail."

Guo Hao led him to the second floor. The decoration of the second floor has already been done, and it looks quite decent.

The space in the training room is also quite large. In addition to the computers used by the players, there is a huge white curtain and a projector in the corner, and there is a blackboard next to it, which is obviously used for post-match replays.

Small but complete.

Obviously, the TOP players just woke up, imp, godv, and condi are all sleepy, their hair is messed up like a chicken coop.

These star-level players who he could only see through the broadcast lens in his previous life.

But now it appeared alive in front of him.

Li Hansheng thought he would be very excited, but in fact he was not.

In the past, he was an ordinary person who looked up to these star players from the perspective of fans.

But now.

He is a hanger, an existence that will surpass these people in the future.

There is no fan perspective and looking up.

It's a head-up view of the same status, just like seeing your friends, it's no big deal.

"This is Li Hansheng who came for a trial training. They are Imp, Awei, and Kandi. That is our team's coach, White Crescent Moon."

They nodded to each other as greetings.

Li Hansheng asked curiously, "When will we start the trial training?"

"Well." Guo Hao explained with a slightly embarrassing expression on his face, "We have to wait for a while, because the support players we invited to try out are still on the way, if they don't come, we won't be able to get together People from the training match."


Hearing this news, Li Hansheng was dumbfounded.

It's just exposed.

Elderly, subway, mobile phone. JPG emoticons.

Are you kidding me? ?

It's fine if the base hasn't been decorated yet, and now the people haven't even got together yet? ?
Isn't this just a joke? ?
"No way, the team was established relatively late." Guo Hao said helplessly, "I'll trouble you to wait for a while, by the way, did you have dinner when you came here? Why don't you have a meal with us? Ordered takeout."

"That's fine."

Li Hansheng didn't eat before going out, and felt a little hungry after touching his stomach.

As for whether eating will lead to a bad state and slow response in the trial training later?


Do you understand the gold content of ability digitization?
All of Li Hansheng's attribute indicators have been digitized by the system, and the response attribute is 80, so it will always be 80.

There will be no brain ischemia and unresponsiveness caused by eating something.

He can let go!
After a lunch, Li Hansheng also chatted with godv and the others. After all, there is a high probability that they will be teammates in the future, and there is nothing wrong with getting familiar with them in advance.

It didn't take long.

Guo Hao's cell phone rang again, and he walked out the door after hanging up.

"Auxiliary is here, ready to start trial training!"


Guo Hao led the two of them to the training room.

Li Hansheng knew both of them.

One is Ming who is also in [Ionian Seven Wolves].

As for the other one.

He was taken aback for a moment, then realized, isn't this lvmao? ?

Ming and lvmao also greeted everyone one by one, and then Ming took the initiative to move to Li Hansheng's side.

"Guigui, brother Hansheng, so you look like this offline? You are 1 meters tall, and you have such good looks." Ming looked like a little girl in the fan circle, looking at Li Hansheng up and down, the most important thing Smack your lips, "It's not inferior to WE's mystic."

"What are you doing?" Li Hansheng took two steps back vigilantly, subconsciously protecting his back.

Why does this kid get more and more wretched the more he looks at him? ?

Something is wrong!
Something's wrong!
"Praise you for being handsome, what kind of expression do you have, you don't think I'm a coward, do you?" Ming had a wronged expression on his face.

"Stop, stop! Please stop your idiotic behavior, the most important thing today is the training match!"

"That's right, Brother Han Sheng, if you're playing LGD, then you'll be facing off against Marin, the FMVP of the S5 World Championship. Don't worry, I'll try my best to roam around on the road to help you build an advantage!" Ming also suppressed his smile and changed Gotta get serious.

"It's okay." Li Hansheng smiled and shook his head, "I also want to know what level S5's FMVP is."

At this time.

White Crescent came over.

"Let Ming take the first one, lvmao, you and I will watch from behind."

"Okay." Lvmao nodded, he was older than Li Hansheng, and had worked hard in society earlier.

Therefore, he is very experienced in dealing with people, and he did not express himself in a hurry like a young man.

It is good to observe your competitors first.

"Just to tell you guys." White Crescent said, "LGD's current lineup is top laner marin, jungler eimy/yu, mid laner dade, bottom laner pyl and Y4."

"Jungle yu is a rookie they discovered, and Y4 was also discovered by them from the RNG youth training team."

"Xiaowei, create a custom room, Li Hansheng, Shi Senming, the two of you quickly get used to the peripherals."

Several people worked together, and Li Hansheng and Ming did some simple debugging. In fact, it was the placement of peripherals and the DPI adjustment of the mouse.

Then I entered the custom room created by godv.

(End of this chapter)

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