Destiny Only Han

Chapter 1004 Liu Ying: When oranges grow in Huaibei, they become tangerines.


Several loud slogans for carrying heavy objects occasionally sounded on the pier, but Liu Ying in the room remained silent.

Not only Liu Ying, but also Zhang Buyi was equally expressionless.

Liu Bang looked left and right, wiped his lips and asked with a grin: "What is a guild? Tell Nai Gong!"

Liu Ying turned her face away, pretending she didn't hear.

Therefore, Zhang Buyi, who was the only one present who could be manipulated by the old man at will, could only greet him with a smile:
"The so-called guild was originally an organization formed by people with the same skills who hugged each other to keep warm and strive to gain more benefits from employers or vendors."

"For example, the carpenters' guild, the blacksmiths' guild, and the Royal Society of Scientists that now represent the most advanced productivity of the Han Dynasty..."

"I don't understand the Royal Society of Scientists, but it is said, just said, that the reason why those handicraft guilds are successful is because the disciples of the Mohist Hidden Sect worked in them and put in a lot of effort!"

"So those guilds have a mature set of rules and are not just a mob..."

"Well, for example, the guild prohibits members from bidding against each other to prevent damage to the overall interests; another example is that the guild requires all members to strive to sell products by themselves, and the last thing is to control the price of the product so as not to be exploited by merchants..."

"These are handicraft guilds, and the workers who work on the docks and factories also have their own guilds."

"For example, the first guild recognized in Chang'an City is the dock workers' guild. They organized a strike at the Bashang Wharf and demanded to share with the wharf management the increased benefits of the wharf after the steam crane appeared..."

Liu Bang thought about it carefully, and nodded: "It seems that there is such a thing, but who did Naigong let it handle?"

As soon as he finished speaking, many pairs of eyes on the scene looked at Liu Ying.

After all, the general strike was a big one, and the leader was Pan Gong, the leader of Song Mo. At that time, Liu Ying was still the prince, and the prince's young army was stationed at Ba Shang Wharf.

So, naturally Liu Ying went to deal with this matter.

Liu Ying stared: "What are you looking at me doing? Could it be that I messed up things? The Bashang Terminal is now in good order. As long as the water level is suitable, on which day will the port throughput be less than one thousand tons?"

Well, after all, Bashui Wharf is an inland river port in the north. It is limited by the water level and its own river channel. It cannot compare with the inland river ports and coastal ports in the south, so the throughput is only ten hundred-ton vehicles...

Liu Bang scratched his head and said nothing.

He doesn't know what 'port throughput' is, but he doesn't intend to ask either.

After all, he has a principle, that is, he must never create a condition for his own brat to pretend to be aggressive in front of him!

Zhang Buyi said with a smile: "That's right, the price is that the wages of the dock workers have increased by [-]%, and it will increase by [-]% every year according to the number of years, and then there is an extra day of paid leave per month..."

"Don't say it's just a group of coolie workers. Even if it's me under such conditions, I won't make trouble!"

Liu Ying nodded: "Okay, from now on, you will adjust your rest every four days to once a month. I will personally subsidize you with [-] shi, and make up your salary from [-] shi to [-] shi!"

Zhang Buyi: "..."

Liu Le patted the table vigorously: "Stinky brother, don't think I don't understand! If you are capable, ask the country to give him a salary of a thousand shi! What do you pay yourself? Is my family still short of your four hundred shi of food?"

After all, six hundred stones of food and salary can only be regarded as middle-level officials, roughly equivalent to bureau-level cadres in later generations, but if they reach Qianshi, they will become high-ranking officials, at least at the deputy ministerial level!
There is a gap between the two, which is a natural moat that many officials will not be able to cross in their entire lives!
Originally, Zhang Buyi was able to be promoted to a thousand-stone official in terms of seniority, and even a high-ranking official like "two thousand stones" was easy, but every time Liu Ying wanted to give Zhang Busu a promotion, Zhang Liang always Liu Ying was prevaricated with words such as "virtue is not worthy" and "rooted in the grassroots"...

There was nothing Liu Ying could do about it, and Zhang Buji knew it well, so he just looked at Liu Ying with a wry smile, and then moved to Liu Le's side: "Yes, if you have the ability, you can be promoted to my official position!"

Today, I know what it means to be arrogant... Liu Ying's face is full of bewilderment.

Lu Wan frowned, looked at Zhang Bu and asked: "If it's really like what you said, this guild is not conducive to business development... But why do I feel nothing?"

Zhang Buyi asked back, "Why does King Yan have such doubts?"

Lu Wan carefully considered her words: "Think about it, the stevedores demand a wage increase, the workers also want a wage increase, and the carpenters, blacksmiths and other workers also want to sell goods at a higher price, so in the end, won't this cost be passed on to the buyers?"

"But why do I feel that some things seem to be cheaper than before?"

Liu Ying smiled: "This is normal!"

Lu Wan stared: "Why is it normal?"

Liu Ying also stared: "The most important thing for a big man these days is people. Do you think that if you don't make money from selling things, you can stop being a businessman and become a craftsman?"

"Make it clear, now is the era of big factories, and you don't know how many products are produced every day. You don't want to make small profits but sell more, and some people are willing to make small profits but sell more!"

"Moreover, appropriately increasing wages for workers is conducive to wealth redistribution, narrowing the gap between rich and poor, and is also conducive to the long-term stability of the entire big man!"

"Therefore, the benefits of the guild outweigh the disadvantages!"

Lu Wan froze for a moment, her eyes widened: "What are you yelling at? Is this how you talk to your elders?"

Liu Ying: "..."

On the other side, Ruan Shi, who lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, suddenly laughed, with a strong sarcasm in his miserable laugh.

"Does the good outweigh the bad?"


She smiled and smiled, her expression gradually distorted, as if she was crazy.

The two Qi Menlang standing behind her subconsciously put their hands into their arms. Their waists were bulging, and there were two flintlock guns hidden inside that could be fired at any time!
Before, they failed to take good care of the waiter, and were fined half a year's salary by Liu Ying. Now if this village woman bumps into Liu Ying again, they are afraid that they will lose this iron rice bowl that can accompany the emperor and be promoted quickly! (Note [-])

Therefore, as long as the Ruan family dared to make any changes, they would shoot directly!
But Ruan just kept laughing and her body did not move from the place at all.

After a long time, Ruan's laughter stopped, and then he lay down on the table and wept uncontrollably.

Liu Ying was full of doubts.

Mrs. Hua said indignantly: "This gentleman wants to be born in a wealthy family, with a golden spoon in his mouth, he is a sorghum who doesn't know the difference between beans and wheat, so he doesn't know the sufferings of the people, so he can say that the guild is a good person, how ridiculous! "

As she spoke, she glared at Liu Ying, unaware that a group of men with fierce looks on their faces were looking at her with deadly eyes...

Without him, the Lord will humiliate his subjects and die...

Liu Ying asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Sister-in-law Hua stared:

"The people of Shijie Village rely on water to drink water. When there was no guild, we used to rely on ferry boats to live. We are not rich, but we live comfortably."

"But since the establishment of the guild, the days are getting worse day by day..."

"Otherwise, otherwise, they wouldn't agree to other people's act of killing the whole family like that!"

Liu Ying frowned: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Sister-in-law Hua's eyes widened even more, with a look on her face, "Why are you still asking me when I've said it so clearly?"

Mrs. Ruan straightened her head, wiped her tears, and said with a choked sob: "The guild said that our boat is unsafe, old in style, with rotten wood, and can no longer be used for dock ferrying..."

"But Shijie Village was formed slowly after the succession of today's emperor. Our boats are only three or five years old, and most of them are no more than ten years old. Basically, they are all new boats with old styles. A little bit, but the wood is good wood, and these boats are the ones that everyone eats, who doesn't take good care of them, how could they make the boards rot?"

"But the guild said no."

"They said that we should either join the boatmen's guild and buy a new boat customized by the guild, or find another way to make a living. We are not allowed to ferry at the ferry, or we will bear the consequences!"

"At first, everyone was too lazy to pay attention and continued to live on the river."

"But who knew that the guild was not just talk. They had thugs who blocked the ferry one day and beat up the men who were going to ferry. After hearing the news, my husband came and had a fight with them. As a result, he was killed. I couldn't get out of bed for two whole months..."

Zhang Buyi frowned: "The guild here is so arrogant and domineering, why didn't you sue the officials?"

Ruan looked at Zhang Buyi with the eyes of an idiot, ignored him, and continued talking on his own.

"Everyone has no choice but to follow what the guild said, pay for membership and buy the guild's ships..."

"But Shijie Village is a poor place. How can it afford the guild's big ship?"

"With no choice, everyone had to apply for a boat loan from Song San, who was designated by the guild, and then bought a new boat..."

"It was fine in the first two years, and the interest rate was only about 30% ([-]%). But in recent years, Song San said that prices have been extremely high, and the empire has shipped countless gold and silver from overseas. Therefore, the currency has depreciated sharply, so the interest rate has increased. At [-]%..."

"With such a high interest rate, plus the annual membership dues, my beloved has to go boating in the river and work in the fields every day, but he can only save one or two hundred dollars all year round. It’s not that Shijie Village relies on water for water, everyone can catch some big fish in the river to make dried fish, and raise some ducks to sell duck eggs, otherwise this day will not be able to survive!”

Ruan said while looking at Liu Ying with sharp eyes: "Dare I ask this noble man, is the guild really good?"

At this moment, she had already seen that Liu Ying was definitely not an ordinary passerby, perhaps a high-ranking official in Nanjun!
Therefore, she is going to tell the senior officials in the county about the grievances that have nowhere to be told in Jiangxia County!
Note [-]: About the origin of the term 'iron rice bowl'.

According to legend, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, a beautiful maid from a large family accidentally broke a bowl. The master wanted to punish her, but the maid knelt down to admit her mistake, her breasts slightly exposed.The next day, the servant girl woke up the master who was taking a nap, and told her to break another bowl. She asked for punishment, and the master fulfilled her again.After that, the bowls were often broken, sometimes three bowls a day, and the master couldn't stand it, so he replaced all the bowls and dishes in the house with iron ones, and ordered the maid not to work from now on, and the salary was still paid...

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