Destiny Only Han

Chapter 1006 Liu Ying: Riding the Zhu Banner into Chu City

South County.

Anlu County.

In the evening, just when everyone thought it was another peaceful day, the train station staff suddenly became flustered and ran around like headless chickens.

Under their involuntary explanation, all the people and goods queuing up to enter the station were blocked from the platform, and those who were going out were asked to leave the train station as quickly as possible.

In an instant, the crowd became angry.

After all, most of the people traveling by train in this era are from the middle class and have titles, so they can speak with sufficient confidence, even if the people they scold are actually "official apes" with iron rice bowls...

Well, the railways have long since been reorganized.

The institution in charge of the railway now, its full name is 'Dahan National Railway Administration', implements the separation of equity, that is to say, even Liu Ying, the emperor who holds a large amount of bonds and shares of the General Administration of Railways, can only Dividend points, the ownership of the railway belongs to all the citizens of Dahan, but the government of Dahan is responsible for the operation...

Therefore, even the conductor who sits at the ticket window and ignores everyone has his own establishment and is a petty official.

However, in the face of the commotion of passengers, the staff at the train station had a good attitude. Except for not doing anything, they maintained an impeccable smile throughout the process.

After all, the sign of 'Don't beat and scold passengers at will' is hung at the entrance of the train station...

But another more important reason is that they have empathy and can understand those passengers who are jumping and angry.

The reason is simple, who spends money on transportation if there is no rush?

Wouldn't it be nice to ride a leisurely horseback there?
A hundred kilometers consumes more than a dozen bales of hay, which is much cheaper than a train ticket!

Not only that, but you can even save a little more.

Such as taking a long-distance carriage.

Although this kind of transportation requires carpooling with strangers, and there is a high probability that the driver will take them to high-consumption restaurants or guest houses, but as long as you make sufficient preparations in advance and bring water and dry food, you can only sleep a hundred or ten people. The Datong shop in the room can save money to the extreme!
It's just that this kind of "searching" does not conform to the compulsion of the middle class, or it does not conform to the consumption concept of the middle class brainwashed by consumerism in recent years.

So, Nai Gong spent money, what’s the matter with a few curses?
As night fell, the yelling and cursing outside the gates that were manually closed became more and more intense as time went by.

But soon, the passengers fell silent.

Well, it's not that the employees at the train station finally couldn't bear to mingle with the passengers again, but that in the dark place in the distance, a steam train with thick smoke and whistle appeared almost like lightning.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!
The deafening sound came from far to near, and only then did people see the appearance of the train clearly through the dim electric lights.

This is their first impression.

The steam locomotive that drove into the platform was completely different from the steam locomotive they used to ride on. If you had to compare it, it was basically the difference between Boss Yao and a certain Xiaosi.

This is their second impression.

Although these passengers were all laymen, and the steam train had already slowed down when it entered the station, everyone was not an idiot. How could such a thick wheel and such a big locomotive run slowly?
But what made them really shut up was not that this kind of locomotive was bigger, but because of the painted painting directly in front of the locomotive.

It was a shield-shaped article, surrounded by wheat ears and ribbons, and in the middle were two half-dragon and half-jackal mythical beasts holding ring-headed knives, standing opposite each other but glaring at the viewer.

This is Yai Zi, the Yai Zi of Longsheng Jiuzi.

Because of his bloodthirsty and fierce personality, especially his small-mindedness, he echoed the idea that "those who commit crimes against a strong man will be punished even if they are far away", so he was selected as the exclusive totem of the Taiwei Mansion.

Naturally, this steam train belongs to the Dahan military.

When the steam train came to a complete stop, the door of the carriage opened suddenly with a bang, and groups of heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the carriage, and began to line up on the platform with the sound of passwords and whistles one after another.

A rough estimate is that there are as many as 3000 to [-] people!

"Why is there an army here?"

"I don't know. It doesn't look like the army of a vassal state."

“How come you see?”

"Didn't you see that they were all carrying muskets? And they came on a special military train?"

"I understand the truth, but why is the locomotive so big?"

"This is the Leifeng No. [-] steam train, specially developed for the army. It is said that when the soldiers in the north went to the border, they took this kind of train. It is like a Kunpeng spreading its wings and traveling three thousand miles a day!"

"Yo? You know a lot!"

"That's not true! I'm not talented, this time I am going to work as a researcher at the Royal Second Locomotive Research Institute..."

As a result, everyone stayed away from the guy wearing glasses.

Intellectuals are the sweetest nasties!

a while.

Discussion resumed.

"Then why do you think they stopped in Anlu? A place like Nan County where birds don't poop..."

"Stop, are you from Nanjun?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"That's okay. Nan County is indeed not a good place. The people are cunning, the humidity is heavy, and there are so many mosquitoes..."


Amid all the discussions among the people on the platform, an old man with gray beard slowly stepped out of the carriage, took a deep breath of the humid and hot air in South County, and showed a ferocious and sinister smile on his face.

Eagles watch wolves, nothing more.

The name of this person is Huanjue, and now he is the Tingwei Youjian who is in charge of arresting and judging criminals. Shilu Qianshi was once the governor of Nanyang County during the chaos at the end of Qin Dynasty. Because he dedicated all the treasury of Nanyang County to Liu Bang, So he was honored as the Marquis of Yin, and there were thousands of households in the city.

During the Chu-Han War, Huan Yu worked under Xiao He, and his main achievement was to expand the old "three chapters of the contract" to nine chapters, including the law of robbery, law of thieves, law of prison, law of arrest, law of miscellaneous, law of household, and law of household. "Nine Chapters Law" with nine chapters of law, Xing law, and stable law.

After all, 'Three chapters of law are not enough to prevent rape'...

But after all, Huan Jue was born in the Qin officialdom, and he was once a feudal official who was different from county officials like Xiao He. Therefore, after he switched to Liu Bang, he naturally carried some original sin. Even though he had merit in writing laws and regulations, his food estates did not increase...

Well, another more important reason is that Huanyu was born in the School of Legalism, and he was a legalist scholar with strong roots, so he was naturally rejected by Xiao He and other Huang Lao schools...

In the feudal dynasty, hills were everywhere and it was normal.

But the painstaking efforts paid off, and after more than 20 years, Huan Yu finally got an opportunity to "fly in the sky without flying for three years"!

When the legalist dog comes out of the cage, it will naturally set off a bloodbath!
This is why he mobilized troops from Hanoi County and Sanchuan County in the Central Plains.

the reason is simple.

According to his own ideas and what Liu Ying said in the imperial edict, he felt that the whole of Jiangnan was rotten, not only the officials were rotten, but the army would also be useless!

Well, this useless meaning means that he thinks the army will mutiny.

After all, legalists are cruel officials.

And before leaving Chang'an City, he was invited by Tingwei Houfeng and others to have a drink. During the dinner, he pushed a glass to change. When the wine was half drunk, he boasted to Haikou and set a small goal for himself!

10 million people!
If he doesn't set off a big prison and kill 10 people, he won't rest in peace even if he dies!
Therefore, the army naturally cannot use local county soldiers.

45:[-] p.m.

The elite soldiers selected from Hanoi and Sanchuan counties completed their formation and began to march south. Among them, the officers who led the team held the documents from the Taiwei Mansion and were ready to disband the entire South County army and take over the defense of all counties.

Well, in addition to the soldiers carried by this train, there are six troop trains coming at high speed.

After all, the boatmen's guild is not only found in Nan County, but also in Shu County, Ba County, Hengshan County, Zhang County, Jiujiang County, Lujiang County, Kuaiji County and even Donghai County along the river!

Huge scale, tens of thousands of members!
Therefore, this is also the confidence that Huan Yu, the old legalist dog, is going to kill 10 people at one time!
After the army set off, Huan Yu also got on his horse.

Behind him, there are a total of two hundred Tingweifu Tiqi with daggers pinned to their waists and Xiezhi crowns on their heads. Although these people look no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, some of them are only 23 or [-] years old But each of them graduated from the Imperial Grammar University. They are proficient in writing and ink, and they know the "Han Law" fluently, and they are especially good at implicating them.

Huan Juan turned his head and took a look, and the feeling of successors suddenly arose in his heart.

At this moment, even though he had been on the train for more than ten hours at a stretch, even though he was over sixty years old, he felt as if he had rejuvenated himself again, with inexhaustible strength all over his body!

Awakening Palm Killing Sword.

Holding the dharma sword at his waist that was gifted by his teacher when he graduated from the self-study room, Huan Yu was suddenly full of pride.

"set off!"

As soon as he gave an order, two hundred horsemen followed closely behind, and the sound of eight hundred bowl-sized horseshoes stepping on the concrete floor was like a gust of wind and rain. My heart tightened for a while.

Almost instinctively, they know something big is about to happen!


Jiangxia County.

At night, the county government is quiet.

The Jiangxia County Magistrate wandered between the courtyards, his lips split and his face pale.

When he was in the court during the day, he saw Liu Qi's figure, and the county government official came to report that the women from Shijie Village were also taken away by a group of big men holding a seal from the palace.

Obviously, the women in Shijie Village fell into the hands of Liu Qi.

Then everything becomes obvious.

The attack on the Jiangshui Bridge must be related to the murdered boatmen in Shijie Village, and these boatmen must have been appointed by the boatmen's guild, and they were also silenced by the boatmen's guild!
Naturally, he cannot escape the involvement!
Not only him, the Jiangxia County Magistrate, but also the entire Nan County who provided protection for the Boatmen's Guild were involved!

Bai Yan and Huang Yue chopped off their heads!

The night was getting darker.

The moon slowly rose to a high place, and the moonlight shrouded the earth like a veil. If the poet and scholar were present, they would definitely leave a few famous poems such as "Moonlight in front of the bed" that have been passed down through the ages.

But the empty magistrate's mansion was unappreciated.

got windy.

A black shadow hanging under the crooked neck tree shook violently for a few times and then gradually calmed down.

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