Destiny Only Han

Chapter 109 Forever Together

Chapter 109 Forever Together

On the shore of Meipi Lake.

Liu Ying walked around a few flower trees, and walked to a dirt bag under the guidance of the little official.

Hu Hai was buried with the ceremony of the head of Guizhou, and there must be no monuments or Weng Zhong around the tomb.

In the hut next to the grave, a middle-aged man with white face and beardless was sitting cross-legged, but for some reason, even though he was sitting upright at this moment, his posture still kept leaning slightly forward.

The little official stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? Why did you end up here?"

The middle-aged man raised his eyes slightly: "This is Han Tan, who is here to guard the tomb for the old master."

When Liu Ying was a little confused, the petty official came to Liu Ying's side, bowed his head and said in a low voice, "If you're right, this person is the one who trapped and killed Zhao Gao with the king of Qin...and the common man Ziying. Eunuch."

Eunuch?Isn't it the eunuch!I Zhuo, I saw him alive today... Liu Ying stepped forward and looked Han Tan up and down: "What a loyal servant! Are you going to stay here forever?"

Han Tan looked at Liu Ying, although he didn't know who the other party was, but seeing the respectful little official and the mighty soldier behind him, he knew in his heart that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

But this is completely unimportant to him.

So Han Tan said calmly: "A certain has served the old master for three years, so naturally he should guard his tomb for three years, lest he be picked up from the ground by wild dogs and leave him with no bones left."

"Three years later, he became a dead bone, and he has fulfilled his duty. Naturally, he should be a free body and wander around the world."

Liu Ying asked curiously: "Why do you want to wander around the world? Shouldn't you go back to your family?"

Han Tan said softly, a little lonely: "Family? A certain boy entered the palace, and he already has no family..."

Here's your chance!Although this person is a eunuch, but even if he wanted to avenge the Lord, many famous scholar-bureaucrats would not be able to do it... Liu Ying nodded slightly:
"Have you thought about it, come to work with me in three years? Have a house to live in, clothes to wear, wine to drink and meat to eat."

Han Tan glanced at Liu Ying in surprise, and instead of answering Liu Ying's question directly, he asked instead: "Forgive me for being blind, I don't know the name of this noble man?"

Liu Ying puffed up her chest and said, "I am Liu Ying, my father, Liu Bang, Marquis of Wu'an, Chu State!"

Han Tan opened his eyes wide: "Could it be that Chu man who has three chapters with the people?"

Well, in fact, Lao Liu is a native of Wei...Liu Ying nodded and asked curiously: "You live in a hut here, did you expect to know about the three chapters of the contract?"

Han Tan said with a smile: "Although I live here alone, I still need to go to the market to buy regularly. The name of Marquis Wu'an is extolled by the people of Qin. If you don't know it, you should be wrong!"

After he finished speaking, he asked again: "I don't know what the young master wants to do here today?"

Liu Ying smiled, revealing eight crystal clear white teeth: "Dig the grave!"

Han Tan was stunned, looked at Liu Ying who was smiling brightly, and then at the little soil bag beside him, and asked in some puzzlement:

"Has he ever offended the young master?"

Liu Ying shook her head.

Han Tan became more and more puzzled: "Then, I don't know why the young master did such, such, puzzling things?"

He wanted to say that he was insane, but considering the identities of the two parties, he changed his words hastily.

Liu Ying continued to shake her head and said, "I'm wrong, it's not digging graves, but moving graves."

Han Tan breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't know where the young master is going to move him? But you want to build a mausoleum alone?"

Liu Ying turned around and pointed to Mount Li, which was hidden in the drizzle in the distance: "Of course not, I want to move him there so that their father and son can be reunited."

Not to mention that the state of Qin is extinct, but what Hu Hai has done, is he worthy of building a big tomb according to the emperor's specifications?
Seeing that Han Tan was puzzled, Liu Ying explained: "My father said that in the future, some heads of Guizhou will migrate to Lishan and guard the mausoleum of the first emperor for generations, so sons should not be lonely ghosts here. Let's reunite with my father soon."

Well, if the first emperor Quan Xia knew, when Hu Hai moved into the imperial mausoleum, he would definitely have three meals a day, and if he was in a bad mood, he would add afternoon tea and supper...

Han Tan sincerely praised: "Marquis Wu An is indeed a benevolent elder!"

In fact, I lied to you, Lao Liu can't care about it now!But if he knows, he will definitely support it. After all, this is also a way to win people's hearts... Liu Ying just smiled without saying a word, and asked after a while:

"You said you served Hu Hai for three years, but do you know where the other Lord Qin are buried? If possible, I would like to move them into the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum as well."

Although Shi Huang's father might not love them, Liu Ying only hoped that they could find long-term peace by her father's side.

Han Tan thought for a while and said, "I only know a very small part. The specific burial matters were all completed by people sent by Tingwei Mansion."

Liu Ying sighed and said: "Most of the people in Tingwei's Mansion belonged to Zhao Gaoyu's party. After Ziying came to the throne, they were all executed. The rest of them, after my father entered Xianyang City, also ran away without knowing where to go... It's amazing. It's difficult..."

Han Tan stared at Liu Ying for a moment, seeing that his expression did not seem to be fake, so he smiled and said, "Young master, don't worry, I know someone who must know the place where Young Master Qin is buried!"

Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and she asked, "Who is that person?"

Han Tan said word by word: "The jailer of Tingwei Mansion, Sima Wuze."

Sima Wuze?Let me go, is this the arrangement of history... Liu Ying stood there dumbfounded. Many people don't know the name Sima Wuze, but he has a grandson named Sima Tan, and Sima Tan's son is Ma Qian from Taishi Company!

Liu Ying took a step forward: "Do you know where he is now?"

Han Tan smiled and said, "His home is in Xili, south of the Wei River."

Liu Ying nodded slightly. He knew this place. It was just to the west of Zhangtai Palace. During the period of King Xiaowen of Qin State, it was the original fiefdom of the "brain tank" Gongziji, so Gongziji was also called Xiliji.

Later, when the Qin State conquered the two states of Ba and Shu, Chiliji was renamed Lord Yan, so most of the people with the surname Yan in later generations can reach this point.

Liu Ying looked at Han Tan and said, "Take me to find him. I will let the soldiers guard the tomb here."

Hearing what Liu Ying said, Han Tan nodded without hesitation, tidied up his clothes, and strode north along the road.

Liu Ying smiled: "Wait a minute, head east first, my car is parked there, let's drive there together!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the guards behind him to assign two people to guard here, waiting for the craftsmen and fortune-tellers to come to dig the grave.

Well, the fortune teller...

After all, this is a feudal society where people believe in ghosts and gods.

Just when Liu Ying was about to leave, her eyes were suddenly attracted by several privet trees beside her.

Although it is already winter and the leaves are still emerald green, this is not the point. The point is that there are white flowers on the branches.

At the earliest time, Liu Ying thought it was a white cloth wrapped around her, but now after she walked in, she realized that it was not the case!

It's true that good people get good rewards... Liu Ying took a closer look and immediately smiled.

The white things on the tree are the secretions of white wax insects.

In later generations, Liu Ying had a relative who contracted a piece of woodland to breed white wax worms and collect this secretion.

Although it is not as profitable as other people in the village doing business, it is better because the breeding of white wax worms is very simple. Their family built a small three-story western-style building in their hometown by breeding this kind of small insects and miscellaneous work. Several cars were parked, and the whole family lived together happily.

It really made Liu Ying, a hard-working worker who worked hard to save the down payment, be envious to death...

Although white wax worms in this period were not widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries as in later generations, there is another simple usage of this secretion.

That's making candles!
In this age without electricity, after the candle came on the scene, it hangs the current common cream lamp every minute, and becomes a big brother in the lighting industry!
Well, in this period, lamps were used for lighting. Emperor Xungui used beeswax (yellow wax) or animal fat. Rich people used sesame oil, which is the oil squeezed from ramie seeds. As for the poor... Wash and sleep early.

Liu Ying looked at the privet trees with white flowers, and asked Han Tan, "Did you raise these wormwood?"

Han Tan was full of doubts: "Insect wax? What is this? The young master said, are these white ones on the branches?"

Well, it seems that people at this time still don't know how to collect insect wax to make candles. I posted... Liu Ying shook her head with a smile, and stopped entangled in this problem. She just asked the guards behind to leave two more, and whitened the privet tree. All the branches were cut off and sent back to the camp.

Well, at this time, the insect eggs are either hidden in the ground or in the trunk. Cutting off the branches and taking them away will not affect the reproduction of the insects in the coming year.

The most important thing is that this kind of insect is everywhere, but people have not invented the method of making insect wax in this period.

Ah, this is really a golden age everywhere... Liu Ying was full of ambition, and she walked up and down, looking at Han Tan and the guards behind her, who were a little puzzled.


Guanzhong, Liyang, drizzle.

On the road leading to the county seat, there was a group of soldiers holding high the battle flag of the Chu army.

On a four-horse chariot driving in the middle of the queue, the man in red armor was Liu Bang who was touring the counties in Guanzhong.

Liyang County is the only place where Xianyang City connects the three Jin Dynasties. It is the transportation hub of Guanzhong, with prosperous commerce and dense population.

After Liu Bang promulgated the abolition of the tyranny of the Qin Law, many closed shops reopened their doors, and the Qin officials who had taken refuge in their hometowns returned one after another, and everything became prosperous.

At this moment, sitting next to Liu Bang is Ning Chang from Wei.

Ning Chang admired the prosperity of Guanzhong, and immediately said:
"The wealth of Qin is ten times that of the world, and the terrain has advantages. Now I heard that Zhang Han has surrendered to Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu named him King Yong. I am afraid that the Marquis of Wu'an will not be able to keep this place! It is better to send troops to guard Hangu Pass as soon as possible, and then confiscate Guanzhong. Soldiers come to strengthen and resist them."

Liu Bang nodded: "You are right!"

(End of this chapter)

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