Destiny Only Han

Chapter 113 Xiang Zhuang Dances the Sword

Chapter 113 Xiang Zhuang Dances the Sword
In the big tent, Liu Ying earned a child bride-in-law, and she was contentedly working as a waiter on the sidelines.

Xiang Bo exchanged pleasantries with Liu Bang and Zhang Liang before turning to the topic.

Liu Bang said: "When I entered Guanzhong, I didn't dare to accept any property. I registered the officials and the people and sealed the treasury. I really didn't want to monopolize the wealth of Qin. These things were done before the general entered Hangu Pass. It's done."

Seeing Zhang Liang nodding, Xiang Bo also nodded and said:

"Marquis Wu An is not a stingy person, I believe in this. Then tomorrow morning, can Marquis Wu An come over early and explain to the general in person."

Liu Bang was silent for a while, raised his head, and said with a smile: "Okay. I just ask my brother to mediate."

Xiang Bo smiled all over his face: "Of course, you and I are in-laws now!"

After he finished speaking, he patted Liu Ying's head, and Liu Ying gave him a sunny smile showing eight white teeth.


After Xiang Bo left, Xiao He, Cao Can and others who had heard the news gathered in the tent.

Lu Wan pulled Liu Ying into her arms, and rubbed his cheeks with her big hands: "I started looking for a woman for myself at a young age, what a big brother of your father!"

Liu Bang looked sideways and said, "He's much better than when I was a kid. Back then, you took me to peek at women taking a shower..."

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, facing Liu Ying's surprised gaze, she felt embarrassed, and felt an urge to go to the grassland to graze horses and sheep, and never set foot in the Central Plains again for the rest of her life.

Cao Shen stood up and smoothed things over: "Since Marquis Wu'an is going to see Xiang Yu, please bring more people there!"

Liu Bang shook his head and said, "Too many people are useless, but they seem guilty. Besides, how many people are you taking? One thousand, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand? There are 40 people on his side!"

Liu Ying struggled out of Lu Wan's hand and whispered, "With my uncle here, everything should be fine!"

Well, it's like this in history... Liu Ying put her hands on her hips, looking like a world-famous artist.

Seeing Liu Ying's expression at this moment, Zhou Bo and others in the tent were even more laughing.

After a while, Liu Bang said: "Tomorrow Xia Houying will drive for me, and Fan Kui will bring a hundred or ten men who fell into the battle with him, and the rest will stay in the camp. Everything will be discussed by Liu Jiao, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang."

In fact, at this time, even Liu Ying was there. In the order of succession of Liu Bang's army, No. 1 was Liu Jiao, and the second was Liu Ying.

After all, he is still a child.


Outside the coalition commander's tent, Xiang Bo jumped off his horse, exercised his tired body, and strode in.

Inside the tent, the ointment lamp flickered, reflecting Xiang Yu's face was cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing Uncle Xiang walk in, Xiang Yu asked, "How is it going?"

Xiang Bo nodded and said, "It's done. Liu Bang will come here on his own initiative tomorrow morning, bow his head and give in."

Xiang Yu's tone was neither sad nor happy: "That's good, if Liu Bang bows his head, all the generals of the coalition army will also bow their heads and obey orders. I have also sent someone to ask Xiong Xin if he is as promised, and the one who entered the pass first will be made king. "

Xiang Bo praised: "It's very good."

He suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect Zhang Liang to become an actor now, acting in front of me, it's really close to me! It's a pity that I have a daughter..."

Xiang Yu asked curiously: "I remember my little sister, who is only four or five years old this year..."

Xiang Bo explained: "Liu Bang and I have a son-daughter relationship, and the other party is his youngest son, that Liu Ying, who is just five years old this year..."

Xiang Yu shook his head and said, "Uncle, you're acting good at taking advantage of it. My younger sister was born to my uncle's concubine, but the other party is the son-in-law. You've made money!"

Uncle Xiang smiled, stood up and walked out of the tent: "There will be another performance tomorrow, so be careful, I'm afraid there will be trouble again with Mr. Fan!"

Xiang Yu looked at his leaving back and said nothing. He knew very well in his heart that Fan Zeng had changed his allegiance to Xiong Xin after his uncle Xiang Liang died in battle. The Chu royal family whose surname is Xiong.

Now, the Xiang family has replaced the Mi family, and Fan Zeng must be a hindrance.

"The descendants of Emperor Gaoyang, the emperor is called Boyong."

Xiang Yu recited a poem by Dr. Qu softly, feeling a little emotional in his heart, but at the same time another sentence surged in his heart.

"The prince and general Xiangning is kind!"

The era where surnames are kings will inevitably end in his hands!

Xi County, Hongmen.

The loess plateau here was washed by the rainwater flowing down from Lishan Mountain, and the exit at the northern end was shaped like a doorway and a chasm, so it was named Hongmen.

It is extremely cold in winter, and there is not even the sound of insects, except for the traces of the wind, it is very quiet.

Da da da.

The sound of horseshoes sounded in the distance, breaking the tranquility at the moment.

Liu Bang sat in a carriage with a peculiar shape, stretched out his hands, and warmed the fire comfortably.

In front of him, Zhang Liang, who was afraid of the cold, was only wearing a single suit, and was full of smiles.

This is a special carriage specially designed by Liu Ying to cope with the cold season. Not only is there a stove in the carriage, but even the driving position is also covered.

After Xia Houying got used to it, her liking towards Liu Ying increased visibly to the naked eye!
Today, they are going to the camp of the Chu Army to attend the banquet that later generations will call the 'Hongmen Banquet'.

After a while, at the front of the convoy, Ji Xin on horseback saw the envoy sent by Xiang Yu, so he lightly pulled the reins and slowed down the horse.

After all, I came here as a guest to plead guilty, so it's not suitable for swaggering rampage.


The camp of the coalition army is led by the Chu army.

The four-wheeled carriage came to a complete stop, Fan Kui took a step forward and opened the side door, and Liu Bang stepped on the ladder and slowly got out of the carriage.

In the distance, Xiang Yu, who was standing like a pine tree, did not move, but when his eyes swept over the carriage, disdain flashed in his heart: After all, he is getting old, and he needs to travel by car. It's all galloping!

If the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain.

Although Liu Bang didn't know this sentence, but when he saw Xiang Yu standing still, he walked over with a smile: "I have seen the general!"

Xiang Yu said nothing.

Liu Bang continued: "Thanks to the general who held back the main force of the Qin army in Hebei, a certain person was able to pass through the customs by chance. In fact, you and I are brothers, and all the unhappiness was instigated by villains."

Xiang Yu still didn't say a word, until Uncle Xiang coughed lightly at the side, and then he said in a strange way: "This villain is not someone else, but the Zuo Sima in the Marquis of Wu'an's army, Cao Wushang."

Liu Bang was slightly taken aback. He occasionally heard Liu talking about Liu Ying looking for a second-five boy named Cao Wushang, but he never took it to heart. Only now did he know that his men really had A twenty-five boy!

But he quickly adjusted and said with a smile: "It's true that you know people and face but don't know your heart..."

Xiang Yu also let out a long sigh: "Yes..."

After he sighed, he said with a smile: "I have a few jars of Yandi strong wine here, which I got as spoils in Julu! I know you are good at wine, so I haven't drank it all the time, and I have reserved it for you until now!"

It's not that I don't quit drinking... Liu Bang was overjoyed, and stretched out his thumb: "It has to be my brother!"


within the tent.

Smiling Xiang Yu and Xiang Bo sit at the top, facing east, Liu Bang sits at the bottom, facing north, opposite him is Fan Zeng, who is smiling but not smiling, and Zhang Liang, who is walking with him, sits with him facing west.

After Liu Bang sat down in the tent, he smiled gratefully at Xiang Bo.

He understood that Xiang Yu had no intention of killing him today, otherwise their seating would not have been arranged like this.

After all, China has always been a country of etiquette, and there are many small but extremely important rules.

For example, when eating together, the direction of the head and tail of the fish...

But that's just playful in nature.

In multi-person occasions, the most important thing is always the seating problem.

For example, at this moment, Xiang Yu and Bo Xiang are the master, while Fan Zeng and Liu Bang are the two wings of the master.

This shows that the two sides are not in a hostile relationship, otherwise, Xiang Yu, Xiang Bo, and Fan Zeng should be on one side, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang are on the other side, and the two sides are sitting opposite each other.

Well, this kind of seating arrangement is as big as a meeting between countries, as small as a company-to-company negotiation, or an individual-to-individual negotiation.

But Fan Zeng, who was sitting opposite Liu Bang, didn't think so. In his opinion, Xiang Yu was a reckless man who couldn't think of such details.

So he followed the previous agreement and winked at Xiang Yu frequently.

It's just that Xiang Yu didn't seem to see it, and kept pushing and changing glasses with Liu Bang, his face flushed, and he was already a little drunk.

So Fan Zeng untied Fang Yujue from his waist and shook it a few times, trying to hypnotize Xiang Yu and let him do what he wanted.

After all, if Xiang Yu killed Liu Bang today, the other forces in the coalition army would immediately look sideways at Xiang Yu, and then fall apart, giving King Huai of Chu, who lives in Pengcheng, a chance to divide and rule.

But it was obvious that Xiang Yu, who had vaguely guessed a lot, would not follow Fan Zeng's plan.

He just kept pushing glasses with Liu Bang, chatting about some state affairs occasionally, but more often, he was talking about women.

After all, wine is the medium of sex.

Seeing this, Fan Zeng walked out of the big tent on the grounds of going to the toilet, looked around, and suddenly saw a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Xiang Zhuang!

So he stepped forward and said flickeringly: "The general doesn't want to do it yourself, you go in and toast and dance your sword, pretending to kill Liu Bang by mistake!"

Xiang Zhuang asked naively: "Why did you kill Marquis Wu'an? I just heard Marquis Wu'an say that he and the general are brothers, why do brothers kill each other?"

Fan Zeng said patiently: "If you don't kill him, how can we become king in Guanzhong? Don't worry, after you kill him, I will ask the general to seal Xianyang City to you. All the beauties and treasures in the city are yours alone." of!"

Xiang Zhuang hummed, and strode towards the tent.

"There is nothing to have fun in the army, so let me dance swords for everyone!"

Hearing what Xiang Zhuang said, Xiang Yu undoubtedly nodded his head. Among the Xiang family's children of their generation, the simple-minded Xiang Zhuang was skilled in swordsmanship, especially good at sword dancing.

Just at the side, Liu Bang, who seemed to be drunk, gave a thump in his heart, and glanced at Uncle Xiang.

"Dear family, help..."

(End of this chapter)

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