Chapter 174
Sanchuan County, Luoyang City.

"The one who wears the clothes is beautiful, and the leaves are beautiful. My son, I write it with my heart. I write it with my heart, so I have a reputation..."

Standing outside the former Zhou Dynasty palace, Liu Bang couldn't help feeling emotional, and softly recited a song "Xiaoya·Changshangzhehua" taught to him by Liu Taigong himself when he was a teenager.

The Zhou Palace he saw was built successively after King Ping moved eastward.

The architectural style of this period is not the style of the later generations, in which the main hall is in the center and then symmetrical along the central axis, but a fortress-style layout with left ancestors and right temples, with the front facing the rear city.

The width of the gate of the palace gate can accommodate seven large gates [jiōng], the width of the Wei gate can accommodate three small gates, and the width of the road gate can accommodate five carriages in parallel (the width of the carriage is six feet six inches, and the left and right are extended by seven inch), and the width of the door should be three rails (eight feet/rail, about 1.64 meters).

There is a court in front of the hall, and in the depth of the hall under the court, there is a neutral arsenic, which is used to observe the shadow of the sun.

The ridge of the gate and roof of the palace is five pheasants (zhang) high, the four corners of the palace wall are seven pheasants high, and the four corners of the city wall are nine pheasants high.

There are nine rooms outside the road gate, where Jiuqing handles political affairs.

The heavily forbidden palace on the side of the road bedroom is the place where the concubines of Emperor Zhou lived.

Well, according to Zhou etiquette, the phase of the moon rotates every [-] days, so naturally the concubines of the emperor of Zhou also change every [-] days.

The queen with the highest status can sleep alone for one day, the three wives who are slightly inferior, three people share one day for the emperor, the nine concubines share one day for nine people, and the 27 wives share three days equally. As for the remaining 81 female royals , then divide the remaining nine days equally...

This may also be another reason why Zhou Tianzi went bankrupt.

The main hall that Liu Bang walked into at this moment is one of the five sleeping halls where Emperor Zhou lived, the Ming Hall.

This is the place used to meet the feudal vassals, the leaders of Fang Guo who surrendered from afar, and the princes and ministers in the country.

Well, Emperor Zhou also has four sleeping halls, which are his residences in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

According to Zhou people's etiquette, when building Mingtang, a nine-foot-long (one foot is about 23cm) feast is used to measure the length, width and height.

There are nine banquets wide from east to west, seven banquets deep in north and south, and one banquet high in the hall.

In terms of conversion, it is an ordinary palace of two to three hundred square meters. Compared with Xianyang Palace and Zhangtai Palace, which cover an area of ​​one or two basketball courts, it is not worth mentioning.

After all, it was nearly 1000 BC when Emperor Zhou formulated the palace specifications. In the era of slash-and-burn farming and people generally used wooden farm tools, to build such a palace complex would only consume more people's fat and cream than that of the first emperor!
What Liu Bang has to do today is to meet the six kings who surrendered to him here, namely Han Wang Han Xin, Zhai Wang Dong Yi, Sai Wang Sima Xin, Henan Wang Shenyang, Western Wei Wang Wei Bao, and Yin Wang Sima Ang.

In his own words, there are seven kings.

The seven stars gather, the will of the seven!
The reason why the allied princes sent troops again was because he was stopped in front of the car by a newly appointed elder before he entered Luoyang City and told him.

"Shunde prospers, and those who go against virtue perish. Troops come out without a name, and accidents fail. Therefore, it is said: 'If you know that you are a thief, the enemy can be subdued.' Xiang Yu has no way, let him kill his master, and he is also a thief in the world. Fu Ren does not With bravery, righteousness does not use force, the three armies are uniformly subdued, and the princes are informed. For this eastward expedition, there is no one in the four seas who does not respect virtue. This is also the act of the three kings."

The three kings refer to the founding kings of Xia, Shang and Zhou, namely Dayu, Shang Tang, and Zhou Wen or Zhou Wu.

After all, the first two were established independently, while the Zhou Dynasty was succeeded by father and son.

Liu Bang was very happy at the time. Although the other party mentioned the cause of Emperor Yi's death, he had to make a sad expression, but afterwards he felt the same as a hero and rewarded the three elders who advised him.

So, there was the matter of him being completely naked today, meeting in Mingtang.

The land of Chu was empty, so I took advantage of this opportunity to take Pengcheng first, cut off Xiang Ji's back, and then move northward to beat the dog in the water!
Standing on the steps of the Ming Hall and looking southward, Liu Bang felt that the victory was within his grasp, that the world would return to peace, and that the battle might be here.


Hanzhong County, Nanzheng, Hanwangfu.

In the inner house, there was a male duck's voice that was in the period of changing its voice.

"Emperor Yi is established in the world, and the north is responsible for it. Today, Xiang Yu released and killed Emperor Yi Jiangnan, a great rebellion and injustice. The widow personally mourned, and the soldiers were all plain. I have sent out soldiers from Guanzhong and recruited soldiers from Sanhe. The princes and kings attack Chu and kill Emperor Yi."

After reading the letter in his hand, Liu Fei stretched out his hand to Liu Ying, and took a piece of malt candy from him.

Liu Ying can only write simplified characters, and she doesn't recognize many traditional characters. The style of the characters in this period is not uniform. Even if she guesses, she can only get about half of them right.

There is no way, this time is in the transition period from Xiaozhuan to official script, the font is quite wonderful, it not only retains the pictographic style of Xiaozhuan, but also has a bit of the squareness of regular script.

Coupled with the fact that the cars of the Qin Dynasty are on the same track, the books are the same, and the characters of the seven countries are used together. Even Liu Fei, who is under the ruler of Liu Jiao these days, with his head hanging from a beam and awl piercing his buttocks, is also struggling to get by. Admit it.

Liu Ying mechanically handed the maltose to Liu Fei one by one, the little fat man was taken aback for a moment, and smiled like a flower, Liu Ying handed one, and he took one, not caring about Liu Ying's soul flying at the moment outside.

It's over, I'm really convinced of this old Liu... Liu Ying only felt that her eyes were gray and white, and suddenly she felt killing sounds in her ears, and her mind was full of scenes of corpses strewn across the field.

The Battle of Pengcheng was something he had expected a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to be now, but he is obviously already working hard to flap his wings, trying to change the existing world line!


According to his idea, if Xiao He could be held back so that he could not leave Hanzhong and go to Guanzhong to sit in town, Liu Bang would not leave the surrounding areas of Guanzhong without authorization, but would stay and stabilize the basic situation he had just acquired.

After preparing for a year and a half in this way, I can open a few more iron-making workshops on my side, and arm the old Qin people in Guanzhong who have already had military training to their teeth.

Now, he has already figured out how to make the infantry armor.

Well, the so-called infantry armor is a heavy iron armor made of more than 1000 pieces of armor. A strong man wearing this armor can be powerful even in the face of a well-trained knight.

With this kind of heavy armor, coupled with a large number of four-wheeled carriages, it is not a piece of cake to deal with the charge initiated by cavalry who only wear half armor and have no stirrups and saddles!
His plan is to build [-] pieces of iron armor, and then fight Xiang Yu to determine the outcome.

At that time, let Han Xin lead the troops to attack from the front, and his uncle Lu Ze led the troops out of Wuguan to contain Xiang Yu from the flanks, and finally joined forces with Yingbu Pengyue and others to encircle Xiang Yu.

Try to change the venue of King Xiang's concert tour from Gaixia to Pengcheng.

Field battle, in this era, Han Xin, a semi-finished soldier, may not be able to defeat Xiang Yu in his heyday.

And if it is a siege battle, Liu Ying, who clearly remembers a proportion in his mind, can make any fortified city in the world disappear in an instant!
Liu Ying looked at Liu Fei, whose cheeks were bulging like a hamster, struggling to chew, but sighed silently.

Ignorance is bliss!
He stuffed all the instant maltose left in his hand to Liu Fei, told him to remember to brush his teeth after eating, and then ran out in a hurry.

He wanted Xiao He to leave for Guanzhong as soon as possible, and was going to wipe the ass of some prodigal old man.

Well, although Liu Bang claimed to be 56, according to the secret document Liu Ying saw, there were only 20 to [-] soldiers, and the total strength did not exceed [-].

However, these 20 people are not cold numbers, they are all real people, and there are parents, wives and children who are looking forward to their return.

Although Liu Ying's memory has almost dissipated, he remembered one sentence.

More than [-] Han soldiers entered Sui Shui, and Sui Shui did not flow.

An understatement in the history books, behind it is a piece of blood dripping, corpses are strewn across the field, 10,000+, or even tens of 10 people are dead, very sad.

So he will go to Lu Shizhi next time, and ask him to inform Lu Ze, who has returned to Nanyang County, to move his troops to the east, and try to build a life channel for the fleeing Han army on the bank of Sui River.


In late spring and early summer, in May, on the vast plains of the Central Plains, soldiers began to march day and night.

Cavalry, chariots, and armored infantry formed long columns, rumbling forward in the newly sown fields.

Small carts and four-wheeled carriages full of supplies and grain creaked and rolled over from all the official avenues and field paths.

Countless scouts shuttled like meteors outside the city.

The smoke and dust filled the air, the flags were flying, the war horses neighed, and the horns echoed. The ground with a radius of four to five hundred miles was rumbling and thundering day and night, and there was a choking earthy smell day and night.

At this moment Liu Bang stood on top of the chariot with a complacent look on his face.

Under his command, the so-called 56 army marched forward all the way, and now it has basically conquered Dang County, and the forward is about to reach the Mangdang Mountain where he fell into the grass.

Liu Bang looked at the sky and decided to stay overnight in Waihuang tonight.

Tomorrow morning, the army will continue to march south, but he himself intends to go west and pay respects to Lord Xinling's mausoleum in Chenliu.

He was a little fortunate that he did not bring any female family members such as Qi Ji with him this time, otherwise, he would have to abstain from sex for a few days in advance to show his piety.

But if you take Qi Ji with you, you won't be bored along the way.

During the day, he sang Chu songs, while Qi Ji danced Chu dances, and at night, he danced her songs...

So, it's a pleasure!
The corner of Liu Bang's mouth raised slightly, and when he looked around, Lu Wan disappeared again.

Along the way, Lu Wan often left secretly to check on the wives and concubines of generals who surrendered to the Chu army, and occasionally interrogated them.

Liu Bang asked several times, but Lu Wan was always vague and evasive.

If Liu Bang didn't understand his character, he would have engaged in Lu Wan's military law long ago!
I don't know what the hell this guy is doing... Liu Bang frowned slightly, looking into the distance, he saw a very familiar figure.

Peng Yue!

(End of this chapter)

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