Destiny Only Han

Chapter 181 If we can meet again, I will be Chu Wu...

Chapter 181 If we can meet again, I will be Chu Wu...

"Grace not to kill?"

In the tent, Wei Bao was almost amused by Sima Xin.

At this moment, he has [-] people in his hand, and as long as he enters the battlefield, he can easily decide the outcome of the war.

And Sima Xin, as Xiang Yu's emissary, actually offered only the grace of not killing him?

"Come on, see off!"

Wei Bao suppressed the anger in his heart, and directly shouted at the attendants outside the tent.

From his point of view, these two people will not be killed today because everyone is the same prince.

Sima Xin just sneered, and strode away with Dong Yi who wanted to say something more.

Since Wei Bao wanted to seek death, they didn't stop him.

The Wei army couldn't even beat the Han army, and still wanted to defeat the Chu army who was threatening to win a big victory?
This person is short-sighted, inadequacy and conspiracy!
Sima Xin's confidence in the Chu army is actually very simple.

This is Pengcheng, where the huge amount of wealth obtained by the Chu army's looting and looting of Guanzhong was gathered here.

Today, it is all owned by the Han army.

Good fortune is hard to give up.

In order to regain their wealth, the soldiers of the Chu army must fight desperately.

At this moment, the Han army had collapsed. Even if Wei Bao tried to lead troops into the battlefield, but with himself and Sima Xin leading the army to stop him, the final victory must still be the Chu army.

The person who betrayed King Xiang received the grace of not killing him, not to mention being grateful, but seeing off the guests loudly?

Hehe, let's see how you die then!
When Sima Xin was about to walk out of the big tent, he looked back at Wei Bao, his eyes were cold, as if he was already looking at a dead person.


Pengcheng, Chu Palace.

It was a mess here, with fleeing palace servants and servants everywhere.

The news of the defeat of the Han army outside the city had already spread, and everyone knew that after Xiang Yu wiped out the enemies outside the city, the supreme Overlord of Western Chu would return to his loyal Pengcheng.

And when the time comes, those who once served the King of Han and other kings and generals will inevitably die!
At the moment at the entrance of the sleeping hall, Lu Wan was wearing a battle armor, with a long sword hanging from her waist, and holding a copper helmet in her arms, calmly looking at the gorgeous concubine Yu in a moon-white dress in the hall.

"I... have to go, take care..."

Hearing what Lu Wan said, Yu Ji froze with some trepidation in her heart. She thought that Lu Wan would forcefully take her away when she came here, leaving Pengcheng and Xiang Yu.

But she never expected that Lu Wan came here just to say goodbye to her.

For a moment, Yu Ji felt her nose was sore. She didn't understand that all the men who had seen her only wanted to tear her clothes off and possess her fiercely and violently.

But the person in front of him, although he was in the Xianyang Palace, had a wild appearance, but now after reuniting, he seems to be a different person, a modest gentleman, just like the legendary Liu Xiahui who is calm and stable!

At this moment, Yu Ji, who had never been so respected by others, began to waver in her heart.

She loves Xiang Yu deeply, loves the other party's arrogance, loves the other party's rudeness, loves the other party's strong body...

But the man in front of her who had a one-night relationship with her seemed to have quietly regained her place in her heart.

Moreover, this seat is slowly growing at this moment...

For a moment, Yu Ji froze in place, tears seemed to glisten in her eyes, she was caught in a dilemma.

Lu Wan sighed in her heart, if you love someone, you don't need to possess the other person, you just need to watch the other person live happily and safely.

At this moment, for Yu Ji, the best choice is naturally to wait here and wait for Xiang Yu's triumphant return.

The Han army outside the city collapsed across the board, and the defection of Sai and Zhai made the situation completely hopeless.

If you go by yourself, life and death are unpredictable.

At this moment, in Lu Wan's heart full of frustration, a touch of joy rose.

He didn't really have anything to do with Yu Ji under Liu Bang's instigation, so when Xiang Yu came back, Yu Ji would naturally not be involved.

In this way, I can be relieved.

Lu Wan suppressed the tears welling up in her eyes, and after bowing and saluting, she strode away without further words.

Behind him, Yu Ji slightly raised her hand, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, but slowly disappeared into the dimly lit bedroom.

"If, you and I can meet again, I will do Chu Wu for you..."


On the top of the city, Liu Bang quietly watched the scuffle outside the city.

The whole line of the Han army collapsed, and the officials who surrendered along the way were powerful, and all the kings and generals turned their backs on him and fled alone.

The only thing that comforted him was that Wei Bao was really leading the army to fight Xiang Yu.

Although before the Wei army opened up, Xiang Yu led the elite armored cavalry to charge and completely defeated the Wei army's central army. At this time, it was running back and forth like chasing and killing the Han army, slaughtering the Wei army...

It's just that Liu Bang is standing on top of the city, not waiting to die, but watching the overall situation closely.

He once fought side by side with Xiang Yu, and he has a certain understanding of Xiang Yu's military talent.

When he was in Hanzhong, he also had many long talks with Han Xin, who had been under Xiang Yu's command and had repeatedly figured out the other party.

Therefore, he can be said to know Xiang Yu's military style well.

Of course, knowing Xiang Yu alone is not enough to defeat him.

The form of the battlefield is changing rapidly. In Liu Bang's many years of fighting experience, except for Han Xin, who can command the scale of a thousand-man team as accurately as God helps, no one else can do it.

What's more frightening is that the thousand-man team commanded by Han Xin is not the Chinese army in front of him, but the partial division a hundred miles away!
It seems that in his mind, the actions of both the enemy and the enemy are under control.

At any point in time, how the enemy will move, he can always predict the enemy's opportunity first, and start to make targeted deployments in advance.

If Liu Bang hadn't personally seen Han Xin's commanding operations, he might think that he bribed the opponent's generals to cooperate with him in acting!
At this moment Liu Bang began to regret, he knew that he would stay in Guanzhong, let Han Xin fight this battle...

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

After a moment, Liu Bang calmed down and began to look for a chance to survive.

According to his understanding, Xiang Yu is extremely good at seizing a fighting opportunity, as long as the opponent reveals a flaw, even if the flaw is not a flaw at all in his opinion.

But Xiang Yu, as if he could know the result, attacked with all his strength, tore the gap, caused the opponent's collapse, and finally defeated the enemy.

And this is also the reason why Xiang Yu does not reuse Han Xin.

I've finished working here, and you are still collecting information, thinking about how to fight?
However, this is also Xiang Yu's weakness.

On the battlefield, there is a lot of information, and it is almost impossible to grasp every piece of information.

Especially as the chief general of the Chinese army, if he takes the lead in the charge and starts a melee with the enemy, he will be unable to command the entire army to fight.

Relying on his keenness for war, Xiang Yu led the elite around him to kill and disperse the soldiers among the enemy army, trying to regroup and fight in formation.

Just like a tiger leads a pack of wolves and hunts a flock of sheep.

The tiger rushed in first, killed the rams that tried to resist, drove the sheep to flee, and then let the wolves complete the final sweep.

However, this style of play is fast, but there will be loopholes.

At this moment, Liu Bang is looking for such a loophole.

Gradually, his expression became more relaxed.

At this moment, the Chu army, led by Xiang Yu, tried to drive the Han army southward, separating it from Fan Kuai in the north and Cao Shen in the west.

As a native of Sishui County, Liu Bang is also familiar with the terrain here.

Not far to the south, the Sui River changed its course at Lingbi, flowing from south to east.

So, there is a pocket of nature.

A pocket that wiped out the Han army!

Liu Bang sighed in his heart, the matter has come to this point, and he can't control much anymore.

So he walked down the city quickly, and met the rushing Chong Da Xiahou Ying Lu Wan, but when his eyes swept over Lu Wan, he sighed slightly in his heart.

In the past few days, he has already remembered who the concubine of Chu State who was with Lu Wan was, and his heart is full of guilt for Lu Wan's choice again.

This is a partner who was born in the same year, the same month and the same day as him, grew up together, not a brother, but better than a brother!

It's rare for the other party to really fall in love with a woman, but because of his two choices, he may never have that fate again in this life.

Liu Bang really wanted to say something, but seeing Lu Wan's ashamed look, he swallowed the words again.

'The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost.The so-called Iraqis are on the water side.Backtracking from it, the road is long and obstructive.Traveling back from it, Wan is in the middle of the water...'

At this moment, Liu Bang and Lu Wan looked at each other, and the song "Jianjia" also appeared in their hearts.

When you first hear it, you can't understand the meaning between the words, but when you hear it again, you are already in the song.

Liu Bang stretched out his hand and patted Lu Wan's shoulder: "Cheer up, try to live, there may not be no chance to see you again in the future!"

Lu Wan nodded heavily, even if he was sad for a moment to prevent the other party from hearing the news of his death, he still had to live.

Although there may be no chance to see each other again, as long as I am alive, I can think about each other for one more day.

Even if it's only for one day!
Liu Bang looked at Xia Houying who had been waiting for a long time:
"The Chu army tried to drive our army southward, and wanted to use the Sui River to form an encirclement network, and eventually wipe out our army."

"And at this time, Xiang Yu must have deployed a large number of rangers to the west to prevent us from going west and joining Cao Shen!"

"So, let's go north first, get rid of the pursuers, and then go east. Fan Kuai still has more than 1 elites, which can guarantee to penetrate the outer encirclement of the Chu army and return to Guanzhong smoothly."

Xia Houying nodded, what Liu Bang said made sense.

With the strength of the Chu army at this moment, the Han army can be defeated at most, but it cannot be completely wiped out at this moment.

It's just a pity that there are tens of thousands of Han troops and even more Wei troops...

Xia Houying sighed softly, and drove Liu Bang to the north.

As the steward of the stables in Peixian County in the past, he knew the roads around here like the back of his hand, and he could run fast and steadily with his eyes closed!

After the carriage, Lu Wanchongda got on the horse, took a few war horses that had lost their owners and were running around, and followed closely behind.

It's just that when she walked out of the city gate, Lu Wan couldn't help but turned her head and glanced at it. Tears flickered in her eyes, but only a long sigh was left...

(End of this chapter)

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