Destiny Only Han

Chapter 185 I'm Not Running Away!I don't chase anymore!

Chapter 185 I'm Not Running Away!I don't chase anymore!
Dang County, Chenliu County.

Along the plains parallel to the Sui River and the Sanchuan Tōkaidō, thousands of dusty Han troops were marching in haste.

These are the troops that escorted Liu Bang back to the north after Liu Bang joined Zhang Liang that day.

In fact, there were as many as [-] to [-] Han troops around Liu County, but most of them were dispatched to other places by Zhang Liang.

This time Liu Bang sent troops, originally intending to take advantage of the battle between the Chu army and the Zhao army after capturing Pengcheng, and then cut in.

Therefore, the army carried a lot of large-scale siege weapons, as well as countless food and supplies prepared in response to the protracted war.

Now that the Han army is retreating across the board, naturally there is no time to take away these bulky belongings.

Then, there is only one other option left.

It's a bit wasteful to burn it with a fire, but if you become an enemy, it's a crime!

Zhang Liang, who was forcibly left in the car by Liu Bang because of the relapse of his old illness, looked back to the south at this time, feeling like a dream.

The Han army marched all the way, unstoppable, seeing that the general situation of the world has been settled, but overnight, the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed, and here I became the one who fled in a hurry...

What a pity!
Liu Bang, who was just sitting next to Zhang Liang, was not as depressed as Zhang Liang.

When he ran to Hengyang, he saw the mansion report sent by Cao Shen to Guanzhong, which said that the elite Han army led by him and Chen Ping had successfully merged with the army led by Lu Ze and was evacuating northward in an orderly manner.

Well, the mansion newspaper also said that Lu Ze rescued more than 3 soldiers from the Han and Wei armies on the edge of the Sui River, and they also withdrew northward at the moment.

After Liu Bang saw the mansion report, he originally wanted to go south immediately to join Cao Shen and Lu Ze to see if he could kill Xiang Yu and return his carbine.

But before he could utter this bold idea, behind him, the dust was flying, and Xiang Yu had already personally led the elite cavalry to catch up!
So, what are you waiting for?

So there is the previous travel and dust, exhausted and dying.

The only fortunate thing is that after the fall of Pengcheng, Xiang Yu led the cavalry to march all the way back in a hurry, and then there was a big battle and repeated pursuits.

Under such exhaustion, the advantage of human endurance is reflected.

Humans can eat and drink while walking, but horses can only finish eating after they come to a complete stop.

And the most important thing is that the horses have a huge appetite and poor digestion and absorption ability, which left the Chu army with only two choices, either to feed a large amount of grain and other concentrated feed, or to stop and let the horses eat grass for five hours a day ...

In the former, the Han army burned all the government granaries as they retreated along the way. When the common people saw this situation, they either hid in the deep mountains and old forests early, or hid in the cellar at home. Yes, it will not show up at all.

Under such circumstances, the food in the Chu army was not enough for people to eat, so they couldn't even ride horses.

Well, at this time, people had not mastered the knowledge of feeding horses with beans, and the main feed for horses was corn.

Therefore, what the Chu army can choose is to release the war horses in the wild at night and let them try their best to eat the young crops in the ground.

That is, the food that has just grown.

But at this moment in early summer, when spring planting and autumn harvest come once a year, the crops at this time have only grown a bunch of long, and a horse can eat a hundred acres of fertile land in one night!
That's it, I'm not full yet!
After all, the nutritional value of crops such as corn and rice is not much different from that of weeds before heading.

Under Xiang Yu's drinking poison to quench his thirst, the distance between him and Liu Bang is usually close during the day, and it seems that he can see the smoke and dust of the marching army in the distance.

However, the war horse under his crotch was exhausted, and it began to foam and began to crumble.

If you dare to use a whip to urge it, it will dare to die on the spot for you to see...

As for dismounting to chase?

Why do you think that the bow-legged horses who are used to riding horses can run past the Han army who ran on two legs most of the time since the beginning of the uprising?

Therefore, in this kind of chasing and fleeing that only narrows the distance a little every day, when Xiang Yu finally saw the Han army in the distance, at the ferry of the big river in the distance, the boundless Han army stepped out of the ferry and began to form an formation.

These people were left behind by Liu Bang to prevent Zhao Jun from raiding when he left Hanoi County.

The general who led the army was named Fu Kuan, a native of Hengyang, Dang County.

In the early days, he followed Wei Jiu, and later Wei Jiu was defeated and burned himself to death. Fu Kuan turned to Liu Bang and became a close servant.

Now he is the official right cavalry general, Shiyi Diaoyin, and he is called Gongdejun.

Seeing the battle flag of the Han army waving in the wind in the distance, Liu Bang put down the huge stone in his heart.

Along the way, he was chased from Peixian (Anhui) to Qifeng (Henan) like a rabbit, and he didn't even have a good night's sleep!

Hair and beard fell off in handfuls!
Now, it's finally time for Nai Gong to vent his anger!

It's just that when Liu Bang had unrealistic fantasies, Zhang Liang couldn't help urging him to meet Fu Kuan quickly, trying to scare Xiang Yu away, and try not to fight if he could.

After all, Fu Kuan's army here is no more than seven to eight thousand people at best.

Although there is a saying that there are thousands of soldiers and no boundaries.

But in fact, people are on flat ground, and there are 2000 people in front of them, which is already very spectacular. If there are 5000 people, let the back row spread out a little, and it is not impossible to pretend to be 2 to [-] people.

Now, even if Fu Kuan's army is assembled, his side is only in the early ten thousand.

As for the Chu army on the opposite side, keep [-]!

The horses under their crotches were very tired, but these elite Chu knights were as tired as the Han soldiers.

But the important thing is that the strength, speed, and killing skills between the two parties are not on the same level at all!

At this time, the cavalry of the Chu army, even if they dismounted and fought on foot, it is a bit exaggerated to use one as ten, but there is no objection to one as five!
In particular, when Xiang Yu, who was riding on a foaming black horse, joined the battle group, the soldiers of the Chu army would immediately feel as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they were unstoppable!

Therefore, bluffing and running away is the most important thing!
"A gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits to move..." Zhang Liang lowered his voice and tugged at Liu Bang's sleeve.

"I understand..." Liu Bangwei nodded invisibly, just holding the hilt of his sword, glaring at Xiang Yu who was opposite him, as if he was ready to fight to the end if he disagreed with him.

Xiang Yu rode on the black horse, and his eyes swept over Lu Wan who was beside Liu Bang, and he was extremely jealous.

Anger starts from the heart, and evil grows from the gut.

It's just that Xiang Yu is not a reckless man, even when he was in a rage, he still did not lose his mind.

After all, it is completely impossible for a young man in his 20s to balance the forces of all parties and become the overlord only by relying on recklessness.

He glanced at Liu Bang who was joining the reinforcements. With his many years of military experience, he knew very well that the group of Han troops in front of him was only a few thousand in number. As long as he wanted to, he could kill them all at any time!
But what is the point of doing this?

He worked tirelessly all the way, day and night, in order to kill Liu Bang, so that the Han Kingdom, which was rising from the east at this time, would be destroyed without a leader!

If you can't kill Liu Bang himself, what's the use of killing more Han troops?

Moreover, unless all the men in the Han Kingdom can be killed, it will be futile as well...

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu took a deep look at Liu Bang, turned his horse's head and headed south.

Liu Bang put down the boulder in his heart and led the army west.

He was going to station in Xingyang first. On the one hand, he would repair his overall strength and wait to join Cao Can and others. On the other hand, he would rush to repair the city defense fortifications to prevent Xiang Yu's sudden attack.

It is close to Ao Cang, a place that cannot be abandoned!

Ao Cang.

Liu Ying was wearing a black dress, a jade crown on her head, and drooping shoulders. As she walked, the red tassels on the top of the jade crown flickered, looking very arrogant.

At this moment, with his hands behind his back and his belly pouted, he behaved like a middle-aged leader in later generations.

The news of Liu Bang's defeat of Pengcheng had already been sent to Liyang by fast horse mail train. Xiao He immediately started to mobilize the Guanzhong area.

Well, the so-called uneducated refers to the reserve.

Just like the sentence in "Mulan Ci", there are twelve volumes of military books, and the volumes have the name of the master.

These people were supposed to go to the battlefield to fight, but it was not their turn when they were recruited last time.

What Xiao He did was not to catch young men regardless of their age.

After all, in this era when there was a system similar to the Fubing system, all men whose names were registered as soldiers would enjoy certain tax relief.

Most people want to be soldiers, but they still can't do it!
During the turmoil of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, all countries strictly distinguished their people, what kind of household registration they had, and what kind of things they did.

For example, there are different household registrations such as Shiwu registration, Baigong registration, and city registration.

Well, Dameng's household registration system has been inherited from this time.

Liu Ying came here today, the focus is to inspect the construction of Ao Cang, and consider whether it is possible to transfer all the stored grain inside to Guanzhong.

Although there is not much food here, it is enough to feed 10 people for a year.

However, this place will soon be the focus of contention between Chu and Han. In his plan, Xiang Yu will not be able to eat even a grain of grain!
Hmph, starve him to death!
Beside Liu Ying, Pan Gong and a group of Mohist disciples accompanied him, along with several officials in charge of Ao Cang.

As for the former, the ostensible rhetoric is to punish violence and do justice, to help the righteous party, and to defeat the evil party.

But in fact, it was just to trick Liu Ying into joining the gang...

What Liu Ying said that day, about opening a few Mozi professional training colleges, was firmly remembered by the Mozi.

Although he is young, his identity is the prince of the Han Dynasty, and he is the successor in the true sense.

If he can be dyed black, why worry about the Mo family not thriving!
And Liu Ying pretended to be ignorant, and his plan was naturally to hang them.

Have you ever seen a donkey pull a cart and feed the carrot in front of its eyes directly into its mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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