Destiny Only Han

Chapter 195 Witchcraft!

Chapter 195 Witchcraft!


Liu Ying, who was buried in eating melons, suddenly raised her head and looked directly into Zhang Liang's eyes. Although she didn't want to cooperate with him to smooth things over, she hesitated for a moment, and said concisely:

"I do it by myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room was amazed one after another.

But more, they secretly questioned.

After all, it is the end of May in the lunar calendar, and the weather is so hot that there is no possibility of dripping water turning into ice!
They guessed that Liu Ying should have transported the ice here from Luoyang's palace by some unknown means.

After all, there used to be Zhou Wangji, and there was an ice room where ice could be stored.

It's normal for children to like to brag.

The so-called upper beam is not right...

Well, they all understand.

Heh, soil turtle... Liu Ying hugged half a melon, digging and eating it with a small spoon, with an elegant posture, which formed a sharp contrast with Liu Bang, who was like a pig snatching food around him.

He didn't bother to pay attention to those who raised doubts, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. In summer, he should eat iced watermelon in his arms. Although melons are good, they are too small to be enjoyable to eat.

Moreover, the melons at this time are very primitive varieties, and they are actually not very sweet.

However, at this time, people love this kind of thing to death.

For example, she is still a beautiful young woman, but the heroine of Mawangdui, who was dug out after more than 2000 years, is a lover of eating melons.

It is said that more than 100 melon seeds were found in her body...

Liu Ying pursed her lips and sighed in her heart. Unless he could get the watermelon seeds that have been cultivated for thousands of years in later generations, otherwise, even if someone brought back the watermelon seeds from the west of Central Asia, it would not be satisfactory.

Not only at this time, in fact, it was not until the 89s that watermelon became delicious.

Thousands of years before this, watermelon was not only not red, but also not sweet, and even a little bit bitter. It was once used as a medicinal material.

Well, Aristotle and they used watermelon as a diuretic, and put the cold, wet rind on the head of a child with heatstroke to cool them down.

The widespread spread of watermelon is due to its high water content, so it is used as a fresh water reserve when sailing.

Seeing that Liu Ying didn't explain, the local turtles headed by Zhou Bo became more determined, winked at each other, and looked like they were the smartest.

After eating half a melon, Liu Ying wiped her mouth, determined to make these guys understand.

So he had someone bring up a big cauldron...

And the mixed fruit jam he made last year and kept properly.

The reason why it is mixed fruit is because he doesn't know these things, he only knows that they are sweet, and he can't die from eating them...

In fact, wild plants, for their own survival, actually have two brushes.

For example, chili, because I don’t want mammals to eat it, I try my best to make myself hotter and hotter, but I can’t stand it. Humans are too cheap, and they go to the pole to find abuse...

And there is that sentence that is widely circulated.

Red umbrellas and white poles, let's lie on the board after eating...

"Look, I only do it once!"

Liu Ying lowered her head contemptuously, glanced at Zhou Bo who was in the lead, took out the saltpeter prepared in advance from a big bag, and poured it into the cauldron.

This is mainly because the purity of saltpeter is not enough, and the amount of saltpeter needed to make ice is actually quite large.

For example, if the indoor temperature is 30°C at this moment, then under a standard atmospheric pressure, the water temperature is about 25°C, and the water freezes, which can be divided into water cooling from 25°C to 0°C, and then freezing and releasing heat from 0°C two parts.

According to Q=cmt, the specific heat capacity of water is 4.2×10J/(kg·℃).

One liter of water is one kilogram of water.

Then from 25°C to zero, 105 kilojoules of heat need to be released.

At 0°C, one gram of water freezes to release 80 calories, which is 334.8 joules, and one kilogram is 334.8 kilojoules.

Rounding up, the sum of the two is 439 kilojoules of heat.

To absorb so much heat, 1270.8g of potassium nitrate is needed, that is to say, 1.3kg of saltpeter is needed in one kilogram of water...

Therefore, a large enough container is needed.

When making ice, it is equivalent to the current stew in water.

You need two pots, one big and one small, and fill both pots with water, then put the small pot into the big pot, and add saltpeter to the big pot until the small pot freezes.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is far less beneficial than directly digging ice for storage in winter.

Of course, saltpeter can be reused, which barely reduces the cost a little.

The main source of Liu Ying's saltpeter was scraping the walls of the toilet...

In fact, he made these things for that sacred ratio. As long as he can get together the most difficult ones, he will let the world understand a truth.

When a person is killed, he dies!

Liu Ying stirred the cauldron and felt that it was already a little cold, so she put a copper basin on the water surface in the cauldron, and then added cold well water.

Well, the water in the cauldron is not edible because potassium nitrate is a carcinogen.

After a while, when the cold came out, the corner of his mouth was smiling, Zhou Bo, who was pretending to be watching you quietly, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and moved his hands backward twice alternately.

"Witchcraft, this is witchcraft!"


Without waiting for Liu Ying to criticize, Liu Bang threw the melon rind on the table over.

This is his son, and no one is allowed to slander him!

On the other side of him, Lu Wan with a haggard face also opened his eyes wide, staring at Zhou Bo calmly and pretentiously, thinking of beating him up if he disagreed with him.

Liu Ying sneered: "It's witchcraft to make ice with saltpeter? Then why isn't it witchcraft when you drill wood to make fire?"

After he made such an analogy, everyone in the house suddenly realized that although they didn't know what saltpeter was or why ice could be made, the skill of drilling wood to make fire was a skill for people traveling outside in this era when matches and lighters were not popularized. A must-have skill.

Zhou Bo froze, blinked his eyes, the previous shock and surprise turned into an expression of ignorance.

He scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, trying to get away with it.

Liu Ying didn't bother to talk to him, but just watched the changes in the small basin closely. When the clear water turned into smoothie, he knew that the dissolution of saltpeter had reached saturation.

Ice made with saltpeter actually produces something similar to smoothies. If I really want to freeze water into ice cubes, it is either a miracle of nature or a refrigerator...

He picked up the small basin and poured honey on the smoothie first, and then the jam.

After all, no sucrose is added, and the jam is not actually sweet.

Well, regarding the sugar issue, he has sent people to search for sugarcane clearly.

In fact, as early as more than a hundred years ago, Chu people have already started to eat sugar cane, but because of the sweetness and not knowing how to make brown sugar, they have always eaten it as a drink.

Well, sugarcane juice is also a kind of offering to ghosts and gods.

For example, Qu Yuan's "Songs of Chu·Calling the Soul" is an article he wrote when he worshiped King Huai of Chu.

Zhe means sugarcane, and Zhe pulp means sugar cane juice.

After he planned to get the sugar cane back, he would plant it in Hanzhong first, and then introduce the sugar cane to Shu after the immigrants from Guanzhong had gained a firm foothold in Shu.

In this way, with the salt and sugar, it is possible to carry out trade with foreign nations in the southwest mountainous area.

The problem of the Han State now is that due to the need to deal with the great war in the Central Plains, there is a shortage of manpower to plow the fields.

Therefore, the more slaves the better.

If it wasn't because Zhao Tuo had closed the pass at this time and would not communicate with the Central Plains, Liu Ying would have sent a mission to discuss with him about the introduction of labor from overseas.

The white cotton field, the swarthy face, and the bright red watermelon complement each other beautifully!

After Liu Ying made the jam smoothie, under Zhou Bo's deliberately ingratiating eyes, she dug a big spoonful for him with some distress.

After all, in the historical records, this guy is also a man who got mixed up in the 'family'...

Han Mouxin, who has made great achievements in battle, is a biography...

After Liu Ying shared the smoothie in her hand again, someone came in a hurry outside the house.

"Report to my king, the Chu army has withdrawn!"

In the room, everyone was stunned, with disbelief on their faces.

The Chu army came aggressively, and now it was only a small defeat, why did they just withdraw?

Could it be a fraud?

Xiang Yu intends to paralyze the Han army by pretending to withdraw troops, and then repeat the same trick to attack at night?
This kind of thing must be prevented!
It's just that the old god Chen Ping is sitting in the corner. As a member of the Chu army before, he has a lot of secrets that even Long Qie and others don't know.

After he abandoned Chu to Han, his ostensible identity was Han Wangxin's second general, but in fact he did not obey Han Wangxin's orders, and was only responsible to Liu Bang.

The task Liu Bang assigned to him was to supervise the generals and the movements of the world.

To put it crudely, the present Chen Ping is a spy chief.

Because of this, the person he is most uncomfortable with is actually Zhou Bo.

Zhou Bo, in fact, has no one in private, and his private life is very disorderly, but the latter Liu Bang doesn't take it seriously, he is an old critic, how can he have the right to criticize others...

As for the former, it is actually very fatal.

After all, three people become tigers.

Zhang Liang pondered for a while and said, "Could it be that the Chu army's food and grass ran out? I remember that they were short of food before, so they roamed around and looted everywhere."

Liu Bang questioned a little: "Western Chu is rich, although it is difficult to transfer for a while, but thinking about it, it shouldn't be so simple to run out of food, right?"

In fact, he had a guess in his mind, but it was unfounded, so it was hard to say it.

That is Peng Yue who he sealed in Liangdi.

When the main force of the Chu army confronted him in the first generation of Xingyang, the rear of Western Chu was empty, and the roads were bound to be covered with convoys transporting food, grass and luggage.

These are all out-and-out big fat sheep!
Liu Bang felt that Peng Yue, who was born as a water bandit, would certainly not turn a blind eye.

ps: Regarding ice making, I actually did an experiment with my roommates when I was in school, because the dormitory can’t use refrigerators...but it’s hot, always think of ideas!

Saltpeter is not easy to buy... After all, it is a raw material for explosives.

So we used ammonium chloride, and the final result was naturally a waste of hundreds of dollars...

(End of this chapter)

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