Destiny Only Han

Chapter 198 Plan ahead

Chapter 198 Plan ahead
Shu County, Fushun County.

Fushun County is a small county. Even if the Qin State destroyed the Shu State and the war in the Central Plains did not spread here, there are only [-] households and a population of less than [-].

In the past hundred years, even on the official road leading to Chengdu, there have been no carriages and horses, and travel is scarce.

But it is different now. Since Fu Shunling took office, a large number of immigrants from Guanzhong have been accepted here, and now there are [-] households and nearly [-] people.

And Ji Xin, from the original county magistrate with a yellow ribbon and a rank of six hundred stones, has become a county magistrate with a black ribbon and a rank of a thousand stones.

The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, counties with less than [-] households were called county magistrates, and those with more than ten thousand households were called county magistrates.

However, when the people of Qin got used to the Lifang system and kept Wu Xiangbao, the [-] households were divided into four townships, and according to the tradition of ten miles and one pavilion, a number of pavilion chiefs and wanderers were set up to be responsible for maintaining law and order. .

Do you know why a hundred years have passed here, and it is still inaccessible?
The reason is that Qin State's control area in the frontier is only in the residential area where the road extends, and beyond that, there are savages who have been entrenched in the mountains for an unknown number of years.

The key point is the Chengdu Plain with Dujiangyan.

The famous Dujiangyan is built on a large slope, from the foot of the Qionglai Mountains to Chengdu, on a plain stretching for more than 70 kilometers, with altitudes dropping from 600 meters to 500 meters.

The altitude difference of more than 1000 meters pushes the water of the Minjiang River to cover [-] square kilometers of irrigation canals, creating a fertile land that later generations call the Land of Abundance.

It's just that now, when the world is in a warm period, the Guanzhong Plain is the real land of abundance.

Throughout the Guanzhong Plain, there are rivers flowing from the mountains to the center of the basin in the west, south, and north directions, and the drop also exceeds 1000 meters.

The resulting water irrigation area has reached an astonishing [-] square kilometers!

It was here that the Zhou Dynasty, which attached great importance to farming, was born. After that, there were Han and Tang, two huge empires unparalleled in the world.

As for Qin...

Ten years is too short-lived.

But unlike at this time, when Liu Bang, Xiao He and others attached great importance to Guanzhong, Liu Ying knew in her heart that Guanzhong, or the good days in the north, would actually be fleeting.

According to Liu Taigong's personal experience, in recent years, the first snow falls earlier every year.

What he didn't know was that within a few decades, the lychees that could still be grown in Guanzhong at this moment would be completely extinct.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the interglacial period came. Either it did not rain when it should rain, or it snowed heavily in winter.

Therefore, the Rampai at that time put forward a theory.

The Emperor of Han lost his virtue and needed to abdicate to make way for the virtuous.

The most famous of them is a man named Yang Yun.

His grandfather, named Sima Qian, was the Tai Shigong who wrote "Historical Records".

In fact, the book "Historical Records" was blocked before Sima Qian finished writing it. For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's "Journey to the Past" was pieced together from other chapters.

Therefore, later generations will no longer be able to know how many words Sima Qian sprayed Han Wu secretly...

But the only thing that is certain is that there will be absolutely no praises in it.

So Sima Qian could only hide in Nanshan and pass it on to later generations.

But he couldn't stand it because he had a good son-in-law named Yang Chang, who was cautious and prudent, so he was appreciated by Huo Guang and became prime minister.

Yang Yun mentioned above is the son of Yang Chang.

Yang Yun liked to read "Historical Records" written by his grandfather very much, so with the help of "My Prime Minister's Father", he took out "Historical Records" and dedicated it to the court.

"Historical Records", the swan song of historians, is therefore spread.

But this is a good thing, but Yang Yun is a man who is not like his father, he is a tougher man than Tai Shigong.

He described the natural disasters that came during the interglacial period as the failure of the Han emperor.

So I don't do anything else all day long, just talk about the court, slander the emperor, and the big man's pills...

So Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty couldn't bear it anymore and cut him in half.

So, this means that he is a ruthless person.

What is Liu Bang's strange yin and yang?What's so great about cutting eggs?
If you want to scold, you can scold the entire court, from the emperor to all the officials, don't even think about running away!
To cut, cut directly from the waist!

Just killing Yang Yun alone will not help the consensus formed among the people.

Heaven is constant, it does not exist for Yao, nor does it perish for Jie.

The interglacial period will not end just because one person dies.

Therefore, there is Wang Mang Daihan behind.

But still the above sentence, God, does not depend on human will.

Therefore, it is necessary to plan ahead.

Liu Ying started planning a hundred years in advance. Moving the population of Guanzhong to Shu was only the first step. The next step was to open up the connection with Nanyue and find a way to obtain the famous Champa rice.

The so-called Zhancheng rice is a rice species that grows on the Indochina Peninsula.

Because the local people's farming techniques are too stretched, the rice has no choice but to strive for self-improvement, so it has self-evolved characteristics such as early planting, early maturity, and drought tolerance.

Especially drought tolerance, when the interglacial period comes, drought will also come, the attribute of drought tolerance is particularly important.

It's just that now we need to proceed step by step, first let the Central Shu Plain become a real granary, and then we can win the Chu-Han War.

Therefore, most of the people who migrated from Guanzhong went to Chengdu and Pi County.

After all, that is the main area covered by Dujiangyan, where water conservancy is well developed and agriculture naturally thrives.

With the immigration, the situation of sparsely populated land can also be quickly improved.

As for Fushun County, this is actually the place called Zigong in later generations.

Well salt is an important resource that Liu Ying misses.

He didn't let Ji Xin go to serve in the Han army, but came here to serve as Fu Shunling's purpose, mainly because of this.

But another one?

But in the original history, Ji Xin was burned to death by Xiang Yu because of his appearance...

Therefore, the second force is the second force!
The two sides did not have a deep hatred, and if they really wanted to kill each other, they would just beheaded, why bother to kill?

Oil cake!

At this moment, when Ji Xin rode out from the chest-high earth wall that was used as a city wall, what he saw were wooden huts rising from the ground.

With the cooperation of Lin Zhi, the magistrate of Shu County, a large number of carpenters were mobilized from Chengdu, Pi County, to help tens of thousands of Qin households here settle down.

With the blessing of the big saws shipped from Hanzhong and the hydraulic sawmills built in the same way, nearly a year has passed, and basically all the people from Guanzhong who migrated have lived in new houses. In the wooden hut.

Well, their inherent outlook on life makes them unwilling to live in a house built of bricks even if they temporarily live in a tent...

Fortunately, there are many virgin forests in this period, and there is no shortage of materials for building wooden houses.

In Ji Xin's view, there is another benefit to logging a large number of trees to build houses.

That is to extend people's line of sight to as far as possible behind several bare hills.

In this way, not only can the farmland available for cultivation be obtained, but it can also prevent the savages in the mountains from taking the opportunity to come out and attack.

Well, it's a sneak attack, but it's actually here to rob livestock, clothes, pots and pans...

When Ji Xin first came, he happened to encounter a group of mountain people who went out to rob.

However, what they encountered were immigrants from Guanzhong who had been educated to 'plow and fight' since they were young...

Instead of grabbing the things, he became a slave to others.

Because of this, Ji Xin is very annoying these days.

After the Guanzhong immigrants repaired their houses and simply opened up farmland enough for their families to eat, they began to trouble him, Fu Shunling.

These people persuaded Ji Xin to open the arsenal and distribute weapons and armor to them under the pretext that they were only thieves for a thousand days, but not against thieves for a thousand days, and then they all went to sweep the nearby forests together.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being attacked by savages.

It's just that Ji Xin thinks they are all farting!

It's just that I saw a few slaves captured by others, so I was greedy.

He asked the local aborigines. Those who attacked Fushun County that day were Bo [bó] people who lived in the southern mountains and forests. They had a large population, but they didn't know any farming skills or were good at fighting.

The previous time, it was nothing more than being so hungry that I wanted to come out to try my luck.

If you get it, everyone will be happy.

If the robbery fails and is killed, there is no need to suffer anymore.

The worst thing is to be injured or disabled. In this way, you can only become someone else's dinner...

In the mountains and forests where supplies are scarce, cannibalism is a very common thing.

After all, this is meat.

As for getting sick because of it?

Ha, it is very likely that they will not survive the onset of the disease...

After observing those Bo slaves, Ji Xin confirmed Liu Ying's statement in his heart.

These Bo people were actually caught and turned into slaves half-heartedly!
They also need to work, at least here in Fushun County, they can eat half full every day, good or bad!

After all, a slave was worth nearly five thousand dollars, and if he died of starvation, the money would be wasted.

People are iron rice is steel.

It is normal for slaves to work, create value, and take care of food.

But Ji Xin refused the people's request to go into the mountains to catch slaves.

The main purpose of his trip to Fushun County was for the well salt that Liu Ying mentioned.

Now, buckwheat or rapeseed has been sown in the fields where the wheat has been harvested, and the labor force is idle.

Therefore, Ji Xin's plan is to lead the county people here to dig well salt in the area surrounded by Liu Ying with a big wave of his hand.

As for the engineers who directed the excavation, they were a few servants captured from Berkshire, that is, the widow Qing's family.

The technology of widening natural salt springs and finding salt for digging wells had matured as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

The reason why Ba was rich and was repeatedly beaten by Qin and Chu is that it has mastered many natural salt springs in the Three Gorges area.

As for the salt spring here in Fushun County, it has not been discovered mainly because it is inaccessible.

Now, it's time for these white golds to show their value.

(End of this chapter)

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