Destiny Only Han

Chapter 203 If you are poor, you will develop together, and if you are rich, it has been since ancie

Chapter 203 If you are poor, you will develop together, and if you are rich, it has been since ancient times!

The so-called warm-blooded horse, as the name suggests, is a horse breed between a warm-blooded horse and a cold-blooded horse.

In fact, it is indeed the product of a cross between these two horses.

Warmblood horses have a relatively strong physique, but also have a flexible and elegant body; they can undertake some light farming work, and can also be used as very tame riding horses.

In equestrian competitions in later generations, many riders ride warm-blooded horses.

What Liu Ying likes is that warm-blooded horses have a more docile personality than warm-blooded horses, which allows him to realize a kind of cavalry warfare in later generations.

Wall charge.

Riding a spear with a flat end, knees to knees, pressing towards the enemy like a wall covered with spikes.

Under such circumstances, any infantry phalanx that is not determined will probably collapse first before the attack arrives.

Yes, this attack method is used to shock infantry, not suitable for fighting nomads or other well-trained cavalry.

After all, if discipline and "wall charge" alone could make them invincible, European countries would not have successively formed Lancer regiments that required strict martial arts on horseback in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

You know, even Napoleon, who said that 'a thousand French cavalry can always defeat fifteen hundred Mamluk cavalry', also recruited a large number of Mamluk cavalry and Polish Lancers.

However, Napoleon often runs the train with his mouth full. In later generations, Liu Ying has been to the old revolutionary base area, saw some of Napoleon’s old letters in the Invalides and museums, and found that when he wrote letters with his wife or other people, he always wrote his little ones. A defeat is written as a small victory, and a small victory is written as a big victory...

As for the big defeat, except for losing a few key battles in his life, Nahuang has not tasted the taste of failure.

The new cavalry that Liu Ying wants to form is mainly for future considerations.

The Chu-Han War has already started in full swing, and it will end perfectly with Xiang Yu divided into five in a few years.

Then, it's time to cut off the king with a different surname.

However, relying on the soldiers of the Han army who had experienced the tragic Chu-Han War, Liu Bang can be said to have easily solved those kings with different surnames.

But day and night defense, house thieves are hard to guard against.

What Liu Ying has to deal with is such cubs as Wu Wang Liu Bi who started the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion...

The country in the early Han Dynasty was actually a small government, and there was no strong centralization like the later dynasties.

The vassal states not only have armies, but also have the privilege of mining and minting coins.

In this way, if you want soldiers to have soldiers, money to have money, and enough to eat and drink every day, besides creating people, other ideas will definitely arise.

For example, everyone is also a descendant of the surname Liu, so why should you be the emperor?
On the side of the Qing emperor, is the slogan Jing Nan only a patent of later dynasties?
So at this time, it's time for a powerful cavalry army to use their lances to convince people with virtue.

However, Liu Ying's need for breeding warm-blooded horses is not so urgent.

Just step by step and slowly get on the right track.

At this stage, what is needed is to spread out the big pie, and then, under the impetus of time, let the snowball get bigger and bigger.

For this reason, he selected a dozen or so not tall mares from the cold-blooded horse breeds bought by Yanzhao, and prepared to breed a novel animal.


The offspring of a male donkey and a female horse are called horse mules, and vice versa are donkey mules.

Just because there are only 63 chromosomes, the germ cells cannot divide normally, so mules cannot produce offspring.

Horses and mules are strong, but donkeys and mules are good at running.

What Liu Ying wants is a mule that is physically stronger than a donkey, stronger than a horse, has a docile and lively temperament, has a longer lifespan than both a horse and a donkey, and has strong disease resistance, endurance and adaptability to the environment.

This is not because donkeys and mules are bad, but at this moment, animals like donkeys are kept in gardens by dignitaries and dignitaries for viewing.

Well, it can be understood as alpacas raised in Shangchao or other places in later generations...

Wang Can, the head of the seven sons of Jian'an, liked listening to donkeys braying very much during his lifetime.

At his funeral, Cao Pi, who had not succeeded Cao Cao at that time, took the initiative to suggest that since Wang Can likes to hear donkeys braying, why not let everyone bark twice to see him off today...

So, on top of the solemn funeral, I heard the sound of a donkey...

Therefore, in this era when donkeys are rare and expensive, breeding donkeys and mules is a situation where it is difficult for a smart woman to survive without rice.

But in fact, as early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, some people had already bred mules.

That is the Huns who live by water and grass and live a nomadic life.

When they were grazing freely, the donkey and the horse accidentally developed an interracial love...

Therefore, the Huns kept this product secret and named it 駃騠 (jué tí), and offered it as a tribute, or sold it at a high price to luxurious homes in the Central Plains.

What Liu Ying has to do is to return this species to its original position.

Mules are more resistant to rough feeding, less prone to diseases, and have a long life span. These characteristics can effectively increase the logistics cost of land transportation, and thus, together with the four-wheeled carriage, increase the productivity of the entire society.

As for pulling the donkey off the altar, there is another benefit.

Find out about the dragon meat in the sky and the donkey meat on the ground!
The donkey meat fire is absolutely perfect, the wind is inhaled, it is so delicious that it is jiojio...

Liu Ying tried her best to control her smile. On this occasion, it is not suitable to do anything unethical.

Of course, the bearded man on the high platform who quietly picked his nose while others were not paying attention was an exception.

When the sun is at its zenith, the whole ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky is over, and after worshiping the general and sealing the prime minister, Han Xin will go north to attack Wei State the day after tomorrow, which is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in later generations.

According to the fortune-teller, if troops are dispatched on this day, the enemy's axle will be broken for no reason... Our army happened to be victorious.

Although both Liu Ying and Liu Bang were somewhat disapproving, the soldiers in the unstoppable army were extremely convinced.

So why not do it!

After a while, bring them all back.

Liu Ying rushed to the distance in three steps and two steps at a time. He wanted to snatch the few pieces of beef he had long been optimistic about in front of Zhou Bo and Fan Kuai, two shameless people.

When he was running, he gave Lu Wan a wink, and the latter finally came out of the broken love, and a look of understanding appeared on his haggard cheeks before, so he stretched out his hands, holding Fan Kuai from left to right and Zhou Bo...

On the high platform, Liu Bang couldn't help showing a satisfied smile as he looked at the crowd of ministers who were mingling together.

This is his ideal life!

Xingyang, the palace of the King of Han, the back garden.

Liu Ying rolled up her sleeves high, and the hem of her clothes was tied behind her with a belt. There were three grills beside her, and she was extremely busy.

Tomahawk steak is suitable for grilling, and snowflake beef is suitable for frying. As for the trimmed, fat and lean minced beef, it is made into beef patties with green onions.

In another change, there is a roasted whole lamb that is constantly turning over on the iron rack.

Out of the idea that he didn't want to lose his mouth, Liu Ying made butter early, and when he searched Xianyang City that day, he broke into the "Imperial Dining Room" of the First Emperor and found a lot of strange spices .

The one that shocked him the most was pepper.

In later generations, people often think that pepper is a product native to India, Persia or Southeast Asian countries, but in fact, pepper plants first grew in Myanmar and Assam, but were first introduced to India, Indochina and Indonesia.

Later, from these places, it was introduced into the Arab region.

The Persian merchants who were good at doing business passed these things eastward and along the Silk Road to China.

After going around in a big circle, I came back again...

Liu Ying speculated that the pepper left by the first emperor should be the first-hand resource obtained from Southeast Asia.

It's a pity that there is no suitable place for pepper to grow in the country of Han at this time, so he can only use a little less of these in his hand.

Found with the pepper, and cumin seeds in clay pots.

Liu Ying can judge from the imprint on the clay pot that Emperor Shi Huang or Hu Hai probably didn't like to eat cumin.

This is about to take advantage of him!

So, there was the scene where he turned the garden into a barbecue stand today.

However, unlike pepper, cumin can be grown, although the quality may not be as good as the products grown in the place of origin or in the arid regions of the Western Regions.

But, something is better than nothing!
After he selected large seeds for breeding, the remaining defective products were of course smashed to satisfy his cravings!

Well, the cumin thing came from Central Asia.

But at this time, the Silk Road had not been completely cut off by the Huns. During the Qin Dynasty, although there were not many merchants from the Western Regions, they never stopped.

The so-called Zhang Qian's hollowing out of the Western Regions reappeared in the field of vision of the Han Dynasty people after the Silk Road was cut off for nearly a hundred years.

Passing the Western Regions is actually to fight the Huns.

It can be said responsibly that the Huns are the lifelong enemies of the Han Dynasty.

Throughout Han Wu's life, all the national policies he did were to fight the Huns.

Not only from Guanzhong to the north, but also from the land of Yan and Zhao Dynasties to the north, and even the Western Regions, but also to fight the Xiongnu from another direction...

Eating, sleeping and beating the Xiongnu is the daily life of Han Wu.

At the current stage, although the Huns have begun to rise, they have not yet reached their peak. Even in the Battle of Baideng, Liu Bang only underestimated the enemy and rushed forward before being surrounded by the Huns.

But even under the siege of hundreds of thousands of Huns cavalry, the Han army with less than [-] people still defended the front line, and did not let the Huns take advantage of the slightest.

After that, under the deterrence of the reinforcements who arrived later, both sides were afraid of each other's strength and withdrew their troops from each other.

In the Hanwu period, the root cause of the unbearable attack on the Huns was nothing more than the period of Hangao Hanhui, who was in the stage of recuperation.

However, there is a problem with the way of Han Wen's accession to the throne. There are a large number of brothers and nephews in the country who need to be settled, and Han Jing has created the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms...

What Liu Ying has to do is to put aside disputes with the Xiongnu and jointly develop the Western Regions...

As for after?

How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!

(End of this chapter)

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