Destiny Only Han

Chapter 231 It's official business to uphold Confucianism!

Chapter 231 It's official business to uphold Confucianism!
Opposite Liu Bang, Li Shiqi sat down without any distinction, as if he was not the lobbyist who was escorted back to Guanzhong from Qidi by Qi soldiers a few days ago.

"In the past Shang Tang conquered Xia Jie and entrusted the descendants of the Xia Dynasty to Qi. King Wu crusaded Shang Zhou and entrusted the descendants of the Shang Dynasty to Song Dynasty. Now the Qin Dynasty betrayed its trust and invaded and crusaded the princes, and wiped out all the descendants of the six countries. They have no place to stand."

Li Shiqi talked eloquently: "If my king can really restore the status of the descendants of the six kingdoms and hand over all the seals to them, then their monarchs, ministers and people will definitely appreciate my king's great kindness and admire your majesty's nobleness." Deyi, I hope to be His Majesty's subordinate."

"In this way, with the broad application of virtue and righteousness, my king can face the south as the emperor and dominate the world! As for Xiang Yu and his ilk, they are just suffering from ringworm and scabies..."

This is the conclusion he came to after observing the general trend of the world quietly.

Although Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, the families of the six kings had multiplied for hundreds of years and could not be killed.

As a result, the wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again.

For example, Qi State, which made him suffer a lot of humiliation this time, is where Zhu Tian took turns to revolt, trying to recover Tian Qi Sheji.

However, Li Shiqi felt that the failure of the envoy to Qi State was because Liu Bang did not make it clear that he was willing to admit that the Tian family had kept Qi State for generations.

Therefore, in his opinion, Liu Bang should seal off the survivors of the Six Kingdoms completely, so that no matter which country he is sent to as an envoy, he can feel like a fish in water.

More importantly, although Li Shiqi studied Confucianism from the political strategist, he was an out-and-out Huang Lao in his bones. The fact that the Holy Son of Heaven ruled under his bow was a scene he had dreamed of for many years.

Liu Bang nodded, feeling that what he said was somewhat reasonable.

It is a matter of benevolence and virtue to rise and fall.

What's more, you can first make the survivors of the Six Kingdoms kings, wait until Xiang Yu is settled, and then settle the score after the autumn...

So he looked at Li Shiqi and said, "Okay, get someone to engrave a few seals of the Six Kingdoms as soon as possible, and when you find the right people, appoint them as kings!"

After Li Shiqi left, Liu Bang felt a little hungry, so he began to ask people to bring meals.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, one meal and one dish.

Green Garlic Twice Pork Rice Bowl...

In such a cold and freezing year, it is actually a rare thing to have a bite of green vegetables.

Well, except in Guanzhong.

In those few days, for some reason, there were vegetables and meat!
Just as he was holding the bowl and holding the rice, Zhang Liang suddenly rushed in from the outside.

"Your Majesty's words are true?"

Zhang Liang asked without thinking, and stared at Liu Bang with piercing eyes.

For a moment, Liu Bang was stunned, not knowing whether to swallow the food in his mouth or answer directly.

Most importantly, he didn't know what Zhang Liang was talking about.

So he directly tapped his chopsticks in front of him, signaling Zhang Liang to sit down, and then asked his servant Wei Wuzhi to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Zhang Liang.

"The last meal of garlic sprouts, if you miss it, you will have to wait at least ten days..."

Looking at the bowls and chopsticks that Liu Bang forcibly stuffed into his hands, Zhang Liang felt a little helpless for a while.

Still staring at Liu Bang, he asked, "Just now, my king promised Li Shiqi to make the survivors of the Six Kingdoms king?"

Liu Bang nodded and repeated what Li Shiqi had told him.

Immediately, he looked at Zhang Liang with some curiosity: "Didn't Zifang say in the past that the rise and fall of succession is a benevolent government, besides, aren't you also running for the revival of Korea?"

Zhang Liang shook his head: "The present is different from the past. If the king really does this now, then everything will be over!"

Liu Bang tilted his head: "Really? I don't believe it..."

Zhang Liang was stunned for a moment, and was speechless for a moment.

"Your servant, come and tell me the king..."

He looked around, took a roll of bamboo slips from the table beside him, and pulled off the wei wei, that is, the cowhide rope that bound the bamboo slips.

"In the past, Tang of Shang defeated the violent Jie and enfeoffed Xia's descendants in Qidi because he estimated that he could put Xia Jie to death. Now, can my king be sure to put Xiang Yu to death?"

Since Zhang Liang was killed in Han Wangcheng, he began to imitate Liu Bang's way, calling Xiang Yu by his name directly, instead of calling him by his character, which is 'Yu', or calling him King Xiang.

During this period, it is a disrespectful thing to call someone by their first name.

Of course, the premise is that the other party has words that can be called by others.

Hearing Zhang Liang's question, Liu Bang just shook his head.

Zhang Liang took out a bamboo slip: "This is the first reason why the descendants of the six kingdoms cannot be entrusted!"

"In the past, King Wu conquered Zhou and enfeoffed the descendants of Shang in Song Dynasty because he was sure that he could get the head of King Zhou. Now, is my king sure about getting the head of Xiang Ji?"

Well, before the Battle of Juye, Zhou Wu Wang Jifa once held a meeting of princes from all walks of life in Mengjin.

But that time, he did not take advantage of the trend to attack Shang Zhou, but let the princes of all walks of life bring him back after the alliance.

This is his genius.

Among the princes who came to the alliance for the first time, it is very likely that they are the fence-sitters under the pressure of Zhou Guo, and those who just come to join in the fun.

How could such an insect defeat Shang Zhou?

So there was a second alliance, and this time, the clarion call for the battle to destroy merchants was sounded.

And hearing Zhang Liang's culture, Liu Bang shook his head again.

Just kidding, if Xiang Yu's head can be easily cut off, he won't be unwilling these days...

Zhang Liang said solemnly: "This is the second reason why the descendants of the six countries cannot be entrusted! King Wu entered the capital of the Shang Dynasty, commended him at the gate where Shang Rong lived, released the imprisoned Jizi, and rebuilt the Bigan grave."

"Now my king can rebuild the tomb of Confucius and Mencius, commend him at the door of the very famous Confucian scholars, and when passing by their house, get out of the car and walk to show respect to him?"

With a big mouthful of rice in his mouth, Liu Bang shook his head. When he saw many Confucian scholars, it was already the greatest restraint to hold back his face.

Also commended?
Seeing Liu Bang's true thoughts, Zhang Liang said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "This is the fourth reason why the descendants of the Six Kingdoms cannot be entrusted!"

"After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he abandoned his chariots and changed them into vehicles for carrying people. He piled up all the weapons of war upside down, covered them with tiger skins, and told people all over the world that they would never fight again. Today Can my king give up force, advocate civil rule, and stop fighting?"

Liu Bang nodded first, then shook his head again.

He can put the sword and gun in the warehouse, and put the horse on Nanshan, but what about Xiang Yu, can he cut off his own head, tie it with a bow and send it over?

Zhang Liang continued: "This is the sixth reason why the descendants of the Six Kingdoms cannot be entrusted!"

"King Wu of Zhou once put the cattle transporting grain and grass to the north of the Taolin Fortress to graze, in order to show that he no longer needs to transport and store military grain. Now His Majesty can graze cattle and no longer use them to transport and store grain and grass ?"

After understanding the thoughts in Liu Bang's eyes, Zhang Liang pulled out a bamboo slip again: "This is the seventh reason why the descendants of the Six Kingdoms cannot be entrusted!"

"Wanderers in the world are far away from their relatives, from the resting place of their ancestors, bid farewell to their elders in their hometown, and follow His Majesty to fight everywhere. What are they looking forward to day and night?"

"It is to make meritorious deeds, and to be able to obtain the title and land that can be passed on to future generations!"

"Now my king re-entrusts the descendants of the six countries, and establishes the descendants of Han, Wei, Yan, Zhao, Qi, and Chu as princes and kings. All the wanderers in the world go back to serve their monarchs and reunite with their long-lost relatives. Who will my king be with? To take over the world?"

"This is the eighth reason why the descendants of the six countries cannot be entrusted!"

"Besides, the current state of Chu is majestic in the east, and the Chu army is the most powerful in the world. Even if my king entrusts the descendants of the six countries as kings, I'm afraid they will submit to Xiang Ji instead of my king!"

"That's why I said, this is why my king did this, and all the great things were ruined!"

"So, please ask me, Wang San, to think twice!"

Liu Bang spat out the rice that he had chewed in his mouth: "Don't think twice, this Confucianism almost ruined Naigong's great event!"

Just as he was about to have someone chase Li Shiqi back, Chen Ping's figure appeared at the door.

After he nodded to Zhang Liang who was in the room, he immediately saluted Liu Bang and asked, "I heard that Your Majesty wants to make the survivors of the Six Kingdoms king?"

Liu Bang smiled and said: "As expected of you, the news is well-informed! But before you, Zifang has successfully persuaded me to give up this idea!"

Chen Ping looked at Zhang Liang the same way, and both of them felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Liu Bang went on to say: "You came just in time, you and Zifang together, give me a good plan, what should I do next?"

After he finished speaking, he called Wei Wuzhi to remove the food from the table.

Compared with Zhang Liang who was his friend and brother, Chen Ping was his courtier, so the way he got along with his courtiers was naturally different from Zhang Liang.

After sitting down, Chen Ping looked at Liu Bang and said, "I know King Xiang well."

"He seems to be respectful and loving to people, so many scholars who don't know him, mostly choose to join him. But when it comes to rewarding meritorious deeds and conferring titles, he is very stingy, and those scholars don't like it. Sincerely loyal."

"Although the king is arrogant in his words and deeds and does not pay attention to etiquette, the honest and loyal people are unwilling to submit. But he is willing to reward those who have made meritorious deeds with official titles and food. Therefore, shameless people like ministers who disregard integrity and covet fame and fortune just wait and see. Come……"

Liu Bang froze suddenly, then burst out laughing.

As far as hurting people, they are the best at scholars!

Chen Ping's words scolded both Xiang Yu and him, but it made people feel angry.

"If the king can get rid of the shortcomings of both sides, it will be easy to take over the world. But this is obviously impossible."

Chen Ping smiled and continued:
"But the Chu army has weaknesses other than King Xiang. That is, only Fan Zeng, Zhong Limei, Long Qi, and Zhou Yin are worthy of great use. If the king is willing to use tens of thousands of gold to implement countermeasures, then the minister has Grasp it, you can make the Chu army out of morality, and the monarch and ministers will be suspicious of each other..."

"Tens of thousands? Gold?"

Liu Bang hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, "Okay, is forty thousand gold enough?"

ps: The interest is paid off and the principal is still owed.In order not to cut Dior, try to ing...

(End of this chapter)

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