Destiny Only Han

Chapter 245 Lu Wan: Plotting on Me!

Chapter 245 Lu Wan: Plotting on Me!

Xiuwu County, Han Xinzhong Army Shogunate.

This is a shabby room, but there is no noise, only because it is filled with the howling sound of punching and drinking.

Peng Yue is a rough man, he was born in a water bandit, so to entertain him, he naturally doesn't need any bright dance and music, just good wine and meat, and a good drink together.

Liu Ying huddled in a corner, digging a bowl of jam smoothie with a small spoon, looked around with vigilant eyes from time to time, and was ready to run away at any time.

There was no other reason, Liu Bang, who was already drunk in the main seat, still looked for him with his dark eyes from time to time.

Liu Bang doesn't hold grudges, because usually when there is a grudge, he avenges it on the spot.

When Liu Ying was about to catch her sight, she nimbly hid behind Fan Kuai, using the opponent's broad shoulders to cover Liu Bang's sight.

After today, he planned to go back to Guanzhong to stay for a few days to avoid the limelight, and then return to Hebei from Guanzhong when Liu Bang returned to the Xingyang battlefield.

Anyway, it's still July, and there is still some time before the autumn grains are ready for storage.

Troops and horses move ahead without food and forage.

Except for the crazy Xiang Yu, everyone usually fights after they have stored enough food.

Especially Han Xin, the more the better.

When he is fighting, he likes more people to fight with fewer people, so the demand for food and grass is also the more the better.

In this era when drones and other instant communication and reconnaissance methods did not appear, a general's control over the battlefield is usually only visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, Han Xin, who has the perspective of God in his mind, is worthy of the name of a soldier.

And after a few more decades, there will be another hooker who will be born out of nowhere.

Huo Qubing.

If Han Xin has an electronic sand table, then Huo Qubing can be said to have a Beidou navigation system.

In the vast grassland, fighting deep into the enemy's territory is like entering no man's land. Not to mention the victories of Lien Chan, the important thing is that the road he walked is enough to get lost and kill a hundred Li Guang...

Well, in fact, Zhang Qian, who hollowed out the Western Regions, also lost his way when he led the army northward to attack the Huns...

Therefore, this is why Liu Ying recruited a large number of Hu Qi to serve him.

Not only because the other party has learned to ride horses since he was a child, and his riding skills are superb, but most importantly, for a farmer in the inland, the vast grassland is actually similar, except that he can use the sun to distinguish the north, south, east, and west. The road in the wild grass is really powerless.

But the herdsmen who were born and raised here are different.

The road sign they used to identify the road may be a dead tree, or it may be a half-buried skeleton of a cow and horse in the soil.

These hidden things, without their explanation, others would have no way of knowing.

After drinking for three rounds, the Chinese military shogunate began to discuss military affairs.

Although everyone is a little drunk, but for the early Han regime like the grass-roots team, this is just a normal discussion.

Although Peng Yue looked drunk, his eyes were shining brightly, it was obvious that he was just pretending to be drunk.

He has not forgotten the real purpose of crossing the north this time.

Ask for help.

Therefore, the next battle plan of the Han army is particularly important to him.

On the main position, Liu Bang still insisted on his own ideas.

Soldiers leave Xingyang, and fight Xiang Yu to the death!


He has been suppressed and beaten by Xiang Yu these days, and he has long held back his anger.

Now that [-] elites are in hand, it's time to show their real skills!

As long as there is a cephalosporin... Liu Ying curled her lips in disdain, but pulled Fan Kui's clothes forcefully, making him sit up straight, and covering Liu Bang's sight for herself.

Liu Ying's disdain is actually very understandable. Liu Bang in history has already proved with his actual actions that when he faced Xiang Yu, he had insufficient offense and sufficient defense.

So taking the initiative to attack is undoubtedly another act of giving away the head.

It's a pity that Han Xin, who was able to stop him, was drunk by Liu Bang early at the moment, sitting behind the table, giggling from time to time...

Well, Han Xin's wine is very good, unlike Cao Shen who will go crazy after being drunk, but being stared at by him and laughing all the time makes people feel even more creepy...

Langzhong Zheng Zhong, who was serving the generals, hesitated for a long time in silence, and finally couldn't help but express his thoughts.

"Your Majesty's tactics, I dare not agree!"

The so-called Langzhong and doctor refer to doctors later, but in this era, they refer to officials.

Especially Langzhong, which is a subordinate official of Langzhong Ling, one of the nine ministers.

Langzhong is a variant of "corridor". During the Qin Dynasty, warriors with halberds were not allowed in the palace, so Lang Guan, who was in charge of the emperor's personal guard, could only stand in the corridor outside the palace with a halberd.

So when he heard Zheng Zhong's words, Liu Bang was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't hold back.

How could such a small official dare not agree with his king?

Is this boring?

But Liu Bang is Liu Bang. Although he was a little annoyed, he still didn't get angry. He just asked impatiently, "Do you have any brilliant ideas? Let me hear them!"

Zheng Zhong stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and said: "Although my king was victorious before, it is because Xiang Yu is no longer there and there is no general in the Chu army."

"If my king's army presses up, then Xiang Yu will definitely fight. What are my chances of winning, my king Zichen?"

Liu Bang stretched out his hand lazily: "Seventy percent."

Zheng Zhong saluted again and said: "With a [-]% chance of winning, it is necessary to make a big gamble with tens of thousands of troops. This is an unwise move, and it is also the reason why I dare not agree!"

He looked at Liu Bang who was angry again and said: "Besides, at this moment, my king has embraced Bashu and Guanzhong, controlled Yanzhao in the north, Lu State in the south, and Jiujiang State in the south, forming a three-sided encirclement of Xiang Yu. Western Chu perished, It’s just a matter of time.”

"The decisive battle is what Xiang Yu is looking forward to the most, why should my king be in a hurry?"

After Zheng Zhong finished speaking, he bowed his hands again.

In the room, except for Han Xin's untimely hey hey hey hey, there was no sound, and everyone was thinking about Zheng Zhong's words.

Yes, it should be Xiang Yu who is anxious, why should we be anxious.

The population is larger than him, and the territory is larger than him. As long as it drags on, victory must belong to Han!

Liu Bang nodded slightly, the anger caused by being contradicted disappeared, and asked with a smile: "In your opinion, what should I do?"

Zheng Zhong replied: "Naturally, we will carry out the previous plan and order the generals to attack. In this way, Xiang Yu will be surrounded on all sides. As for my king, after returning to Xingyang this time, don't fight with high fortifications and deep moats. Watch the monkeys and crown him. People will perish!"

Well, the fact that Xiang Yu was said to be crowned with a monkey that day was already well-known under Liu Bang's deliberate arrangement...

Perhaps, this is another reason for Xiang Yu and him to fight to the end...

Liu Bang nodded, looked around at the generals, and asked, "What do you think about this?"

In fact, it was useless for him to ask. These guys with brains full of muscles, apart from fighting on the battlefield, don't think about things such as making plans and strategizing.

So, they said that they sat and watched...

When Liu Bang looked around, he suddenly saw behind Fan Kui who was nodding his head like a chicken pecking rice, raising a small hand.

Liu Ying's little hand.

Little bastard, I found you... Liu Bangwei gritted his back molars, gripped the scabbard, and prepared to avenge the embarrassment he had suffered at the ferry.

Lu Wan, who was sitting beside him, said with a smile, "Could it be that the Qilinzi of the Han Kingdom has unique insights?"

Qilinzi was a gimmick used by Lu Zhi to brag about Liu Ying at a certain family banquet.

As we all know, Liu Ying is a mother boy...

Liu Ying poked her head out from behind Fan Kui slowly, and said with a smile: "I don't have any unique insights, but I do have some immature ideas."

Liu Bang suppressed his anger and nodded: "Say, if Naigong thinks it's good, today's beating will be avoided..."

All of a sudden, the whole room roared with laughter.

These days, they have seen this kind of scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety many times.

Before they knew it, their relationship with Liu Bang seemed to be much more harmonious.

After all, who doesn't have a resentful son!
Invisible, Liu Ying rolled her eyes slightly, and said with her whole body: "My idea is that it should not be a simple fight against high forts and deep abysses, but should be based on this and take the initiative to attack."

Liu Bang was stunned: "Go out and attack, how to take the initiative to attack?"

Liu Ying looked at Peng Yue and praised:
"Naturally, just as Prime Minister Liang did before, go deep into the hinterland of Western Chu for guerrilla warfare, burn their granaries, plunder their official warehouses, kill or force their peasants and other petty officials to surrender, destroy their grassroots organizations, and make There is no one available in Xichu."

"In this way, the demise of Chu State will be accelerated!"

Well, take it easy.

After Liu Ying finished speaking, the room was filled with silence, and a needle could be heard falling.

The Qilinzi of the Han Dynasty really lived up to its reputation!

However, no one volunteered for such a strategy.

After all, Liu Ying's strategy is good or bad, but it is undoubtedly a tiger's mouth.

Don't you see, Peng Yue, who captured Xiapi, is panicking like a bereaved dog at this moment!
Lu Wan, who was sitting beside Liu Bang, suddenly felt that Liu Ying's eyes were not right, and the alarm bells rang in her heart. This little bastard, could she be planning to let herself do this?

However, there are still some small excitements to think about!
The heartland of Xichu is Sishui County where Pengcheng is located, and there is the hometown where Lu Wan has lived for decades!

Speaking of his familiarity with the local customs and customs, it is no exaggeration to say that he, the Taiwei of the Han Dynasty, is eight roads away from the overlord of Western Chu!
Gradually, everyone's eyes followed Liu Ying's and all focused on Lu Wan.

Lu Wan spread her hands and said with a smile: "It seems that I am the only one!"

In the corner, Liu Jia, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly said, "There's me!"

When it comes to his familiarity with Sishui County, he is not at all inferior.

Liu Bang laughed loudly: "Okay, it's just you two! I'll divide 3 troops here, and you will join Peng Yue's [-] troops to fight in depth together!"

Liu Ying also echoed, "I will offer five thousand Yan Zhao Feiqi, and two thousand Huqi..."

In an instant, Liu Bang became sour.

The Langzhong cavalry he had worked so hard to build had just exceeded [-] cavalry, and now if Liu Ying made a casual move, there were [-] cavalry!
People are more mad than people!
(End of this chapter)

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