Destiny Only Han

Chapter 266 Liu Ying: Lao Lai has a good time......

Chapter 266 Liu Ying: Lai Lai's momentary pleasure...

In the hall, seeing that Liu Bang had no intention of refusing, Lu Shizhi slowly approached him and read the secret letter written by Liu Ying.

"What an unfamiliar wolf cub..."

Lu Shizhi watched, with an indignant expression on his face.

This matter, even if he is not related to Liu Bang, he will still make the same evaluation.

Liu Bang nodded in agreement, and greeted Han Xin's female relatives with Lu Shizhi in Peixian's rural slang from time to time.

Lu Zhi on the side frowned, she didn't mind Lu Shizhi and Liu Bang swearing, after all, sometimes, she said more swearing than this...

What Lu Zhi minded was that the two of them spoke too loudly, which disturbed the atmosphere of reading the letters of wandering children with a loving mother's heart.

So she rolled her eyes at one of Liu Bang and Lu Shi, stuffed the letter into her sleeve, and hired Tingting to turn around and leave.

She was going to divide up the special products of Qi State sent back by Liu Ying first, and then go back to her bedroom to read the letter quietly.

After Lu Pheasant had gone far away, Lu Shizhi moaned in a voice as low as a mosquito's, "It's just that women and villains are difficult to raise. If they are close, they will not be inferior, and if they are far away, they will complain..."

Liu Bang nodded approvingly. This was one of the few moments when he expressed his approval to Confucius.

Lu Shizhi reconfirmed that Lu Zhi didn't hear it, and then he looked at Liu Bang and asked, "What do you think about Han Xin?"

Liu Bang sneered and said one word: "Drag."

In fact, in his heart, he didn't want to completely tear himself apart with Han Xin. This was not only because Han Xin was indeed a rare general, but also because Liu Bang was a knight-errant who paid attention to revenge.

I think it is because Han Xin has made a lot of contributions to the Han Dynasty in the past few years.

So, endure.

Lu Shizhi thought for a while, maybe it would be a good idea to procrastinate until Han Xin himself felt something was wrong, and then confess his mistake to Liu Bang.

So he looked at Liu Bang and asked again: "How should Liu Ying reply?"

Liu Bang thought for a while, took a piece of bamboo paper, and wrote three big characters on it.


After finishing writing, he put down the brush and began to wait for the ink to dry naturally.

Lu Shi looked puzzled: "That's it?"

Liu Bang nodded: "That's it."

He wanted to see if Liu Ying could solve this matter with the privilege he had given him.

If you can, it is naturally very good.

If not, it is actually reasonable. After all, Liu Ying is still young and does not have much prestige in the army.

Then, it's time for him, this old man, to make a move.


Jiaodong County, Wei County.

After two full days of lead clouds hanging low, the heavy snow finally fell.

Snowflakes flutter, the north wind blows.

The slightly salty, slightly humid and slightly cold sea breeze blows from the tumbling sea in the distance.

In the leeward hills near the seashore, in the rows of temporary wooden houses, it is warm as spring, and there are endless laughter.

This is where the senior generals of the Han army gather.

When Liu Ying first found this place, she learned from the nearby villagers that there is a hot spring flowing here all year round.

Golden hot springs!
Well, in fact, the yellowish one looks very disgusting...

Although Liu Ying didn't know whether this kind of hot spring was as mysterious as the legends of later generations, but one thing he knew was that if the camp was set up near the hot spring, at least on this cold winter night, there would be hot springs to soak in every day!
So under the staking, more than 1 mu of barren land and Susukida were all in the bag!
Liu Ying plans to wait two years to build a hot spring on the basis of this hot spring.

In winter, come here to eat seafood, soak in hot springs, and climb Mount Tai by the way...

Gourmet juice!
In the wooden house, Liu Ying, with a cat waist, used the steps given to him by Chongda before, to avoid Cao Shen's bear hug, and took advantage of the opportunity to trip the opponent...

However, Cao Shen wasn't angry either. To be precise, he was drunk now, his consciousness was close to fragmentation, and he didn't even know who beat him.

The battle of attacking Qi was a complete victory. Presumably, the orders of these generals will come from Guanzhong soon.

But only Liu Ying knew that they were destined to wait a long time for such good news.

Liu Bang will not, as usual, quickly commend the soldiers who have made meritorious service in the battle of attacking Qi.

This was not because of Liu Ying's small report, but the moment Han Xin handed over the request for the title of king, the Han army in Qidi, in Liu Bang's heart, had all become traitors!
Even Cao Shen Guanying, a general who has followed Liu Bang for a long time, is no exception.

After all, Han Xin's actions, without the perspective of God, it is hard not to be understood as a collective action of the army attacking Qi.

So, traitor, still want the title?

Go dream!

Liu Ying walked out of the small room, returned to her bedroom, carried a small bamboo basket, and prepared to go to the hot spring.

Taking a bath and scrubbing his back, and then going to bed while it was still warm, was his whole plan for tonight.

Unfortunately, plans can never keep up with changes.

Outside the door, Han Tan walked in and whispered, "Tian Chang is here, I must see you..."

Liu Ying turned her head, he had an impression of Tian Chang, he was a talker of the Yeyi Tian family, and Liu Ying actually had a premonition in her heart about the matter of him chasing from Yeyi to Weixian.

"He wants to see me, do I want to see him? Nope!"

Liu Ying continued to pack the things needed to take a bath, and continued without raising her head: "Just say I'm not here, let him look elsewhere..."

Han Tan nodded, turned and left.

Zhang Buyi, who came from Hedong to escort the salt, was puzzled after seeing this scene all the way. This did not fit Liu Ying's personality of a virtuous corporal in the past.

So he dragged Liu Ying and asked, "Who is Tian Chang? Why are you avoiding him? And lying?"

Liu Ying smiled awkwardly and said, "Because I owe money..."

Zhang Buyi couldn't laugh or cry: "No, you owe him money? You still owe money?"

He recalled that he arrived in Qi State with the salt this time, as well as carts of grain and a huge amount of recently minted five baht coins.

Liu Ying shook her head invisibly, and continued to smile and said, "Actually, it's not that I owe money, it's just that our perception of money is different, so he feels that he has lost money..."

Zhang Buyi asked, "What do you mean?"

Liu Ying stood on her tiptoes and walked towards the hot spring with her arms around his neck: "Come on, little beauty, take care of the uncle first, and then I will talk to you..."

Zhang Buyi: ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮( ̄▽ ̄///)
In the natural hot spring, Liu Ying jumped a few times in the shallow water, leaned two feet away from Zhang Buyi and said:

"Before I made a deal with Yeyi Tian's, because the price was very high and my reputation was good, so they agreed to deliver the goods first and then pay..."

The goods he was talking about were the hundreds of thousands of acres of wasteland used as shipyards and the slaves who dig gold mines.

Zhang Buyi nodded to express his approval. Compared with paying money and delivering goods, this transaction method was first proposed by Liu Ying. When dealing with private salt dealers, it was generally done in this way.

But at that time, the private salt dealers paid the money first, and then they delivered the goods...

Liu Ying spread her hands and continued, "Maybe it was because the soldiers were too panicked at that time, so I forgot to tell them that the payment for the goods I mentioned was to pay with five baht, not Qi's knives... "

"As you know, after Tian Dan returned to the country, Qi State, like Chu State, banned Qin State's legal half tael and replaced it with its own previous currency."

"So when I reached a verbal agreement with them, when I said ten coins per mu in the barren beach, I meant five baht coins, but what they thought was Qi Guo's sword coins..."

"Hiss..." Zhang Buyi gasped: "Qi country sword coins, they really dare to think about it!"

Well, although there are many types of knife coins in Qi State, the general length is about [-] centimeters, and the weight is generally more than [-] grams.

And the Han five baht, as the name suggests, is only five baht and weighs about four grams...

Liu Ying nodded approvingly: "That's right, if the settlement is made with knives and coins, it means that I will pay ten times more. They don't really think that their shabby place is worth a hundred dollars per mu, do they?"

Well, in fact, when Liu Ying first concluded the deal with the Yeyi Tian family, she pretended to be confused.

The reason is to trick him...

However, the posture of the victim must be maintained.

Zhang Buyi said angrily: "If he keeps getting entangled, he might as well not give me the ten dollars and one mu..."

Liu Ying interrupted: "I have already prepared all the shipbuilders, and breaking the contract must never be done!"

Zhang Buyi looked murderous: "Who said that the land should be returned to them? Anyway, Qi State has already been defeated. If he doesn't know what is good or bad, he will simply destroy them without paying a single copper coin, and will also take their land. Take away all the land and money!"

"Fuck, you're a bandit!" Liu Ying squinted at Zhang Busu, her face full of horror.

He remembered that in the past, Zhang Buyi was very gentle and refined, but why did he become like this now...

Zhang Buyi scratched the back of his head with embarrassment on his face: "When I was in Hedong, because of many problems in Yanchi, I had to deal with the local tyrants... These guys are like the stones in the hut, smelly and hard... "

"So, I crossed the river and asked Marquis Linwu to help me...Well, I said that I learned from Marquis Linwu, do you believe me?"

Marquis of Linwu is Fan Kuai's title.

Liu Ying nodded heavily: "I believe it!"

But he then smiled and said: "The situation in Qi is more complicated than that in Hedong. The Tian family has been intertwined for hundreds of years. At this time, they are just dormant and watching. Violent suppression is not advisable."

"Besides, our biggest enemy now is Xiang Yu from the west. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Tian family will still focus on wooing."

Zhang Buyi nodded. He had heard from Zhang Liang about the affairs of Qi State. deep.

So he looked at Liu Ying and asked, "Then, what are you going to do about Tian Changlai's bill?"

(End of this chapter)

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