Destiny Only Han

Chapter 272 Watching the Son and Knowing the Father

Chapter 272 Watching the Son and Knowing the Father
"nice shot!"

Liu Ying stood up suddenly, and in her raised hands, two hollow bamboo poles kept knocking together, making a bang bang bang bang sound.

Around the stands, thousands of people also waved the bamboo poles in their hands, cheering loudly.

In the audience, because it was the final, the two teams with the same surname played very cautiously.

Liu Ying's cheer just now was the only goal of the game when the Juxian Tian's team scored near the end of the first half.

The whistle sounded and the first half came to an end.

The cheerleaders with white waists appeared again, detonating a larger-scale shout than before.

No matter what year, LSPs are everywhere...

Liu Ying lay back on the sofa, drinking hot tea contentedly, soothing her smoky throat.

This was the last bag of tea leaves he brought out from Guanzhong, but he didn't care about it, because at this time the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, and tea before the rain and tea before tomorrow would come out one after another.

After Lu Zhi promoted it among her Guanzhong sisters Taozhong, the trend of drinking tea has spread in Guanzhong.

Many Lu pheasants opened tea shops in the market through the palace servants. There were all kinds of high, medium and low-grade tea, and there was an endless stream of customers.

In this regard, Liu Ying did two things.

The first one is naturally to expand the area of ​​tea gardens in Hanzhong.

In the letter written by Lu Zhi, he ostentatiously said that many businessmen outside the Great Wall bought the lowest-grade tea cakes from tea shops one by one, and sold them to the Huns in the north and the Hu people in the Western Regions.

Therefore, the jade road will soon become the silk and tea road.

The second thing Liu Ying did was to ask someone to open a shop selling porcelain and high-end tea sets opposite the tea shop.

Unlike Lu Zhi's frugality, the store opened by Liu Ying only sells expensive ones, not the right ones...

Tea cups are as thin as a cicada's wings, but they are also more expensive than gold and jade.

Well, on the box used for packaging, there is indeed a small logo inlaid with gold and jade.

Although Lu Zhi was very sarcastic about this at the beginning, but at the end of the month, Liu Ying hit her in the face with a yellow gold ingot...

The net profit of a tea set shop is almost equal to the turnover of the opposite tea shop.

Under the current economic conditions of the Han state that did not rely on foreign trade at all, the economic depression in the early Han Dynasty was not because everyone had no money, but because the rich dared not spend it.

Or rather, they can't find a place to spend it in large quantities.

Good wine, good meat, silk and satin, they can rely on their own manor to achieve self-sufficiency.

What Liu Ying has to do is to help them open their eyes and let them see that there are still a lot of interesting and beautiful new things in this world that they don't know about and are worth consuming.

Money flowed from the hands of these old rich people to Liu Ying's hands, and then flowed into the hands of countless ordinary people who provided support for this business empire.

In this way, the internal economic cycle is opened up.

This is also the reason why Liu Ying frequently operated in secret before, causing these bad gamblers to lose all their money, and then went to work to pay off their debts.

To be rich, build roads first.

Whether it is business or trade, or waiting until this year's autumn harvest to complete the encirclement of Xiang Yu from east to west, a well-developed road network is needed to transport grain and grass materials.

Yes, the battle to destroy Chu will officially begin in the autumn of five months later.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Xiang Yu.

Unlike Liu Ying who was lying on the sofa chair and sentenced Xiang Yu to death with a reprieve, the people in Qidi in the distant stands no longer rejected Han.

Many elderly people from Qi kept whispering that they were back, and they all came back...

They vaguely remembered when they were teenagers, Qi State had not yet been defeated by Qin State at that time, so the people of Qi played the lute and played the sheng and played the six games.

The scene in front of them gradually coincided with their memories.

Except, the scale was not so big back then, and the state of Qi was gone...

But in fact, for civilians like them, it doesn't matter.

After all, whether it is Qi, Qin, or the current Han, their identities are the ruled, not the rulers.

Therefore, this is also the reason why when Xiang Yu attacked Qi, the Qi people in Pingyuan killed Qi Wang Tianrong and asked to surrender.

In the civil war in Zhuxia, the most important thing is to live your own life well.

But those young people from Qi didn't have so many thoughts. At this moment, they were full of Liu Ying's curiosity.

At such a young age, he actually knows so many strange ways to play.

I like!
People say like-minded, so playing together like this is actually like-minded.

The eyes of the crowd are discerning, and Liu Ying's behavior of shouting, cheering for the goal, and scolding for the stinky ball has actually caught everyone's eyes.

Watching the son know the father, the son is like this, and the father should be like this too.

Liu Bang can deal with this person!

The sharp whistle sounded, and Liu Ying jumped up, rushed to the edge of the railing, and continued to shout loudly.

To be honest, as a modern person who was once surrounded by various entertainment activities, the boring life of the past few years has already made him feel a little bit broken.

Cuju competition is not only to buy people's hearts, but also a kind of reward for oneself.

At this moment, he didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to completely let himself go amidst the deafening cheers.

When the sun slanted slightly, the game officially ended.

On the Cuju field, the Tian family from Juxian embraced together, enjoying the cheers of the audience.

Even those who lost money were blushing and incoherent at the moment.

In order to win the final victory, the Tian family of Ju County seriously injured three people in this Cuju competition, one of them died after rescue failed, and two of them were also left with permanent disabilities.

Of the remaining people, almost everyone was wounded.

But even in this situation, they fought tenaciously to the end, defeating the Yeyi Tian clan who was very popular to win the championship.

After a while, under the watchful eyes of the spectators who wanted to leave but came back after being persuaded that the game was not over, a small wooden platform was quickly set up.

The more than 20 players of Juxian Tian's team are lined up according to height.

Immediately, amidst the sudden high-pitched music, Liu Ying, who had changed her clothes again, walked slowly to their side.

At this time, Liu Ying was wearing a deep black silk dress with a red skirt, solemn and generous, with knee coverings and jade pendants.

Behind him, Zhang Busu held a wooden tray with a huge trophy on it.

A trophy of pure gold!
This is an exclusive item created by Liu Ying for the champion. It is two feet high and weighs nearly nine kilograms. It is modeled on the style of the trophy in later generations, but coiled around the trophy are two Suzakus flying high.

Since it is called the Dafeng Cup, there must be elements of this kind of bird.

As a result, the Cuju field boiled again.

If they were cheering for the honor of the champion before, then at this moment, they were admiring for the prize of the champion.

Liu Ying had promised before that the champion would get a reward of 100 million dollars, but the value of this trophy at this moment is actually not less than a million dollars!

But Liu Ying did the math, and he wasn't actually at a loss.

The income from selling tickets these days has actually earned back the championship rewards that do not include trophies, and a considerable part of it is used to offset the cost of building the Cuju field.

And if this kind of Cuju competition is held every two or three years, it will soon be equivalent to earning a large sports field for nothing.

What makes Liu Ying a little regretful is that this Cuju competition is only the only sponsor of the Donghai Branch of Dahan Salt Industry...

However, there was nothing to be done. After all, Qidi was stable at this time, but Ludi and Liangdi next door were still in turmoil, and there were no big merchants at all.

And at this time, people are still completely unfamiliar with advertising.

But after this time, the number of sponsors will gradually increase.

When Liu Ying presented the award to the winner and the people of Qi cheered, Xiang Yu was immersed in sadness in the camp of the Chu army far east of Xingyang.

The dragon is dead, the item is dead...

When people are always lost, they will have endless memories of the lost things.

At this time, Xiang Yu's mind was full of Xiang It's snotty face following him and Long Qie, playing in the fields.

Although they are uncles, nephews and friends, they are more like brothers!

The revenge of killing my brother is not mortal!

But at this moment, Xiang Yu knew that he could only endure.

Although Liu Bang in the west was shrunk in the tortoise shell, he was about to move, ready to pounce on him and bite himself hard at any time.

In the south, there is also Yingbu who hates himself to the bone.

Today, Yingbo has completely returned to the Jiujiang Kingdom, and is constantly attacking the city and conquering the territory, trying to restore the country!
As for the Lieutenant Gong on the other side, after being beaten up by the more experienced Lu Ze, he shrank back and closed himself to protect himself. There will be.

But it was Lu Wan and Liu Jia who annoyed Xiang Yu the most.

After the Battle of the White Horse, Lu Wan, Liu Jia, Peng Yue, and Liu Jia were divided into three groups and fled in the interior of Chu State. Although they could not take down many well-defended fortified cities, some small towns and counties fell upon hearing the news!

This group of fly-like guys, but as cunning as foxes, often disappeared again when he secretly led the troops to attack, as if they smelled danger.

As soon as Xiang Yu walked away, he could hear the news that a certain official warehouse was looted by Lu Wan and others again!

I'm so bored!
So at this moment, Xiang Yu made a decision in his heart that he couldn't afford the dragon.

Recruit Han Xin!

Well, Han Xin, the great general of the Han Dynasty!
And his price is the land of Qi State captured by the opponent!
Although the thought of conferring the rich land of Qi to the halberd bearer, Xiang Yu felt as uncomfortable as a small knife being cut in his heart.

But in order to alleviate the current situation, it has to be done!
I hope that Han Xin will not be ignorant of flattery!
It's just that Xiang Yu felt troubled again, and after thinking about it, he couldn't find a suitable candidate.

When Han Xin was there, he had a good relationship with Zhong Limo, but Xiang Yu always had doubts about Zhong Limo's loyalty, so he would never send him as an envoy to Han Xin.

Then, only one person is relatively suitable.

A native of Xutai, Wu She.

(End of this chapter)

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