Destiny Only Han

Chapter 275 Strong Self-management Awareness

Chapter 275 Strong Self-management Awareness

Jiaodong County, Yeyi Gold Mine.

At the gate, two war drums borrowed from nowhere were beating loudly.

The miners and guards, who had washed themselves in advance, put on their most decent clothes and lined up neatly on both sides of the road.

Today is the day when Liu Ying and some senior generals of the Han army come here to inspect.

Large chunks of pure gold are not only auspicious for gold mines, but also a good omen for the nascent Han Kingdom.

After all, gold mines are buried underground.

Jiang’s surname was not found when Qi State was there, Tian’s surname was not found when Qi State was there, and Qin State was also not found when Qi State was there. Later, Qi State was restored, Chu State attacked, and Qi State was restored again.

And as soon as Han came, within a few months, he found such a big piece of bull's head gold!

In the superstitious thinking of the ancients, this is the destiny!

There is no doubt that Liu Ying, who bought a large piece of seemingly wasteland at an ultra-low price, but actually buried gold mines, is the son of destiny!

On the way Liu Ying came from Linzi, from time to time, after he left, people in the countryside dug a little soil from the place where his wheels ran over and buried them in their courtyards.

Not for anything else, just to be happy.

It's just that their behavior was quickly stopped.

The reason is simple, they are wasting other people's efforts.

The gang of rotten gamblers who lost their bets before worked to pay off their debts, and they built this road...

It was hard to tamp the road, but now it is full of potholes!

Who can bear this?
Around nine or ten o'clock in the morning, the convoy led by Liu Ying arrived at the gold mine.

Han Xin looked around, but did not find the bull head gold that had been rumored before.

Seeing Han Xin's doubts, Liu Ying stepped down from the carriage and said, "Don't look for it, I have sent the bull head gold to the exhibition!"

Han Xin frowned and asked, "Exhibition? What do you mean?"

He neither understood the meaning of the two words "exhibited", nor did he understand why there was no trace of Niu Tau Jin here.

To be honest, although Han Xin is now the king of Qi and has accumulated a lot of wealth in his hands, he has never encountered such a pure natural gold nugget. This is why he left a lot of military and political affairs and went to the gold mine reason for coming.

Liu Ying said without turning her head: "Just to let everyone see how lucky people can be!"

Well, it's like a lottery shop in later generations, there will always be a small blackboard hanging outside the door, on which it is written how many bets and large prizes have been paid out by this site.

If Liu Ying wants to make the gold mine work quickly, he needs a large number of gold diggers.

Showing the bull's head gold, and letting the slave who dug the bull's head gold show his own experience, it is easy to arouse people's desire for comparison.

A slave can dig it, so can a grandpa!
What's more, Qi has always had the benefits of fish and salt, and the business atmosphere is strong. At this time, the people of Qi are not as good as the people of Qin in Guanzhong.

Qi people value profits, so what is safer and more profitable than digging gold in this world?

Although the Chu-Han War was at its most critical moment at this time, there was no need to worry about mining gold mines, which would delay the progress of the war.

Wars have always been fought for money and food.

As Sun Tzu said, if you spend a thousand dollars a day, you will be able to raise a hundred thousand dollars.

With the two large granaries in Guanzhong, Bashu, and the Hebei Plain, the reclaimed area has recovered to more than half of the Qin State's heyday.

In this year's decisive battle with Xiang Yu, the Han army actually did not lack food.

Moreover, after Liu Ying taught people the techniques of pressing rapeseed oil and soybean oil and making tofu from soybeans during this period, the sown area of ​​soybeans and rapeseed has doubled or tripled compared to the heyday of Qin!
In particular, the increase in the sown area of ​​soybeans not only increases the intake of oil and protein for soldiers in the army or ordinary people, but also the remaining bean curds and bean dregs have become the best feed for livestock!

Fried tofu burns Osmunda, put more soybean oil...

Although it sounds miserable, the taste of tofu with oily residue is not inferior to those old cattle that have not been bred and fattened, with very little intermuscular fat, and horses that have been starved and thin due to long-term labor.

In the case of sufficient supply of tofu and soybean oil, the quantity and quality of livestock raised in Guanzhong did not drop too much.

Among other things, at least Xiao He rides in a four-wheeled carriage every day when he goes out, and the two rough horses that pull the cart are roughly the same color, size and age.

The embarrassment that the emperor couldn't pick out a horse of the same color, and officials could only travel by ox cart will no longer exist!
Liu Ying walked a few steps forward with her head held high and her chest held high. Looking at the lush green vegetable field in the distance, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

This is really a racial talent, which way to go!
If he guessed correctly, the vegetable field in the distance should be womb cabbage, that is, a certain wild father of the Chinese cabbage that people in later generations often eat...

At this time, "Songcai" and "Fengcai" do not refer to a certain vegetable, but a general term for cruciferous plants such as rapeseed, Chinese cabbage, radish, and turnip.

And the reason why it is said that wombat is a wild father of Chinese cabbage is because things like plants are actually the most unscrupulous...

Just because two plants that don't look much alike are planted together, the crystallization of love cannot be prevented.

Chinese cabbage is produced in such a muddle...

At the earliest time, Fencai and Chinese cabbage were hybridized to produce tripe cabbage, which later evolved into loose-leaf Chinese cabbage and yellow sprouts, and then evolved into head cabbage, and finally there were two kinds of vertical cabbage and stuffed cabbage. the most well-known species.

From the womb cabbage in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the cabbage in the late Qing Dynasty, the evolution history of thousands of years in between, it is actually impossible to find a biological parent for Chinese cabbage.

However, as a systematic man, although he couldn't find the father of the Chinese cabbage, in a certain farm in Guanzhong, the Chinese cabbage was growing vigorously, constantly spreading branches and leaves.

Liu Ying reckoned that within three to five years at most, a landscape he was familiar with would appear in Guanzhong.

Fields, small farmyards, piled full of cabbage for winter...

So he walked and prayed.

Without him, I want to eat pork stewed vermicelli!
When Liu Ying raised her head, took square steps, and nodded frequently, more than a dozen pairs of bloodshot eyes in the crowd watched Liu Ying's every move.

The gold mine is on the right track, some are happy and some are sad.

Obviously, Yeyi Tian's family was the most worried among them.

It is said that it doesn't hurt for cubs to sell their father's fields, but what they are selling is fields, not gold mines!
You must know that a certain famous family of 'pay whatever you owe' is because of the large gold mine in their territory that they have such a big tone.

When the news of the bull's head gold was dug out, the Yeyi Tian family almost regretted it!

If they could have known that there was a gold mine a year ago, Qi State would definitely not be the Qi State that anyone can bully!

If they had known that there was a gold mine half a year ago, when Han launched a surprise attack, the Qi people, encouraged by the heavy money, would have pushed them all the way back into the river to feed the fish!
But now, they can only do nothing.

Before Liu Ying came, she was worried that they would be unwilling, so she made small moves overtly and secretly.

But in fact, his worry is completely unnecessary.

Yeyi County is a large county in Jiaodong County.

The population of Jiaodong County is mostly distributed in Jimo, Gaomi in the south, and Yeyi in the north.

It sounds awesome, but in fact, the household registration in Yeyi County is less than [-]...

In order to ensure the stability of the rear when attacking Xiang Yu, Han Xin stationed [-] Han troops in Yeyi County...

If you count the troops that can be drawn from Gaomi and Jimo, the available troops in the entire Jiaodong County are more than [-]!
In this way, it is really, if you move, the family will be wiped out!
Therefore, the Yeyitian clan sent people here this time mainly to seek peace.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

The Han army has good generals, sufficient food and grass, and excellent armor. Now, coupled with the gold mines dug out, let alone the Yeyi Tian clan, even if they gather the entire Qi Guo Tian clan, they will not be the opponent of the Han army at all.

When the wind blows through, if you want to avoid being uprooted, you have to lie down on the ground and become a grass, a towering ancient tree, absolutely impossible!

When they were about to confess, all the things that they couldn't figure out because of anger before were all relieved.

They have held that piece of land for hundreds of years, but apart from the occasional cultivation, they have gained nothing.

Now that Liu Ying has dug out a gold mine, that's her fate, no matter how much she says, it's useless...

And as the Han army gradually gained a firm foothold, the Qi people have gradually accepted the smaller and lighter Han five baht as a currency in daily life.

Well, the main thing is that the exchange of the Qi country's knife currency for the Han five baht is based on the weight, which can basically be ten to one.

In other words, if the price of goods remains at the original price, all the people who participate in the currency exchange are equivalent to ten times the money in their hands!
The reason for their firm confidence is that the salt shop in Fangshi sells refined salt for 120 yuan per stone, which guarantees both quality and quantity.

After doing the calculations in this way, Yeyi Tian felt that the deal with Liu Ying was not too bad.

The price of table salt has not changed, and the price of table salt has basically been at about five to one. The price of grain has returned to stability after a short-term fluctuation.

Therefore, the price of acres of land is gradually being priced according to the five baht of the Han Dynasty.

The barren land can be sold at a high price, and it can be regarded as worthy of the ancestors...

After figuring it out, those Tian's children who visited before, under the reprimand of the leading patriarchs, put away the anger on their faces, and put on a slightly obsequious smile...

Liu Ying didn't know this at all, but he actually learned from the experience of the Red Army in later generations in terms of stable economy.

During the Long March, in order to allow the local people to accept the Red Army tickets, salt was used as an anchor to gradually allow the Red Army tickets and silver dollars to circulate on an equal footing.

Of course, unlike the CCP, when the Red Army left the local area, it used hard currencies such as gold, silver, tobacco, and salt to exchange the Red Army tickets in the hands of the people back.

Therefore, a single spark can start a prairie fire!
(End of this chapter)

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