Destiny Only Han

Chapter 310 Liu Bang: Father and Son Concentric!Liu Ying: he~tui!

Chapter 310 Liu Bang: Father and Son Concentric!Liu Ying: he~tui!

Although Liu Ying slapped her face, Lu Wan, like Liu Bang, threw her face away when she was born, so he didn't care about continuing to entangle with Liu Ying.

In fact, he didn't care about Wu Zhen, what he cared about was that it was Yu Ji who offered to give him some benefits from Liu Ying!
Well, this guy is in love now, even if Yu Ji picks up a brick and gives it to him, he can confess it as if it was Choi...

To defeat magic with magic... Liu Ying clenched her fist lightly, took a step back, raised her head and stared at Lu Wan coldly: "Don't force me to activate the great summoning technique!"

The so-called great summoning technique is naturally to find someone even more shameless to defeat Lu Wan.

Like Liu Bang...

Lu Wan looked at Yu Ji, smiled contentedly, and nodded lightly: "Are you calling?"

As the first evil in Zhongyang in the past, the reason why he is not ranked very high among the most hated people in Limin is because he is lazy, too lazy to talk to those who don't like people, too lazy to always be yin and yang like Liu Bang people.

Now that Yu Ji is behind him, he must not give up an inch of land!

But before Liu Ying could yell, the curtain of the tent behind him was lifted suddenly, and Liu Bang yawned and walked out slowly, cursing:
"It was noisy early in the morning, and Naigong was not allowed to sleep!"

Before the decisive battle with Xiang Yu, he always woke up every night, and yesterday he waited for Liu Ying at the ferry in the middle of the night, and now he finally had a chance to catch up on sleep, and was woken up again.

It's just that after he asked everything, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a bold idea also rose in his heart.

So he looked at Liu Ying and asked, "Where is the horse? Where is it now?"

Liu Ying was still immersed in the emotion of last night, no doubt he was leading Liu Bang and Lu Wan to the stable.

In the stables, two riding slaves that Liu Ying bought from the Huns traveling merchants were carefully washing and drying the hay, and checking the horses' eating conditions from time to time.

Well, cleaning the hay is because the hay will be contaminated with dust and debris, which can easily lead to germs in the horse.

As for keeping an eye on the horse's eating situation, it was because the horse was a big animal, although it looked big, but it was actually very delicate.

The stomachs of horses are relatively small and cannot be quickly accommodated and digested. Therefore, when they are in the wild or on pastures, they gnaw slowly and spend almost two-thirds of their time eating every day.

And when feeding horses, you should pay special attention to the ratio of feed. If the proportion of grains fed at one time exceeds half, it will easily cause inflammation of the horse's digestive system.

That's why many people say that if a large animal like a horse hadn't been protected by humans, it would have a high probability of being eliminated by nature...

After Liu Bang walked into the stable, he first praised the two riding slaves, and then his eyes were uncontrollably attracted by the tall horse.

Wu Zhui.

Men's love for good horses in this period is exactly the same as men's love for luxury cars in later generations.

So he looked at Lu Wan and said, "This is your fault. This horse is a trophy of my Han army. How can I give it to you privately?"

When Liu Ying felt a sense of foreboding, Liu Bang turned his head and continued: "Since it is a trophy of the Han army, it will naturally belong to the king!"

Liu Ying: he~tui!

Lu Wan: he~tui!

Yuji: ...

She thought about it, swallowed her saliva, and was not going to reward Liu Bang...

Liu Ying put her hands on her hips and said, "No one will give this horse!"

Lu Wan: "Huh?"

Liu Bang: "Huh?"

Liu Ying pointed at the horse's butt proudly and said, "Wu Zai's basket is still there, so I want to keep it as a stud male for breeding!"

"Besides, I asked someone about it. The Wuzima was sold to Chudi by a group of merchants from the Western Regions, so this is the legendary Pegasus!"


Hearing what Liu Ying said, not only Liu Bang and Lu Wan were stunned, but even Yu Ji, who had touched a black horse at close range, was also stunned.

It is recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing" that has gradually become a book during this period: [-] miles to the northeast, it is called Macheng Mountain. There are many aragonites on it, and there are many gold and jade on it. , It flies when it sees people, its name is Tianma.

Therefore, Tianma is a strange beast with a black head and a white body, shaped like a dog.

Most importantly, Pegasus can fly!

Liu Ying put her hands on her hips and continued: "The so-called Tianma does not refer to the strange monsters that no one has ever seen, but a horse like this, with the blood of a magical horse flowing in its body..."

While Liu Bang and others were stunned, he began to make up a story: "It is said that in ancient times, when the herdsmen in the far west were grazing, they accidentally found a magical horse that could ride the clouds and fog, but the magical horse was very clever and was never caught by the herdsmen. .”

"So, they thought of a way, that is to drive many mares to the grassland where the god horses live, and after mating, they will get the offspring of the god horse..."

"So, there is this kind of Pegasus horse that can travel thousands of miles a day, even though it can't fly!"

In Liu Ying's nonsense, although Liu Bang instinctively didn't believe it, he could not deny that the black horse in front of him was completely different from the horses he saw in the Central Plains in terms of size and coat color.

Therefore, the theory of the divine horse may not be credible, but it is obvious that the horse is extraordinary.

However, I still want to have it!

It's just that after he looked at Lu Wan and Yu Ji who were staring at him, he immediately chose to stand in the same trench as Liu Ying.

If Liu Ying has it, it means he has it!

The breeding cycle of a horse is only a few months a year, so it is not difficult for him to ride a majestic lap twice!
Therefore, father and son work together to cut gold, and dogs and men are naturally not rivals...


In the back camp of the Han army, where tens of thousands of prisoners of war from the Chu army were held, Yan Zechi, the false right prime minister of the Han state, Zhang Cang, the prefect of Shangdang, and Xiao Lu, the family commander of Liu Ying's crown prince, were very busy.

Although Xiang Yu was defeated and died, most of the Chu army surrendered to the Han army.

What is before them now is the conflict between the furious Guan Zhongbing wanting revenge and the desire to keep as many men as possible alive.

Water can carry a boat or capsize it.

Just as Xiang Yu had no choice but to compromise that day and allowed the coalition forces of the princes to kill the Qin army to surrender, today's Han Dynasty is also facing the same problem.

At this moment, from time to time, Han soldiers with sad and angry faces quietly walked past the fence with dark and cruel eyes.

Liu Ying, who was passing by here, accidentally saw this scene, and immediately felt relieved.

If the Han army from Shangdang from Hedong hadn't been allowed to take control of the prisoner-of-war camp in the first place, I'm afraid there would have been blood flowing here long ago!

But Liu Ying also understood that although some Han soldiers still had a hard time resenting them, most of the Guanzhong soldiers had gone through several victories, and the resentment accumulated before had dissipated a lot.

At this time, these Han soldiers wandering outside the prisoner-of-war camp were mostly grass on the wall.

If the control is loosened, they will definitely retaliate with grievances and revenge, and kill all the soldiers of the Chu army here.

But if you make a strong statement, as long as you can deter those thorns, although the grasshoppers are dissatisfied, they will stop there.

After all, under the strict Qin law in the past, these Guanzhong soldiers have become accustomed to being obedient citizens. Unless there is a situation where they are forced to do so, the government will say nothing...

Although the feudal dynasties in the later generations did not talk about Confucianism and internal law, they all adopted the Legalist theory of weak people and foolish people, constantly PUAing the people and making them docile sheep.

As for Confucianism, the big tree attracts the wind, and it is natural to take the blame...

After figuring this out, Liu Ying strode towards Yan Zechi and Zhang Cang who were standing together with their brows furrowed.

"Meet the prince!"

The two hurried forward to salute.

Liu Ying bowed her hands to return the salute, but looked slightly regretful when her eyes swept over Zhang Cang.

It was too late to start, and I didn't make such a big man with a long history as a disciple...

But Zhang Cang, with a high probability, would not become his disciple.

Yan Zechi stood up, looked at Liu Ying and asked, "What is the prince doing here?"

Liu Ying tapped those soldiers of the Chu army who were sitting quietly on the ground with her chin: "How many prisoners have you captured?"

Zhang Cang replied: "A total of 71 and [-] people, here are all people with minor injuries or no injuries, more than [-] people with serious injuries, and they will be locked up elsewhere. I am afraid that none of them will survive in the end... ..."

Compassion appeared on Liu Ying's face, but there was nothing she could do.

After all, without the support of modern medicine, let alone debridement and suture surgery, once inflammation occurs in the wound, the patient can basically be pronounced dead.

Although Liu Ying has garlic in her hands and knows how to extract allicin, the efficiency of this kind of thing is too low, even tons of garlic cannot extract much allicin.

The so-called penicillin actually comes from a moldy melon, and that peculiar mold is actually a mutated product.

With high yield and less impurities, it can be widely used in clinical practice, and the penicillin strains used for production in later generations are actually isolated from this strain.

So, it's all a matter of luck...

According to a little nurse from Song Chui, there is no knowledge blessing of the microscopic realm, and the knowledge reserve of ancient doctors is not even one-tenth of any textbook in a medical school at the technical secondary level...

So what can be done now is to wait for the literacy of the Dahan Public School, and then select the interested and talented children from among them to carry out advanced education, train relatively well-trained doctors and physicians, and establish medical laboratories.

As for now, I can only pray to God that they can survive.

As for the prisoners of war in front of her, Liu Ying had a bold idea in her heart.

He looked at Yan Zechi and asked, "I don't know how to arrange these many people?"

Yan Zechi shook his head lightly. He and Zhang Cang lingered here, but they couldn't make the best decision.

Liu Ying said with a smile: "I have a way, which is to beat all these people into slavery and sell them to me. To be precise, it is a newly established civil engineering company..."

Well, the so-called civil engineering company is specially used to undertake the government's infrastructure projects.

When there is no way to outsource the construction team, it is the best choice to train workers yourself.

Zhang Cang focused his eyes, looked straight at Liu Ying and asked, "Could it be that the prince has forgotten why Qin died?"

(End of this chapter)

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