Destiny Only Han

Chapter 313 Liu Ying: Lick to the end, everything!

Chapter 313 Liu Ying: Lick to the end, everything!
After the first snowfall, the sky is so blue, the blue is so pure, the blue is self-willed, the air is so fresh, the freshness makes people feel comfortable, and people can’t help but breathe greedily, the sun is so bright, it makes people cherish Hope, embrace warmth (Note 1).

In the Gaixia camp, the soldiers of the Chu army surrendered just like the weather at this time, the haze was swept away and the sun was shining brightly.

Although they all changed from free people to slaves, the Han officials who managed them said that after five years, they would have the right to redeem themselves.

Their owner is not the government of the Han Dynasty, but a trading company affiliated to Liu Ying, the crown prince of the Han Dynasty.

Civil engineering firm.

The Han officials who came to accept them said that their work in the next five years would be to build water conservancy roads, palaces and other infrastructure facilities.

Although it sounds bitter, they are actually not afraid of suffering.

Being locked up in a prisoner-of-war camp these days, each of them has prepared himself to be executed.

After all, they have all witnessed how their former king treated the prisoners of war.

The ants are still alive.

What's the big deal about being a slave if you can get away with it and avoid death?
Moreover, the Han official also said that after becoming slaves, they will get two shi of grain as a ration every month, and if they go out to work, they can still have twenty yuan of wages per day.

Not only that, but if the number of working days in the month is more than [-] days, there will be an extra stone of grain as a subsidy.

Those soldiers of the Chu army who had just escaped death were almost insane after hearing the conditions of being slaves...

Although it was a bit like a dream, they completely believed in everything the Han official said.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Although Liu Bang is cunning, the object of deception is the king of the same level as him. He has never used magic tricks to deceive people in the world.

Moreover, the Han official standing in front of them was none other than Xiao Lu, the family order of the Crown Prince of Han.

Although Xiao Lu himself is somewhat unknown, his father is Xiao He, the famous Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty!
So on the day when the snowfall stopped, the more than 4 laborers were immediately divided into three teams and set off to the north.

Their first job was to rebuild the Mikawa Tokaido.

This is a fast road starting from Xianyang City, passing through Huaisi in the Central Plains, and reaching the East China Sea.

If you compare it, the importance of this road at this time is somewhat similar to that of the Beijing-Guangzhou line in later generations.

If this road is completed, Qilu will be controlled in the north and Jingchu in the south, which will not only benefit the circulation of goods, but also deter the vassal states far away from Guanzhong.

Such as Yingbo, such as Peng Yue, and Han Xin...

In this regard, after a struggle with the "giant baby" Shangdang prefect Zhang Cang, the "dirty soil reincarnation" imperial historian Zhou Ke, and the "longing to become a regular" fake right prime minister Yan Zechi, Liu Ying won a complete victory.

15 billion money.

This is the final offer on this highway that runs through the empire from east to west.

Of course, pay in installments.

And not all cash payments, most of which will be deducted with food and cloth.

After all, more than 4 people need to eat, drink and wear, and these living materials are essential. .

Well, in fact, if all the roads are paved with concrete, Liu Ying doesn't earn much, less than [-]% of the profit...

After all, the quality of the cement used for road construction can be slightly inferior. Anyway, there will be no dump trucks that are more than twice as heavy on the road at this time...

Moreover, he can be regarded as the 'Millions of Waterworkers' Department, and the generals who invested in the shares also contributed a lot during the negotiation process.

This kind of behavior seems to be harmful to the public and private, but in fact Liu Bang has no objection.

After all, as Xiao Ge, a well-known flower cloth seller, said well, money is not easy to earn, nor is it easy to spend.Spend money, but also have the ability!Xiang Yu was very stingy, but he let Liu Bang sit in the world!In my opinion, Liu Bang just spread his money well...

Therefore, in the coalition army camp, there are quasi-upstarts walking briskly and smiling everywhere.

But they were happy, and Liu Ying was also happy.

In the past two days, he has received orders for thousands of four-wheeled carriages, among which the premium is three times higher, and the 'Exclusive Edition' inlaid with gold and jade accounts for almost [-]% of them...

This made Liu Ying postpone the plan to launch the 'administrative version' again.

Moreover, Liu Ying believes that when these guys return to their hometowns with wealth and wealth, their newly married wives and concubines will not be able to resist the temptation of trendy makeup mirrors and all kinds of rouge and gouache.

Not only that, he also plans to make some floor plans and models of the mansion in his spare time. The design can be given away for free, but he must be responsible for the construction team and the purchase of building materials and soft packaging materials!
It's probably like this when all the money is gone and it comes back.

When Liu Ying shuttled through the various army camps, collecting money and receiving hand cramps, the Han army was finally ready and began to attack Lu County, which Juzi refused to submit to.

As a result, on the vast plain of Huaibei, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the earth trembled.

Everywhere you can see lines of infantry that don't meet each other, as well as rangers shuttling back and forth.

Two days later, the army meandered to Pengcheng, the capital of the overlord of Western Chu. At this moment, it opened its doors to express its loyalty to the great King of Han.

It's just that Liu Bang didn't choose to stay in the Chu Palace in the city. Instead, he continued to march north and camped in Pei County, and then summoned the old Chu officials from Pengcheng.

So the dancer lady, who didn't sell herself last time, came out again this time.

In the luxurious big tent with a charcoal stove, as warm as spring, dancers with half-exposed waists with vest lines faintly visible, stepped on the ground and sang.

"Plucking the weeds and picking the weeds, the weeds also stop. Every day returns and returns, and the years don't stop. If the house is ruined and the family is ruined, it is because of the evil spirits. Not to mention the opening of the house, the reason for the evil spirits..."

"Plucking the weeds and picking the weeds, the weeds are also soft and soft. When the day returns, the heart also stops worrying. The worries are fierce, hunger and thirst. I am undecided, and the envoy returns to hire..."

This time, without the temptation of money, they can clearly know from the eyes of the audience around them that their luxurious life is about to come...

At the table on the right in the front row, Lu Ze pulled Chen Ying, who was sitting in the corner, to sit beside him.

Beside Lu Ze, Liu Ying served wine and vegetables obediently.

No way, dear uncle...

With a smiling face, Chen Ying inadvertently glanced across the crown on Lu Ze's head, and felt a sense of embarrassment for a moment.

It was also here at the beginning, when he and Lu Ze bid farewell, but at that time he was in Chu Shangzhu Kingdom, and the other party was just a county magistrate.

But now he is called Advising Doctor, but no one will listen to his advice.

Life is really unpredictable...

While Chen Ying and Lu Ze were chatting with each other, Liu Ying was quietly looking at Chen Ying who was on the other side of Lu Ze.

This guy, the old wall is sloppy!
When Xiang Liang was around, he followed Xiang Liang. When Xiang Liang died, he turned around and followed Xiong Xin. Later, Xiang Yu gained power, so he surrendered to Xiang Yu again. When Guan Ying attacked Pengcheng, Chen Ying surrendered to Han again. ...

However, the reason why Liu Ying looked at Chen Ying quietly was not because he changed families many times, but because Chen Ying had a great-granddaughter, the famous Chen Ajiao!
It's the one in Liu Xiaozhu's golden house!
So failure at this time does not mean failure forever.

Therefore, if you lick it properly, you may have unexpected gains!

So, when Liu Ying saw that Chen Ying's wine glass was empty, she stood up and prepared to refill another glass for him.

Chen Ying looked terrified: "No, no... How dare I bother the prince..."

At this time, Liu Ying is the prince of the Han Dynasty, and it is only natural to serve Lu Ze, but if you pour wine for him, an old Chu descendant, and let others see him, they will definitely say that he has no dignity!

But Liu Ying slowly shook her head and said: "In the past, when my family ran away from Pei County in a hurry, it was thanks to the admonishing doctor to give a hundred gold to avoid the embarrassment of the journey. What's the harm in just a glass of wine?"

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Chen Ying to refuse again, he reached out and held down his wine glass, and poured a full glass.

Lu Ze at the side nodded lightly to the bewildered Chen Ying, expressing that he would just take it.

The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, which was a concept advocated by people in this period.

Moreover, Liu Ying's glass of wine actually intentionally or unintentionally expressed the Han regime's acceptance of Chu's surrender.

So even if Liu Ying didn't take the initiative to stand up and pour the wine, Lu Ze would hint to him later.

Now that Liu Ying took the initiative, Lu Ze looked at Liu Ying with satisfaction.

Ruzi can be taught!

Although Chen Ying received Lu Ze's statement, so he no longer refused, but he couldn't help showing a look of sincerity and fear on his face.

Even though he is tactful and proficient in acting on the spot, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart at this moment.

Adults may cheat, but children will certainly not!

And when Liu Ying opened her mouth, it was a kindness of hundreds of dollars, and she presumably was taught by the adults around her by precept and example.

Seeing his father from his son, Liu Bangzhen is an honest elder!

Therefore, Liu Bang, who was chatting with Han Xin about the family life, couldn't help feeling a somewhat hot look in his eyes.

He looked at Chen Ying who was watching him, nodded with a slight smile, and then continued to say to Han Xin: "Shoot when it's time to do it, beautiful girls are rare no matter where they are, if you hesitate for a moment, a girl will immediately become a young woman... "

Han Xin's face was a little embarrassed, and he defended in a low voice: "Actually, she is not beautiful, it's just..."

"It's just gentle and virtuous, beautiful in heart?" Liu Bang said with some disdain:
"Girls like this are the ones that are in demand! I'm really telling you that when you left, you should have found a haystack with that girl to handle things..."

During Liu Bang's Deception, Han Xin just lowered his head and muttered silently.

Previously, he was full of thoughts on how to defeat Xiang Yu, so the longing in his heart could only be put aside.

Now that the war is over, the yearning can no longer be suppressed.

Moreover, he is now the king of Qi, commanding hundreds of thousands of troops, and destroying Chu in the first battle. He is no longer that down-and-out boy who was forced to sneak under other people's crotch!
So, when he finished his last period of work, it was time for him to return home!

A moment later, a somewhat piercing laughter suddenly mixed into the sound of silk and bamboo in the big tent.

"Hey Hey Hey……"

Note 1: Copied.How about it, be upright!
(End of this chapter)

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