Destiny Only Han

Chapter 319 Several joys and sorrows

Chapter 319 Several joys and sorrows

"Therefore, Wu Rui, the king of Hengshan Mountain, and his two sons, and his brother and son, joined the soldiers of Baiyue to assist the princes and punish the Qin Dynasty. They made great achievements, and the princes made them kings. The land that Xiang Yu invaded was called Fanjun. He used Changsha , Yuzhang, Xiangjun, Guilin, and Nanhai made Junrui the king of Changsha."

"Therefore, the king of Yue has no generations to worship Yue, and Qin invaded his land, making his society no blood to eat. The princes attacked Qin, and no one commanded the soldiers of Minzhong to help destroy Qin. land, don’t let them fail in their duties.”

When Liu Ying stuffed Zuo meat into Liu Heng's mouth to stop him from yelling, the canonization of the last two princes and kings had also been read out.

Because Zhao Tuo never expressed his surrender to the Han, the land under his name naturally belonged to Wu Rui.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Wu Rui needs to defeat Zhao Tuo...

Well, this will not actually affect the trade agreement signed by Liu Ying and Zhao Tuo.

After all, if your Nanyue Kingdom is fighting with Changsha Kingdom, it has nothing to do with a legal business group like Shangxiantang with more than 3 armed guards...

As for the Minyue king Zou Wuzhu, the reason why he was canonized as king was naturally that he made it clear to attack Xiang Yu.

Well, Minyue is roughly the coastal area south of Wenzhou in later generations of Zhejiang, as well as the entire province of Fujian.

Liu Ying said that she didn't care about it. Anyway, these are some sparsely populated wild places, and most importantly, the Han Kingdom at this stage has no ability to control them at all, so just give it.

As for the transfer of Wu Rui from Hengshan King to Changsha King, there is another advantage, that is, to separate him from Yingbu.

Although the bond between their Weng and his son-in-law has been broken, after all, the two sides had a friendship, and it is inevitable that they will not join forces to fight against the Central Committee of Han.

The last edict read out was to respect Lu Zhi as the queen, and to change Liu Ying's status as the crown prince to the crown prince, and to give Liu Bang's biological mother the title of Mrs. Zhaoling.

Yes, only madam, and no further honor.

It is better to be kind than to be kind.

It was Liu Taigong's continuation wife, Mrs. Li, who brought Liu Bang up single-handedly.

And the most important thing is that Liu Ying mentioned the title of Taishanghuang very euphemistically, but neither Liu Bang nor Taigong Liu took it seriously.

Therefore, without the Supreme Emperor, naturally there would be no Supreme Queen.

When Liu Heng ate his stomach full of cold meat and wanted to run away crying, all the enthronement ceremonies were over, and hundreds of representatives present left one after another, preparing to change out of their cumbersome and expensive auspicious clothes, and then went to the dinner together.

Liu Ying let go of Liu Heng and looked around, only to see some happy and some sad.

This canonization, as well as the princes and kings who were canonized several times before, naturally had joyful expressions on their faces.

As they said when they persuaded them to advance, the land division has been determined, and the comparison of the title, the division between the upper and lower, the works of the great king's merits, will not be announced in later generations.

In other words, if Liu Bang can't go further, they will be on the same level as Liu Bang in terms of name.

Under such circumstances, no one can sleep soundly.

So now after everyone sits in a row and eats fruit, they settle down.

And those with worried faces are naturally those generals who have made contributions but have not been rewarded in this grand ceremony.

However, they are worried, but they are not worried that their contributions will be ignored.

After all, Liu Bang was not stingy in rewarding heroes, and on such an occasion today, the canonizations were all princes from various forces, and those of them who only aimed to be a marquis did not expect to be canonized today.

But as the old saying goes, it's safe to be in your bag.

Therefore, if the reward is not awarded for a day, their hearts will not be at peace.

Not only are they anxious, but Liu Ying is also anxious.

These are all fat sheep... Bah, they are high-quality customers!

Counting the days, it was almost time for the business groups sent by Liu Ying to the Western Regions, that is, the eastern region of Xinjiang in later generations.

Jade, agate, and famous horses are all prepared for these nouveau riche.

Liu Ying also planned to pick a piece of the finest suet jade and make a queen's seal for Lu Zhi.

Well, that is, the jade seal that is called the "Jade Seal of the Empress of the Western Han Dynasty" by later generations.

It was a primary school student in Xianyang who accidentally picked it up on his way home from school.

It is said that at the beginning, he planned to polish the jade seal and make a seal for himself...

But the final result, of course, was that the things were preserved in the museum, and the little boy got 20 yuan in cash as a reward...

Well, there should be no pennants, after all, it was not popular in those days...

This Queen's Seal can also be regarded as the closing of a historical line completed by Liu Ying.


South County, Jiangling City.

Liu Jia stood by the misty Yunmengze in the east of the city, with the Han army camp stretching for dozens of miles behind him.

He counted the days and felt that Liu Bang should have ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor by this time.

On the same day, he and Lu Wan led the army to go south to conquer Gongwei who refused to surrender, but they saw through Gongwei's false surrender. Getting ready to attend Liu Bang's enthronement ceremony.

Well, the so-called false surrender is actually a unilateral judgment by Lu Wan and others. In fact, Gongwei really wants to surrender...

But Xiang Yu is dead, and the world is about to be peaceful, so for things like credit, one less time to brush.

So the true surrender turned into a false surrender, with the intention of paralyzing the Han army and waiting for an opportunity to attack...

Therefore, the only thing Gongwei can rely on now is the Jiangling City, which has been repaired since the Gongao period.

Liu Jia's siege but not attack at this moment is just waiting for the arrival of siege equipment from the rear.

But at this moment, the fleet that appeared in Yunmeng Lake attracted Liu Jia's attention.

Then, a look of anger flashed across his face.

The people who came were not Gongwei's reinforcements, but the banner of the Han army flying on the ship!
As for the Han army who could appear here at this moment, Liu Jiasi thought about it, but he was ordered to go south to conquer Guanying in Zhang County and Kuaiji County together with the Minyue people!
This guy is insatiable!
Liu Jia turned around and left angrily, only hating the slow speed of the fleet transporting the siege equipment, which delayed the progress of conquering Jiangling City!

On the top of Jiangling City, the already desperate Gongwei felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave at this moment.

He can't beat only one Liu Jia, let alone the Han army coming to help again!

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have formed an alliance with Xiang Yu!
It's just that it's too late now...

On Yunmengze, Jin She was overjoyed to see the banner of King Linjiang still hanging above the city in the distance.

After conquering Kuaiji County, he and Guan Ying's soldiers split into two groups and marched on land and water to Nanjun.

Hurrying quickly, he finally caught up with the last bite!
Unlike Liu Jia, who had to wait for the fleet to deliver the siege equipment, Jin She, who wanted a share of the pie, had already prepared the trebuchets on the ship for the siege.

The fleet he is commanding now is a warship specially modified by Liu Ying for them to attack Jiangdong when they were in Gaixia.

Although there is no cross-age weapon like a cannon horse, there is a lightweight version of the gravity trebuchet fixed on the deck of the bow.

Whether it is attacking the enemy's ships, or approaching the city and striking the opponent's city wall, this kind of warship that can travel through the Jiangdong area with dense water networks is undoubtedly an out-and-out killer.

So, amidst Liu Jia's jumping feet and cursing, the warships led by Jin She lined up, and on a dozen warships with trebuchets fixed, stone bullets the size of human heads rose into the air.

Although Jiangling City was continuously raised in Gong Ao and Gong Wei's father and son generations.

But after all, their imaginary enemies are all Han troops or other armies who have the same tactics as them.

The idea of ​​self-preservation limits their ability to acquire new things.

Therefore, when this new weapon with an attack distance far exceeding that of a crossbow, or a manpower-dragged catapult on the top of the city, was thrown into the battlefield, the army of Linjiang Kingdom was immediately stunned...

The stone bombs falling from the sky not only easily destroyed the wooden archery on the top of the city, but also swept away all defensive weapons and defenders.

The defenders could only shrink under the wall, praying that they would not be hit by flying wood chips or stone chips.

After all, with the blessing of sufficient speed, the lethality of wood chips and stone chips is no less than that of arrows from a crossbow.

After seeing Jin She launch an offensive from the waterway, the generals around Liu Jia couldn't sit still at all.

They have traveled all the way, and although they have won many times, everyone knows that capturing or beheading the captain alive is a truly great feat!
Now, the peaches are about to be picked!

How can they be happy with this?
Liu Jia immediately flicked his cloak angrily: "Wait no more, the whole army will attack!"

Anyway, at this time, Gong Wei's attention was completely attracted by Jin She, so with the ladder and rushing cart in his hand, he might not be unable to break through the Jiangling City in front of him!
In an instant, a ladder was built on the city wall, and the soldiers of the Han army held up their shields and prepared to climb the city. Behind the infantry, there were Zhang Shi in heavy armor.

Relying on the excellent armor on their bodies, Zhang Zhang's soldiers did not avoid the rain of arrows falling from the top of the city at all, and shot at the defenders at the top of the city without fear.

At the height of the battle, after the arrows inserted in front of them were all shot, they couldn't even wait for the auxiliary soldiers behind them to send feather arrows, so they pulled out the arrows shot by the defenders at the top of the city from their bodies, and launched a counterattack against the enemy.

And the pioneer warriors organized by Liu Jia are naturally no less impressive.

Climbing the city along the ladder is called ants.

But people make money, and dead birds die for food.

Climbing to the top of the city, there will be a first-level reward, and if there are more gains, there will be another reward.

As long as you can survive and defeat the opponent, you will usually get two or three ranks of knighthood!

Although they don't know what a class jump is, at least they can get the stimulation of more than one hundred acres of land, making them forget their lives!

The first Han soldier who jumped to the top of the city died in the siege, but then the appearance of the second and third soldiers changed the balance of power between the two sides.

Then, one after another, the red-eyed Han soldiers jumped to the top of the city and joined the battle.

The blood-stained Lieutenant Gong looked at the fleeing soldiers beside him, with a desolate expression on his face, and crossed his sword on his neck.

Not being a prisoner, this is his last pride!

ps: Chong Huan and Wen Yu are like hedgehogs, fortunately the heavy armor was not injured.

(End of this chapter)

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