Destiny Only Han

Chapter 358 Liu Ying: Little Sunflower Mom's class is starting!

Chapter 358 Liu Ying: Little Sunflower Mom's class is starting!


Liu Bang looked at Zhang Liang, and suddenly laughed mockingly: "Why, my unicorn is going to teach me and other mediocre people a lesson?"

Liu Ying retorted: "My teacher is not a mediocre person!"

Liu Bang first nodded in agreement, and then became furious: "Say it again if you have the ability!"

Liu Ying put her hands on her hips, changed the topic and said, "Zi said, if three of us are together, there must be my teacher... We are just three of us now, so why can't I be a teacher for a while!"

Liu Bang curled his lips: "Don't mention that old man to me, bother him..."

Zhang Liang poured a cup of hot tea for Liu Ying, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll listen to your teacher's opinion today."

Liu Ying took a sip happily and cleared her throat: "What is economy? Economy is the synthesis and simplification of words such as economics for the country, economics for the world, or economics for the people. In simple terms, economic development is to let everyone Everyone has become rich! Of course, during this period, some people need to get rich first, such as me..."

Liu Bang thought about what he saw downstairs, nodded heavily, and said contemptuously, "I can see it."

Liu Ying glanced sideways at the fox who couldn't eat grapes, and then said: "In fact, making everyone rich is just a means, not an end. One of the most important purposes of economic development is to enrich the country's material wealth."

"So I think that the word economy can actually be replaced by the word 'exchange'. Although buyers and sellers in the market pay with five baht, the existence of five baht is just for barter. Things are more convenient."

"To develop the economy is to expand the scale of this 'bartering'."

"But when I opened the store, I found a disadvantage, that is, people's consumption ability depends on the mining volume of precious metals such as gold and copper."

"But at the same time, there is another thing that everyone is after, and it doesn't take a lot of manpower and resources like mining precious metals."

"That's 'debt'!"

Liu Ying pointed to the bills spread out on the case table and said: "For example, this thin paper, if you fill in any numbers on it, it can be used as real money."

"Why? Because it represents debt, whoever writes a number on it owes me money! And the person who owes money is eager to redeem this money note, which means that this money note will be owed Those who pursue!"

Liu Ying raised her hands and raised her index finger upwards: "As long as there are debtors pursuing this kind of thing, then there is a logical basis for the money to be circulated. After all, I have the right to transfer this debt to other people! "

"This also means that in order to pay off the debt, debtors have to use their heart to manage their own industries, such as their fiefs. In this way, the social wealth of the country will inevitably increase in the future, and in the process, there is no need for Any additional costs!"

Liu Ying spent a long time as if she was descending from the gods, but she didn't hear applause or feel the rope around her neck. So she opened her eyes, looked at Zhang Liang who was deep in thought, and pretended to be deep in thought, but In fact, Liu Bang, who was already blindfolded, laughed:
"As a teacher, I still have a few brushes!"

Liu Bang looked at Liu Ying who had a sullen expression on his face, and although he wanted to beat him up, he still held back his hands that were ready to move: "Oh, Mr. Nai has a lot of government affairs, so I don't have time to think about it, otherwise when will I get you kid? "

Zhang Liang tapped the table lightly with his index finger, and asked, "I don't understand the debt you mentioned. What does it mean that there is no need for additional costs?"

Liu Ying didn't answer him directly, but looked at Liu Bang first and asked, "Father, do you still remember the sapphire hair crown my mother wore a few days ago?"

Liu Bang nodded. At that time, although Lu Pheasant was dressed in a simple and elegant body, she could be regarded as a beautiful woman with only a hair crown on her head. Qi Ji, who was full of jewels, instantly lost her color, and her heart was tensed. click crit...

That night, Qi Ji pestered Liu Bang for a long time, and wanted to have the same model, but Liu Bang verbally agreed, but was worried in his heart.

The origin of sapphires is only South Vietnam, and the trade of South Vietnam is dominated by Liu Ying, and the gems obtained are either given to Lu Zhi, or have already been sold, and the business group sent to the South China Sea has not yet returned, so Liu Bang naturally It is powerless.

Liu Ying turned her head to look at Zhang Liang and said, "My uncle liked the hair crown on my mother's head very much, and wanted to buy another similar one for my mother, but that crown is worth [-] yuan. My uncle can't afford that much money for a while, so he can only pay with cash, and take the tiara from me first..."

"One hundred thousand dollars? So expensive?" Liu Bang made a poor voice.

"Let me make an analogy, but the price is not bad... What did I say just now? Oh, yes, my uncle owes me [-] yuan." Liu Ying smacked her lips, ignoring the critical hit, and her health bar instantly The empty Liu Bang continued:

"Although he won't be able to pay back the money for a while, after all, the family is big and the business is big. I can definitely pay it off, so I can take the IOU to purchase gemstones and other materials with confidence, and then hire jewelry craftsmen to make the tiara come out."

"As for my uncle, in order to pay off his debts, he needs to concentrate on running his fiefdom, teaching farming and mulberry, and developing business..."

"So when he paid off the debt, my mother got an extra tiara worth 20 yuan, and I got an extra [-] yuan, which is equivalent to an extra [-] yuan of wealth for the country, twice the debt itself. "

"Debt is the promise of the debtor's future production and creation. I call this extra [-] yuan a credit currency. It doesn't have to be real money. My uncle's title and fiefdom are all guarantees."

Liu Ying looked at Zhang Liang who understood somewhat, and swallowed back many unspoken words.

The new form of transaction created by this money ticket is a means for him to test the water or cultivate an audience.

When everyone, mainly those princes and kings with fiefdoms, and the "old money" who have been prominent since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods accept this kind of advanced consumption or debt operation, he is going to launch another thing.


For example, Wuyue development bonds, Xihai (Qinghai) development bonds, and other port bonds or mine bonds.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, not only was the world full of undeveloped virgin land, but even the country was full of resource-rich land, but due to various reasons, there were no good lands to be developed.

When Liu Ying has accumulated enough wealth and social confidence, he can establish an institution similar to the central bank.

For example, a middle-aged man who has improved the textile machine wants to open a textile factory, but he is limited by his status and does not have the qualifications to issue bonds. At this time, he can borrow from Liu Ying.

Because the central bank represented by Liu Ying has a high degree of credit, it is not necessary to give real money, but only a few negotiable bonds are enough.

After all, when everyone believes that this bond can be circulated, then it can really be circulated.

So middle-aged people can take a few pieces of paper, buy land from landlords, and buy the necessary raw materials and tools from other places to build factories.

When the efficiently produced cloth seizes the market share, not only the local income increases, but the bonds will also flow back to the middle-aged people who have made money.

The middle-aged man paid off his debts, and at the same time had an extra textile factory in his hands.

Such myths of wealth creation abound in Europe after the industrial revolution began. The use of debt to stimulate economic growth is the secret to the rise of countries such as Britain, France and Germany.

When things like bonds appear, real gold and silver are no longer so important. Even without precious metals as collateral assets, such a system can still operate.

Because the bonds derived from the base currency can be circulated because they are borrowed by banks.

Playing industry, how can there be huge profits from playing finance... Liu Ying knocked on the table and boldly signaled Zhang Liang to refill the empty teacup in front of him.


Liyang Palace, Zhuohua Palace.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings.

Ever since Lu's pheasant was packed by Zhang Liang and sent to the driver of Liu Bang's southern tour, Liu Le immediately acted like a grandson who had loosened his grip, causing the whole Yueyang Palace to become restless.

After all, after Lu Pheasant and Qi Ji both left, it was the Cao family who were in charge of the harem, and because the Cao family had only one son, Liu Fei, they had loved Liu Le very much since they were in Pei County.

As for Liu Taigong, who can also restrain the little Lolita, he still maintains the style of the patriarch of the country. As long as the grandchildren don't tear down the house, they can follow her!
Well, my son can't do it, I have to beat him hard!

But today, the short and fat loli who made everyone in the harem fearful was sitting in front of the desk very quietly, stretching out a small chubby hand, holding a writing brush with fingers like carrots.

If Shusun Tong or Lu Shizhi saw this scene, they would definitely feel heartbroken.

The former is naturally because of the way the little loli holds the brush, while the latter simply feels sorry for such a good brush, but unfortunately it was ruined...

Little Lolita was drawing at the moment. She unfolded the ten-coin rice paper in front of her, bit the tip of the brush with her mouth, and immediately began to doodle vigorously.

When Liu Ying made a snowman, she was particularly liked by Lu Zhi because of the phrase "our family", so in the driving carriage, Lu Zhi had nothing to do, so he drew the picture of that day and put it in the written family letter Sent back to Liyang.

Naturally, the sister who was struck by lightning was also vividly depicted as a joke...

So the little Lolita who was ridiculed drew the younger brother who was struck by lightning...

"Smelly brother, you wait for me!"

In the empty room, I remembered the hysterical voice of little Lolita gnashing her teeth, which stunned the two Persian cats who were having fun behind her.

The cat with green eyes was staring at the chubby figure furiously, and the mangosteen-like cat paws were opened, and the sharp claws seemed to be shining with metallic luster.

Beat her?

You go first?
(End of this chapter)

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