Destiny Only Han

Chapter 364 Liu Ying: Don't waste it!

Chapter 364 Liu Ying: Don't waste it!

On the flat and wide road in the north of Liyang City, in an unremarkable four-wheeled carriage, Liu Ying's somewhat deliberate voice came faintly:

"It is said that in the northern grasslands, a generation of Xiongnu Shanyu had no sons, only one daughter..."

"In order to inherit Shan Yu's position, the teenagers on the grassland moved upon hearing the news, and came to Shan Yu's tent to ask for marriage..."

"But Shan Yu's most beautiful youngest daughter is very proud, threatening that she will only marry the bravest and most witty people on the grassland, so Shan Yu set up 99 difficult problems, and countless suitors either retreated or died in death On the way to solve the problem... there was only one boy from the north who solved 99 problems one after another and stood in front of Shan Yu."

"But the wise shaman has seen through the essence of the boy. Although the boy has a human body, he is actually a wolf inside!"

When Liu Ying said this, she cried out deliberately, but Liu Le, who was sitting opposite him, shrank back suddenly, with an expression of excitement and fear on her face.

"...So the wizard tried to scare the boy away, but on a dark and stormy night, a wolf as big as a cow got into Shan Yu's daughter's tent... A few months later, Shan Yu's daughter gave birth to a baby boy. son……"

Liu Le interrupted and asked, "Why would a wolf drill a tent give birth to a child?"

Liu Ying spread her hands: "I don't know, you can ask my elder brother, he is old and knows a lot..."

Facing Little Lolita's beady eyes full of curiosity, Liu Fei's cheeks flushed instantly, and he stuttered and couldn't speak.

Beside Liu Fei, Liu Ruyi, who was also full of curiosity, poked his arm: "Yeah, brother, I don't understand..."

"It hurts!" Liu Fei slapped Liu Ruyi on the head, trying to avoid this fatal problem.

He is different from Liu Le and Liu Ruyi. He grew up in Zhongyang. Boys in the countryside know about the relationship between men and women very early, especially the Cao family is now trying to make love to Liu Fei, so they will reproduce. Liu Fei claims to be the No.1 in this carriage...

Liu Ying looked at Liu Ruyi who was covering the back of her head with tears in her eyes but didn't dare to cry, she just felt dark in her heart.

Well played!
I've seen this guy not pleasing to the eye for a long time!
Liu Fei looked at Liu Ruyi, who was full of grievances, and felt a little guilty, but he was getting older and it was time to save face, so an apology was absolutely impossible.

So he thought about it, and decided to imitate Liu Ying's previous misfortune: "Brother doesn't know, either, you two wait until you go back, ask dad..."

Haha, it's not my fault, you did it yourself... Liu Ying almost didn't laugh out loud, she pursed her lips and looked at Liu Le and Liu Ruyi who were nodding frequently, and Liu Bang's embarrassment appeared in her mind.

As we all know, if a father loses face, he will definitely make up for it from other places.

Those who encourage younger siblings to embarrass me will definitely be beaten...

Liu Le nodded, and after writing down the question, he looked at Liu Ying and asked, "What happened next?"

Liu Ying recalled for a while, and continued to tell the story: "Because of unknown origin, that child was thrown out of the tribe by Shan Yu, and he was left to fend for himself..."

"It's just that since then, the herdsmen on the grassland can see a little boy from time to time, playing and running with the wolves, hunting wild animals..."

"More than ten years later, when the Huns and Lou Fanren fought for territory, Shanyu was at a disadvantage in the battle because of his old age, and when he was about to be killed, suddenly a message came from afar. There is a deafening wolf howl..."

"All the people in the battle looked back and saw thousands of black wolves the size of bulls galloping towards the horizon, helping the Huns defeat Lou Fanren..."

"It was only then that people discovered that the one who led the pack of wolves was the little boy who was thrown out of the tribe..."

"In this way, the little boy became the new Xiongnu Shanyu, and one of his descendants is the current Xiongnu Shanyu, Modun."

"So, this is also the reason why Mao Dun called himself the heir of the wolf god, and why there is a wolf embroidered on the battle flag!"

After Liu Ying finished speaking, Liu Le applauded desperately, his eyes filled with admiration: "Your brother is really amazing!"

Great, I made it up... Liu Ying grinned, and then stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

The place they went to today was Liu Ying's breeding garden in the north of the city. In fact, it was only responsible for one job, which was to hatch eggs and duck eggs collected from various farms by artificial incubation to hatch chickens and ducks.

Well, geese have an erratic laying period, so let them hatch on their own...

The hatching capacity here is actually not high. Only when the hens start to brood spontaneously will the workload be pulled to the fullest.

Without modern breeding techniques and the support of well-trained veterinarians, the chicks and ducklings raised may not survive the juvenile stage, and if there are old hens with cubs, the survival rate of the chicks and ducklings will be lower. can be pulled to the maximum.

Well, in the long period of artificial domestication, many domestic ducks are not very good at building nests and hatching eggs, so usually the hatching of ducklings and the raising of ducklings are done by hens...

Anyway, the chicken's brain capacity is not large, and it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a duck and itself...

Liu Ying thought about it, and felt that the usual short attire of the workers in the farm was worth improving, such as adopting overalls and apron, which is convenient for movement and saves fabric.

Just raising chickens in overalls...

The smell of black powder could not help appearing on his face.


"Duck duck, hehehe..."

Outside the warm room, when Liu Le saw the ducklings that had been moved outside because of the arrival of spring, he smiled idiotically.

No matter how violent a loli is, when faced with a group of furry girls, she will also be full of girlish hearts.

Liu Fei also wanted to pounce on the duck with Liu Ruyi, but after thinking about it, he followed Liu Ying.

After all, he is no longer the young man who can do whatever he wants...

The Han inherited the Qin system, and the standard for judging whether a person is an adult is actually not age, but height.

A man who is six feet five inches (1.5 meters) tall and a woman who is six feet two inches (1.4 meters three) can be judged as an adult and can marry. The most important thing is that he needs to serve in the military and pay the same poll tax as an adult...

Liu Feidong took a closer look, his eyes were attracted by the workers on the other side who seemed to be drying things, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are they making fertilizer?"

Liu Ying looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a carload of cars coming out of the chicken coop in the distance. From the piles of soft things in the basket, it can be known that those things are chicken feces...

Therefore, Liu Fei, who has kept in mind how to deal with these things, will naturally think that they are making fertilizer.

After Liu Ying glanced at him, she asked with a strange expression: "Do you really want to know what they are doing?"

Liu Fei was stunned for two seconds, but still lost to his own curiosity, he nodded his head up and down with difficulty: "I think."

Liu Ying raised her eyebrows: "They are not making fertilizer, but feed!"

Liu Fei opened his eyes wide: "Feed? You mean those are feed?"

Liu Ying nodded, with a calm expression on her face: "That's right, feed, to be precise, it's pig feed."

Liu Fei scratched his head: "That's it?"

I often appear to be out of tune with them because I'm not perverted enough... Liu Ying warned her cute loli and other people's idiots not to play the little duck to death, and then dragged Liu Fei to the place where the chicken shit was drying .

Liu Fei's Qi Wang title has basically been stabilized, and it will be officially announced to the world in two days, so today he brought Liu Fei here not only for the benefit of the Han Empire, but also for his own benefit.

As for Liu Fei, it is normal to raise pigs with chicken feces. Naturally, it is because the toilet at this time is actually above the pigsty.

Pigs are omnivores, and the stomachs of humans and chickens cannot digest all the food they eat, so they naturally need something else to use the remaining calories.

Well, the Chinese have a history of raising pigs for more than 6000 years. For example, the animal bones found in the Hemudu ruins contained pigs, but most of those bones came from piglets. This shows that the Hemudu people already knew the future. Castrated pork is not tasty, but they have not yet mastered the technique of castration, so they ate suckling pigs just like Europeans.

In the Shang Dynasty, the oracle bone inscriptions even recorded that there was an official position named 'Hog Man' at that time, who was mainly responsible for the selection and breeding of pigs, and correspondingly there was a 'shepherd' who was responsible for feeding pigs...

It was not easy for the ancient sages to create characters, but even so, they still specially created a lot of characters related to pigs, such as "豝" for sows, "豭" for boars, "豭" for raising pigs, and "豭" for three-month-old pigs. Pigs are called '豯', six-month-old pigs are called '豵', and '豮', which proves the existence of castration techniques, refers to barrows.

Tai Shigong's "Historical Records" also recorded a person named Liu Changru, Bole looked after horses and pigs, and could infer the piglet's meat yield after it grew up by looking at the external characteristics of the pig...

As for the so-called people did not know how to eat pork in the Song Dynasty, it is likely to be a generalization.

It may just be that the people in the place Su Shi went to didn't know how to cook pork. After all, Su Shi had no system, and the pork cooking skills he mastered must have been learned from other places.

In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient, and the speed of technology transmission was sometimes measured in hundreds of years.

To give a chestnut, it is Niu Geng.

This important technology related to grain production was first mastered by the Qin State during the Warring States Period, and it was not until the Eastern Han Dynasty when Wang Jing came to Lujiang that he taught the local people the skills of cattle farming.

Where is Lujiang?


Liu Ying looked at Liu Fei who was following him: "Brother, after you officially become the king of Qi, you must tell your subjects a word!"

Liu Fei turned his head and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The corner of Liu Ying's mouth raised: "If you want to be rich, you have to have more children and raise more pigs...well, you should also raise more chickens and ducks!"

 The story about the Huns was told by a Mongolian roommate of mine back then, but the story told by that guy was extremely obscene...

  What is really related to that legend is actually a few words in "Book of Wei".

  "The Xiongnu Chanyu gave birth to two daughters. She was so beautiful that the people of the country thought they were gods. Shanyu said, I have this daughter, who can be married to others and will be given to heaven. They built a high platform in the north of the country where there is no one, and the second daughter On it. Said, please let the sky welcome it... After a year, there was an old wolf who guarded the platform day and night and howled, because the hole under the platform was a hole, and it would not go away after time. The little girl said, "My father is here with me, I want to share with the sky, but now the wolf is coming, or it is a god, like an angel. I will follow it. His sister was shocked and said, this is a beast, and it is not an insult to his parents. The younger sister refused, and she became a wolf's wife and gave birth to a child. .Afterwards, they multiplied and became a country. Therefore, he likes to sing long songs, but also howls like wolves."

(End of this chapter)

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