Destiny Only Han

Chapter 367 Liu Ying: Layer cake, right?

Chapter 367 Liu Ying: Millefeuille, right?

"Why don't we also issue an edict to relocate some wealthy households from Kanto to Chang'an City..."

Hearing Liu Ying's words, Liu Bang fell into deep thought immediately, but when he looked at Liu Ying who was staring at him with a piercing spirit, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised upwards.

But out of a certain idea, Liu Bang did not express his opinion in a hurry, but asked instead: "Which rich households will be moved?"

Liu Ying replied without hesitation: "For example, the Tian family of Qi State? The third Qu Jingzhao family of Chu State? And Zhao Hanwei and other post-Warring States officials?"

Liu Bang asked again: "Why this standard instead of Qin's family resources?"

Liu Ying continued to put on the expression of "Are you an idiot" on her face, and explained:
"When Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, the reason why it was based on assets was of course because those rich people were basically descendants of the clans of the Six Kingdoms! And our current standard is naturally because those people are not only wealthy households, but also local The source of the turmoil!"

"For example, the Qi Guotian family!"

After he finished speaking, he gave Liu Bang an expression of "knowing everything, not knowing how to think about it", and immediately looked triumphant.

Liu Bang stared at Liu Ying for a long time, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and he laughed loudly.

The special connection between father and son made him vaguely guess what Liu Ying wanted to say when Liu Ying had just finished speaking.

More importantly, his name is Liu Bang, Emperor Gao of the Han Taizu, among the thousands of years of feudal monarchy, he is at least the top five!

How could he not understand what Liu Ying said?

But who is Liu Ying? He is his son, the prince of the Han Empire, and he will take over the helm of the big ship of the Han Empire after a hundred years.

So Liu Bang can only pretend to be ignorant, and listen to Liu Ying's real thoughts about the empire he created!
It's just that he was laughing loudly, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, the little bastard dared to stare at Nai Gong with that kind of eyes, looking for a hit!

Amidst Liu Bang's loud laughter, Liu Ying was ready to run away with a horse's belly, but her heart was actually dark.

You think I don't know what's on your mind?
Wrong, actually I know!

But in order for Liu Bang to satisfy his own strict father personality, Liu Ying randomly picked out two words that echoed the other party's thoughts and said them out.

His real purpose, in fact, did not tell Liu Bang.

Now the workshop he opened in Guanzhong has actually reached the upper limit. If he wants to increase productivity, those semi-literate people will be unable to do it.

He needs more people who can read and write to serve as engineers and squad leaders, and then make the workshop bigger and stronger, from a centralized manual workshop to a real early factory.

If he relied entirely on his Dahan Public School to train the first generation of teachers for literacy, the time would be too long.

So this time, he will definitely not miss this opportunity to pinpoint from across the country!
After all, although the three clans of Tian and Qu Jingzhao mentioned by Liu Ying are no longer prominent, they must not be illiterate because of their family background.

Moving them to live in Chang'an City not only cut off the possibility of their local rebellion, but also prompted a reshuffle of local forces.

Chang'an Migui, once they move their whole family, if the land and houses in their hometown are not taken care of, it is easy to form a situation of sitting and eating.

So they need to sell the real estate at home, and then come to Guanzhong to buy real estate.

Well, no matter in ancient or modern times, without the participation of the patriarch, it is common for the slaves to turn to the guests. When human nature cannot be tested, only keeping the ancestral house and exchanging the land for money is their best choice.

Of course, Liu Ying has been preparing to buy bottoms across the country since two years ago, which is not worth mentioning at all...

This is Liu Ying's fourth floor.

And the fifth floor, of course, is to rejuvenate the country with real estate...

Apart from some of the houses planned in Chang'an City as residences given to ministers of meritorious service, another third were prepared for the old nobles in Guanzhong. As for the remaining tens of thousands of houses, they were naturally sold for money.

This money belonged to Xiao He, or it belonged to the country, and it was used to subsidize Liu Bang's expenses for building the palace and the cost of building Chang'an City.

Liu Ying couldn't intervene, and didn't want to intervene.

After all, Xiao He has been completely dominated by Huang Lao's thoughts, and he didn't do much when planning Chang'an City.

The real estate that Liu Ying wants to engage in is naturally Xianyang City, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, which is now named Xincheng.

When he was in class early in the morning, through some py transactions, he successfully transferred those dilapidated palaces controlled by the state from Xiao He to his own name.

This also means that this large area surrounded by Weishui and Jingshui has all become his private land!

What Liu Ying has to do is to plan a new city here.

The houses built are naturally sold to those middle-class wealthy households who moved to Guanzhong but could not afford houses in Chang'an City, as well as workers who made money in their own factories!

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t afford a house in Xincheng, let Zisundai find out!

After all, a certain bearded guy said it well, the heavier the housing mortgage debt the workers bear, the more they are tied to their own houses and cannot leave, so they have to agree to accept any labor conditions offered to them... let them have their own houses, put They are bound again to the land, and that is to destroy their power to rebel against the reduction of wages by the factory owners. . . .

Liu Yingchen sealed the dragon-slaying technique in her memory. Under Liu Bang's disgusting look of having a child, she lowered her head and let the dragon on the opposite side caress her dragon head...


To the west of Liyang City, there is a lush mulberry forest.

It was past noon, and when Lu Zhi used a ruler to measure the tributes of uniform size from among the densely packed silkworm babies, the open space outside the forest was surrounded by yellow curtains.

Here, what will be held here is of course Lu Zhi's Cat Appreciation Conference...

In fact, Lu Zhi's purpose this time is not only to show off Liu Ying's filial piety and the cuteness of his own cat, but also has other purposes.

The second wave of business groups dispatched to the Western Regions should be coming back soon. As a shareholder, Lu Zhi needs to make this group of the wealthiest women in Guanzhong develop a love for the specialties of the Western Regions.

Therefore, the cat appreciation conference not only appreciated the timid kittens, but also the little loli Liu Le who stood aside with a Sima face.

On her head, neck and hands, she wears many exotic jewelry.

Just like those kittens who bared their teeth and claws, but were kissed again and again because of the disparity in power, Liu Le was still grabbed by a group of aunts to look up and down, even though his face was full of reluctance.

Of course, it's jewelry.

Except for Zhang Liang's daughter-in-law, Zhang Shi.

At this moment, she looked at Liu Le who was surrounded by the crowd, and nodded slightly satisfied.

It seems to be fatter than when we met last time!
But be fatter, the fat little girl looks festive!
In this era of malnutrition among thin monkeys per capita, fat is often regarded as beautiful. For example, Zhang Cang in history would have been beheaded a long time ago if he hadn’t raised a streaky body that was particularly festive...

Behind Lu Zhi, Ying Shi, who was dressed beautifully like an old cucumber with green paint, walked towards Lu Zhi with a smile on his face: "I have seen the queen..."

Lu Zhi turned his head and returned the salute with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you don't need to be too polite, there are no outsiders here, you and I should be considered sisters."

Ying Shi is Liu Zhong's wife, also Liu Bang's second sister-in-law, and is now the acting princess.

She wiped the corners of her mouth with a white silk veil, and the smile on her face changed into sadness: "Oh, I will soon follow the Dai Wang to Fengguo, this farewell, I don't know when we will see you again To my sister..."

Hearing that Mrs. Ying really called herself a younger sister, a cold light flashed in Lvzhi Kazilan's big eyes, and she said with a smirk: "Sister-in-law, don't be sad. But my sister-in-law can take Liu Bi back to Liyang and kowtow to the old grandpa..."

Mrs. Ying nodded. They also respect Mr. Liu very much.

In fact, she didn't want to come to chat with Lu Zhi today. After all, when she was in Zhongyangli, she and Liu Bang's sister-in-law pushed Lu Zhi together, and didn't want Liu Bang to share the family property.

As family members who have lived together for a long time, they all know how much Liu Bang and his wife hold grudges.

But there's no way, the bastard of her family didn't know what was going on, she fell in love with a little maid next to Lu Zhi, and insisted on getting her...

As the saying goes, it's not that one family doesn't stay in the same family. The Ying family and Lu Zhicao family have the same personality, so Liu Bi wants something, and Ying family naturally tries every means to satisfy it.

So she looked at the somewhat impatient Lu Zhi, and said straight to the point: "I'm going to Dai, the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, and I'm not familiar with the place, I want to take some maids from the palace as attendants, what does my sister think? "

Lu Zhi nodded lightly, and the sapphire and phoenix crown on his head shone with the light of a local tyrant: "This is what it should be, just take whichever sister-in-law likes."

Pretending to be careless, Ying pointed to Dou Yifang who was standing next to Lu Zhi, holding a fruit plate in her hand, and said, "This little girl looks happy and works neatly. I don't know if my sister is willing to part with her..."

Lu Zhi looked at Dou Yifang who was flustered, and took half a step back, and said indifferently: "I've said it before, sister-in-law will take whatever she likes!"

Anyway, from Lu Zhi's point of view, Dou Yifang is just a little maid serving by her side, one more is not too many, one less is not much.

Ying nodded, with a motherly smile on her face.

Being able to fulfill her son's wish made her feel very happy, and Liu Bi was getting older, it was time to find some women.

Although the little maid can't be a regular wife, it would be a good thing if she could give birth to a boy.

When Ying was thinking about hugging her grandson, and Dou Yifang looked desperate and pale, a voice they were all familiar with sounded.

"I disagree."

Liu Ying walked over with the big orange that was obviously a lot fatter than the other kittens in her arms, looked directly at Ying Shi who was full of shock and anger, and said again: "I wear the insole made by this little maid, so where is she? Can't even go!"

(End of this chapter)

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