Destiny Only Han

Chapter 371 Liu Ying: Contributing to Public Welfare!

Chapter 371 Liu Ying: Contributing to Public Welfare!

Sitting on the rattan chair, Liu Ying briefly flipped through the literacy album in her hand, and saw that there were vivid pictures behind the big characters such as sky, wind, water, fire, and rice sieve and dustpan. meticulous painting.

Well, in fact, very early on, Chinese painting was also based on realism, and only later did more and more freehand paintings come into being.

The inspiration for making literacy tools did not actually come from the children's literacy board. After all, Liu Ying was a single dog at that time, and there was no need for baby supplies.

His inspiration actually came from the "Newly Compiled Four Words Contrasting Phases" in the "Wenyuan Pavilion Bibliography" compiled by Yang Shiqi in the Ming Dynasty. This is an elementary school book compiled by the people of the Ming Dynasty. That book is not in China...

Liu Ying counted the literacy atlases in her hands. This kind of atlas is only used for simple literacy, and only more than 400 commonly used characters are written on it.

Writing articles is definitely not enough, but it is not too much of a problem to cope with daily life.

Well, this is a bit like a domestic student who has passed level [-] or [-] going abroad, only to find that his communication efficiency with the locals is not even as good as that of kindergarten children...

This is not because the level of foreign students is poor, but that the requirements for CET-[-] and CET-[-] are mainly written language and relatively formal dialogue, but the way people communicate in daily life is definitely not broadcasting news with a broadcast accent.

Liu Ying closed the booklet, looked at Xiao Lu and nodded: "Take it for engraving and printing. First print [-] copies to see the effect. If it is good, continue to print... In addition, give ten points to each of the Confucian scholars who compiled the booklet."

Well, in the performance appraisal, when the scores are accumulated high, you can get the opportunity to be recommended as an official, or you can directly discount it.

Xiao Lu reached out to take the album, and asked, "How much does one album cost?"

Liu Ying thought for a while. The printing used medium-grade paper. When Xiao He quoted the price, the production had not yet reached a scale. The cost of labor and raw materials was very high, so the original price was 45 sheets per bundle, and [-] sheets per bundle. money.

But now, with the establishment of paper mills, the bamboo and wood raw materials used for papermaking have been grown on their own hills, so the cost has naturally dropped.

Liu Ying looked at the thin book and waved her hand: "Don't think about making money in public welfare undertakings. Each copy is ten dollars. Buy five and get one free, buy ten and get three free..."

What he wants to do is to eliminate illiteracy. When people's literacy level increases, such as newspapers and other entertainment projects can be put on the agenda. Otherwise, if the circulation cannot increase, the cost of printing will remain high.

Of course, the newspaper is not intended to make money, it is mainly used for advertising...

After Xiao Lu bowed and saluted, he quickly left, leaving only him and Zhang Buyi staring at each other.

Zhang Buyi blushed: "I can tell you, I am your future brother-in-law..."

Crazy... Liu Ying flicked her sleeves and strode out.

He is going to experiment to see if he can make cheaper printing ink, such as printing ink.

During this period, people mostly used pine smoke ink, that is, ignited pine trees, then collected the cooled pine smoke and kneaded it into small balls for later use.

The ink that Liu Ying will make is actually the method that Shen Kuo once mentioned, using oil to make ink.

Well, don't ask, it's given by the system!


In March of Yangchun, the weather is no longer as cold as before.

Liu Ying squatted alone in a garden in the southwest corner of the East Palace while the morning dew dissipated.

This is actually an experimental field he planned for the planting system and the plant seeds he found himself.

The focus is on the latter. After all, he is not a professional agricultural student, and he cannot tell what this plant is just by relying on the seeds.

As for the garden in this corner, not only are the walls covered with glass sheets, but there is only one door, and there are seven or eight little maids with thick hands and feet guarding them day and night.

No way, there are too many bear children.

In fact, Liu Ying's main target is his own loli...

So at the door, Liu Ying specially set up a sign, which didn't actually have many words written on it, but just drew a little girl with a lightning bolt in her head, a short and thick, and a dog, and then wrote "no entry..."

The plants that Liu Ying is sowing at this moment are things that he has been thinking about for a long time.


Although this plant originated in Mexico, although it has tried its best to evolve a powerful killer such as capsaicin, it can't hold back the panic of the biped erectus, and especially loves to find stimulation for itself...

After Liu Ying dug a hole and buried some soil, she walked out with a dream of prosperity.

Others dare not say, anyway, his freedom of chili this year is not a big problem.

Hmm, slightly hot stars...

After walking out of the door, Liu Yingdong looked around and found that the annoying loli was not there, and once again ordered the little maid guarding here to take strict precautions.

"Good grandson!"

Liu Taigong's voice sounded behind Liu Ying. He looked back and found that not only Liu Taigong came, but also Pan Gong who hid and cried silently after losing the election.


Liu Ying strode forward to greet her, bowed and saluted, and immediately asked: "If the eldest father misses his grandson, just ask someone to call me over, why come here by himself..."

Liu Taigong smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it's all about exercising."

He looked at the mud spots on Liu Ying's body, feeling relieved, with an exaggerated smile on his wrinkled face.

As a student of the farm family, although he does not intend to make the farm family flourish, Liu Ying is already the prince of the Han Empire, and personally participating in the farming and mulberry affairs is very much in his mind, at least it is many times better than the prodigal kid he gave birth to!
Well, in fact, the farmhouse has never been prosperous...

Liu Ying looked at Pan Gong and asked, "Why did the teacher remember to come here with my eldest father today?"

Pan Gong said with a proud face: "It was your father who insisted on grabbing me, but I didn't want to come to see you!"

Liu Taigong didn't expose him, he just looked at Liu Ying and asked with a smile:

"My dear grandson, rice farmers like us have already planted rice in the method of raising seedlings first and then transplanting rice seedlings, but I went to see it and found that this method is really tiring..."

"Think of a way and see if you can make some tool to make people less tired?"

I need a planter, system, did you hear... Liu Ying waited for a while, but seeing no response, she could only ask herself.

He looked at Taigong Liu and asked, "Is the father talking about alleviating the tiring problem of transplanting rice seedlings?"

Taigong Liu nodded heavily, looked contemptuously at the useless old thing beside him, and when he looked at Liu Ying again, his eyes were filled with a kind of light called hope.

Everything is undecided, ask Liu Ying.

Liu Ying thought for a moment, turned her head and rushed into a locked room, and then rushed out angrily.

"Where am I shaking? Who saw my shaking?"

(End of this chapter)

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