Destiny Only Han

Chapter 381 Liu Ying: Good Harvest!

In the farmland in the western suburbs of Liyang, Liu Ying followed Xiao He in a linen waistcoat, sticking out her tongue from time to time.

It's not because of the hot weather, but because he took a mouthful of an unripe peach...

Now it is the time of summer harvest, if it is a normal year, you only need to organize the people to harvest in an orderly manner, dry it in the sun, and then collect taxes.

But this year is different. The Huns are very likely to launch an attack in autumn, so most of the grain harvested in summer will be transported to the border towns in the north.

This is to plan ahead.

After all, according to the statistics of the Song Dynasty, if a person bears six buckets of rice, and the pawn carries five days of dry food, then three people pay one pawn, and one can go for 31 days.

That is to say, three civilian husbands can guarantee one soldier, which can support them to carry out an expedition within [-] days.

The reason why both sides were abolished at the end of the Qin-Zhao Changping battle was because the war was protracted and there was a problem of insufficient supply of food and grass in the country.

So stockpiling food in advance is particularly important.

What Liu Ying has to do is not just to beat the Huns away, he is going to take advantage of the victory to pursue, at least to push the line of defense to the front line of Yanmen Pass in later generations.

Taking advantage of the natural dangers of the mountains and mountains, artificially creating a pass where one man can pass and ten thousand can not open, can keep the agricultural reclamation area behind the pass from being disturbed.

Then hoard strength, plow the court and sweep the hole!
Liu Ying stuck out her tongue and waited for quite a while, finally feeling the soreness in her mouth gradually dissipating, so she pulled Xiao He and said, "Teacher, it's so hot, let's find a cool place to rest..."

Xiao He glared at him, and pointed at the farmer waving a sickle in the field: "You know it's too hot, but people aren't too hot? I brought you out just to let you know the sufferings of the people, just bear the heat!"

Liu Ying curled her lips and did not speak, but silently followed Xiao He around the field.

It's just that although he was holding his face, there was an unstoppable smile on Xiao He's face. Not only Xiao He, but also the faces of the tanned farmers in the farmland were also full of uncontrollable joy.

Although there was very little rainfall in spring, everyone was very worried, but then the weather became smoother. When the crops needed water, it rained every now and then, but now that it is harvest time, not only the rain Disappeared, even the wind seemed to disappear together.

This is perfect!

After being exposed to the hot summer sun for a while, just when Liu Ying felt that she was about to be dried out, the field they were staring at was finally harvested.

Xiao He walked up in two steps, looked at the shiny black old farmer and asked, "Old brother, how much?"

Even though the old farmer didn't know Xiao He, and Xiao He's words were a little out of his head, he still understood Xiao He's meaning in an instant.

So he grinned and said with a smile: "Two stones and a half! Never had such a good harvest!"

Xiao He's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief: "How much?"

The old farmer replied with a smile on his face: "Two and a half stones!"

Xiao He lowered his head, grabbed a handful of field soil and rubbed it, his face still had that shocked expression.

This field is not a first-class field, and the soil is not as fertile as imagined, but in Xiao He's memory, even if the weather is good in previous years, the harvest of an acre of land hovered around two stones, and now not only two stones have been broken I didn't expect that there would be a lot more!
We must know that an increase of several tens of catties per mu of land does not seem like a lot, but if it is 100 mu of land, what about [-] million mu of land?
The accumulation of land in the whole country may only increase by an astronomical figure!
So Xiao He took the old farmer to the shade of the trees on the edge of the field, and asked carefully: "What's the secret, old brother? I heard that the government is calling on the head of Guizhou to offer advice. Can there be an official to do it!"

Liar, why haven't I heard... Liu Ying followed Xiao He's example and squatted on the ground, waving her hand to signal Han Tan in the distance to bring some water and snacks.

It is immoral to prostitute someone's time for free, so compensation needs to be made.

After a while, the old farmer looked at the small snacks he took out from the food box. Although those things were not very delicate, they were still tall for peasants like them who planed food from the ground.

So in his mind, he reassessed the identities of Liu Ying and Xiao He who were wearing coarse linen clothes.

The old farmer squeezed a piece of mung bean cake into his mouth cautiously, drank another bowl of herbal tea, looked at Xiao He and said, "Actually, there is no secret, we still plant seeds and water, pull weeds and catch insects as in previous years..."

"If you want to talk about changes, one is the composting method taught by the government. After spreading it on the ground, the crops will grow well! Then there is the new Liu's plow. This plowshare is better than the old one. Not to mention that the plow is much lighter, and when plowing the ground, it plows deeper. Even so, it is not tiring for people or cattle..."

"There is also the youngest of the little old man's family. Some time ago, he followed his majesty to conquer the country of Yan. Although he did not make any achievements in battle, he bought two cheap cows..."

Xiao He glanced at Liu Ying, and knowingly asked, "My brother's family bought two cows at once, he is really rich!"

"Why are you rich?" The old farmer smiled and shook his head: "I borrowed the money to buy the cattle, and the money owed has not been paid off yet! The little old man wants to pay the third child with money from the company, but the old man The third daughter-in-law was smart enough to not ask the public to pay the money, but instigated the third child to lend the cow to help others to work and pay back the money..."

He said smash it, smash it with his mouth, with the expression of an unfilial son and an unvirtuous daughter-in-law.

But opposite him, Liu Ying rolled her eyes invisibly, cursing in her heart that this old man is too smart!

If the third child in his family took the old man's money, it meant that the cattle he bought would become a product of the family. In order for them to be able to afford the cattle, Liu Ying's price was generally lower than that in Guanzhong.

Therefore, this is a case where a high-quality customer of his own escaped being kidnapped by his family morally!
Well, for a lender like Liu Ying, it is naturally more beneficial for the customer to repay the loan slowly, or else he would not be able to earn interest?
However, what the old man said gave Liu Ying some inspiration.

Now that the Han Empire was in ruins, there were very few people who could afford oxen and horses, especially a sturdy ox cart or horse-drawn cart.

So his idea is to use the Dahan College of Vocational Technology to expeditiously train a group of drivers with skilled driving skills, and then establish a Dahan Freight Trading Company!
Of course, Liu Ying does not provide the carriage and the cattle and horses pulling the cart, but you can lend them money so that they can buy a vehicle and join the freight company as a franchise...

Before Liu Ying built a lot of industries, although they also had freight departments, they were used to support the industries. Generally, the driver of the car would be accompanied by fully armed soldiers, in order to prevent any unreasonable youngsters from blocking the road and robbing...

But now that this freight company is established, it is completely a sinking civilian project.

Well, it can be understood as a combined version of Huolala and Didi...

Liu Ying thought for a while, and felt that this freight company was very powerful.

After all, the market is close to blank, and the demand is also very strong, so the profits earned are naturally very generous!

Liu Ying took advantage of Xiao He and the old farmer's gossip, quietly hid behind her back, and took out a charcoal pencil to write and draw in the small notebook handed over by Han Tan in a place out of Xiao He's sight.

This is his consistent code of conduct, everyone earns money!

Well, it is he who is responsible for writing the proposal, and then recruits a few bigwigs to do the angel round, and then makes the project, and finally takes detailed data... After the big cake is drawn, find more people to do the second round and the third round financing...

This is the legendary white wolf with empty gloves, leveraging the entire market at a small price.

In fact, it is not impossible to eat alone, but it is easy to be hated, for example, you will be accused by the guy who can't eat grapes for competing with the people...

The most important thing is to let everyone benefit from it, so you can try to control them.

Whoever is disobedient will be eliminated!

You must know that those who can invest in Liu Ying are all the top ministers of the Han Dynasty. By exerting influence on them, Liu Ying can easily turn her own ideas into everyone's decisions, and then quickly implement them. .

It's just that in this way, one person suffers.

Liu Bang.

The old man managed to get rid of Xiang Yu and succeeded in taking the position, but when he looked back, he was taken away by his big brother...

Yun Bei... Liu Ying wiped the sweat from her forehead, and began to write more vigorously until she was hit on the head.

"Ouch! Teacher, why did you hit me!"

He raised his head and looked at Xiao He who was full of hesitation with an aggrieved face.

Xiao He ignored him, just looked at Liu Ying's 1.0 version of the planning book, and was slightly stunned. After a while, he reprimanded: "The country is based on agriculture. I brought you out to let you do this?"

Liu Ying said seriously: "It is because the country is based on agriculture that I want to pull those uncles and uncles to make money!"

Xiao He was immediately laughed angrily by him, waved his hand to let the guards hidden in the crowd clear the field, and invited the bewildered old farmer to another place.

"Okay, tell me, if you can't give a valid reason, go back and copy the "Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor" for me!"

Oh, you can't think of it, I have already made the commonly used characters into clay blocks according to my own handwriting!No one can punish me in this way again... Liu Ying scratched her head and said confidently: "I heard that the teacher has bought thousands of acres of land in Guanzhong over the years. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Xiao He stared at Liu Ying and nodded, "Really, it's absolutely true."

He did this kind of thing just to pollute himself, and the land he bought were all marginal and barren wasteland.

Liu Ying shook her head and said: "The students didn't mean to criticize the teacher, but just wanted to say that the group of heroes such as the teacher bought land in various places, and other people with titles must follow suit and will also buy land in various places. Containment will lead to a situation where the rich are connected to fields and the poor have no place to stand..."

"After all, the land is the foundation...but what the students have to do is to open the eyes of the uncles!"

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