Destiny Only Han

Chapter 39 Rhubarb, you died so miserably...

Chapter 39 Rhubarb, you died so miserably...

In the main room, the oil lamps flickered, and there was no sound, except for Liu Fei, who did not hear what was going on outside the window, and only worked as a cook, sucking the sound of soup cakes.

Liu Ying raised her head upwards at a 45-degree angle, with a sad expression on her face: "Whoa..."

Lu Zhi stroked his braid with a smile on his face, and said in a gentle voice, "You still have a mother, but if you buy it, you win..."

Her eyes were slightly closed, and she was immersed in the imagination of mother-child connection, baby flying at ease, and mother always accompanying her, until Liu Bang coughed lightly, and she lowered her head to meet Liu Ying's lacquered eyes filled with surprise. , said somewhat embarrassingly:

"Anyway, idle is idle……"

What kind of family am I... Liu Ying pointed her index fingers together, seemingly naively: "Mother, you can lend me some private money... When the child wins, I will pay you interest!"

Lu Zhi blinked, and Kazilan's big eyes were full of doubts: "What is interest?"

Liu Ying was stunned: "It's just borrowing money from others. Besides the principal, you have to pay an extra part. The donkey will roll with interest, and you will get thirteen returns..."

"Well, mother, you have heard of the term "high debts". It means that King Zhou Nan borrowed money to send troops to attack Qin after listening to the words of King Chu, but he was defeated. In order to avoid his creditors, he fled to a high platform in the palace..."

Lu Zhi nodded sharply: "Okay, how much do you want, mother borrowed it!"

Liu Ying instinctively felt that something was weird. In his understanding, borrowing money must have interest, but he has traveled through time, so the money will not be repaid...

But in the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the productive forces were underdeveloped and the commodity economy was still relatively primitive. Such things as borrowing were rare, and naturally there was no interest. Most of them borrowed as much as they paid back.

The biggest loan relationship comes from the money owed to the government by the people who cannot pay taxes.

If this kind of money is not paid, they need to go to the government to work to repay it. However, most civilians are unable to repay in the end and become official slaves.

Therefore, after Shang Yang's reform, the people of Qin were delighted when they heard about the war.

The most important point is that you can free yourself or your family from being a slave by cutting off the enemy's head.

As for wanting to beheaded and become an official, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life...

Well, wash up and sleep, there is everything in the dream!


In the morning, Liu Ying gets up according to the rhythm of her biological clock.

He kicked Liu Le, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and jumped off the bed when the little girl was half asleep, and walked out of the room with a water cup and a toothbrush.

Last night, Lu's pheasant stayed out of the night again...

After a while, when Liu Ying was squatting on the edge of the flower bed and brushing her teeth, Lu Zhi, who looked very moist at first glance, came in a hurry.

"Have you seen Rhubarb?" She stood still beside Liu Ying.

"Rhubarb?" Liu Ying held a toothbrush in her mouth, feeling a little confused, but suddenly realized.

Rhubarb is a stray dog ​​adopted by Lu Zhi on the road. Sometimes when everyone sleeps in the wilderness, they take on the job of driving away other wild dogs or giving warning.

Liu Ying shook her head, saying that she didn't know either.

In this family, besides Liu Le, the person Rhubarb dislikes the most is him...

But in his opinion, it would be best for Ah Huang to get lost, because he vaguely remembered that Lu's pheasant seemed to be bitten by a dog, and then died of rabies.

"Mom, my butt hurts..." Liu Le walked out of the room and asked sleepily, "Did you hit me again while I was asleep..."

Lu Zhi didn't bother to talk to her, rolled her eyes, turned around and left, while Liu Ying, who was beside her, lowered her head and continued to brush her teeth as if nothing had happened.


Two or three miles to the north of the Hanwang Palace, there are more than a dozen houses covered with tiles.

This is the "temporary dormitory" used by generals of the Chu army to house their families.

Although Fan Kuai had no family members, he led all desperadoes. They just ate and drank well, recharged their batteries, and waited to go to the battlefield to fight the enemy with their lives. They didn't need to train all the time.

So he asked for a house and lived here alone. After all, this place is much more comfortable than the military camp.

In the early morning, when he returned from going out, he suddenly found himself on the table, and the steamed meat that he was waiting for in the morning had disappeared.

"Where's my meat? Where's my big bowl of meat?"

Fan Kuai looked around and found a messy footprint, so he followed it out, and found a big yellow dog under the tree pit outside the house, chewing a piece of jerky.

"Heh, it's delicious!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Fan Kuai's mouth, as the saying goes, "eat meat for meat", this is forcing him to go back to his old job!


Near noon, Liu Ying dragged Liu Fei out of the palace.

He was going to place a bet, betting that he would win.

I inquired about it in the morning, and the nearest hall was in a village more than two miles away, and the dealer was none other than Fan Kuai.

In the Qin and Han Dynasties, one mile was equal to three hundred steps, and it was about 400 meters long. In addition, there were residences of senior generals of the Chu and Han armies everywhere, and the security force was unprecedentedly strong, so there was no need to worry about thieves.

After walking about a few hundred meters to the north, Liu Fei said reluctantly: "Brother, lunch is about to come, can't we wait until after dinner?"

Heh, rice cook... Liu Ying dragged him forward: "We are looking for Uncle Fan Kuai, do you remember him? When we get to him, can we still starve you? Besides, you don't want to make a little money , When it’s the day of the society, buy little things like nodding flowers for your mother?”

"Uncle Fan Kuai..." Liu Fei muttered, as if remembering something.

In his memory, Fan Kui is his mother, who is also Cao's favorite person. As long as Fan Kui comes, the family can always eat meat; take...

"Okay, brother, let's go faster!" Liu Fei moved his index finger, opened his legs, and dragged Liu Ying to a trot.


As soon as Fan Kuai's house entered the courtyard, Liu Ying could smell the tangy aroma of meat.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a somewhat familiar fur hanging in the courtyard, and he understood something in his heart.

He suddenly pushed the door open, and couldn't help shouting: "Father?"

On the side of the table in the room, Liu Bang was leaning on a sack, salivating at the rolling pieces of meat in the clay pot.

He froze for a moment, his face showed the shame of being caught eating alone, and then he waved his hands: "It's better to come early than coincidentally, come and sit down!"

Fan Kui was filling a handful of firewood under the stove, and suddenly felt a little frustrated. He beat a wild dog and cleaned it up with great effort. As a result, there were four people sitting by the table, three of whom were surnamed Liu!
Rhubarb, you died so badly... It's a pity that there is no mashed garlic... Liu Ying was dragged to sit down by Liu Fei, her eyes were a little straight.

"If you sign in successfully, you will be rewarded with half a catty of garlic."

Listening to the voice in her mind, Liu Ying squeezed the hard thing in her hand, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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