Destiny Only Han

Chapter 392 Liu Bang: The Chosen Son!

On the hill, Mao Dun stood on his horse, his neck was flushed red, and his face was full of ecstasy.

In the distance, tens of thousands of horses are galloping, like a flood on the grassland, rushing towards the lonely herdsman's tent.

He silently waited to see the picture of victory.

After the horses, although they still had reluctance in their hearts, the Xiongnu warriors still raised their scimitars and short spears high in their desire for victory, and shouted with emotion.

"Modun Chanyu!"

"Support the plow and Gutu, and make a big Chanyu!"

In the language of the Huns, supporting the plow means 'heaven', Gutu means 'zi', and Shanyu means 'broad'.

So 'Support Plow Gutu Shanyu' is the great Son of Heaven...

When the Huns opened the champagne at halftime, they naturally ignored the sky-swapping monkey flying into the crowd of horses with a piercing whistling sound and white smoke rising from behind.

In an instant, spring thunder suddenly appeared, and the earth was shocked!

The violent roar reverberated among the mountains, giving everyone in it a vague sense of heaven and earth falling apart.

The group of horses galloping forward, as if someone had pressed the freeze button, they all stopped in an instant, with their ears tightly pressed to the back of their heads.

If it weren't for the horses that couldn't brake enough to collide together, this kind of scene would make people think that this is a group of sculptures, not a living thing.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, but in the next second, the still picture moved.

The frightened group of horses neighed, completely ignoring the Huns driving them around, kicking and running indiscriminately.

Some still rushed towards Liu Bang's chariot formation, and some fled to both sides, but most of the horses turned around and ran towards the northern mountains.

There is the direction of home!

People say that old horses know the way, but in fact, this is an instinct of adult horses. Every one of them remembers the way when they came!

The world in Shannan is too scary. They want to go back to the prairie, where they are free and will not be harmed by two-legged monkeys...

Therefore, nothing can stop them from going home!
Now, it was the turn of the Huns to panic.

As herdsmen, they know too well what will happen to people standing in front of the horses when the horses are frightened and run away.

But there is no way, just now they waited until the galloping horse formation broke through the Han army's chariot formation, and rushed in to kill the emperor of the Han Dynasty at the first time, so they formed a very dense formation.

And even though the thunder came from the galloping formation, the horses under their crotches were still in a state of being frightened at this moment.

If it weren't for the fact that they were riding the war horses with which they had the best relationship in the past, they would have been thrown to the ground by the frightened horses long ago...

At this moment, seeing the frightened horse herd getting closer and closer, the Huns lined up in the rear turned their horses around happily and fled away.

Most of them are the tribes of King Guli of the Left and Right and Marquis of Gudu of the Left and Right.

When the grassland was hit by disasters in spring, they suffered a lot of losses, and in addition to Mao Dun's unwillingness to save them, they were somewhat dissatisfied. This can be seen from the order of formation.

Well, in fact, if it’s fair to say that Shan Yu’s headquarter was hit by a disaster in spring, they would also die...

After all, there is no centralized feudal regime on the grasslands, so naturally there will be no concept of support from all sides, but most of them still don’t have or can’t collect taxes. In the past, the property handed over by various small tribes was given to Shan Yu himself. tribute, not the taxation of the Xiongnu regime.

Naturally, enjoy the blessings by yourself, and bear the difficulties by yourself...

So at this moment, when they saw that Shanyu had screwed up, they turned around and ran away without hesitation...

In the car formation, Liu Bang didn't have the slightest joy on his face.

The galloping formation organized by the Huns included at least [-] to [-] galloping horses. Although most of them were frightened and ran back, a considerable part of them rushed towards the chariot formation.

Liu Bang began to regret that he shouldn't have launched all the sky-scurrying monkeys at once, but should have kept a few spares. For example, if they can continue to be launched now, wouldn't they be able to contain this wave of shock?
But Fan Kui didn't think too much. The situation in front of him was much better than before. He roared and woke up the former soldiers who were in shock:
"Like formation, quick! Quick!"

So, under the urging of Fan Kuai, those Zhang Shi who held strong crossbows also held their guns one after another, turning the entire chariot formation into a porcupine that exploded and stabbed.

The gleaming gun heads reflected the light of metal in the slight shaking, showing their sharpness to the horses without hesitation.

Well, there was nothing the crossbowmen could do about it. After all, a horse was a large animal that weighed several hundred kilograms, and it couldn't be easily shot down with a few or a dozen crossbow arrows.

Moreover, the horses are now in a frightened state, relying more on instinct to move forward, and will consciously avoid large obstacles or thorns that can pierce their skin.

In the eyes of the horses, the spears of the Han army are the kind of thorns that hurt them the most...

However, Fan Kui's idea was perfect, but he still couldn't stand it, and some stunned youths would rush straight towards the gun array.

Just when he was about to order the whole army to stand firm, there were bursts of sharp piercing sounds from the sky behind him.

On the south bank of the water control, the bed crossbow fixed on the chariot by the Han army fired out crossbow arrows more than one foot long.

The target, pointing directly at the horses rushing towards the car array!
Seeing this, Liu Bang drew his sword and boarded the chariot, took off his helmet and said impassionedly: "Now, the time to fight back has come!"

Although his words were short, the former soldiers who had been suffocated for a long time cheered loudly.

It is God's will that such a turnaround is beyond human ability!

So they raised their arms and cheered.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"


A roar that was not inferior to thunder sounded from the south bank of the autonomous water, instantly sweeping across both sides of the river.

The doors in the chariot formation were wide open, and teams of soldiers holding swords, shields and spears rushed towards the fleeing Huns like wolves.

On the other side of the flood control, the excited Han soldiers no longer cared that the pontoon bridge was only more than half laid. They tore off the heavy armor on their bodies, carried a shield behind them, hung a long knife at their waist, and held a spear and an iron halberd in their hands. down this distance.

The Xiongnu invaded, killed my father and brother, and raped my sister. If this revenge is not avenged, we will not share the sky!
Well, these Guanzhong soldiers refer to those Qin people who died in Jiuyuan County and Beidi County.

As the only fan of Lord Xinling, Liu Bang has a heart of a great man who serves the country and the people in his heart. Seeing this situation, his blood surged, he grabbed a wooden board from the carriage and jumped into it with a thud. There has just been a flood, so it is very turbid in the water treatment.

He wants to personally build a pontoon bridge for those soldiers who risked their lives, a pontoon bridge to expel the Tartars and restore our rivers and mountains!

Driven by Liu Bang, Xia Houying and the officials who guarded Liu Bang also jumped into the water without hesitation, connecting the boards together.

Hu Tian is flying snow in August.

Although this place is not Hu Tian, ​​it is already late autumn in September, and the water is icy cold. Standing in the water for a while, even Liu Bang, who used to claim to be as strong as a cow with ten catties of meat and a bucket of rice, began to turn purple and tremble. His face turned pale.

But the faces of the soldiers of the Han army who rushed to the pontoon bridge turned red.

This is their emperor!

He could have lived in the deep palace, enjoying all the splendor, and just waited for the battle report from the soldiers in front, just like the former Emperor Shihuang.

But he didn't. In his old age, he led the army to go out. Before, he took the lead and thwarted the plot of the Huns like God's help. Now, with a body of ten thousand gold, he stood in the icy river and erected a pontoon bridge!
What is the prerequisite for supporting Yulong to die for the king?
It's Baojun's golden platform!

Now, they are going to repay this man who is both the chosen and the only man with death!

When the soldiers of the Han army had infinite longing for Liu Bang, Jin She was complaining about the north bank of the water control, one or two miles away from here.

The monkeys shot by Liu Bang flew all over the sky, and one of them exploded very close to them.

Then, Lang Zhong cavalry's horse was also startled...

And the fright of the horses is contagious.

Especially when the prairie horses that escaped from the main battlefield passed by Lang Zhong's cavalry, they frightened the war horses they had just calmed down...

Jin She, who was busy comforting the horses under his crotch, took a look through the binoculars, and found that the Han army's chariots in the distance remained motionless, and groups of Han army soldiers chased to death and chased north, and he couldn't help sighing.

He couldn't eat meat anymore, but seeing the prairie horses running around, he decided to drink the soup first...


Mayi City.

When the thunder sounded, the Han and Hungarian sides in the battle were all stunned, and Han Wangxin, who was standing on the top of the city and using a telescope, clearly saw the change of the situation.

In this battle, the Han army won a big victory!
The siege of Mayi can be resolved in an instant!
However, Han Wangxin did not intend to let the Huns under the city go back north.

Clay figurines are still somewhat rustic, and rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry!

He is a majestic king of Han, he has been beaten in the city by a group of barbarians for so many days, does he have no temper?
As a result, there was loud drumming on the top of the city, and the city gate, which had been closed for many days, opened, and groups of neatly organized Han troops poured out like tides.

Although the Huns outside the city were much more numerous than them.

But they were not afraid at all.

This is a Han as Wuhu!


At the same time, Zhou Bo, who was besieged by Ji Porridge, remained calm.

In this short period of time, they shot and killed at least one or two thousand Huns. If they counted those killed at the beginning, they could behead two thousand if they were conservative in this battle.

According to military law, beheading [-] people in the field is considered a great feat. Soldiers can be promoted to one rank of nobility, while military officials can be promoted to two or three ranks of nobility according to their positions and titles.

Zhou Bo already has the title of Marquis, and there is no way to seal it. No matter how much he makes military exploits, he can only increase his wealth.

But he had the same idea as Fan Kuai.

discount it...

He was also born in Pei County, so why would Fan Kuai have a small banquet for three days and a big banquet for five days, while he can only be the one who has the cheek to come to eat and drink?
Therefore, he is going to use this battle achievement to exchange for the top spot in Shangxian Hall!

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