Destiny Only Han

Chapter 394 Liu Ying: What are you looking at?

In the darkness of night, everywhere around the bonfire, near the tent with floating figures, there was a series of mournful barking sounds.

The general attack has begun.

A leaf clangs and hooves rumble.

Under Han Xin's command, Lin Zhi led five thousand fine cavalry to gallop towards Shan Yu's headquarters. With a swing of his long halberd, he stabbed a Hun cavalry soldier who was charging off his horse. Charge to the second enemy.

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, sparks splashed everywhere, Lin Zhi felt a shock in his hand, as if the halberd had pierced the metal.

However, with the help of horsepower, the tip of the halberd pierced deeply into the opponent's body, but it was too late to pull it out, and immediately there was a click, and the shaft of the halberd broke in response.

Lin Zhi was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the enemy he had left behind, and knew in his heart that this should be the Qin border army that Lu Matong was talking about.

Obviously, the opponent is also wearing iron armor.

The Qin army was still dark, and the armor was usually painted with black paint, so in the night, and the time for the cavalry to rush past was too short, it was difficult to tell whether the opponent was wearing leather armor or iron armor.

But weapons, like soldiers, are consumables.

Lin Zhi threw away the broken halberd shaft in his hand, drew out the long knife at his waist, and continued to move forward courageously, rushing towards the next enemy.


This time he saw very accurately, the opponent was a Hun cavalry in a leather robe, and under the galloping horse, he almost cut off the opponent's waist without any effort!
Thick blood and pink viscera covered the entire horse's back in an instant. The Hun soldier who had been severed at the waist did not die instantly. His hands were still holding the reins tightly, allowing the horse to drag him towards Run away.

Lin Zhi wiped the blood off his face, raised his arms and shouted, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Under the bright moonlight, a blood man wields a blood knife. Its shape is like a demon god in myths and legends.

He is an orphan who has lost his father and mother, and has no relatives in the world. He is a person who emerged from the pile of dead people and has died countless times.

Every day he lives is earned, so he doesn't care about his own life, and naturally he doesn't care about the lives of others.

Therefore, even though he was surrounded by more than a dozen Hun warriors, Lin Zhi did not block the short spears and scimitars stabbing at him, just attacking, attacking, and attacking again.

If you cut me, I will pay you back!

Well, the reason why he is so crazy is that he wears two layers of iron armor and a chain armor vest inside...

He didn't ride very far before the horse was tired and fell down, so he fell into the siege.

In a blink of an eye, the Xiongnu warriors who besieged Lin Zhi either died or fled, and only Lin Zhi was left standing among the fallen corpses, leaning on a long knife and panting heavily.

Although he was very tired, he didn't intend to take off his armor and attack lightly.

At this moment, he already likes the refreshing feeling that you slash me, but the knife is broken, and I slash you, and you are cut in two!
So after taking a few breaths, he spread his legs and rushed towards the crowd in the distance, wailing and howling from time to time, making the Hun warriors who had witnessed the scene far away from the killing god.

In the distance, unlike Lin Zhi who was out of touch with the brigade as soon as the battle started, Lu Matong was always in the command position, leading the cavalry behind him to repeatedly attack Shan Yu's headquarters, dispersing any enemies who tried to gather together.

When the cavalry attacked, the Han infantry also did not sit idle.

They jumped off their horses and formed one small square after another.

This battle is relatively chaotic, the enemy and the enemy are intertwined, and long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows are not very useful.

Therefore, Zhang Shi and Yin Qiang in the army also took up their swords, shields and long spears, and rushed towards Shan Yu's headquarters together with Pao Ze beside him.

The wind is not strong tonight, but the enemy and us are mixed together, desperately fighting, and the fighting spirit is raging, but people can vaguely feel a gust of wind blowing towards our faces.

The real hand-to-hand combat began, and both the soldiers of the Han army and the warriors of the Huns had fallen into madness.

They held their spears high, brandished their swords, roared, growled, and shouted, and rushed towards their opponents with their eyes cracked. Blood was sprayed on them continuously, and they were trampled by countless feet. The ground was already muddy. The stench of blood and the sour smell of viscera make one want to vomit even from a distance of several hundred meters!
But the victory is destined to belong to the Han army.

Without him, the Han Kingdom would be richer, so the main force of the Han army participating in the war was all wearing iron armor, facing the bronze scimitars, horse sticks and flails in the hands of the Huns, they were almost invulnerable.

Moreover, compared with the Huns on the opposite side, the soldiers of the Han army were taller, had longer arms, and weighed nearly one-third more than them.

In later generations, even in competitive sports events, the weight difference between the two parties participating in the fight will not exceed five kilograms, otherwise there will basically be a one-sided situation.

But in the current life-and-death fight, this disparity in stature is even more terrible!
After paying huge casualties, the Huns' mentality of sticking to their homeland finally collapsed. They ran away with their heads in their arms, whistling with various timbres.

This is calling a horse.

The grassland is vast and flat, and it looks like there are no roads, but in fact there are roads everywhere. As long as they can jump on the horseback, they will be able to escape.

Although the Han army is brave in foot combat, they are not good at riding horses, especially because they are too heavy, and they will inevitably fall behind when chasing two phases!

Well, don't ask them how they figured it out!

His legs are straight, not crooked at all, so he has the nerve to call himself a cavalryman?
Faced with the Huns fleeing everywhere, the soldiers of the Han army could only do their best to catch them. After all, most of them wore iron armor weighing tens of kilograms. It was not easy to catch a small man who was a head shorter than himself!
But the most important thing is that if they can't catch this one, they can catch the next one, but if the Huns are caught by them, they will surely die!

Immediately in the distance, Han Xin, who was looking at the shadowy battle, turned his horse's head gently, looked at Liu Ying and said, "The battle is over, let's find a place to camp, it's too smelly here..."

Liu Ying nodded approvingly, they are now at the disadvantage, and he has endured it for a long time!

He looked back, he had too few cavalry in today's battle, and he couldn't encircle the Xiongnu Shanyu's headquarters in all directions, and there must be many fish that slipped through the net.

But it doesn't matter, he originally planned to come to the last big ticket, and immediately went south to complete the task of waiting for an opportunity to cut off Maodun's retreat.

He is not worried at all that Liu Bang will repeat the same mistakes in history. After all, Han Wangxin did not surrender to the Huns, and Liu Bang has a large number of troops, and there are secret weapons he secretly gave.

In a decisive battle head-on, Mouton is not an opponent at all!
Therefore, Liu Ying did not intend to follow Han Xin's suggestion to cross the river from another place, and then drive directly to Mayi, but planned to move south from Yunzhong County to Pingcheng, which is the direction of Datong in later generations.

There is the direction in which the Huns may retreat.

If you can cooperate with Liu Bang to fight another victory there, you will have a chance to recover the entire Yanmen County.

At that time, the Great Wall of Yanzhao can be connected into one piece, and the Taihang and Yanshan Mountains can be used to build a barrier that can curb the nomads going south and invading the North China Plain and Taiyuan Basin!


In the early morning, Liu Ying sat sleepily in the tent, yawning like a hippopotamus, and occasionally some numbers floated by her ears.

In the battle last night, 2000 prisoners were captured, and more than [-] people were beheaded. Among them were a large number of high-ranking Xiongnu officials such as Xiaowang and Duwei, as well as more than [-] horses and over [-] cattle and sheep...

Although many generals in the account were somewhat dissatisfied with the number of cattle and sheep seized, they all understood that this was the headquarters of the Xiongnu Shanyu, and there were very few herdsmen. many.

But what made them very happy was the dozens of large boxes that were searched out from a super-large tent.

Inside are stacked gold bricks and many exquisitely shaped jewelry inlaid with various precious stones.

These things, at first glance, were snatched by the Huns from the Yuezhi people!
According to the usual practice, the captured floating wealth is used to reward soldiers who have made great achievements in combat and generals who participated in the command.

Therefore, Liu Ying naturally wants to take the lead.

Considering his status as the prince of the Han Dynasty, no one would dare to say anything even if he got [-]%.

It's just that Liu Ying is rich. Although his eyes are still straight when he looks at those gold bricks, it's just human instinct.

So Liu Ying looked at a pair of eyes that looked at him from both directions, and waved her hands: "I won't take it, you guys just look at the points."

Suddenly, bursts of cheers came from the tent, Liu Ying was startled, and hurriedly stopped the group of complacent guys in front of her.

He was a little worried, if these guys shouted 'Long Live', it would be difficult for him to explain to Old Liu...

After Han Xin glanced at Liu Ying, he didn't say much. Liu Ying didn't care about money, but he cared more now!
Liu Ying didn't divide, he happened to divide more.

After all, Liu Bang confiscated all the wealth he accumulated when he was King Qi and King Chu...

Father's debt is paid by son, it's only right and proper!

After distributing the floating wealth, Liu Ying was stunned on the spot. What appeared in front of him at this moment was a large group of women.

To be precise, it is the wives of Maodun, that is, the Yan family.

The Huns are polygamous, and Shanyu can have many wives, but there is no distinction between these wives in size, and in many cases they are even equal to Shanyu himself.

After all, behind these women are mostly powerful grassland tribes.

But what made Liu Ying stunned was a big face standing in front of him, staring at him with resentful eyes.

In later generations, Liu Ying raised a Mongolian son in the dormitory of the university, and that daughter-in-law looked somewhat similar to the woman in front of her.

Although Liu Ying was a Cao thief, he didn't like it, so he asked with a puzzled face, "What are you looking at?"

But the big-faced plate didn't answer him, but stared at him blankly.

Liu Ying wanted to say something more, but suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her.

"I, I didn't mean to lie to you..."

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