Destiny Only Han

Chapter 412 Liu Ying: Those who destroy the Huns, the Huns too!

Shan Yu Wang Zhang.

Mao Dun looked at the paper in his hand, first expressed his admiration for the writing carrier of this material, and then a touch of ironing rose.

He has already learned from the smugglers from the south that the Han Kingdom is now fully promoting a font called 'Chinese characters', which is a font that is quite different from the small seal script of the Qin Kingdom.

So he originally thought that the stack of documents that Liu Jing handed over must be written in Chinese characters, but what he didn't expect was that the writer was very considerate and still used the small seal script of the State of Qin!
At this moment, for the first time, he had a lot of affection for the prince of the Han Dynasty who had to get rid of him quickly.

But when he looked closely, his brows were furrowed instantly, and he started scratching his head unknowingly.

He knew all these words in front of him, but he didn't understand the meaning after combining them.

"What is flour? When you collect wool, you collect wool. Why do you have to divide it into so many types? And..."

Mao Dun raised his head, looked at Liu Jing and expressed his doubts.

Liu Jing replied: "Flour refers to the powder that is ground into wheat. The taste is far better than eating it directly. It is much more delicious to make fried noodles than yellow rice (milo) and corn!"

"This humble minister happened to bring some fried noodles and flour with me. I'll let the missionaries bring them here for you to taste."

Well, the reason why we sell flour but not granular grains is that flour is easy to absorb moisture and cause insects, and it is not durable.

In this way, even if the Huns obtained a lot of food through trade, they could only eat it as soon as possible, and could not store it as a war reserve.

The most important thing is that as a processed product, flour can naturally be sold at a premium, and more profits can be obtained from trade, and it can also promote the development of the textile industry while providing flour milling workers in Han.

Flour required stronger and tighter burlap pockets, which meant more ramie and weavers needed to be grown, providing jobs and increasing farmers' incomes.

Of course, the money for the sack should also be included in the price of the flour.

Liu Ying specially marked it in the detailed rules of trade, and the opened sacks can be used to trade in old ones for new ones in the next transaction, and a part of the flour money will be deducted.

After a while, Liu Jing stepped forward and introduced:

"Look at Da Chanyu, this is flour, and fried noodles made from flour... The one on the far left is the basic one, just stir-fry the flour, then rinse with water or milk to eat, and these are the advanced ones , the special dried fruit and dried meat made by the secret method are added in it... Well, these two materials are also in the product exchange catalog..."

Mao Dun stepped forward and twisted some into his mouth to taste, and found that the taste was not particularly good, but it was not particularly bad, but compared to the hard fried rice, it was not good for his teeth because he didn’t brush his teeth very much. For some people, fried noodles are more in line with his wishes.

In this regard, Zuo Dadanghu and others who are similar in age to him are also very satisfied.

Mao Dun tasted the dried fruit made by the so-called secret method again. Although it was a bit hard, the taste was excellent, so he showed a satisfied expression on his face:
"I don't know how much this flour sells for?"

Liu Jing raised two fingers: "One bag and one stone, exchange for two sheep..."

The expression on his face remained the same, but in fact he felt a little uneasy. After all, the price of wheat in Guanzhong is only 120 yuan a stone. Even if it is ground into flour, the price is only [-] yuan. The price of Jieyang is at least one thousand yuan or more!

A stone of flour is exchanged for two sheep...

He silently complained in his heart that his highness the crown prince of their family would not be a robber, it would be a shame...

Hearing Liu Jing's quotation, Mao Dun and the other big households looked at each other, and finally nodded slowly: "Yes, this price is very fair!"

They are familiar with the weights and measures of the Han Dynasty. If one shi (sixty catties) of flour is saved, it can feed a man for nearly a month, but two sheep can't eat for so many days.

So, a bargain.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing is not for ordinary Xiongnu herdsmen, but for them, big and small Huns.

It is not unique to the Central Plains people to take all the Zizhu and use it like sand.

After explaining to a noble surname of the Huns and trying to cultivate their eating habits, Liu Jing then explained the doubts that Maodu had before, that is, the problem of wool classification.

To put it simply, wool is sorted according to different lengths, thicknesses, bends, etc., and needs to be cleaned in advance to remove impurities such as grass blades, pebbles, and soil.

Liu Jing greeted Mao Dun's disgusting and troublesome eyes and said:
"The standards set by His Royal Highness are designed to benefit both the noble and us. For example, the sorting and sorting of wool can be done by our personnel, but the price of wool will naturally decrease! When they need to take care of the farmland, let them sort the wool, and of course they need to be paid."

"For your side, while combing the wool in spring and autumn, you can sort and classify the wool by hand, and then you can sell it at a high price and get more Han specialties such as tea and brown sugar!"

"Win-win for each other, why not do it?"

After Liu Jing finished speaking, he looked around and saw heads nodding in agreement.

After all, most of the things they exchanged are enjoyed by them, but they are not the ones who pay extra labor.

The thing of generosity to others is the real why not do it!
Next, Liu Jing, Mao Dun and others discussed whether it is possible, as Liu Ying said in the additional terms, to allow the payment of the goods in the Han five baht at the time of the transaction, and then let the Huns use the Han five baht to purchase .

Mouton declined.

This was not because he was worried that the Han would manipulate the Xiongnu's economy, but because of the trouble, but most importantly, the Han and the Huns did not trust at all at this time. No business has been done yet.

Therefore, in order to avoid selling the goods to the Han people in exchange for five baht, the Han people will turn their backs and deny the account or raise the price maliciously. At this stage, it is better to barter!
This kind of loss, the Huns have suffered from Qin many times...

Seeing Mao Dun categorically refused, Liu Jing didn't say much, anyway, his main purpose of coming this time was not for this, so he rolled up his sleeves and waved, and began to demonstrate another kind of food for Mao Dun and others.

milk tea.

To be precise, it is salty milk tea.

He first put the teapot on the stove he prepared, then put in the tea leaves, waited quietly for the tea soup to boil, and the color became dark brown, and finally threw two pieces of coarse salt, and poured the tea soup into the hot milk prepared in advance.

In the amazement of Mao Dun and others, Liu Jing endured the discomfort and took a big sip, pretending that it was really delicious, poured the milk tea into a bowl, and signaled Mao Dun and others to taste it.

Then, he heard voices of praise and thumbs up one by one.

Salty milk tea is naturally suitable for the stomachs of these nomads.

Mao Dun licked the milk skin on his lips, regretting in his heart, he knew that he would not drink up the tea that Liu Bang gave him in one go, if he could keep some of it, he could drink this milk tea a few more times.

Well, nomads mainly rely on dairy products on a daily basis. Even he, the Great Chanyu of the Huns, drank more milk than meat on a daily basis.

Although the taste of fresh milk is already very good, after drinking it for decades, it has long since become too greasy.

Nowadays, this kind of milk tea with a strange aroma makes the act of drinking milk no longer just to satisfy the hunger, but a kind of enjoyment.

This point can also be seen from the faces of the princes of the Xiongnu with the same happy smiles around them.

Liu Jing looked around and nodded slowly, admiring the young prince of his family more and more in his heart, the trip to the Xiongnu was just like what Liu Ying said, tea and cloth would be the main force of trade with the Xiongnu.

Therefore, as Liu Jing and Mao Dun hugged each other tightly, the Han and Hungarian parties officially reached this round of business negotiations.

As long as the autumn wind blows, the goods agreed by the two parties will arrive in Shangjun and start trading.

Seeing this, Chen Xi, who was standing at the door of the big tent, turned around silently and left, and went straight into a very inconspicuous tent, writing vigorously, while beside him, there were bursts of crowing pigeons from time to time.

The news of the successful negotiation will be quickly spread by this group of pigeons back to Fushi County, Shangjun, and then sent to Liyang by relay.

After a while, more than a dozen pigeons of different colors soared into the sky, circled in the sky for a while, and flew straight towards home.

Well, these pigeons are carrying the same letters.

After all, the ecology is very good at this time, and you can see circling goshawks from time to time, so if you pass the news here, you have to release many pigeons.

It was Liu Ying's intention for Chen Xi to serve as the deputy envoy this time. After all, this guy was also a [-]-year-old boy in history. In order to prevent the historical line from being constricted, it is better to let him try not to contact the army as much as possible.

Even in history, Chen Xi's military talent is not bad.

But Liu Ying has Han Xin who is about the same age as him at the moment, so it's no big deal if there is one more general and one less.


Xinfeng City, National Stadium, quarter-finals.

Liu Ying stood in the stands dancing and cheering for the Donggong team, causing Liu Bang and others to cast envious and hateful eyes frequently.

Well, the Peixian Old Brothers team led by Liu Bang was eliminated in the qualifiers, and it was Liu Ying's reorganized East Palace team that ended them...

These people are all Cuju masters that Liu Ying got from Qidi, and the voices for winning the Dafeng Cup this time have always been very high.

Behind Liu Ying, Xiao Lu walked over with a smile on his face, and muttered softly.

The expression on Liu Ying's face was neither sad nor happy, she just lowered her head and meditated silently.

The negotiations with the Huns basically met his expectations, but the plan to make the Han five baht the currency of the Huns did not succeed, which made him a little frustrated.

After all, there is such a saying in later generations.

If you control oil, you control all countries; if you control currency, you control the world; if you control food, you control all people!

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