Destiny Only Han

Chapter 416 Liu Ying: Since ancient times!

When Liu Bang was carrying the jug and Xia Houying and the others were slouching together, Liu Ying opened the wooden box that Han Tan sent, and was going to see what the so-called 'soap' was.

Unlike Xiao Lu who suspected that there was an inner ghost around her, Liu Ying knew very well that soap actually originated in the countries on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

For example, as early as around the third century BC, Aleppo on the east coast of the Mediterranean had exported soap as its pillar industry.

Liu Ying opened the wooden box, lifted the soap inside which was okay but not transparent, and had obvious cutting marks, looked at it, and smelled it, and became more and more sure that it was not made by him.

In fact, soap does not have any technical content, it is just a simple fatty acid salt compound, which is made by mixing oil and alkaline substances together.

However, no technical content does not mean that there is no production threshold.

Inventing soap requires two key conditions.

One is the massive amount of oil, and the other is the rich alkali resources.

The reason why China did not take the lead in inventing soap in ancient times was because of the first condition.

Lack of oil.

There are many scenes of eating and drinking recorded in the Book of Songs, but when it comes to describing ordinary people, they either dig wild vegetables or pick wild fruits...

Because oil is so rare, the concept of fat and ointment is also specially separated. The oil extracted from horned animals is called fat, and the oil extracted from hornless animals is called ointment.

If you want to realize the freedom to eat oil, you must at least be at the level of the early emperor Zhou.

For example, "Zhou Li·Tian Guan" said that Zhou Tianzi needs to adjust his diet according to the changes of the four seasons. In spring, he eats suckling pig and lamb, cooked with butter; in summer, he eats dried birds and fish, cooked with dog oil; in autumn, he eats young cattle and deer Cubs, cook with chicken oil; eat wild geese and fresh fish in winter, cook with sheep oil...

So, the Zhou Dynasty is gone...

Give another chestnut.

For example, the idiom moves the index finger.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Duke Zheng Ling of the State of Zheng succeeded to the throne, and the State of Chu sent someone to congratulate him with a large turtle (yuán).

Well, this is a kind of turtle-like and rich in fat.

Zheng Linggong didn't waste such precious ingredients, so he asked the best chef in the country to cook this dish.

While it was cooking, the minister son Song and the son's family came to pay a visit. When they walked to the gate of the palace, the son Song's index finger moved for no reason. The son Song secretly rejoiced and said to the son's family quietly: "I have encountered such situations in the past, and I will definitely be able to taste delicious food." .

But Zheng Linggong didn't intend to share it with Young Master Song. Not only that, in order to disgust the other party, he even asked Young Master Song to watch while he was eating...

In the end, son Song went back out of nausea. Before leaving, he dipped his index finger into the soup and tasted it, before leaving angrily.

This is also the origin of the word 'meaning'.

In the end, of course, during the autumn sacrifice, Young Master Song bought off the guards of the palace with a lot of money, crushed Duke Ling to death with a heavy object, and announced to the outside world that Zhongyan died suddenly...

This is somewhat similar to the fact that the coachman drove the general to the enemy's camp because of the unfair division of meat, and the change of the Honnoji Temple caused by a stinky fish...

Unlike the lack of oil in East Asia, the Mediterranean countries at that time were not short of oil because of the climate and the existence of olive trees. Although they did not eat meat very much, they did not lack oil.

After all, the olive tree is a plant with huge natural growth and low land requirements. Extracting oil from the fruit is almost equivalent to no money except for a little labor.

Naturally, rich resources have given birth to many strange behaviors, such as applying olive oil when bathing, applying olive oil when sick, participating in sports games, applying olive oil for mummification, and offering sacrifices to a lot of gods Olive oil is also needed, plus eating and drinking olive oil...

How should I put it, for the olive oil trade, the Greeks and Romans even specially designed pot-bellied bottles of different sizes as measuring tools.

In the excavation of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, the frequency of olive oil jars is no less than that of porcelain excavated from the seabed along the Maritime Silk Road...

When there is no lack of oil in daily life, there will naturally be opportunities for oil to come into contact with alkaline substances such as plant ash.

It is also understandable to invent soap before the world.

But how to put it, the living will not be suffocated by urine.

For example, it is recorded in "Kao Gong Ji" that when practicing silk, use slugs as ashes.

To put it simply, potassium carbonate (plant ash) and calcium carbonate (clamshell ash) are mixed and water is added to obtain potassium hydroxide with stronger cleaning ability as a cleaning agent.

This is obviously more awesome than inventing soap!
Then there is the 'pancreas', that is, using the digestive enzymes in the pancreas to react with the saponins and lecithin contained in the soybean powder to produce foaming agents and emulsifiers.

In fact, the ancients did not lack technology, what they lacked was a way to summarize and record it and get to the bottom of it.

Liu Ying looked at the soap in her hand, and then looked at the suggested retail price that was convenient for taxation, so when she wrote the suggested retail price on the paper, she suddenly had a bold idea in her heart.

Doujin kills the original idea!
He also knows how to make soap, and it is more advanced than the methods mastered by the Mediterranean people.

For example, the salting out method of separating glycerin from soap.

It is to heat and stir the saponified liquid, and slowly add fine grains of salt to the pot to precipitate sodium fatty acid from the mixed liquid.

Then stop heating and stirring, and wait until the solution is divided into upper and lower layers.

The upper layer is sodium fatty acid used to make soap, and the lower layer is a mixture of glycerin and salt.

The reason why soap is sold cheaply in later generations is because daily chemical companies mainly need glycerin for making cosmetics. Soap is only a by-product, just like the ice dew produced by Coca-Cola, it is sold for money...

Due to the extensive planting of oil crops in today's big men, Liu Ying's conditions for obtaining oil are actually no worse than those of Mediterranean people. Coupled with more and cheaper plant ash, his cost of making soap must be lower than that of the other party.

If some cheap fragrances are added to the soap, the Silk Road may be renamed the Soap Road...

Moreover, things like glycerin can not only be used to make food and cosmetics, but also can be used for other purposes after deep processing.

For example, nitrification...

When Liu Ying pinched her chin and felt complacent that she had found a weapon that could break the fortress of the knight class, her eyes inadvertently flashed across the wooden box and saw something else.

Plant seeds.

Liu Ying silently put away those things, he had already guessed what they were.


However, he was a little worried, because currently the Han Empire did not have any suitable places for olives to grow, and those areas where this plant was the pillar industry in later generations were not on the territory of the Han Empire.

For example, the Baima Di people in Wudu (Longnan City, Gansu).

Wudu was a county in the later Han Empire.

So, you know...

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