Destiny Only Han

Chapter 427 Yibo is not flat, Yibo rises again

The stone beam thatched hut has bends and splashes of water.

Liu Ying squatted beside the ditch, took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the sweat and dust off her face.

The war against the Di people is over. Although the gains are not large, there are four to five thousand square kilometers of land, and the Di people's invasion of the old way has been lifted, and the border of the empire has expanded a lot.

As for the follow-up work, it will be handed over to Liu Zhao, the new captain of Wudu Dao.

Liu Ying's next plan is to select some civilians from the Central Plains who have no land or little land, or the second sons who have not inherited land to continue to migrate to Wudu, and strive to set up settlements in the river valleys suitable for farming there, so that the total population will reach Ten thousand households.

After all, the territory of the empire needs someone to guard it. If the land is not occupied by the Han people, it will be eroded by the surrounding barbarians.

Well, before the Tweeting Order was accepted from top to bottom, everyone basically adopted the primogeniture system, so there is no need to worry that there will be no population to migrate.

After a short rest, Liu Ying got on her horse and set off again.

At sunset, the horse team went straight into Liyang City.

Before Lu Zhi sent anyone to arrest him, Liu Ying immediately changed her clothes, entered the Yueyang Palace through the corner gate behind the East Palace, and walked quickly towards the Chenglu Palace.

There is no way, having a mother who is full of desire for control is a trouble of happiness...

"younger brother!"

Liu Le screamed, and ran over dun dun dun dun dun dun, then looked Liu Ying left and right, stretched out his hand, and said confidently, "Where's the gift?"

Liu Ying acted as if she hadn't heard anything, and stepped into the bedroom: "Meet my mother."

Lu Zhi nodded his head up and down very satisfied: "I know you are coming, today's dinner is all your favorite."

What do I like to eat?Why don't I know what I like to eat... The smile on Liu Ying's face remains the same, but her heart is full of doubts. eat.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, under his training these years, the cooks in the palace have made much better meals than before, and dark dishes such as snail sauce have also been abandoned.

Well, the old master Confucius once said that if you don’t have the right sauce, you don’t eat it. This refers to the court food culture of the Zhou Dynasty. Different dishes should be served with different sauces.

For example, when eating dried ginger and cinnamon meat, it is served with ant egg sauce; when eating soup made of dried meat, it is served with rabbit sauce; when eating minced meat slices, it is served with fish sauce; when eating raw fish, it is served with mustard sauce...

Eating sashimi with wasabi now is a habit passed down from that time.

Seeing the little girl on the other side who was angry because there was no gift, Liu Ying suddenly looked at Lu Zhi and asked:
"I'm going to attend the foundation stone laying ceremony of the teaching building of Dahan Public School in a while, and my mother thinks I look better in a black robe with red gauze on the outside, or red on the inside and black on the outside?"

Little Loli stood up silently, gave Liu Ying a threatening look, and sneaked out the door.

The corners of Lu Zhi's mouth raised slightly, and the playful expression on his face disappeared for a moment, as if he didn't see every move of her grievous daughter, he said to himself:

"Infrared and black look good. Mother remembers that your sister was making a red robe a few days ago. Could it be for you?"

Liu Ying waved her hand: "I dare not wear the clothes made by my sister, it's shameful..."

Little Lolita stopped in her tracks, became furious, and put her hands on her hips: "Nonsense, nonsense! The clothes I made are the most beautiful. You look ugly in them because you are ugly. Look at others..."

"Who? Which family?" Liu Ying sat up straight, with the same narrow expression on Lu Zhi's face.


Luoyang Palace.

The lights are bright, and the toasts are staggered.

"Yo Yo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have a guest, play the lute and play the sheng. Play the sheng and the reed, and carry the basket is the general. People are kind to me, show me how to go around..."

The group of conservative young ladies in light shirts with long sleeves in the hall danced an elegant and dignified court dance, but it was a pity that it didn't fit in with the unrestrained atmosphere around them, making Shusuntong sitting in the corner drinking wine with heartache.

But Liu Bang didn't care about it, he was holding Liu Jiao under his arm, holding a wine jar in his hand, half feeding him to drink, half washing his face...

And on the ground in front of them, a Confucian crown that rolled down to the ground was filled with some suspicious liquid...

It all started from the last carnival night.

Liu Jiao took advantage of Liu Bang's drunkenness, removed the crown of Confucianism on his head, smacked Liu Bang's buttocks, and avenged that day...

It's a pity that although Liu Bang was drunk, he didn't reach the level of fragmentation, so he continued to get drunk and then come back with revenge today.

For the current civil war between brothers, no matter whether they are prudent like Xia Houying or happy like Fan Kui, they all lack interest in it and turn a blind eye to it.

Today's great joy is naturally because Liu Ying has won the Di people.

Although the Di people are not a strong opponent, a victory is a victory, and it is worth celebrating!

Moreover, for Han, a new empire that has been established for less than ten years, only through victory after victory can it unite the hearts of the people and gain the recognition of the people of the world.

Therefore, in the princes and kings area on the left side of the lower head, Lu Ze was naturally full of pride, toasting to everyone frequently.

Liu Ying is his nephew, and a relative like uncle is equivalent to his mother to a certain extent, even higher than uncle!

As for those who responded to Lu Ze with a smile on their faces, apart from the old grass-roots Changsha king Wu Rui, the only one left was Zou Wuzhu, the king of Minyue.

These two guys are said to be subjects of the Han Empire, but they don't pay taxes, and don't provide troops. Apart from obeying Liu Bang's order and bringing gifts to the pilgrimage, they are almost equivalent to a country within a country.

It's just that when they came this time, they all had their own demands.

Wu Rui hoped to borrow troops from the Han Dynasty to subdue the Nanyue king Zhao Tuo to the south. After all, Zhao Tuo did not pay tribute to the Han Empire, so when Liu Bang succeeded the emperor, he sealed off Nanhai, Guilin and other lands belonging to the Nanyue Kingdom. Wu Rui.

So, for Wu Rui, this is the promised land...

As for King Zou Wuzhu of Minyue, he also wanted to borrow troops from Han to attack the Dongou people in the north so as to open up land passages with Chu and Jing.

Of course, it would be great if we could take the opportunity to annex the land of the Dongou people...

Well, the Dongou people are a branch of the Yue people. At that time, Goujian VI Sun Wujiang, the king of Yue, intended to go north to crusade against the Qi State, wanting to revive the glory of the ancestors and build the prestige of the Central Plains.

Although Chu State agreed to send troops to Qi State together with Yue State, it was a pity that when Yue State sent troops, Chu State was fighting with Qin State.

Then Qi State, in order to divert trouble to the east, instigated Yue State, which had successively defeated the Qi army and thus swelled, to attack Chu State instead.

After all, at that time, the state of Chu broke its promise one after another. Not only did it break the alliance with the state of Qi and did not send troops with the state of Yue, but it also betrayed the three Jin states for the six hundred miles of Shang Yu that Zhang Yi promised...

Yue Guo felt that this was an opportunity, and then typed GG in laughter...

After the war, most of the land of Yue State was annexed by Chu State.

The king of Yue has no boundaries and died.

However, his eldest son Yu established the Minyue Kingdom in the Fujian area, and his second son Ti established the Ouyue Kingdom in the south of Ouyu Mountain, that is, in the south of Zhejiang Province, with Ouyang as the surname.

Well, Ou refers to Mount Ouyu, and Yang refers to the side of the mountains, south of the river, and north of the river, which is the side that the sun shines on.

Therefore, King Zou Wuzhu of Minyue was famous for his crusade against Dongou, and more than a hundred years was not enough to wipe away his claiming rights...

Among the princes and kings, apart from Minyue King Zou Wuzhu and Changsha King Wu Rui who wanted to borrow troops, the rest were Huainan Wang Yingbu, Liang Wang Pengyue, and Zhao Wang Zhang Ao who wanted to report to the regiment for warmth.

But what Zhang Ao didn't realize was that Yingbo had already planned to throw him away as an abandoned child...

This can be seen from their seats.

At this moment, Yingbo and Peng Yue hugged each other shoulder to shoulder. Although they were red-faced and bare-chested, they seemed to have drunk too much, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no trace of drunkenness in the eyes of the two of them. Just pretend to be drunk.

And they seem to be ambiguous, like they are talking drunk, but they are actually discussing how to form an alliance to fight against the central government of Han, so that they can enjoy the fiefdom for a long time and pass it on from generation to generation.

After all, Huainan Country and Liang Country are not barren lands like Yan Country. It's a pity to get the best, but it's nothing compared to wealth and life.

Man made money and birds died for food. For this fertile land that can be passed on to future generations, even if Peng Yue was a little bit fascinated and afraid of Liu Ying, he would definitely fight to the end!
In a corner of the hall, Chen Ping, who was excluded by everyone, sat alone in a dark corner, seemingly enjoying the delicious food and wine at his own discretion, but his chilling eyes repeatedly lingered on Ying Bu, Peng Yue, and Zhang Ao.

Well, Chen Ping, as Liu Bang's white glove, collects other people's privacy and makes small reports on a daily basis. If he can be treated like a ghost...

On the throne, Liu Bang casually threw Liu Jiao, who had been drunk to pieces, on the ground, and ordered someone to carry him away, not forgetting to snort contemptuously: "Oh, useless little trash..."

Immediately, his eyes fixed on Zhang Ao who was alone.

"King Zhao, come here..."

Zhang Ao had no choice but to get up and walk towards Liu Bang. Although he was full of resistance to this in his heart, Liu Bang was the emperor, so he had to obey.

Liu Bang spread his legs and leaned on the armchair, looking at Zhang Ao who was walking towards him step by step, he vaguely remembered the scene when he met him for the first time when he was in Waihuang.

At that time, Zhang Ao hadn't been weaned yet, but he had already grown up to be very pleasing, so he made a marriage contract with Zhang Er.

It's just that Liu Bang was sincere at that time, but Zhang Er was just perfunctory.

After all, Liu Bang is a ranger who comes to make a living, and Zhang Er is already well-known all over the world, and he is the magistrate of Waihuang County.

"Do you know? In fact, Naigong has always regarded you as his own son..." Liu Bang squeezed Zhang Ao's shoulders, his eyes were drunk: "You have to be good, don't let down Naigong's trust..."

Zhang Ao's heart trembled, but a smile appeared on his face and he nodded frequently.

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