Destiny Only Han

Chapter 43 1 piece is great

Chapter 43

The eastern foot of Helan Mountain.

Seeing that May is about to enter, the weeds on the wasteland are already very lush.

On the undulating grassland, sometimes a river, with a distance of several feet, rushes and flows, winding out a silver jade belt.

The hills near and far are covered with trees, the sky is blue, and the white clouds appear very low because of the clear air, as if they can be reached by climbing the short hills.

At this time, tens of thousands of knights galloped in this vast world.

From their thick eyebrows, curly beards, messy furs, and their short stature but they seem to have succeeded to the throne, it can be seen that this is a group of Huns.

If you look carefully, you will find a burly man wearing a golden crown under the banner of hunting wolves.

The Xiongnu Shanyu and Maodun.

At this moment, it has been a long time since the breakthrough of Qin Gaoquesai that day, and under the scouring of time, the desperate cries, dying wailing, gushing blood, and burning smoke have long since disappeared.

Under the hurricane rush of the Huns, the Qin people who stayed in the Hetao grassland had to retreat back and retreated back to the old Great Wall of Qin, and threw the entire grassland, together with countless grains, weapons and armor, to the Huns.

Looking at the towering and steep Helan Mountain, Mao Dun felt that the gloom that had been in his chest for a long time disappeared.

Here is where he was born.

This is where the ancestors of the Huns lived for generations.

Every inch of land here is soaked in the blood of the Huns.

In the distance, the mountain bag, which was exposed to the wind and the sun, has long lost its original appearance, was piled up with the heads of Hun warriors.


After the Qin people unified the world, in the direction of the man's sword, a black torrent rolled in, and countless Huns shed blood on the battlefield. Their wives, children, and even their own heads became the trophies of others.

The remaining Huns had no choice but to run away, and it was unclear whether it was tears or blood that flowed from their eyes.

People dare not go south to graze horses, and scholars dare not bend their bows to complain.

The sun soared into the sky, and everyone had to close their eyes and lower their heads.

But, the sun will set eventually.

eye for eye!
However, Mao Dun didn't think so in his heart.

His desire to kill and revenge has long since disappeared with the breakthrough of Gaoquesai.

Now he has repositioned himself in the position of the Great Chanyu.

As the heir of the Canglang God, Gutu Shanyu, the supporter of the Great Huns.

At this moment, Modu made a decision that all the Huns could not understand.

Kill order!
He raised his horsewhip and looked at the householders around him, Qian Changgui: "From now on, anyone who dares to slaughter the Qin people who belong to him will be punished with ten thousand arrows piercing his heart!"

After Mao Dun finished speaking, he withdrew his gaze and didn't care about their incomprehension.

The wolves only need to obey and don't need to explain.

He thought of Touman, which was a sentence his father repeatedly mentioned when he was alive.

'How broad your heart is, how far your war horse can gallop. '

He firmly believed that under the protection of the Wolf God, his war horse would gallop on until the end of the world.


To the south of Jingshui, Wangyi Palace.

This was originally a front-line headquarters looking north to Rongdi, but after the Huns were driven to the Mobei Grassland, it was completely reduced to a palace of the Qin State.

At three poles in the sun, in a luxurious palace with carved beams and painted buildings and priceless furnishings, a young man with loose hair and white single clothes leaned on the roof, with amber-like fine wine remaining in the suet jade cup in his hand.

This person is the second emperor of Qin, Hu Hai.

His long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly squinted, his thin lips were opened, and he said drunkenly: "Madam lives in the world, it's like riding six horses to cross the gap... hiccup!"

He hiccupped suddenly, and laughed involuntarily. There was a hint of sadness in his laughter.

Kneeling halfway in front of Hu Hai, a pretty woman echoed with a poofy smile, and immediately continued to pour fine wine into Hu Hai's wine glass.

Hu Hai lifted the woman's clean and clean chin with his finger: "You, what are you laughing at?"

Relying on the fact that she was the most liked by Hu Hai on weekdays, the woman said in a waxy voice: "Whatever your majesty laughs, the concubine will laugh at whatever..."

The corner of Hu Hai's mouth raised, and he looked at the servant standing beside him: "Drag out, die with a stick..."


Outside the main hall, a tall and well-built old man climbed up the steps.

When the woman with a protruding figure and struggling desperately was carried away from him, he climbed the steps as if he had never seen him before.

Although he dedicated this woman to the emperor, so what?
After a while, the old man walked to the gate of the palace, looked at the servant at the gate and said, "Lang Zhongling Zhao Gao, please see Your Majesty."

The servant directly pushed open the door of the palace: "Your Majesty has ordered that the Lang Zhongling will see you, there is no need to inform..."

Zhao Gao nodded slightly, and went straight.

Not long ago, he had obtained the qualification to go to the palace with sword shoes and enter the court. He no longer needed to take off his shoes and walk quickly like other ministers.

Zhao Gao looked around the hall and saw Hu Hai leaning on the long ledge, and another woman lying on top of him.

The woman's body was covered with a layer of tulle, and she could vaguely see her pink and jade buttocks with undulating waves. Her green fingers were holding a preserved fruit, and she was feeding Hu Hai.

Hu Hai looked at Zhao Gao, and asked drunkenly, "Is there something important for Lang Zhong to come here?"

When he was asking, for some reason, the woman lying on Hu Hai's body suddenly let out a coquettish cry, and buried her head in Hu Hai's chest, panting again and again, a blush quickly spread from behind her ears to her whole body.

Zhao Gao didn't dare to look any further, he lowered his head and said, "Prime Minister Zuo, ah no, the sinner Li Si is in prison comparing himself to Bigan and Wu Zixu, and refuses to confess to colluding with bandits, please Your Majesty to decide."

Hu Hai pushed the woman on him away, and was furious: "What? How dare he compare with Bigan and Wu Zixu?"

Although he doesn't like political affairs, and the state of Qin has strict book orders, as a prince, he reads a lot of classics and history collections on weekdays. Naturally, he knows that when a courtier compares a loyal minister like Bi Gan, he compares the monarch to a foolish monarch like Jie and Zhou!

Hu Hai felt that although he was not as good as a wise king like Yao and Shun, he was at least a successful king.

After all, although there is a rebellion in the country, the form is very good, not a small good!

Those who dared to rebel, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, Xiang Liang, Wei Jiu, and others were all put to death, the country is booming, and the world is about to regain peace!
At this moment, Li Si dared to compare Jie and Zhou, a king of subjugation, with him.

Hu Hai said angrily: "Since that's the case, let's forget about his aspect and let him go home and pick up the child!"

Zhao Gao raised his eyes slightly: "Your Majesty is benevolent, this is the blessing of all people, but Li Si must not stay..."

Hu Hai frowned suddenly: "How do you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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