Destiny Only Han

Chapter 430 Liu Ying: Housing is not for speculation!

Chapter 430 Liu Ying: Housing is not for speculation!
South of Luoyang city.

There are huge crowds of people, and the flags block out the sun.

Hardened with cement, thousands of horse-drawn carriages are scattered on the wide and straight road, and tens of thousands of soldiers are waiting in line with long spears and crossbows.

Today is the day when Liu Bangdong tours Qilu and enshrines Zen on Mount Tai.

However, Liu Ying did not follow up immediately. He rode on a majestic bay red horse, quietly waiting for Liu Bang's convoy to travel east, while he turned south.

He wants to go to Nanyang County to do some business first, and then he will go eastward to join Liu Bang.

After a while, Liu Bang's golden root car disappeared from Liu Ying's sight. Although the east tour team had not yet fully set off, Liu Ying did not intend to wait in place.

So he turned his horse's head around, and surrounded by hundreds of guards from the Eastern Palace behind him, he galloped south along the Yishui River Valley for half a day. After repairing in Liang County, he passed through Li[zhí] County, Chuanwan County, all the way to the southeast of Nanyang County. In the direction of Pingshi County (Tongbai County, Henan Province).

Five days later, Liu Ying looked at the gradually rising mountains in the distance, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She ordered the guards behind her to enter the post for repairs, and fed some fresh grass and bean cakes to the horses that had lost weight. After moving his sore and swollen thighs, he boarded the carriage prepared for him by the county magistrate of the Ping family, and headed for the distant mountains.

On the carriage, a white and fat middle-aged man began to complain: "Your Highness is here! If you wait here any longer, I will be hungry and thin!"

This person is none other than Zhang Cang.

Liu Ying looked at his C-cup chest, feeling a little sloppy for a while, not knowing where to start.

Zhang Cang said solemnly: "Your Highness, I would like to advise you with the last sentence. Once the contract is signed, there will be no room for repentance! Your Highness, you should think twice before acting!"

Don't think twice, I've thought about it five times... Liu Ying smiled and said, "When will my words not count?"

Zhang Cang suddenly laughed like a flower, feeling complacent that he had reached such a huge deal just after taking office.

Liu Ying met him in Pingshi County to sign a land purchase contract, to be precise, to buy the entire mountain south of Pingshi County.

The name of this mountain is Tongbai Mountain. Although it covers a large area, it is nothing compared to the endless plain north of the mountain.

What Liu Ying bought was a small section of mountain range that was 200 to [-] miles wide and more than [-] miles long. The price per mu was very low, only [-] yuan, but the total amount exceeded [-] million yuan!
Last year, the total tax revenue of the Han Empire was more than 50 billion yuan if it was converted into cash. This is still the figure after the severe collection of Hedong Yanchi and the Coal and Iron Trading Company.

And after a series of expenditures such as paying official salaries and paying frontier military salaries, there are only hundreds of thousands of dollars left in the treasury...

The huge treasury can run a horse if it is empty!

So as soon as Liu Ying proposed that she wanted to buy a barren mountain, Zhang Cang rushed here in person to wait...

After a while, the carriage drove to the foot of the mountain, Liu Ying stepped out of the carriage, and saw a scene of gongs and drums and red flags waving.

In the distance, a banner was pulled up with a line of big characters written on it.

Welcome His Royal Highness to visit and guide us!

Under Liu Ying's bewildered expression, Zhang Cang squeezed his little eyes: "Your Highness, please!"

Liu Ying followed his gestures to look over, and saw a table there, with bamboo poles inserted around the table, and bright silk was tied on it to look like blossoming flowers.

Well, as long as you don't cut it, you can roll it up and use it afterwards.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome..."

Liu Ying looked at the children who were waving bouquets of flowers on both sides of the road, with monkey butts on their faces, and suddenly understood why Xiao He had a blank expression when Dahan Public School cut the ribbon...

This so-called way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heavens spare!

Under Zhang Cang's nodding and bowing guidance, Liu Ying walked to the desk with a numb face, silently picked up a brush, and neatly wrote her name on the contract.

"Prince, please use the seal." Zhang Cang held the ink pad with both hands.

Liu Ying picked up the seal carved by her own Lantian jade, took a deep look at Zhang Cang, raised the corner of her mouth with a look that made him feel guilty, and immediately stamped it firmly on the contract!

For a moment, Zhang Cang had a faint feeling of regret in his heart.

The price seems to be low!
But Liu Ying didn't care much about him, she just took out a stack of money notes from her bosom, and started to sign the bills with a chic posture that had been rehearsed many times...

Tongbai Mountain is known as the Alkaline Capital of China!

The trona reserves here rank first in Asia and second in the world!
Most importantly, there is also the largest open-pit gold mine in the country in later generations and the Tongbai Silver Mine, the top four silver mines!

barren mountain?


Liu Ying withdrew her seal and looked towards the green mountain peaks to the south, feeling the unpretentious and boring joy of embezzling state-owned assets in her heart.

In fact, according to his original idea, he was to wait patiently, wait until Xiao He had retired, and after changing a prime minister, he would take this golden mountain into his pocket for free.

After all, Xiao He, as the Three Heroes of the early Han Dynasty and the number one hero, even Liu Bang's private request to draw two gardens for himself was mercilessly rejected, and Liu Ying would not have such a thing as face with him. up...

So, spend some time, don't be shabby.

The reason why Liu Ying desperately wanted to win here was that the booming industry in Guanzhong needed the soda ash here as a support.

Glass workshops in particular are big consumers of soda ash.

As [-] houses in the new city were built one after another, after seeing the bright and warm glass on the windows of people in Guanzhong, local rich people from all over the country who moved into the new city snapped up the relatively cheap glass here immediately.

After all, glass is a fragile product, and if it is sent to other places, the price will be raised due to loss.

As for the other reason, they found that the house they were unwilling to buy had appreciated in value!

The houses started in the second phase are exactly the same as the first phase, but the price has increased by nearly [-]%!
The reason is that the so-called rice in Guanzhong is expensive, and the rising cost of labor and building materials has caused the price of houses to rise blah blah blah blah blah...

Especially those houses decorated with glass, the price can go up a little more!
But the most important thing is that the residents who moved into the new city found that somewhere around their house, a private school named Dahan Public School Community Free School was listed.

There, young children or adults living in the surrounding Lifang will be recruited for enlightenment and literacy.

What they didn't expect was that the private school only charged textbook fees and tuition and miscellaneous fees, free of coursework, and those with excellent grades could be directly recommended to Dahan Public School in Shanglinyuan!
The concept of school district housing appeared in front of them for the first time.

Although they all have family education more or less, but after they had a deep understanding of what Dahan Public School is and what it teaches, they immediately sent their children to the school, and wrote letters to their relatives and friends who stayed in their hometown. Everything to make my name appear on the list of the second batch of Qianhaoling!
And the old aristocrats in Guanzhong are not fools. On the one hand, they put pressure on the government through various relationships to let them build community free schools where they live, and on the other hand, they use the money to directly snap up houses in the new city.

Well, the ancients raised their babies much more easily than the present people!
For example, Meng's mother moved three times. In order to create an environment for Meng Lao's angry youth to study hard, the old lady moved three times in a row!

When the behavior of rushing to buy existing houses came into being, the concept of off-plan houses also came into being...

Therefore, in order to get more textbooks, the paper workshop needs to be fully powered. In order to meet the homeowner's demand for housing appreciation, the glass workshop canceled the four-day rest and bath, and called on the workers to work hard for 30 days and work overtime for free...

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to extract the alkaline noodles from plant ash.

After the signing ceremony, Liu Ying grabbed Ping's county magistrate who wanted to go back to the county government office.

"Let me ask you, how many households are there in this county?"

The county magistrate of Ping's family thought for a while and replied: "There are 13 households in this county, with a population of more than [-]."

Liu Ying nodded and asked again: "Are there many mediocre farmers without land?"

The county magistrate of the Ping family replied: "About thousands, most of them are second sons or son-in-laws who cannot inherit the family business."

Liu Ying blinked her eyes and asked: "Your son-in-law here still wants to work in the fields?"

Most of the son-in-laws in Guanzhong are the second or third sons of poor families. Because they can’t afford the bride price and a new house, they become the son-in-law of a rich family. Although they have no dignity, they are just reproductive machines, but most of the time they are not Those who need to do physical work in the farmland.

After all, at this time, people were not proud of eating soft food, and those who were willing to work hard would not go to other people's homes to be their son-in-law.

The county magistrate of Pingshi smiled wryly: "The prince has been in a high position for a long time, so how can he know the sufferings of the people! Although Pingshi County has a vast area and a lot of farmland, most of the time it depends on the sky for food, and the harvest of the farmland is only half of it. Let alone the son-in-law , even many rural nobles need to go to the fields to work in person, just to be able to collect more food..."

We seem to be despised by this guy... Liu Ying slammed her mouth, she didn't know what to say for a while, she just nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, I see, the county magistrate, please do what you want."

Looking at the backs of the people leaving one after another, Liu Ying remembered what she had seen and heard along the way.

Low and dilapidated houses, large tracts of farmland, ragged people...

It seems that such a scene should not appear at the same time, but it is a pity that it still appears.

The plain means that there is no natural drop, and the construction of canals will not work. As for the construction of ponds for water storage and irrigation, it must be in a place with abundant rainfall.

So Liu Ying's idea is naturally to engage in mining and supporting industries here first, so that some people can become workers, get rid of agricultural production, and use wages to buy commodity grain.

In this way, local food prices can be raised, allowing farmers to have extra money to buy advanced farm tools and cattle, and then get rid of the existing poverty.

Just do what she said, Liu Ying grabbed Zhang Cang who was looking left and right at the money, and muttered softly.

(End of this chapter)

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