Destiny Only Han

Chapter 434 Rowing without Oars!

Hearing Liu Ying's words, Liu Bang frowned and asked one after another: "Sushen people? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Liu Ying explained impatiently: "It was when you and Uncle Lu were in the military parade in Yan State, I took the time to chat with Sushen people. Also, can you stop interrupting and let me finish talking!"

Liu Bang smiled, and made a shut up gesture around his mouth.

"Since then, I've been thinking of sending people over there to have a look, and then bring them back." Liu Ying showed a somewhat compassionate look on her face:

"Who has no father and no mother? Which child is not the heart and soul of the parents? The parents of the three thousand boys and girls who were taken away by Xu Fu in the past must rely on the chaimen every day, hoping to see their own flesh and blood again. , I can hear them call me father and mother again..."

"Now our ship is finally built. With such a big ship, it is not a problem to cross the ocean. It is time to let them go home!"

Liu Bang turned his head to look at the two sailing boats lying across the sea, and nodded heavily.

He has an impression of the building boats that the first emperor rode in those days. Compared with the two "Weiyuan" sailboats built by Liu Ying in front of him, they are more than a circle smaller.

Therefore, Xu Fu and others can go out to sea to search for immortals and land on overseas islands in smaller sea boats, so as long as they know their whereabouts, it will be no problem to find them all the way with these two big ships.

It's just that Liu Bang looked at it, and suddenly realized something was wrong. These two boats seemed to have no oars!
He pointed at the big boat in a daze: "Where are the oars?"

Liu Ying was taken aback, and asked back: "What? Is it the kind of oar used for rowing?"

Seeing Liu Bang nodding, he explained with a smile: "The two boats I'm building now are completely different from the galleys my father usually sees. Ours are called sailboats, which are specially designed for sailing on the sea!"

"This is a small three-masted ship, in which the front and main sails are square sails, which can be used to sail with the wind, and the rear sails are triangular sails, which can be used to sail against the wind!"

"That is to say, as long as there is wind, no matter whether it is tailwind or headwind, this kind of sailboat can go to sea smoothly, and when it is headwind, it will even be faster than tailwind!"

In Liu Ying's narration, Liu Bang stared at the sailboat in the distance, with an expression of unknown severity on his face.

In fact, Liu Ying made an early caravel sailing ship. Columbus, who discovered America, returned to Europe on this small sailing ship after his flagship ran aground.

It's not that Liu Ying didn't want to eat a fat man in one bite, so she directly made a large sailing ship with a load capacity of more than [-] tons, such as a galleon, which is a Spanish galleon.

After all, in the drawings given by the system, there are all kinds of sailboats of this type, and various details are also marked.

It’s just that the craftsmanship of the shipyard workers is not good. The first few large sailing ships built were overturned in the stage of laying the keel, so they can only proceed step by step. , to dark blue.

Well, there is another reason why Liu Ying chose to build the boat first, that is, there is not much wood available near Jiaodong County, and there is no room for waste.

Beside Liu Ying, Liu Bang watched for a while as the sailors pulled up the sails and slowly steered the sailboat towards the pier, and gradually became a little less interested.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned around with a happy smile and left.

Liu Ying grabbed him: "Where is father going?"

Liu Bang raised his eyebrows and said: "Before you said that we had a military parade in the country of Yan, but now it has been a long time since that military parade, so I plan to have a military parade in the country of Qi..."

Well, at this time, more than [-]% of the population of big men were soldiers, that is, reserve soldiers, so every year the county level would select men of appropriate age to organize a military training.

Looking at Liu Bang who was excitedly about to show off again, Liu Ying just scratched her head, pretending nothing happened.

He called Ji Bu who was standing beside him and asked, "How long will it take for the third and fourth ships to be built?"

Ji Bu thought for a while, and said with certainty, "These two boats will be launched within this year!"

Liu Ying opened her eyes wide: "Really?"

Ji Bu nodded heavily: "Really, if His Highness doesn't believe it, you can issue a military order!"

Liu Ying shook her head and said, "Ji Bu promises money, your words are better than military orders written in black and white!"

For a moment, Ji Bu's eyes were red, and his chest was filled with the emotion of dying for his confidant.

After a while, he said slowly:

"I'm not just talking nonsense. Your Highness, please see that with the completion of two ships of the same specification, the craftsmen here have mastered all the difficulties and construction details, and have independently developed a lot of strong and useful tools to build ships. Naturally get twice the result with half the effort!"

"His Royal Highness brought cement from Guanzhong to quickly build several subsequent dry docks, so that workers don't need to soak half of their bodies in the water when building ships, which also greatly improves work efficiency."

Ji Bu hesitated for a moment and said, "It's just that after building four ships, our shipbuilding progress won't be as fast as before..."

Liu Ying turned her head and asked, "Why?"

Ji Bu replied: "Because the suitable wood is gone, and the existing wood is not dry enough to meet the standard for shipbuilding."

Liu Ying nodded to show that she understood.

The wood he is now building the boat is all local materials, cut from the virgin forests in Jiaodong County.

However, the land of Qilu has been developed since the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and there are not many thicker logs. Coupled with the indiscriminate logging by the shipyard, the large logs have been exhausted.

Although Liu Ying replanted a lot of saplings based on the principle of cutting one tree and planting one tree, it still takes at least ten to 20 years for these saplings to become useful.

Therefore, the timber for the subsequent shipbuilding was cut down from other places and transported one after another, and naturally there was not enough time to dry it.

Well, there are two kinds of water in wood, one is absorbed water in the cell wall, and the other is free water.

The purpose of drying in the sun is to remove absorbed water, a process called desorption.

Properly treated wood is placed in humid air, and the moisture absorption generally does not exceed 20%, but undesorbed green wood can easily exceed 70%.

The way to treat wood correctly can be understood as "deactivating" wood, completely killing plant cells, and reducing the ability of wood to absorb water when soaked in seawater.

And if the wood that has not been dried in the shade is used to build a sea-going ship, when the ship is running in seawater, the hull wood will absorb more and more water, and the weight of the hull itself will gradually increase, which will seriously affect the performance and safety of the sea-going ship.

As for the process of drying wood is too complicated, especially a little carelessness, it will cause cracks inside the dried wood and reduce the service life of the ship.

But Liu Ying had thought of this a long time ago. He ran wildly in the country of Yan before, causing Lu Wan to chase him and beat him several times. He just wanted to plan ahead to solve the problem of shipbuilding.

He turned to look at Ji Bu and said:
"Go and count. Except for the workers who can complete the delivery of ships on schedule, the rest of the people will all go to the new shipyard."

"If there are no accidents, the dormitory area and dry dock there are almost built at this time."

Ji Bu was stunned for a moment: "The new shipyard? Where is it?"

Liu Ying pointed to the sea in the distance: "The other side of the sea is Tashi County!"

Although Ji Bu didn't know what Liu Ying was talking about, he nodded and turned to leave. He called the shipyard's stewards to discuss the matter of moving.

Well, the so-called Dashi County refers to Dalian in later generations.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in order to avoid increasingly stringent laws and heavy taxes, the people of Qi State chose to go to the sea and fled their former hometowns little by little by touching the small islands between the Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula.

The so-called Da refers to the meaning of coming and going, and Dashi County is an immigrant stronghold that has gradually formed.

But these people are too naive.

Since the Zhou Dynasty, it has been popular in the land of China to say that the land under the whole world is not the king's land, and the land on the shore is not the king's ministers.

When the population of Dashi County gradually increased, Yan Kingdom, which nominally controlled Liaodong, would naturally not let go of this piece of fat.

But Yan State is a wonderful country. When six of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period were opening up fields and reforming the country to make the country stronger, Yan State still held on to its incompleteness and took the well field system handed down by its ancestors as its treasure.

Therefore, King Yan only included Tashi County in his territory and collected taxes according to the well field system.

However, with the passage of time, several turbulences occurred in the country of Yan. Gradually, Wang Ling did not go abroad, so that all counties and counties were basically autonomous...

So when Liu Ying followed the memories of later generations in the Yan Kingdom and followed the memory of later generations to enclose the land, she found this group of guys who "didn't know there was Qin, and even Chu and Han were fighting for hegemony" by the sea...

The reason why Liu Ying chose to build a new shipyard in Dashi County is because Liaodong County is now full of virgin forests, which happen to be cut down for shipbuilding materials.

Well, the reason why it was difficult for the later feudal dynasties to develop Liaodong was because of the existence of these forests, which made the soil water-retaining capacity too strong, and the land was full of swamps and quagmire.

For example, Liaoze, where the Great Wall of Liaodong has to be sunken inward, has so many mosquitoes that it can eat people in summer!

And only by cutting down the primeval forest there can the barren land be turned into the granary of the empire.

The reason why Liu Ying dared to move the 2 people there was actually because of economic considerations.

The cost of cutting down trees in the Liaodong Peninsula and then transporting them to the Jiaodong Peninsula to build ships is much greater than directly building ships in the Liaodong Peninsula, and then transporting food and materials from the Jiaodong Peninsula to the shipyards in Liaodong.

Now there are two large ships with a displacement of nearly [-] tons, especially sailing ships rely on wind power instead of human paddling, which can save the space of hundreds of paddlers, and only need to allocate one of them as a transport ship. You can easily complete the task of transporting supplies.

As for the remaining ship, Liu Ying's idea was naturally to load the navy and join the Sushen who led the way to send warmth to the barbarians on the other side of the sea.

Goal, Iwami Ginzan!

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