Destiny Only Han

Chapter 462 Liu Ying: The cannon fires and blasts his mother...

In August, although it is still hot and dry, the wind that hits the face is a bit cool.

Liu Ying believed in the rein, with a satisfied look on her face.

The place where he is located is a place that is called 'Zu Ze' today and later named Baiyangdian.

Because the productivity of Yan State was not developed before, and this place was relatively in a corner, so it has not been developed. It is a big fish one or two feet long!

Liu Ying's satisfaction lies in the fact that all these fish belong to him!

Before, Lu Wan waved his hand and let him staking the land casually, so naturally he would not let this good place of Baiyangdian go.

It's just that he doesn't plan to reclaim wasteland and farm around Baiyangdian, but to use it as a horse farm to breed cold-blooded forest horses traded from Donghu.

The prairie horses of the Huns, as well as the Hequ horses and Dawan horses bred by Guanzhong themselves and transported from the Western Regions, are all hot-blooded horses with a lively personality and fast running speed, suitable for use as war horses.

The cold-blooded horse has a huge body and frame, outstanding strength and endurance, quiet and calm, and is the easiest to control.

What Liu Ying wants is that they are taller and stronger than hot-blooded horses.

For a maximum of one year, Liu Ying will have eight Caravel sailing ships with a full load displacement of about [-] tons, so that it can be guaranteed that the colony and the empire can be connected together.

For the colonies, Liu Ying borrowed from the way a certain human being took care of the aborigines, and the internal governance of a certain big country that had the courage to strive to become No.3, and explored a model that is most suitable for the people of Whale Island.

For example, building a reserve, dumping industrial products to them, and then using them to develop many wild lands, and then moving them to the next reserve...

Another example is to tell them that they have been a herbivorous people since ancient times, so they cannot eat meat on a daily basis, and they must show loyalty to the meat-eating Han people, be proud of obeying the orders of the Han people, and be ashamed of disobeying the orders of the Han people...

And this kind of shame requires seppuku!
Furthermore, the people of Whale Island fear and obey the strong, so with Liu Ying's acquiescence, Zhong Limei continued to show off his force on the island, and prepared to build an auxiliary defense army to instigate the familiar to attack the raw to obtain labor.

Of course, everything needs a combination of hardness and softness, and blind oppression can only be counterproductive.

Therefore, among the crowd who went to Whale Island, there were many Confucian scholars who had read poetry and books. They went to educate the children of Whale Island people to speak Chinese, know Chinese characters, cultivate the concept of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and then selected those with high loyalty to enter Whale Island. Island Governor's Mansion, become a "human appearance", in order to prove that the Han army is not just asking for...

In this way, with a sound system, sufficient military support, and advanced production tools, the silver mines in Jingdao will be dug out soon, and then smelted on the spot and transported back to Yeyi Port, and then use these "horsepower" The larger cold-blooded horse-drawn carts were sent to the mint in Guanzhong to be melted into silver plates and pressed into silver dollars.

It's just that it is still in the currency preparation stage, and the silver dollar has not yet circulated in the market.

After all, businesses in many places are still in the stage of bartering at this time, and it is very difficult for them to accept new things at once.

Liu Ying's idea is to wait until a certain amount of silver dollars has been reserved, and then use administrative means, that is, not to collect copper coins when collecting poll tax, but only to collect silver dollars, so that silver dollars can become the same currency as five baht coins.

But there are some exceptions.

Western Region Merchant Group.

Liu Ying knew very well that the final destination of the business groups in the Western Regions was the Greek city-states along the Mediterranean Sea and the Hellenistic countries established by the successors.

The currency used in these countries is exactly the silver coin.

When Liu Ying accumulated some silver dollars, she no longer bartered with the merchant groups in the Western Regions, but designated silver dollars for transactions.

Today's Han Empire is a country that exports more than imports. When the silver dollar was made the only legal currency, the various silver coins accumulated in the hands of the Western Regions business groups came into play.

What they need to do most is to take the silver coins in their hands to the official mint workshop to weigh them, and then exchange them for the unified silver coins of the Han Empire, and then they can buy the goods they want to buy in the designated shops.

The Han Dynasty gained benefits, and the Western Regions business groups gained convenience.


As for the fact that the currency of the trade-exporting country will flow upstream along the Silk Road to the Mediterranean world, and gradually replace the currency of different specifications of the local people, and become the main currency in civil circulation, it is not worth mentioning at all.

As for another local product brought back from Whale Island, sulfur, this is actually what Liu Ying particularly values.

In fact, the Han Empire did not have much natural sulfur ore. The most reliable way to obtain sulfur was to extract it indirectly from pyrite ore.

Well, in fact, until the Ming and Qing dynasties, a considerable part of the sulfur used by the hot weapon army in the Central Plains to prepare gunpowder was imported from notebooks.

Now that Liu Ying has a stable source of sulfur, it is natural that it is the turn of the big killer, gunpowder, to make its debut.

Among the three major pieces of black powder, sulfur is available, and charcoal is not difficult.

Although we say that willow charcoal is the best, but the results of the research with more experience in the application next door show that alder wood, that is, alder wood, has the best effect.

This kind of wood likes water and humidity, has strong adaptability, is resistant to barrenness, and grows rapidly. Liu Ying has long contracted barren hills in many places and planted alder trees everywhere.

As for the most difficult saltpeter, Liu Ying's initial idea was to follow Daying's example and scrape from the toilet.

But he thought about it later, the Ming and Qing dynasties artillery and guns were used on a large scale for hundreds of years, if it was all by scraping from the toilet...

Therefore, Liu Ying changed her mind.

Today's Han Empire has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are many caves near water sources with stagnant water inside. In such caves, there is usually nitrate soil accumulated over tens of thousands of years underground.

Digging casually, it is not difficult to filter and boil the potassium nitrate in the nitrate soil.

Before that, Liu Ying found several caves like this, and she could get hundreds of catties of potassium nitrate with high purity almost every day.

However, due to limited access to sulfur, these potassium nitrates were mainly transported to Chang'an City, where they were used to make cold drinks such as ice water, and harvested from the middle class who could not afford to build an ice cellar at home...

Now that saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur are all available, the next plan to make artillery needs to be put on the agenda!

Liu Ying's early plan was naturally to make a few small-caliber cannons to make do with, and the weight should be kept under [-] catties, so that they could be mounted behind the carriage and travel with the formation of chariots to quickly form combat effectiveness.

As for power...

As long as it is bigger than a mechanically powered bed crossbow!
During this period, whether it was infantry or cavalry, the most effective formations were all dense formations.

Front-mounted cannons are used in this dense front-to-back formation.

Because of this, when the artillery boarded the throne of the God of War, the phalanx quickly transformed into a line array, in order to prevent a line from being pierced by a single shot.

For example, in the Battle of Rocroix, which marked the decline of the Spanish phalanx, the French cavalry defeated the duck cavalry in a wave of explosions. After that, the Spanish phalanx lost its ability to maneuver, and then the Chinese artillery finished fighting the cavalry Rush, the cavalry rushes after the infantry rushes, the infantry rushes after the artillery bombards the cycle and sends...

Well, there is no need to worry about road problems.

When the people of the Qing Dynasty and the Junggars fought to the death, neither of the two families had a concrete road, so they bombarded each other with artillery so many battles...

The heavy-duty cold-blooded horses bred by Liu Ying in Baiyangdian were used to pull carts after the artillery was produced.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his weapon. To make the artillery capable of mobile combat, not only the hardened road surface is needed, but the carriage that pulls the cannon is also important.

The materials that Liu Ying obtained from the system recorded the detailed production method of the cannon carriage, which was enough to support him to use it until the appearance of the internal combustion engine.

Well, the weight of field artillery generally ranges from a few hundred kilograms to more than a ton. It is definitely unrealistic to simply let the horse use its body to drag it hard.

Therefore, there is a key component in horse-drawn field guns, the front cart.

When the field gun needs to be maneuvered, the front cart is hung at the rear of the gun mount to form a carriage frame, so that the weight of the field gun is provided by the gun cart itself, and the horses that pull the cart only need to provide traction to overcome friction That's it.

In this mode, the number of horses to be dragged can also be increased by adjusting the harness. For example, some heavy artillery weighing one or two tons requires eight or more horses to be dragged.

In addition to balancing and sharing the weight of the traction group, the front vehicle can also carry some gunpowder projectiles to reduce the pressure on the logistics.

Not only that, it is also possible to install a seat for the artillery on the front vehicle, so that the soldiers can sit on it and move forward with the artillery to save energy and increase the speed of travel.

Well, how many people can ride on the cart, how many people can sit on the cart, and how many people can sit on the artillery, so that the mule-horse march can be realized...

For example, during World War I and the latter part of World War II, the artillery unit of a certain country, which claimed to be the Holy Mule Empire, marched in this way...

The important thing is that this way of dragging field guns does not require rubber technology to make rubber tires, only hard wooden wheels are needed.

After all, rubber tires rely on elastic deformation to provide cushioning during high-speed traction. For horses, which have little traction, the rolling resistance is too high, and it is not as good as hard structures such as wood. .

It's good to have a system... Liu Ying rode on a horse and looked into the distance. On the horizon in the distance, there appeared a big flag waving in the wind.

The national flag of Lu.

After all, seeing an uncle is like seeing a mother, Lu Ze came over in person, if his nephew didn't come to greet him in person, even Liu Bang wouldn't dare to intervene when Lu Ze beat him fat...

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