Destiny Only Han

Chapter 469 Liu Ying: It's decided, it's you!

Qi State, Yeyi Port.

As the cold wind picked up, on the sparkling sea level, two ships with black flags sailed against the waves, zigzagging towards the port.

Although today's sea is very stormy and the ship is ups and downs, it is as stable as Mount Tai. The triangle sail keeps adjusting the angle according to the wind direction, so that the speed of sailing against the wind is much faster than that with the wind.

These two ships are the newly-launched 'Weiyuan' class ships. Now, taking advantage of the arrival of winter and the disappearance of the typhoon on the sea leading to Whale Island, the goods that have been accumulated for a year on Whale Island are quickly transferred. Come back, and transport tools, personnel, medicine, etc. back to Whale Island.

Especially personnel, this is an important guarantee to ensure the subjugation of Whale Islanders and the development of colonial territories.

Whale Island is surrounded by the sea, with frequent rainfall, which will wash the nutrients in the soil into the sea, but because there are many volcanoes, and the local aborigines are not good at farming, the soil is far better than those in Qi State that have been reclaimed for thousands of years. Much more fertile.

Most importantly, tax-free.

In order to be able to develop Whale Island quickly, the Governor's Mansion of Whale Island has obtained a special decree, which not only released the land restriction order in the [-]th-class military merit system, but also promised to exempt all taxes and corvee within ten years.

Well, the [-]th-class military merit system is not a simple system of conferring awards for meritorious service, and the system of granting land also has two sides.

On the one hand, the land is allocated according to the title level, but at the same time, the amount of land that each level can occupy is limited according to the different titles.

That is to say, a person with a certain level of title can only own a certain amount of land.

Later, in order to raise military expenses for fighting the Huns and his own expenses for eating, drinking and having fun, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty chose to buy and sell titles officially, stipulating that anyone who served in the army for a few years could take a sum of money to buy titles of the corresponding level.

With the title, land can be legally merged, and then the money earned can be used to buy higher-level titles, and then a cycle will be formed, which will eventually make the rich have endless fields and the poor have no place to stand.

From then on, it became legal to sell officials.

But the demise of the Western Han Dynasty had little to do with this, and more to do with the gradual cold and dry weather and the rigidity and collapse of the bureaucratic system.

But Whale Island is different. Its structure was established by Liu Ying by referring to the model of the East India Company. Everything is for profit, to complete the internal innovation of the Han Empire and to ease social conflicts.

The rise and fall of the feudal dynasty is very likely to be a lottery.

If you get an SSR like the father and son of Han Wendi, you will have the rule of Wenjing, and if you get a hot chicken like Song Huizong and his son, you will have the shame of Jingkang...

Liu Ying can guarantee the political wisdom of one or two generations, but he cannot guarantee that each generation of emperors of the Han Dynasty will be as wise and wise as him...

Therefore, the system is very important.

Therefore, he needs the support of a group of new generations who do not belong to the power of feudal landlords.

This is true of the Dahan Public School, and so is the Governor's Mansion of Whale Island and similar overseas colonial companies.

For this reason, the colonial nation does not have to abide by the military merit system within the empire.

Another reason why many small landlords and small traders are willing to buy a boat ticket to send their second sons, adulterous sons, and nephews who do not want to divide the property to Whale Island is that the slaves on Whale Island are very cheap, and the land is almost Free.

Although the slaves there are only two-thirds the height of normal people, they are hard-working and humble. Occasionally, there are rebellious ones. As long as you whip them hard, they can work efficiently. Very impressive.

This is the prototype of a large farm.

It's just that when the sea ship docked at the port, the pioneers who were holding the tickets and preparing to board the ship were stopped by a group of soldiers wearing armor, followed by groups of workers carrying various tools on their shoulders.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, a simple pulley crane was assembled on the dock, and a box of goods that required a dozen strong men to lift was easily hoisted and placed directly on the cart on the dock. Armed soldiers escorted them out of the pier.

It is filled with silver brought back from Whale Island.

Although using the ash blowing method to smelt silver is not efficient and consumes a lot of fuel, the forest coverage rate of Whale Island is very high at this time, so there is no need to consider this issue in a short time.

Moreover, the islands in the south do not have many resources, but the islands inhabited by the Ainu people in the north still have a lot of coal and iron.

It's just that Liu Ying is not in a hurry to develop it now. The coal and iron there are the same as those of the Ainu people. After the south is on the right track, it will be developed slowly.


Chang'an City, East Palace.

Liu Ying was wearing a short dress, sitting cross-legged on the floor, curling a paper tube with both hands skillfully, beside him, Zhang Buyi was grinding charcoal with his bare feet on a tool that looked like a medicine grinder, sweating profusely.

This is the fate of coveting a certain loli!
What they are doing now is the fireworks that will be used on September [-]th, which is New Year's Eve.

Last year, Liu Ying did this kind of work by herself, but this year, since she can prostitute a labor force for free, of course she has to prostitute for free!

The fireworks made by Liu Ying are still the old-fashioned secondary structure, that is, the outer cylinder is responsible for sending the inner cylinder to the sky, and the inner cylinder is responsible for blasting a gorgeous picture.

Therefore, the outer cylinder is mainly filled with explosive gunpowder, and there is no technical content.

The structure of the inner cylinder will be complicated, and there will be a time-delay fuze to ignite the priming powder in other parts to produce a light bead with a brilliant effect, and the gunpowder to explode the inner cylinder to ignite and push the light bead away.

Fireworks use the flame reaction of metals, that is, 'sodium yellow potassium purple calcium brick red, magnesium white aluminum white iron golden yellow, blue lead green barium copper blue green'...

Well, self-made fireworks require a safety permit, and there is a high probability that a small private workshop will get two limited edition silver bracelets...

As the cold wind blew, Zhang Buyi sneezed heavily, looking at Liu Ying with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Really wronged!

Although most of the men and women of his age and Liu Le's age are already married, and there are many children crawling around on the ground, whether it is Zhang Liang or Lu Zhi, who has been "bewitched" by Liu Ying, they all agree to marry him. The wedding between him and Liu Le was postponed for several years.

Well, Zhang Liang had a young son two years ago, so he was not in a hurry to have a grandson. As for Lu Zhi, he read a report given to her by Liu Ying. Maternal and neonatal mortality data are available.

The mortality rate of a girl aged 20 or [-] during pregnancy and childbirth is about half that of a girl aged [-] or [-], and compared to that of a [-]-year-old girl, it will climb another level!
At the same time, the same is true for the infant mortality rate.

Therefore, little widows who have given birth once or twice are popular among the people...

According to the statistics of later generations, the average life expectancy of the ancients was more than 30, but a large number of maternal deaths and newborn deaths pulled this average figure very low.

"What are you looking at me for? Keep working! Don't even think about eating if you can't finish the work! It won't save you from feeling hungry!"

Liu Ying kept her hands up and reprimanded her loudly, so he didn't bother to care about whether Zhang Buyi was wronged or not, anyway, it's only natural for a brother-in-law to beat his brother-in-law!
"This is really vulgar..." Zhang Buyi wiped his nose and said weakly.

thick?I have thicker ones that you haven't seen before... Liu Ying glanced at the back of Shufa's head maliciously, and there were a few strands of Zhang Buyi sticking to her forehead with sweat:

"Hurry up and work, after this year's fireworks show, I will share [-]% of your income!"

"Ten percent? Is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?"

Zhang Buyi suddenly regained his energy. Last year Liu Ying was too busy to hold a fireworks show, but he still had a vague idea of ​​how much profit Liu Ying made from that show in Liyang.

Now he only needs to put in a little effort to get [-]% of the income, which is undoubtedly a blessing in heaven for a person who is so cash-strapped!

Well, he hasn't been officially crowned yet, so all the money he earned was taken away by Mrs. Zhang in the name of marrying him a wife in the future, and there is only some pocket money on a daily basis...

It's just that after a short period of excitement, Zhang Buyi showed suspicion on his face: "You are so good? What the hell are you planning? Tell you, I am your brother-in-law who has never been married!"

Well, he is Princess Shang.

And his worry is that at this time, the folk customs are open, not only the relationship between men and women is somewhat casual, but even between men and women...

"It's really a rotten eye!" Liu Ying pouted contemptuously, rolled up her sleeves and said, "When the school recruits next spring, I plan to expand the scale of the medical school and increase the number of gynecology classes from the previous two to ten. class……"

"However, most of the civilian girls in the folk need to start with literacy. The learning cycle is too long, and there is no one who can't be a teacher in eleven or twelve years... After all, girls from poor families are rarely literate."

"It's not impossible to recruit men, but it is easy to cause conflicts between doctors and patients. Last year, there was an idiot over there who beat our students, and I threw them to Nanchang City as a coolie..."

"That's why I need to recruit those noble ladies from honorable families. After all, most of those famous ladies can read and write since they were young, and they can handle part of the medical equipment by themselves. The important thing is that no one dares to beat them when they go out for free clinics..."

"But the problem is, I can't recruit such people... They are more timid, they don't dare to go against the life path arranged by their father and brother for them, and they have the courage to explore the world beyond husband and child."

Zhang Buyi scratched his head: "Well, what does this have to do with me?"

"Of course it has something to do with it, it's a big deal!" Liu Ying said with a bit of confusion: "When you went out before, did you feel the fiery eyes? It came from those who wore bamboo hats and covered their cheeks with gauze scarves." kind of..."

Zhang Buyi nodded proudly.

Appearance is the only bargaining chip for him to maintain confidence in front of Liu Ying.

Liu Ying spread her hands, and saw:

"So, you are the admissions committee member of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch of Dahan College of Medicine!"

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