Destiny Only Han

Chapter 475 Liu Ying: Love And Peace

Chapter 475 Liu Ying: Love And Peace
Hetao Grassland.

Winter turns to spring, the big river that has been frozen for the whole winter begins to thaw, large and small ice cubes melt in the sun, clear water begins to flow slowly and unrestrained, and the crashing sound of crushed ice takes away the joy of winter. The severe cold brings the sunshine and warmth of spring, as well as the greenery and flowers that can't wait to get out of the ground.

Looking to the north, the undulating Yinshan Mountain looks like a charming girl with green eyebrows and full eyes, nestling in the arms of low-hanging white clouds.

The gentle breeze blew the smell of cattle and sheep, and the shepherdess waved her whip, driving the flock of sheep that were having fun on the grass to the hillside filled with the smell of mud and green grass. Among the sea of ​​clouds.

On both sides of the stream that meanders on the ground like a jade belt, there are tents all over the ground that smoke from cooking, like mushrooms growing after the rain, extending to the horizon.

In the vast and silent grassland, the sound of thousands of galloping horses suddenly sounded on the grassland, as if it had been in eternity. A thin black line appeared at the intersection of the grassland and the field.

In the blink of an eye, the black line is getting closer and closer, and you can clearly see the weather-beaten cheeks with a bit of plateau red, the pairs of eyes full of killing and greed, the sharp short spears, the inside Arc knives and pickaxes reflect the luster of metal, which looks murderous and makes people shudder.

"Enemy attack!"

"There are enemies!"

Amidst the screams of the herdsmen, the shrill and long horn horns resounded through the world, and the peaceful and peaceful Xiongnu tribe suddenly boiled
The men hurriedly got out of the tent, wearing leather armor and furs in a hurry, took short spears, machetes, bows and arrows from their wives and children, got on their horses together with their brothers and adult sons, and galloped into the distance The enemy who comes rushes away.

This is their spring camp, unlike the winter camp, which has walls that have been built for hundreds of thousands of years as a line of defense.

Therefore, these men rushing towards the enemy are the walls that protect their parents, wives and children, a wall made of flesh and blood!

The elderly people in the tribe picked up the horse sticks and flails placed at the door of the tent, smiled at each other with other old brothers who came out of the tent, and walked to the edge of the camp hand in hand.

They are the second wall of flesh and blood!
Behind them, the women drove the young children back into the tent, bent down and picked up the furs used as bedding to cover them, hiding them tightly to avoid being injured in the ensuing battle.

Afterwards, they looked for everything that could be used as weapons and tools, and fixed their eyes on the entrance of the tent with determination and determination.

Females are weak but mothers are strong. Life in the prairie is difficult. In order to survive, they must let themselves develop the character of a she-wolf. In order to protect their children, they will fight to the death with the invading enemy!
Of course, if their father, brother, and husband are killed by the enemy, and they themselves are defeated by the invading enemy, they will instantly change from angry she-wolves to obedient sheep, allowing the enemy to dispose of them, even if the enemy uses blood stained with their relatives. Big hands tear their clothes, and they take revenge by draining their enemies...

This is the law of survival of grassland women. They are merciless to the weak and tear apart their opponents like wolves. When facing a conqueror, they should be tame like sheep and give birth to them until the end of their lives, or Was conquered by another man...

On the grassland, the distance between two charging armies in the same formation is getting smaller and smaller.

At this moment, in the sound of the horn that suddenly sounded, they reined in almost the same movement, slowed down their horses, and drew their bows and arrows like locusts.

At the same time, the cavalry on both sides of the front line, like the arms of two giants, unanimously circled and outflanked the enemy's flank...

The tactical movements are unified and standard, as if looking down from the sky, you will find that there is a bit of symmetrical beauty in it...

But after a few moments, this beauty became enchanting. Flesh and flesh lotuses bloomed on the grassland, and the gushing blood turned the green land red and muddy.

Thousands of prairie cavalry are chasing and fleeing, constantly adjusting their orientation and posture, constantly turning and changing speeds, so that they appear behind the enemy's side, and then stab the opponent's body with the blade in their hands, ending the opponent's attack. life.

Well, it's a bit similar to the dogfights between fighter jets in the early years. Both sides in the war are using various tactical actions to make themselves appear behind the enemy.

Although the Huns can kite their opponents by running and shooting similar to the Manguzai tactics, they don't have stirrups and high bridge saddles, and they need to slow down if they want to shoot arrows while galloping.

In this way, it became the target of the opponent's assault cavalry...

After all, the power of riding a bow is limited. Unless you can hit the enemy's throat or eyes with one arrow, you will not be able to kill with one blow, and you will be in danger instead.

Well, in fact, this tactic is not original to the Mongols. All nomadic peoples on the grasslands, such as the Scythians who were active in the eighth century BC, also mastered this tactic.

When the Mongols attacked the Eastern European countries, they did not rely on cavalry and shooting, but thicker armor, more elite troops, and the sparsely populated Eastern European plains, which were naturally suitable for grassland cavalry to fight in groups.

On the battlefield at this moment, although the defenders fought bravely, cavalry combat was no different than others. After all, human will could not make up for the gap between combat skills and physical fitness.

Therefore, when the two sides were fighting together, there was almost an overwhelming massacre on the battlefield.

And as more and more enemies joined the battle, there was no suspense in the battle. In just half a day, the grassland was full of wriggling dying people and horses running around without their riders.

Immediately afterwards, the fallen were those old men holding sticks and flails.

In the camp, the cries of children, the sound of clothes being torn, the screams of women, the panting and wanton laughter of men because of conquest...

After a while, all valuable booty such as cloth, tea, fur, flour, etc. were loaded on the bullock cart, and women, children, cattle, sheep and horses were driven away into the distance.

But what remained in place were the empty camps that were burning, and the men who were taller than the wheels fell down everywhere.

The fierce wind swept the flames into the air, and also spread the laughter of the victors to distant places.

Behind the hills in the distance, there are seven or eight men in furs hiding in the tall grass. They are herdsmen who are looking for stray lambs. They set off last night and just returned this morning, and then saw their tribe Massacred and looted.

They are the herdsmen of the Aries King's Department, and judging from the voice in the wind, the enemy who attacked them is the army of the Youxian King's Department!

At this moment, they were hiding in the weeds, motionless, their lips trembling because of anger and fear, until the sound of horseshoes in the distance disappeared, they got up from the ground, whistled to call for their mounts, and then galloped in another direction and go.

There is the direction where the royal court of the Aries King's Department is located.

Their king will decide for them!

In Guanzhong, the cold willow wind blows away the snow in the mountains, and everything is flourishing and full of vitality.

On a rugged mountain road leading to the depths of the Qinling Mountains, the narrowest part of which is more than two feet wide, and where two carriages can run side by side, Liu Ying took the lead and galloped past.

Behind him, followed by Liu Bang, who looked unwilling, and Han Xin, who had a serious Sima face and rolled his eyes at Liu Bang from time to time.

Today is the Shangsi Festival, Liu Bang's original idea was to go for an outing in the countryside and have fun with the people, but for some reason he listened to Liu Ying's deception, and took a hundred guards to the Qinling Mountains to "tour the mountains and rivers" ...

What's important is that Han Xin's guy didn't know what kind of style he had, and he was also among his fellow travelers!
Nai Gong, I have endured you for a long time... Liu Bang lowered his head and pretended not to see Han Xin's expression, and galloped his horse to chase Liu Ying who was galloping ahead.

Now Han Xin is not only being very 'honest', but also 'calling him to come and go' under Liu Ying's control, and Liu Bang's handling of Han Xin's rebellion is a little bit like wind and rain, thanks to the few conscience.

Therefore, he always feels a little unnatural when facing Han Xin...

And beside Liu Bang, Han Xin who kept throwing contemptuous eyes at Liu Bang, felt extremely resentful in his heart.

Today, it was agreed that between him and Liu Ying, brothers with different surnames who were closer than real brothers walked together and went out for an outing, but for some reason this unattractive 'old annoyance' also followed.

so annoying!
If it wasn't for him not being able to beat Liu Bang, he would have beaten that guy up when Liu Bang was drunk!

Therefore, Han Xin rolled his eyes more and more frequently.

Seeing Liu Bang chasing up, Liu Ying tapped the horse's belly lightly with her toes, trying to distance herself from Liu Bang.

He does not intend to intervene in the grievances between Lao Liu and Han Xin.

What he was riding under at the moment was the black-tailed horse he got from Xiang Yu.

Now there is still some time before Wu Zai transforms into a stallion, and he happened to take Wu Zai out for a stroll to consume the fat accumulated in the stables throughout the winter.

For some reason, the black horse hates Liu Bang very much. Not only does he not let him ride on weekdays, but when Liu Bang gets close, he always thinks about giving him two hooves...

So at this time, driven by Liu Ying, Wu Zi kicked and flew around, leaving Liu Bang far behind in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a row of antler fences tied together with iron chains appeared on the road in the distance.

When Liu Ying and his party arrived, a high-pitched voice sounded from the watchtower.

"Stop coming! Password!"

"Wowotou, four for one dollar..."

While Liu Bang was stunned, the antler obstacle was quickly removed, and Liu Ying rode his horse straight into the fort-like workshop.

After a while, Liu Bang looked at the five long sticks neatly arranged in the opened rectangular wooden box, and looked at the proud Liu Ying with some doubts:
"what is this?"

"Nothing, just a few flintlocks..."

(End of this chapter)

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