Destiny Only Han

Chapter 486 Liu Ying: Believe me, be serious!

Chapter 486 Liu Ying: Believe me, be serious!
Chang'an City, Anlefang.

Liu Ying's low-key four-wheeled carriage approached from far to near, and the servants standing outside the vermilion gate dared not neglect, and trotted all the way towards the gate.

After a while, when Liu Ying stepped down from the carriage, a middle-aged man dressed as a butler with a black turban came up to him: "I don't know if His Highness is coming, but I am far away..."

"Don't talk nonsense, where is your Marquis of Huaiyin?"

"Master Hou, he is really sick... Your Highness, Your Highness..."

The butler followed Liu Ying helplessly, neither daring to stop Liu Ying directly nor letting him go inward.

Liu Ying didn't bother to pay attention to his obstruction, she just looked around in several halls in the front yard, and then walked towards the back yard.

After a while, he walked to a study room with a closed door, and raised his fists like drums: "Come on, I know you are inside, if you have the ability to hide from me, you have the ability to open the door..."

The butler who followed Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was weird, but he dared not take care of the master's affairs, so he turned around quickly, turned around and left silently.

Amidst the knocking on the door, Han Xin couldn't bear it anymore, so he opened the door suddenly, and said with a dark face:
"I'm really sick... Heart disease."

"Well, I can see that it was scared by Zhao Tuo!"

"The aggressive method is useless!" Han Xin raised his head arrogantly and walked into the room, without looking back, he said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, the scene in front of him was like the one he saw on TV where a husband went to pick up his wife who had a temper tantrum and went back to her natal home, and then the wife acted very impatient, but she still quietly greeted her husband and served tea and water .

Let me go, when did this guy get this hobby... Liu Ying shuddered and decided to make a quick decision.

"Stop messing with that, pack up your things and go south with me to fight!"

After Han Xin sat back at the desk, he held up a scroll of bamboo slips: "If you don't go, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer."

"It seems that I'm really scared." Liu Ying nodded with a serious face:

"That's right, I managed to defeat Xiang Yu by luck and gained some fame. It would be bad if the boat capsized in the gutter... In fact, Zhao Tuo's ability is not underestimated, but he is also a separate party Heroes!"

"Since you are timid and timid to fight, I still go to Prime Minister Li Shang...Although he doesn't have any outstanding achievements, he has been invincible and invincible since Gaoyang raised his army. Perhaps, this is why the good fighters have no great achievements." Let's do it!"

After Liu Ying finished speaking, she turned around and left without delay.

The reason why he said to go to Li Shang was not only because Li Shang's ability to lead troops in battle was not bad, but because Li Shang had never dealt with Han Xin because of Li Shiqi's affairs. He happily ran to Liu Bang, clamoring to bury Han Xin alive...

"Don't go!" Han Xin patted the table to stop Liu Ying, with a look of hatred for himself and Liu Ying.

What Liu Ying played was a lore, and it was also a conspiracy. Based on Han Xin's understanding of Liu Ying, if she didn't stop her, Liu Ying would definitely have gone to find Li Shang without looking back...

Liu Ying turned her head with a smiley expression on her face: "I know you are serious enough! You are indeed our half-brother! Go and pack your things... Let me tell you, what they are talking about is the humbleness of Jiangnan and the early death of her husband. What you said is not entirely true!"

"Lingnan is rich in products and the soil is extremely fertile. In many places, it can be grown three times a year! The most important thing is that Yue women are white and tender, and their voices are pleasant. If they call you 'cousin' , Guaranteed to make your bones crisp..."

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm a poor girl with an arranged marriage. You're different. I heard that the one you had in my hometown just happened to be on me. I'll definitely find you a dozen or so in the past this time." Bring the beautiful woman back, and make that woman with blind eyes and gold inlaid jade mad!"

Han Xin sighed leisurely: "Although... I don't allow you to say that about her!"

Let me go, this guy is not only bent, but also infected by Lu Wan... Liu Ying let go of the arm around Han Xin's neck, and looked at him with contempt.


Yuzhang County, Luling County.

Located at the foot of a bamboo mountain on the west bank of Ganshui River, the sound of drums soared into the sky, shaking the bamboo leaves all over the mountain to dance wildly.

Stationed on this bamboo mountain is the army led by Prince Zhao Zhong of Nanyue Kingdom.

They crossed the Hengpu Pass before, chasing the caravan returning from the north of the Nanyue Kingdom all the way, but they collided with the former cavalry led by Xue Ou at the south end of Luling County.

Then, the battle collapsed.

The cavalry of the Han army, wearing iron armor and hoods on their horses, charged across the valley. How could the Nanyue army, who were only wearing leather armor and holding iron halberds, have the power to fight back?
Fortunately, Zhao Zhong was Zhao Tuo's designated successor, and there were many Qin soldiers who had experienced battles in the army. They fled all the way to the bamboo mountain, trying to use the dense bamboo forest to resist the pursuit of the Han cavalry.

But the terrain of this bamboo mountain is not obvious, and the area is not big. The important thing is that they ran all the way, and most of the food and cooking utensils they brought were thrown on the road...

Therefore, Zhao Zhong's plan was to wait until dark, and then disperse and break through.

Although the Nanyue Kingdom has no horses, he, the prince of the Nanyue Kingdom, has a good horse. It was transported from the Nanyue Kingdom to the far west. It is a high-quality horse that was brought from a more distant place and carefully bred by the local people. (Note 1)

Although he didn't believe it, Zhao Tuo did. After all, the shape of this horse is different from what he saw in Qin State. The most notable feature is that the ears are erected upwards, and the tips of the ears are stacked together. It looks quite funny. .

But this kind of horse has excellent running speed and endurance.

So this is the second point that Zhao Zhong regrets at the moment.

If he had known that there were many cavalry in the Han army, he should have persuaded his father to wait a little longer, and wait for the caravan sent out to buy war horses to come back after a while before fighting the Han people.

When the Qin army went south to conquer Baiyue, they brought a lot of horses with them, but because these horses were not used to the humid and hot Lingnan area, coupled with the lack of medical treatment, they died one after another during the ten years of seclusion.

Well, horses are a consumable. The biggest problem that caused the shortage of horses in South Vietnam was that after Zhao Tuo became king, he cut off communication with the north, which led to a complete severance of commerce and trade.

Later, although Liu Ying sent people to start business again with the Nanyue Kingdom, it was at the stage of the Chu-Han War, and the Han army was still short of horses, so naturally it would not trade horses with the Nanyue Kingdom.

Because of this, Zhao Tuo contacted the third brother next door through the Ouyue people in the Indochina Peninsula, and came up with the idea of ​​importing horses from Ah San.

Through the continuous trade with Han over the years, Nanyue Kingdom has accumulated warehouse after warehouse of glazed beads and glazed utensils. It happened to be a second-hand dealer, selling the disliked and tired of glazed utensils to Ah San... …

As for the point that annoyed Zhao Zhong the most, it was his underestimation of the enemy.

If he had known earlier, he should have asked her mother to go to Zhao Tuo to blow the wind, and bring the most elite war elephant army under Zhao Tuo out to fight!
He firmly believed that those tall and mighty monsters were enough to crush all the Han troops who were besieging him at this moment!

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

While Zhao Zhong was sighing, the soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom behind him were busy cutting down the bamboo forest to make equipment to defend against the Han army's attack.

The Han army on the opposite side mostly chased up cavalry, and they were once members of the invincible legion. They knew very well that the cavalry were all elites in the army, and no commander would be willing to let these elites dismount and fight on foot. Especially climbing up this kind of bamboo forested hill to fight with infantry.

Therefore, after the cavalry, there must be infantry.

If they want to survive, they must cut down and sharpen the bamboo before the Han infantry arrives, and then insert it into the pit just dug.

As for after...

They don't know what to do either!
What I said before I came here is very nice, what is the Han Dynasty with ten rooms and nine empty houses, poor and weak, the Han army is vulnerable!
But what about after the fight?

Madan, Wuyang Wuyang, the cavalry on the opposite side, are all wearing shiny iron armor, so they are invulnerable!
Moreover, there are not only cavalry on the opposite side, judging from the sound of various war drums beating at the foot of the mountain at this moment, I am afraid that the number of Han army infantry is not inferior to them!

Well, the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and the drum sounds are similar.

What made them most desperate was that what they attacked was only a border county of Han!
Others don't know, but the Qin people in the South Vietnam Army know very well that there were dozens of county-level units like this in the old Qin State!
If the Han army goes south in a big way...

The Qin soldiers in Nanyue Kingdom were powerless to look at the sky, but they dared not stop their hands and feet.

Their king abandoned them and formed a marriage alliance with the local Yue tribe. Those Yue people who were as thin as monkeys also rode on their heads to shit and pee.

Anger, frustration, and despair slowly accumulated in the South Vietnamese Army, like a volcano with billowing smoke, waiting for the moment when the mountain collapsed and the earth split open.


As the sun set, the infantrymen of the Han army finally arrived, wearing bright breastplates, wearing leather boots and leggings, and holding round shields and long knives, and began to climb the mountain.

Guan Ying stood at the foot of the mountain and lined up a large group of northern men with high-pitched voices, shouting loudly with their trumpets in hand.

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

Attacking the heart is the first thing to do. I learned from the captured prisoners that there are many Qin people in the South Vietnamese army. Most of them miss their hometown and don't want to fight the Han army again.

Note 1: This is the horse of the Asan family. According to legend, it was a cross between the Arabian horse or Turkmen horse brought by Alexander from Persia and the Indo-European and Aryan horses who colonized the Indian subcontinent.

Well, I am not responsible for the authenticity, anyway, this is a novel, not a paper
(End of this chapter)

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