Destiny Only Han

Chapter 501 Liu Ying: We are the chosen one, and the only one...

In the west of Panyu County, there is a delta formed by the erosion of rivers.

Liu Ying strolled in the fenced manor, followed by Chen Ying and a large group of nodding and bowing manor housekeepers.

Well, they are said to be housekeepers, but they are actually the second sons, nephews, and uncles and brothers who have no inheritance rights in the families of those heroes.

Wherever they passed, those Yue people with branded faces fell to their knees, weeping and worshiping from the bottom of their hearts.

Liu Ying is the son of God, and they are sinners who have violated the gods and helped the evil spirits.

Although these officials of the Yue people did not know what Zhou was and what it meant to assist Zhou in his abuse.

But they heard from the wizards that the Han army was the servant of the gods, and it was their crime to help Zhao Tuo to fight against the gods, and this crime will spread to their clansmen, and it will continue for generations...

And to be completely pardoned, you need to get the gift of the gods, that is, Liu Bang, the Thunder King, came to kiss their cheeks in person...

But Liu Bang is far away, so they long for Liu Ying, the son of God, to bring them salvation...

It's a pity that everyone couldn't understand the language, Liu Ying just felt noisy and didn't notice their thoughts.

Well, he just hinted at it a little bit before, and he didn't expect that the brain circuits of those Yueren wizards would be so strange...

Liu Ying walked around the manor, seeing that the previous mess had become more and more orderly, so she nodded secretly.

If the order here can be restored within a month, it will be just in time for the autumn sowing.

For example, judging from the shape of the ridges being formed here, the first crop to be sown is not the staple food such as rice and wheat, but sugar cane.

With the increasing number of immigrants from Guanzhong, the brown sugar hoarded by Liu Ying began to be sold on the market one after another, and the excess Li Lan made everyone jealous.

Therefore, Liu Ying led the rich and powerful who wanted to participate in the sugar industry and their capital to Lingnan, the most suitable land for sugar cane growth.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lingnan is to the Han Empire today, just like the Caribbean is to Spain in later generations.

The advantage of Lingnan compared to the long list of islands in the Caribbean is that it has a wider territory, does not need to be transported from the outside, and has abundant human resources.

Just looking at the scene in front of her, Liu Ying still decided to make some rules for these guys.

He summoned Chen Ying and muttered softly.

After hearing this, Chen Ying frowned tightly, with a troubled look on her face: "Is this not good? Will they agree?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'll solve the problem. You just need to supervise the implementation." Liu Ying shook her head and called the group of manor housekeepers who were waiting in the distance:
"The following issued a manor decree. For the manors in the three counties of the South China Sea, the area sown with sugar cane shall not exceed the area sown with rice and wheat. Violators will be fined ten years of taxes for the first time, and the manor will be directly confiscated for the second time!"

After Liu Ying finished speaking, there was an uproar, but he didn't take it easy at all.

Cao GUI once said that meat eaters are contemptible and fail to seek far.

And the same is true for the rich and powerful who run the manor. They only see the benefits of planting sugar cane, but they don't see another longer-term benefit.


people mine.

To be precise, slaves.

The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system. According to the laws enacted by the Qin State, slaves and any other children born to them are also slaves in terms of status and belong to their masters.

This is the same property attribute of slaves as cattle, horses, pigs and sheep.

And in the law revised by Xiao He, it is stipulated that the master cannot deal with slaves in private, and beating, mutilating, killing slaves and other behaviors are also punishable crimes!
Although the former is rarely pursued, the matter of the murderer paying his life is an agreement made by Liu Bang when he made the three chapters of the law, and it is an iron law.

However, in order for slaves to be slaves with peace of mind, to work as cattle and horses in the master's house for a long time and for generations, it is not enough to just protect these lowest-level rights. The first and most important point is to ensure the rights of others. eat and drink.

Not only must you have enough to eat, but it is better to eat better than those self-cultivated farmers who only have three or five acres of Susukida!
For example, those Neko who ate watermelon and fried chicken in the cotton field back then were not much worse than the workers at the same time, and they were many times better than their poor relatives in their African hometown!
Only in this way can a spiritual slave master be cultivated among the slaves, flattering and submissive to the superior, cruel and ruthless to the subordinate, so as to facilitate the transformation of the contradiction between the slave and the slave master into the contradiction between the slave and the slave.

Only in this way can the society be stable, and the human mine can be dug down from generation to generation...

The reason why Liu Ying chose Lingnan to dig people's mines is that the climate here is hot, and the crops are grown three times a year. A little increase in productivity can explode the population.

Therefore, the decree he promulgated was to prevent these short-sighted guys from pursuing Lilan in front of him, abandoning long-term interests, and hindering his plans for the next ten to twenty years.

After all, human society is always moving forward in twists and turns, always enslaving and oppressing a certain class, which will have terrible consequences, and will be despised into the dust by future generations who are full...

So after the explosion of the number of Han people, the abolition of slavery will be put on the agenda...

But before that, Liu Ying felt that it was still necessary to appease the chattering guys in front of her.

He stood on a wooden box, leaning forward slightly, with one hand on his hips and the other stretched forward:

"Just be quiet and listen to me!"

"The decree is the decree, which cannot be questioned! But in order to make up for the possible losses of everyone, I announce that all manors that abide by this decree will become partners of Dahan Agricultural Trading Co. Standard acquisition, you only need to manage the manor well, and you can make money lying down!"

After Liu Ying finished speaking, the manor housekeepers standing in front of him with their heads up were stunned for a moment, and then their faces couldn't stop showing joy.

Food is the most important thing for the people. For big families like them, it is not a problem to build several large grain depots, so that the harvested grain can not be eaten up this year and sold, and can be eaten and sold next year.

The most important thing is that the Han Empire has a vast territory, and there will always be places where natural disasters and man-made disasters cause food production to decrease. Therefore, with food in hand, there is capital for hoarding, and huge profits can be made from it.


But growing sugarcane is completely different. Although selling sucrose is huge profits, sugarcane is not resistant to storage. Once harvested, it needs to be squeezed and boiled in a short time, otherwise it will be thrown into the hands.

And now Liu Ying has not kept the technology of how to process sugar cane into brown sugar... Well, to be precise, there is no possibility of keeping it secret at all.

After all, making brown sugar is a matter of hands, and the aristocratic family who wants to blend in finds two smarter spies to sneak into the sugar workshop, and they can learn a lot in half a month.

It's just that the crux of the problem doesn't lie here. The biggest obstacle affecting those aristocratic families' involvement in the brown sugar market is an invisible big hand...

After experiencing a series of tortures such as price wars and water meter checks, the sugarcane gardens that were outside the system either switched to growing grain, or gave low prices to unknown mysterious people...

Therefore, when Liu Ying proposed to recruit them, these manor butlers who had seen the war without gunpowder naturally wished for it.

In fact, this was also what Yin Yin, the patriarch of the family, told them when they went south.

Join if you can't.

Since processing and selling brown sugar is taboo for some groups, it is not unacceptable to become a supplier.

In particular, Liu Ying made a promise to allow the purchase of their products at the highest standard of the market price, so that they will not lose money.

Although they need to allocate half of the land to grow food after joining, Lilan is not as big as sugar cane, but as long as the scale increases, the comprehensive Lilan of growing food is also very objective!

After all, there are many kinds of farmers.

The annual income of a farmer with only two or three mu of land is completely different from the annual income of a farmer with two or three hundred mu of land!

Seeing that this group of people were very knowledgeable, Liu Ying nodded in satisfaction, jumped down from the wooden box, first walked to a servant standing behind him, holding a drawing board in his hand to write and draw, and asked with her head: "Everyone Have you drawn it?"

The name nodded, and handed the drawing board in his hand to Liu Ying: "It's almost there, just need to add a little bit of detail in the later stage."

Are you sure it's a little bit, not a million bit... Liu Ying took a look, and although she complained in her heart, she nodded in satisfaction.

On the drawing board, there was a picture of him standing on the wooden box. Although it was just a few simple strokes, it vividly portrayed his specially concave shape.

Liu Ying has already thought of the name of the painting, and it is called "Liu Ying Issuing the Edict of the Manor"...

There is no way, the camera can't make it yet, and the only way to preserve some precious moments is through paintings.

Well, this is to be sent to Lv Zhi for viewing. It will be exhibited in the Royal Museum in the future. After the painting is finished, Liu Ying will send it back to Chang'an together with the statue of the Thunder King made for Liu Bang...

Liu Ying handed back the drawing board, then turned around and walked towards the group of manor housekeepers who were staring at him, and said with a smile:

"The prince is in a good mood today, and I will teach you a few secrets that are not passed down in the farm! Have you ever heard of the mulberry fish pond?"

"It is to dig a hole in the manor to fill it with water, irrigate it when it is dry, store water when it is flooded, put fish fry and big geese in the water to raise it, plant mulberry trees or sugar cane around the water hole, and build a pigsty on the other side of the pool... "

When people around took their charcoal pencils from their ears and recorded on their sleeves, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth slightly raised, and the pride of several birds per stone surged in her heart.

The higher the economic benefits of the manor in Nanhai County, the faster the development of Southern Border will be. This is one of the birds.

For Liu Ying himself, the reason why he wants to raise a large number of geese in the manor here is not only for goose down and Cantonese-style roast goose, but more importantly, the big geese he raises in the South County plantation have begun to grow exponentially. ...

So, goose seedlings are slow to sell, help us...

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