Destiny Only Han

Chapter 514 Liu Ying: Kill Dad with a Borrowed Sword!

Chapter 514 Liu Ying: Kill Dad with a Borrowed Sword!
Yong County, Qi Nian Palace.

In line with the concept of "checking in", Liu Bang did not go to the Dazheng Palace, which was larger and lived in the previous years, but lived in this place where the first emperor crowned him and killed his cheap stepfather.

In the south of Qinian Palace, extending to the foot of the vast Qinling Mountains, it is an endless wilderness, but now there are luxuriant grasses, and there is no winter wheat or other crops planted like other places.

Here, it is a sacrificial field under the jurisdiction of Fengchang Mansion. It is mainly responsible for using the planted output to worship gods and ancestors, such as the first bunch of wheat, rice, and corn every year.

As for the face-saving project of sacrificing gods, the grains offered naturally need to be carefully selected.

Therefore, the land needs to be left fallow for a long time, so as to accumulate soil fertility, and strive to produce enough individuals that grow taller and have more ears.

Although it is fallow, it has not been completely abandoned. The "sacrifices" used to worship the gods during festivals are scattered on the fallow sacrifice fields.

But now it's the middle of winter, the weather is freezing cold, all the free-range pigs, cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock have been driven back to the barn, and the only ones active in this wilderness are hares, foxes and the like. small animals.

Before dawn, many soldiers carrying big drums and gongs set out southward, deep into the Qinling Mountains, and then made deafening noises to drive out the wild animals hiding in the forest.

The character "La" is a variant of the word "hunt". The sacrifices offered to the gods during the La Festival cannot use animals kept at home, but animals hunted from the wild.

Jackals, tigers, leopards, deer, deer, and hares, regardless of species, as long as they are wild.

On the field, from the emperor Liu Bang to the officials of more than six hundred stones, all jumped on horses and swung their whips, drew bows and arrows, and hunted for the sacrifices used in the La Festival celebration.

Liu Ying is naturally among them.

It's just that unlike others who either use short bows or arm crossbows, what Liu Yingping is holding is a slightly shorter flintlock gun.

This is his cavalry gun, or carbine, for hunting today.

This is the next thing he wants to explode production capacity, so that he can defeat the enemy during the field battle with the Huns in the future.

After all, the Huns 'can ride sheep, draw bows and shoot birds and mice; young and old can shoot foxes and rabbits: use them for food', talking about the ability to shoot arrows on horseback in the Han Dynasty, it may only be those who are rich and good, and The Rongdi cavalry from Beijun, Longxi, and Shangjun can be compared with it.

But the crux of the problem is that even if the Huns hadn't touched the Western Regions at this time and completely surrendered to the Donghu people, their territory was too big!

The place occupied by the Huns is almost the entire Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia, and a large area south of Lake Baikal, and their total population is only 200 million!
Therefore, it is easy to defeat them, and it is not difficult to defeat and expel them from the Hetao area, but to wipe out 300 million people in an area of ​​more than 200 million square kilometers, unless the space carrier from the Women's Federation is borrowed to name them one by one, Otherwise it is completely impossible to do.

Therefore, in order to allow those soldiers who can only ride horses scattered among the beacons to fight back and forth with the Huns' eagle shooters, the carbine is particularly important.

Well, the elite soldiers of the Huns also have metal armor. In this way, even a crossbow that is wound up with the strength of the back has basically no ability to kill with one blow at a distance of 50 meters.

But muskets are different. The purpose of muskets was invented to fight against the increasingly stacked armor, even the plate armor known as the ceiling of the cold weapon era!

At this moment, Liu Ying was riding on a horse, with a carbine in his hand, and he was chasing a fat gray rabbit with his legs. When he chased the rabbit for more than a hundred meters, he could obviously feel the rabbit's physical fitness decline and its running speed slow down. Instantly, pull the trigger immediately.

There was a sound like a thunderbolt from the blue, and thick white smoke drifted away with the wind. The rabbit flying close to the ground seemed to be struck by lightning. After rolling a few times, it fell to the ground and struggled. Its eyes like black beans looked up at the sky feebly.

Just when Liu Ying was about to ride his horse forward to pick up his prey, there was a neighing sound from the horse, followed by a familiar voice, which seemed to be full of panic and resentment.

Liu Ying turned her head and saw Fan Kui riding on the horse, holding the rein tightly. From the ups and downs of his body at the moment and the movement of the horse under him, one could easily get a message.

The horse was shocked!
Today, Fan Kui was riding a sweat horse that he had just smuggled from the Dayuan Kingdom by a merchant from the Western Regions, but it was a gelding, but the crux of the problem had nothing to do with the gelding.

This horse was born in Dayuan Country, which is sparsely populated, and usually does not see many of its kind and crowds. It rashly appeared in this large-scale collective hunting activity, and its spirit was already extremely nervous. I was taken aback, and it is normal to want to throw the rider off the horse and run away...

Anyway, I can't fall to my death... Liu Ying hung the carbine on her back, comforted the horses in her crotch that were a little nervous because of the madness of the same kind, and then went to another hunting spot.

In today's hunt, he alone took up three spots...

Well, Liu Ruyi and Liu Heng were taken away by him. The former joined forces with Liu Fei to carry out violent suppression. As for the latter, Xiao Douding is about the same height as a horse leg.

Therefore, he used one of the three places for himself, and the remaining two were awarded to Lang Guan who was good at riding in the East Palace.

And the task of those two Lang Guan is to forcibly snatch the prey from others, and then drive the prey in front of him, creating a chance for him to kill with one blow...

Just a moment later, he left the hunting ground cursingly with a bunch of rabbits.

"Too bullying!"

"This is a reasonable use of the rules, where did I cheat?"

He threw the prey in his hand on the ground with a slap, and sat beside Mr. Liu, who was warming up around the stove, and accused the third child of his family of being unreasonable and the fourth child's abetment!
Well, after he shot and frightened several people and horses one after another, and used Lang Guan to snatch the prey from others, he was forcibly expelled from this event after a unanimous vote by Liu Bang and others...

Liu Taigong originally wanted to be perfunctory and perfunctory to Liu Ying, but when he saw Liu Xin in a high-spirited distance, he thought of the brothers and friends who respected each other, loved each other, and helped each other in the past few days, so he nodded heavily: "Don't worry, the old man will never forgive them !"

The old man's change of opinion about Liu Xin is that Liu Xin gave birth to six great-grandchildren in one go. Now that Liu Xin has come to Chang'an City to make a good relationship, he naturally brings these six sons to Xinfeng City, so that the old man can live a good life. The fun of making Han Yi grandson.

Therefore, as soon as he opened his eyes, he could see six pink and jade-carved meat dumplings running around in front of him. Grandpa Liu was reluctant to leave Zhongyangli. Even participating in this official sacrificial activity required repeated invitations. Please……

Sitting in front of the stove, Liu Ying instructs the Bank of China to carry an iron shelf, and then take a few potatoes to bake by the stove. She raised her head and looked at the wrinkled, white-haired Taigong Liu, who talked about his life in Jiangnan and Lingnan. knowledge.

According to the original historical line, Liu Taigong would have died in July last year, two months after the death of the Empress Dowager Tai.

But now the appearance of Liu Ying has changed all of this, allowing Liu Taigong to avoid the fear and fear of being a captive of Xiang Yu for several years, and the physical and mental damage caused by being displaced. I have enjoyed the wealth and honor of resting with the country, so I feel comfortable.

Most importantly, there is a steady stream of tonics such as ginseng and wolfberry.

Liu Ying looked at Liu Taigong's strong and powerful arms, and felt that it would be no problem for the old man to live another ten or eight years!
This, in fact, is his blessing as a grandson.

And old Liu is alive and healthy, so he can help him teach his shameless father a lesson...

For example, now, after smelling the aroma of roasted potatoes, Liu Bang sat down unceremoniously with his crown on his head, pushed Liu Ying aside, looked at the calm grandpa Liu, smiled and greeted him, Get ready to get your hands dirty with baked potatoes.

Then, there was a bang.

"Naigong told you not to wash your hands before eating..."

"Washed, really washed..."

Looking at the aggrieved Liu Bang, Liu Ying suddenly became in a good mood, and took the initiative to stand over and pinch Liu Taigong's shoulders, her face was full of embarrassment, it was a dog leg...

Liu Bang shook his head helplessly. If he still can't guess at this moment who instigated Liu Taigong, I'm afraid he will be sorry for the name Han Gaozu.

So, he kept the grudge in his heart, holding a hot potato in his hands and kept tossing it, and said casually:

"Didn't you object to enfeoffing Liu's clan in Lingnan before? Why did you recommend Liu Xin to build this Rinan Protectorate? You don't worry that he will..."

Liu Taigong frowned, but finally said nothing.

He seldom gets involved in the affairs of the country, but what Liu Bang said is somewhat reasonable. After all, the old man lived in a time of great controversy, and all countries were intrigued by each other, even between brothers and sisters.

Liu Ying nodded lightly with a smile, as if it was a trivial matter: "Worried, but not worried."

Liu Bang tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Liu Ying explained:
"I'm worried because the Nichinan Protectorate's Mansion is located on the border of the empire, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. It is inevitable that there will be people with evil intentions who will push the elder brother to become king on his own and separate the side."

"Don't worry, it's because under the current system, the military strength of the Nichinan Protectorate is not worth mentioning compared to the Hanting Central Committee, and the power is not concentrated in the governor alone, but scattered in the hands of the staff below. "

"Under the constraints of each other, the eldest brother can boldly forge ahead with confidence, expand the territory of the empire, and bring endless wealth, especially the most scarce food. And we don't have to worry about it becoming the source of disaster..."

Liu Bang breathed a sigh of relief first, then froze: "Food? Where is the shortage of food?"

(End of this chapter)

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