Destiny Only Han

Chapter 526 Liu Bang: Don't talk about martial arts!

"Mother, my sister is indeed here!"

Hearing the voice behind her, little Lolita was startled, swallowed a whole wonton suddenly, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, Xiaopang flapped her hands up and down, but the soup bowl in the other hand remained motionless: "OK Very hot..."

Seeing this funny scene, Lu Zhi couldn't help but smile on his tense face.

Liu Ying looked at the bewildered peddler who was sandwiched between two warriors, smiled and waved her hands and said, "Take him to the classroom over there, and I'll take care of the rest of the wontons... Bank of China said , you go and pay."

Holding the bowl, the little loli looked at the wonton peddler who had left after being thankful, her peasy eyes rolled around twice, and swallowed back the words 'give me another bowl'.

She ate up all the wontons in the bowl, stood up slowly, with a flattering smile on her face, trying to pass the test: "Mother, this is the first time I have escaped, please forgive me..."

Lu Zhi poked her on the head resentfully, looking helplessly at the little loli who was hugging her shoulder and acting like a spoiled child.

Little Lolita's wedding is coming soon, and Lu Zhi custom-made a large skirt with a circumference of 24 meters for her as a wedding dress. The gold thread used on the fabric alone used more than a catty of gold!
Well, the gold thread used by the ancients for weaving is to cut the gold leaf into 0.2 to 0.5 mm wide pieces of gold thread, and then wrap it on the weaving shuttle, and weave it into the fabric as a kind of weft thread, forming a golden pattern, which makes the original value The expensive silk fabric has become more and more precious gold brocade rosé.

And that kind of big skirt with layers of layers and complicated patterns, although it looks good to wear, especially when it is turned twice in place, the skirt flutters and the skirt flutters, it is even more beautiful to the extreme.

But the problem is that the skirt is too heavy, and it will look a bit bloated, so Lu Zhi, who wants to sell the princess's wedding dress of the same style as the eldest princess, ordered the little Lolita to lose weight...

The one that halves the meals and frees the snacks!

At first Liu Fei was not crowned, and when she was still living in the palace, the little loli couldn't take it anymore, so she would secretly go to Liu Fei's place to eat and drink. After all, Liu Fei is also a sister control, and it is equivalent to Lu's pheasant grew up watching him grow up, so he dared to obey Lu's pheasant's orders.

But after Liu Feijiaguan moved away from Weiyang Palace, little Lolita lost the opportunity to eat private kitchens, so her eyes were fixed on her sister Tao, Qi Ji.

As Liu Ruyi was named King of Zhao, Qi Ji also became trembling, worrying that she would not have a chance to challenge Lu Zhi's authority, so she readily accepted Xiao Luoli's vote, and held a big banquet in the palace every day, The sharp chin that just appeared on the little lolita became rounder day by day.

Then, Qi Ji was sanctioned by Lu Zhi...

Fees are halved, palace people are halved, fasting after noon...

The first queen in history waved her sleeves and easily dealt with the thorns in the palace.

Therefore, not only did little Lolita get her jawline again, but even Qi Ji, who was pampered and became a little round and beautiful, also returned to her previous slim and light...

In this regard, Liu Bang, who was blown by the pillow wind, finally chose to verbally support Qi Ji...

As for Liu Ying bringing Lu Zhi to arrest the little loli who stole food today, it was actually a coincidence.


Two days ago, Liu Ying went to the palace to settle down in the morning and evening, and was dragged by Lu Zhi to eat dinner, and forced to stay for a long conversation, so when he left, it was about nine or ten o'clock. Based on the principle of bothering others, Liu Ying chose to go out of the palace to eat supper.

Then, he noticed the sneaky little Lolita slipping towards the gate of the palace, followed and squatted all the way, and finally discovered why the little Lolita's jawline became round again...

That day, the little loli ate fried chicken for delivery, showing off three pistol legs and a huge pot of sour plum soup by herself!

So when the little loli left, Liu Ying jumped out to stop the "delivery brother", but was told that this was an exclusive customization, and an appointment had to be made one day in advance, and the food she brought was eaten by the little loli, leaving only A few dry chicken bones were dropped...

Who can bear this?

So, when the little loli hugged Lu Zhi and acted like a baby, Liu Ying held a bowl of fresh meat wontons full of ingredients, and stood at a place where the little loli could just smell the smell, and started to eat them.

"Scent, smell..."

"No wonder my sister is getting fat again..."

Hearing the word 'fat', Lu Zhi's wavering heart began to become resolute. She yanked off the little chubby hand that was holding onto the clothes of the little loli, her eyes and eyebrows were full of determination.

For the face of the royal family, for the sale of long wedding dresses, and to lose weight, we will continue to do so!


To the east of Xincheng, Lanchi Palace National Heritage Park.

It used to be a palace built in the reign of Qin Shihuang. The whole palace covers a huge area, with mountains and rivers interdependent, and palaces and pavilions hidden. Every plant, tree, brick and tile all show the wealth and extravagance of the royal garden.

The Lanchi, which gave it its name, is an artificial lake that draws Weishui into a pond, [-] miles from east to west, and [-] miles from north to south.

It's just that when the Chu people burned, all the old pavilions and pavilions were reduced to ashes, leaving only a huge stone whale standing on the island in the middle of the lake, telling the majesty and royal atmosphere of the old imperial family.

When Liu Ying was transforming the ruins of Xianyang City, she originally wanted to fill it up and build a house...

After all, real estate prospers.

But he thought about it later, and considering the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, he set up a special fund to guarantee public cultural services and build public facilities such as parks.

Well, mostly for tax avoidance...

Today is the May [-]th Dragon Boat Festival, but at this time it is not popular to commemorate Qu Yuan, people just find an excuse to come out to have fun, eat rice dumplings and drink realgar wine by the way.

Because there are no candied dates at this time, the salty party once again won a big victory!
Picking up the stove, wandering around the park selling zongzi vendors, the most popular ones are salted egg yolk zongzi and fresh meat zongzi.

But it's still early, and the tourists are not too hungry, they are bustling towards the distant Lanchi, where there will be a special dragon boat race!
During the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of Wu and Yue in Jiangsu and Zhejiang chose to hold tribal totem sacrifices in the form of dragon boat races on May [-]th.


Later, after the state of Chu destroyed the Wu and Yue countries one after another, this custom was also preserved by the state of Chu.

Therefore, when Liu Ying proposed to hold a dragon boat race on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Liu Bang, a native of Spirit Chu, would naturally not refuse.

On the contrary, he is going to play a big game!
Since it was a competition, there must be a lottery. For this reason, he began to select strong and brave men from among the officials around him two months in advance, in order to be able to win the championship and get the biggest bonus...

Liu Ying didn't care about it at first, but after hearing that Liu Bang had placed a lot of bets on himself, Liu Ying also formed a dragon boat team to participate in the competition based on the principle that every father must be cheated.

Moreover, compared to Liu Bang's dragon boat, which paid attention to external decorations, Liu Ying made corresponding improvements to her own dragon boat, such as being more streamlined, and adding a triangle sail...

Well, a galley version of a dragon boat.

This is mainly because Liu Bang has the best talents in his hands. In order to get No. 1 in a legitimate way, he changed the competition system from the original racing competition to a rally competition.

Anyway, Lanchi is [-] miles from east to west, even if the area after the war has become smaller, plus the difference between the weights and measures of the Qin Dynasty and later generations, the width of Lanchi from east to west is at least [-] to [-] kilometers, which is enough to complete a marathon dragon boat competition !
Therefore, standing on the high platform, Liu Bang looked at the painted 'dragon boat' that was incompatible with all the boats, and he had only one thought in his mind.

Not a man!

In a pair of eyes full of disdain, Liu Ying crossed her arms, held her head high, her face full of pride.

This is just a reasonable use of the rules!
If it wasn't for the fact that steam engines and propellers could not be produced, Liu Ying even wanted to transform a steam-powered dragon boat for competitions!
In fact, the inspiration of this ship comes from the fruit tooth in the sixteenth century. It is the most common ship in the Mediterranean Sea and is widely used in commercial transportation and war.

The name of the ship is Galley, which means galley.

Back then, the merchants of Guoguoya rowed this kind of galley from Goa, India all the way to Macau, which shocked the Daming Navy.

For example, it is recorded in the "Chi Hai Tu Bian" edited by Hu Zongxian, Zheng Ruozeng and others: the bottom of the ship is sharp, the two sides are flat, it is not afraid of wind and waves, and it reaches swiftly. …

Therefore, after all the elders gave a very high evaluation of the performance of this kind of ship, the Ming Dynasty began to actively imitate it. Because of the many oars, the long hull and the shape of a centipede, the Ming Dynasty of this Mediterranean-style galley The version is called Centipede Ship.

It’s just that the imitation version of the Ming Dynasty was not the strongest form of the Calais ship. For example, in the Lepanto naval battle in 1571, when the Catholic coalition forces composed of Spain, the Holy See, and Venice confronted the Ottoman fleet, the Venetians invested An upgraded version of the six Calais ships, the Calais Sais Ship, also known as the Large Calais Ship.

This kind of ship has 50 to 6 8-pound heavy guns and dozens of lightly loaded Francois cannons. It is really a mobile fort.

As a result, in one day, Ottoman killed [-] soldiers, nearly [-] warships were sunk, and the empire's dream of getting involved in the western Mediterranean was temporarily shattered.

However, unlike a certain big eastern country, due to the many conflicts in the Holy Alliance, the Ottomans won in the end. Although the Doge of Venice was not hanged, Luluo successfully signed a series of treaties with Venice that humiliated the country...

The reason why Liu Ying made this kind of Calais ship is that this kind of galley is more suitable for sailing in areas with less wind, such as places near the coastline, and inland river navigation.

Therefore, when Liu Ying's dragon boat was far ahead in Lanchi, he was surrounded by a group of nobles who operated shipping.

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