Destiny Only Han

Chapter 533 Liu Ying: Demand Oriented!

Chapter 533 Liu Ying: Demand Oriented!

"What's the meaning of this, princess?"

Wu Chen rubbed his eyes blinded by the horseshoe gold, looked up at the little loli who was panting heavily, almost knowing what he was asking.

Little Loli put one hand on her hip, and said proudly: "You are Liu Ying's younger brother, that is, my younger brother! My younger brother is in trouble, so the older sister will naturally give generously! I will listen to what you and Liu Ying said Well, aren’t you short of money to build an industrial park? Is the money enough? I still have…”

Liu Ying interrupted, looked at Wu Chen and interjected: "Thank you, sister! My sister is willing to lend you money for free! Such a urgency and righteousness, she is worthy of being the daughter of the Liu family, and the ancient Lord Xinling is nothing more than that. !"

For a moment, Wu Chen was overjoyed, but Little Loli stomped her feet angrily, denying San Lian:
"No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Ying said angrily: "Then you beep a hammer?"

The little loli who was full had almost zero attack power, but put her index fingers together and said a little embarrassedly: "I want to buy bonds... After all, in this cold world..."

"Stop!" Although Liu Ying thought this sentence was very familiar, she didn't take it to heart, and said with her arms folded:

"Your money is not enough to build an industrial park... If you want to build a complete industrial park, the initial investment is at least [-] million yuan! Do you have that much money?"

Little Loli counted with her fingers, her head shaking like a rattle.

And hearing Liu Ying's words, Wu Chen also showed a disappointed look on his face again.

In fact, he didn't have to build industrial parks. With his knowledge, he still couldn't understand the scissors difference between workers and peasants, and the concept of dumping place and raw material production place.

Wu Chen is just a pure boy at heart, when he sees something good, he thinks of doing the same thing himself...

But he is not the same as an ordinary street boy. He received the education of a king. He knows etiquette and knows how to advance and retreat. When Liu Ying poured a few pots of cold water on him, the idea of ​​setting up an industrial park to refresh himself was naturally thrown away. back.

So he looked at Little Lolita, and said gratefully: "Thank you for the kindness of the eldest princess, I decided to follow His Highness's arrangement, cut down the forest first, build a tea garden, and build the Changsha Kingdom step by step!"

The little loli turned her eyes around twice, and pushed the box towards Wu Chen again, her face was still full of pride: "Hi! Don't be polite, it's all from my family! You take the money, Even if I bought the bonds of your tea garden!"

My elder sister Shakou finally got on the road... Liu Ying looked at Wu Chen and nodded lightly: "Since my elder sister has said so, who is your bond anyway? Just keep it."

Wu Chen nodded slightly, looked at Bank of China who was standing beside him and said, "Excuse me, get a pen and paper, I'll write a receipt for the eldest princess."

Looking at the belongings taken out of the box, Liu Ying grabbed the little loli with a guilty face and secretly called something bad: "People say to catch thieves and dirty things, sister, can you explain to me, that piece of jade Where did the paperweight come from?"

"Just, uh... I picked it up, yes, I picked it up!" Little Lolita puffed up her chest in spite of herself, with an expression on her face that you don't want to frame me.

"Ha ha."

Liu Ying sneered and left, after all, she was her sister, so just take it.

Well, the Silk Road is also called the Jade Road, for example, the famous Yumen Pass is named after it.

But now that he monopolizes the trade along the entire Silk Road, he has piled up such suet jade for a long time, and he treats it as cleaning up garbage...

Liu Ying looked at the little loli who happily left with the receipt, but told the Bank of China to go to Lu Zhi's to make a report, explaining the number of snacks that a certain loli ate at his place, so that Lu Zhi could adjust and lose weight meal……

"Don't take down the pen and paper..." Liu Ying stopped her voice, looked at Wu Chen and said, "Since the ink has been researched, you might as well make a plan for issuing bonds."

"Just a piece of tea is not enough to attract investment from the big guys. You need a combination of punches to strengthen the confidence of investors and obtain more financing!"

Wu Chenping held the brush, raised his head and asked, "What is a combination fist?"

Liu Ying was silent for a while, and explained: "Multiple projects are mixed together. For example, the tea duck we mentioned before is to use the characteristics of weeding, insect control, and fertilization of ducks to make up for the tea trees that need a certain amount of growth. Shortcomings in the short term can be rewarded at the beginning, and market confidence can be strengthened, making it easier to issue bonds again!"

"But how many ducks can you raise in the early stage? There is no scale of more than [-]. How can you satisfy the appetite of Chang'an people and make them buy your bonds like crazy? But where do you get so many ducklings? Food for ducks?"

Wu Chen nodded, and said longingly: "Whatever elder brother says, younger brother will do!"

Although he is older than Liu Ying, but now he is really willing to be Liu Ying's younger brother. After all, so far, all Liu Ying's rhetoric is to put himself in his place to make suggestions.

The corner of Liu Ying's mouth slightly raised, and she said seriously: "Changsha as a whole is rainy in spring and summer, dry in autumn and winter, and has a long frost-free period, which means it is a good place naturally suitable for farming!"

"Food is the most important thing for the people. Now there are millions of people in Guanzhong, and the food consumed every day is an astronomical figure! If my brother enters Hangu Pass, he will definitely see an endless stream of grain transport vehicles."

"However, I don't recommend that you simply grow grain and sell it. The profit is not high. My suggestion is to build a large farm, mainly to raise pigs, and a small amount of ducks in rice fields. Pigs are good things. They can be eaten and can be eaten. Pull, this will not only quickly fertilize the fields and increase food production, but also salt the pork, make bacon and then sell it in the north, avoiding the problem that fresh meat is not easy to preserve and long-distance trafficking!"

Well, in this way, the table salt produced in Fushun County has a big buyer...

And bristle, a strategic material, also has a stable supplier...

Wu Chen wrote down Liu Ying's words with a pen, then raised his head: "Is there any more?"

"Of course there is!" Liu Ying pondered again: "Do you know what is the most scarce material in the north now?"

Wu Chen shook his head, smiled wryly, and indicated that he was just the King of Changsha.

Liu Ying raised her eyebrows: "Cotton! My brother can choose some suitable places and plant a large amount of cotton. This thing is now the same as food. The supply is in short supply, and the production is not enough..."

In this way, there will be no shortage of raw materials for the textile factory he will open next in Wuzhong.

After all, there is a lot of water in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is convenient to build workshops such as hydraulic textile machines that need to intercept rivers and build dams.

Seeing that Wu Chen had written everything down, Liu Ying nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, after you have finished the specific plan, I will take you to the reception and hunting activities, and introduce some On the other hand, I know your very helpful boss!"

Wu Chen was naturally grateful, and he did not forget the ultimate purpose of this trip to Chang'an.

King of Changsha!
And this is something that Li Cang has repeatedly told him before. For a person like him, it is only when he suffers that he takes advantage!

Liu Ying looked up at the high sun and said with a smile: "When I came here, someone gave me a big river koi weighing more than five catties. Today I will eat fish for lunch... Well, carp baked noodles, made in Yanjin !"

At the door, a head full of pearls and emeralds poked in, and then the little loli's unique clip sounded: "What do you do?"


Shu County, Fushun County.

Ji Xin, who was checking the roster and preparing to recruit soldiers, suddenly saw a horse team galloping from a distance, the leader was Kuai Che whom he was somewhat familiar with.

"What is the supervisor here for?"

Ji Xin flicked his sleeves to meet him, looking at the dusty Kuai Che and asked curiously.

Kuai Che took a few breaths, and asked back, "The county guard is preparing to call in troops?"

Ji Xin nodded, pulled him aside and said, "Exactly, I heard that next month will be the day when the Yelang Kingdom will hold a national meeting! If you leave now, you will have a chance to wipe out their leaders!"

Kuai Che's expression was a little inexplicable: "Fortunately, everything is still in time. A certain person came here just for this!"

He took out a letter with Liu Ying's seal from his pocket and handed it over: "This is His Royal Highness's handwriting, ordering me to take over all the affairs of Yelang Kingdom."

Ji Xin read the letter once and frowned: "Why does Your Highness change the order?"

"It's not changing the order overnight, but judging the situation!" Kuai Che said seriously, and then lowered his voice:

"The news that His Highness released before to conquer the Yelang Kingdom and open up the road to the Shendu Kingdom is just to promote the threat of the Shendu Kingdom and pave the way for the conquest of the Southwest Yi!"

"The sheriff won't take it seriously, will he?"

Ji Xin froze and opened his eyes wide. Although he didn't say anything, he expressed everything he wanted to say.

Kuai Che said with a smile: "The Shendu Kingdom is far to the south of the mountain. If you walk by land, the mountains and mountains are extremely difficult and dangerous! If you really want to conquer the Shendu Kingdom, the navy from Nanhai County will be dispatched, not your Shu County garrison." Pawn!"

Ji Xin nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with this statement, but said with some reluctance: "But now is indeed a golden opportunity, if we can fight against the Yelang Kingdom, it will not only expand the territory, but also solve the problem of our manpower. Insufficient problem!"

Kuai Che shook his head: "It is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to defend the country. Have the county guards ever thought about it, if our army sent troops to conquer the Yelang Kingdom and set up counties and prefectures, how many officials would be needed to complete the registration of households and the collection of taxes? Now that there is still a shortage of suitable officials in the country, is it appropriate to waste this limited talent in such a remote place?"

Well, in the early years of the Han Dynasty, Huang Lao was adhering to the "small government". When faced with many emergencies, most of them recruited local sages such as the "three elders" to complete them. After the matter was over, the temporary workers were dismissed. ...

In this way, the number of officials who need to pay salaries is not large, and the state's expenditure is not large.

"Then, what is the superintendent going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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