Destiny Only Han

Chapter 549 Liu Ying: Laughing and Thirsting to Drink the Blood of the Huns

Chapter 549 Liu Ying: Laughing and Thirsting to Drink the Blood of the Huns
Shangjun, Fushi County.

The heavy snow covered the sky, covering the rolling hills, the wilderness that stretched to the sky, and the swaying bushes all in white.

Today is the No.30 day of the Xiongnu siege, but since the No.20 day, the Huns have been unable to attack for a long time, and their vigor at the beginning of the war has been exhausted.

Although most of the Xiongnu warriors were driven by King Baiyang and King Loufan to attack Fushi County, they still hesitated, just pretending.

After all, this is the consistent style of the Huns. Since they see the enemy, they pursue profit, like a gathering of birds; The person who died will be able to return all the property of the deceased to himself...

Therefore, they are still loyal to stay here to besiege Fushi County. If they are forced to die, they will be scattered in minutes.

Well, this is why many times the Central Plains dynasty would build the Great Wall and strictly forbid the people to climb over the side wall.

Because of their unique production and lifestyle, the nomadic peoples, even the lowest-status slaves, were not targeted by slaves of farming peoples, but tenant farmers.

Shepherd slaves can own their own houses (yurts), marry and have children according to their wishes, and own their own private property. They are the same as tenant farmers, but they do not have means of production such as pastures and herds.

Take the Mongol Empire with relatively detailed information as an example. When Genghis Khan’s fourth concubine Heda’an was a slave, his job was to poke horse breasts and make food such as kumiss; He is a horse herder, and he is strong in martial arts and has a burly body. It is obvious that he is not living a life without food.

After all, everyone on the grassland had horses, and there were no fences around them. People who were exploited too hard ran away, just like the northern part of the late Ming Dynasty, there were idle farmlands everywhere, but no one cultivated them.

Without him, corrupt officials exploited endlessly, and everyone went to King Chuang...

Because of this, during the daytime of No.30 when Fushi County was besieged, even King Aries and King Loufan shrank in the tent, looked at each other silently, and began to regret the hot blood that day.

After all, the atmosphere has come that day. Under the witness of their ancestors and gods, they swore blood and agreed to kill the most Han people, and the one who sacrificed the most enemies' heads to their ancestors will become the next Great Chanyu.

Therefore, their idea is to raid the market in Shangjun, and then capture Fushi County, so that almost [-] heads will be credited.

The position of the Great Chanyu is also stable.

But what I never expected was that it was too late to hurry. Although some Han defenders were killed during the siege these days, Fushi County was not captured. Thousands of people...

The King of Aries sighed, "Why don't we retreat... You and I can collect some gifts and send them over, saying that it was persecuted by the Great Chanyu before, and we had no choice but to attack the Han Kingdom..."

Lou Fanwang squinted at him, wanting to scold him, but finally asked, "Can it work?"

Aries King lowered his voice, looking confident:

"I don't know about others, but the prince of Han is a greedy man! I heard that the Yuezhi people gave him a BMW and jade, so he sold the weapons and armor to the Yuezhi people in private! Otherwise, relying on the Yue clan, how can we resist the Wusun people's attack..."

King Lou Fan slapped his thigh suddenly, his face full of regret: "Why didn't we say it sooner? If we could have obtained the long swords and armor of the Han people before the war, it would certainly not be like this now!"

King Aries shook his head lightly and sighed: "I sent someone to discuss with the prince of Han before, but he said that our credit rating is not up to the standard, and we need a grade B or above to unlock more trade goods..."

"If you want me to say that you don't give enough gifts! Han merchants often say that money can make ghosts turn the millstone! If you give him [-] cows, I'm afraid you can get whatever you want!"

Lou Fan Wang interjected, and immediately said with a sad face:
"I'm afraid it's too late to go to negotiate a peace now. I heard from the shepherd who fled back that the Han army went out of the fortress in a big way, and now they have captured Fuping County and other places near Helan Mountain. Ten days ago, they even appeared near Gaoquesai. I'm afraid they want to be Qin people and want to drive us away from here..."

Just when Aries King wanted to say something more, he suddenly felt that the sheepskin blanket under his body was beating slightly. As a Hun who had lived on the grassland for decades, how could he not know what happened?
This is the movement that only the cavalry of the brigade gallops wildly!
He and King Loufan looked at each other, and saw the same fear in each other's eyes.

At this moment, there is probably a large group of cavalry that can appear here and from that direction, and there is only one!
Han army!

The cavalry of the Han army!
The Han cavalry who swept across the western part of the Hetao Grassland!

So they rushed out of the tent in a hurry, and what they saw were the Huns herdsmen running around in the same fear.


After conquering Jiuyuan City (Baotou, Inner Mongolia), the West Route Army began to divide its troops. Under the command of Zhou Bo, the infantry continued eastward along the frozen river, while the remaining [-] cavalry followed Liu Ying to the south. Qin Zhidao went straight to Shangjun.

At this time, the north of Fushi County was called the Mu Us Desert in later generations, and it is still a place with luxuriant grass.

Tens of thousands of cavalry scattered under the guidance of a sharp whistle, galloping back and forth, making the final formation before the attack.

The Rongdi cavalry, who were stalked and finally got the chance to fight, patrolled the center of the preset battlefield. Six thousand-man cavalry brigades had already set up their positions, and when the horn of charge sounded, they rushed towards the Huns on the opposite side.

Kill enemies, and die!

At the forefront of a group of elite knights who are generally 1.8 meters tall is Liu Ying, who is wearing a silver plate chain armor. The armor still gave him a bit of aggressiveness.

Under the sunny sunshine after the snowfall, his weather-beaten and darkened little face looked star-eyed and heroic.

However, those Rongdi cavalry who were about to kill the enemy did not turn their eyes to him, but mostly stared blankly at Zhang Buyi who was standing beside him on horseback.

That guy was very flamboyantly wearing an indigo narrow-sleeved robe, covered with silver scales and armor, with two shiny breastplates dotted on his chest, pure white silver fox fur on his pocket and collar, and silver on his head. A long bunch of scarlet ponytails fluttered on the helmet, which set off his face like a crown jade, red lips and white teeth, quite a bit of Mu Guiying's sense of sight in later operas...


Liu Ying used her actual actions to despise the flamboyant man who stole her limelight, waved the battle flag in her hand vigorously, and gave the command of the general attack to the messenger who was watching him.

In an instant, the sound of the howling horn and the sound of the war drum, which was as low as Yin Lei, suddenly became passionate, which shocked everyone's heart and made their blood boil.

Those Rongdi cavalry who greedily admired the "masculinity" restrained their minds and rode forward with their hoofs rumbling. They first moved forward slowly, and when they distanced themselves from the rear, they galloped lightly, like moving steel In the jungle, the halberd pointed forward, the sword was out of its sheath, no one shouted, no horse neighed, and the murderous aura of the night was set off in the solemnity...


In the garrison of the Huns, King Aries and King Lou Fan rode their horses around in panic.

So far, there are only two paths before them.

Run away, or fight.

When the cavalry of the Han army appeared at the beginning, they cut off their escape road to the desert grassland. For the Huns here, they had to disperse and bypass Fushi County, which is a strong city in front of them, and go to a more densely populated and early Shangjun, who had already fortified the wall and cleared the country, was waiting to die, or he would rise up and resist, rushing to open a road to escape back to the northern grassland.

Most of the Great Wall at this time was made of rammed earth, and in many places it was only as high as one person, but that was enough.

After all, a person of this height can easily climb over it, but a horse cannot jump over it.

In particular, the Huns had assembled a large regiment of tens of thousands of cavalry at the moment, and it took two or three days to carve a hole in the Great Wall for them to pass through!
Therefore, the only option is to fight to the death.

Well, in fact, they can surrender directly, but judging from the posture of the Han army at the moment, it is obvious that they will not easily accept their surrender...

So, amidst the sound of ox horns like howling wolves, the Xiongnu cavalry began to form a formation slowly, and launched a counter-charge towards the rushing Rongdi cavalry.

In an instant, feathered arrows flew through the air, densely packed like locusts.

Although the Rongdi cavalry in the charge pursued death on the battlefield and shrouded in horse leather, they did not go to death blindly. Then he completely handed over the black and thick iron armor on his body.

But the Huns on the opposite side did not have this spirit of going to death. Those with excellent riding skills put up their shields and hid in stirrups one after another, trying to avoid the arrows falling from the sky as much as possible. I saw many unlucky people being pushed off their horses by the kinetic energy and potential energy carried by the arrows, and were seriously injured by their own people who were caught off guard...

After all, they don't have stirrups and high bridge saddles...

Almost in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of cavalry were entangled together and began close-range hand-to-hand combat.

Fighting immediately, both sides are fighting at a relatively high speed, life and death are often only a moment, but the side with thicker armor has a high probability of getting a second life and a third life...

In Fushi County, Lin Zhi, who was wearing a heavy armor, stood behind the city gate, jumping up and down while scolding.

The Bank of China said that in order to prevent the Huns from breaking the city gate, people moved a lot of sandbags and other sundries to block the city gate. Now that the counterattack has begun, the Shangjun cavalry who wanted to go out of the city to fight were blocked by their own people... …

(End of this chapter)

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