Destiny Only Han

Chapter 559 Liu Ying: Tweeting order to understand for a while!

Chapter 559 Liu Ying: Let me know about the Tweet Order!

Guanzhong, Chang'an City.

The wide and straight central avenue was cut off from it, and a ring of scaffolding and a dozen large human-driven cranes were erected. A total of [-] workers shuttled through it, and loud and clear slogans came and went.

Around the construction site, there are many beautifully carved white marble blocks.

These are a spectacle that Liu Ying started to plan and build after he pacified the Nanyue Kingdom and returned from Lingnan.

Arc de Triomphe.

The overall building is modified with reference to the Arc de Triomphe built by Napoleon. Considering that it must stand for a thousand years, the main body is made of stone.

However, when Yang Chengyan, the general of Shaofu, tried to add a Chinese-style bracket on the Arc de Triomphe, although he got the unanimous consent of Liu Bang, Xiaohe and others, he finally gave up under Liu Ying's resistance to the death.

After all, what Liu Ying wants is a spectacle that future generations can be proud of, not a laughingstock...

Well, if you want to know how ugly the modernist style is mixed with Chinese-style brackets, you can refer to Beiping West Railway Station...

On the contrary, it is the memorial hall on the edge of the main square.

Although at first glance it looks like a Soviet-Russian-style public building, it is very well integrated into the Chinese style.

The elements in the traditional wooden high-standard halls, such as nine rooms wide, circles of auxiliary steps, xumizuo, columns, beams, squares, double eaves hipped roof, yellow glazed tiles, colored paintings on the outer eaves, bucket arches, etc., are in this Architecturally perfect.

In particular, the large double-eave roof of traditional buildings has been simplified into protruding rectangular eaves, with slightly raised edges and yellow glazed tile color matching, which not only has the charm of traditional Chinese-style large roofs, but also conforms to the aesthetic and political environment at that time.

On the left side of the construction site, in a warm attic like spring, despite the din of people outside, the little loli Liu Le still lay on the table and slept like a dead pig.

Well, she's here to be an overseer.

When Liu Ying broke the siege of Shangjun, captured King Baiyang and King Loufan in the first battle, and expanded thousands of miles, even Xiao He, who had always opposed Liu Ying's large-scale construction and construction of the Arc de Triomphe, couldn't sit still. He went to the palace overnight to ask Lu Zhi for advice. It is suggested that the number of construction workers be increased to 5000.

Anyway, most of the reliefs have been completed, and the rest is construction, and this is the winter slack period, so enough workers were recruited without any effort.

After all, the work is not for nothing, and there is still [-] qian per day for a lunch.

After learning about this, little Lolita rushed into the palace, pestered Lu Zhi all afternoon, and finally won the task of working as a supervisor with Liu Ruyi.

Then, she anonymously delivered the compiled materials to the teacher, who is also the prince, Taifu and Fengchang Shusuntong...

So, guilty of not teaching Liu Fei, Liu Le, and Liu Ying into the appearance he wanted, Shu Suntong immediately took Liu Ruyi, who was finally preparing to leave the palace to shake his prestige, back to the school...

When the little Lolita was lying on the table sneezing and sleeping soundly, a series of light footsteps sounded on the floor outside the door.

After a while, the door creaked open.

The little girl who was sleeping soundly twitched her nose twice, and immediately raised her head in the next second. What she saw in her sleepy eyes was a girl carrying a food box, and she saw a fox scarf on the top of the cloak surrounding her with fluffy white On her neck, there was only a delicate and pretty face like a lotus flower emerging from the water, and she was like a fairy in the dust in the haze.

"Sister Xu's family, why did you come here..." Little Lolita muttered a little innocently, looking greedily at the food boxes approaching from far away.

"Traffic jam."

After Xu Negative finished speaking, he put the food box on the table, pulled the strap under his chin, untied the snow-white cloak and handed it to the little maid who came up to him.

Little Lolita nodded: "That's it, it's all my fault that my brother wanted to build this triumphal arch of Laoshizi, which made the traffic jam in Chang'an City even more congested...but it will be fine in two months, and my brother should be back by then." !"

Xu Ling smiled sweetly, with a bit of misery in his eyes: "Yes, Mr. Liuwai should come back by then... Although you missed the big wedding in autumn, I've calculated it for you. Spring and summer are two seasons. Each has a good day and auspicious day, suitable for children and grandchildren, loving husband and wife..."

Just when little Lolita was about to say something shyly, a series of newsboy shouts suddenly came from outside the attic.

"Extra, extra! His Royal Highness rushed thousands of miles to help His Majesty, and accidentally captured a hundred thousand horses!"

"Extraordinary, extraordinary! The Han army has won a great victory. Your Majesty will capture the Xiongnu King Lan, Dingling King, the left and right big households, and the Huns Qianchang, Xiaowang, and Duwei thousands of people. They will offer prisoners to the Chang'an Taimiao soon..."

In an instant, the construction site, which was full of people, was silent, and even the busy Central Avenue became audible.

In the next second, there were noises one after another.

"Give me one!"

"Kid, throw the newspaper up!"

"Come here, come here..."

At this moment, no matter how many advertisements there are in the newspaper, they can bear it. After all, such things as extra numbers are not common, and it would not be published unless there is such a grade of victory!

"Ah! Daddy won!" Little Lolita suddenly became excited and excited, and then frowned suddenly.

In front of her, Xu Negative, who repeated in a low voice 'one hundred thousand horses, one hundred thousand horses', was attracted by little Lolita, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... Can sister Xu help me to buy a newspaper?" Little Lolita slowly took out a handful of five baht coins from her pocket and put it on the table, Doudou's eyes were full of pleading.

Then, she watched the light-footed Xu negative walk out of the room, and when she was sure that she had gone downstairs, she raised her shoulders and shook her arms, and cried out in a low voice:
"It's so numb, so numb..."


At the east gate of Chang'an City, a four-wheeled carriage pulled by three horses sped out of the city in the sporadic light snow, and headed straight to the east along the cleared snow-covered concrete road.

This is Ji Xiang Zhang Cang's car, and the place he is going to is Hedong County.

After all, there is Yanchi there, and there are thousands of officials who are good at calculating. It happens that Yanchi is in the off-season of salt mining in winter, so he can safely and boldly deploy manpower to go with him to deal with the prisoners of war.

Well, Liu Ying had already dispatched a considerable number of civil servants from Chang'an City to deal with the aftermath when Liu Ying divided his troops to capture the winter camps of King Baiyang and King Loufan during the great victory in Shangjun.

So this time, tens of thousands of Xiongnu prisoners of war were captured again, so they could only recruit people from other places, so as not to make Chang'an City, the center of the empire, unable to operate effectively.

Although Xiao He still adhered to Huang Lao's inaction in many places and would not waver until his death, but after all, he was rich and powerful, and with a swipe of a pen, he decided that the state would buy all these prisoners of war, and then send them to Bashu for road repair...

To be precise, it is Wuchi Road in Shu County.

Instigated by Kuai Che's three-inch tongue, the Yelang Kingdom successfully opened the "Warring States Era", and they fought against each other endlessly. In exchange for food and weapons, they began to mine like crazy.

As a result, slaves and cinnabar were continuously sent to Changsha, among which cinnabar was transferred to workshops in Guanzhong, while slaves went directly south to be sold to plantations in Nanhai County and Guilin County.

Nowadays, there are so many wealthy households in Chang’an. The supply of relatively expensive consumables such as brown sugar is in short supply, but more is food. Every day, the carriages transporting grain from Kanto to Chang’an official warehouses can be discharged for several miles. The entire Chang’an city is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much supplies can fill it up!

However, this is also beneficial. Under the strong demand, commerce and trade are booming, the national treasury becomes full, and the people who provide food and other materials in the distance are much richer than before.

Therefore, the five-foot road needs to be widened and lengthened, and it is best to directly connect to the Dian Kingdom in the south, so as to ensure that the reforged garbage swords can be continuously delivered to buyers, and then exchanged for more slaves , for the development of the three counties of the South China Sea and the Red River Delta.

In this way, the fertile soil that crops three times a year can produce enough grain to ensure the daily consumption of Chang'an City, the capital of goodness.

Although grain transport ships need to go around half of the coastline of the empire, the cost of water transportation is also lower than transporting grain from Kanto to Guanzhong by land!
Moreover, the population of Kanto is also skyrocketing!

In three to five years, there will not be many new plains and fertile land there, and the food surplus will drop sharply, and the wave of baby boomers after the founding of the People's Republic of China is still half a child, and they have nothing to do except eat the poor... …

For this reason, Xiao He has already prepared for a rainy day. Ten years later, more than half of the grain consumption in Guanzhong will be provided by the three counties of the South China Sea and the Nichinan Governor's Mansion!
Therefore, when he dreamed back many times at midnight, he wondered whether it was a wrong decision to set up Chang'an as the capital. If the new capital was located on the banks of a big river or a canal, would he not have to worry about food transportation anymore... …

"The canal, moving the capital, this is a problem..."

When Xiao He was standing at the head of Chang'an City, looking at the Weishui Bridge that was blocked by traffic, far away on the Panshan Road in Yanmen County, Liu Bang was jumping on his feet and scolding Han Wangxin.

Without him, the snow melted, and the carriage sank in the mud.

Liu Ying crossed her arms and looked at Han Wangxin with drooping eyebrows without saying a word.

Earn so much money and keep the cubs?
Take it out a little bit to repair the road!
When Liu Ying thought of her unsalable cement and the special funds for road construction that could not be loaned out, she wished she could jump up and kick Han Wangxin vigorously...

But he also understands why Han Wangxin would pick and search.

The reason is simple, there are many sons!
As a king, Han Wangxin is a man who has escaped from vulgar tastes. He has nothing to do with gambling and drugs. He just took in more than 20 concubines and gave birth to seventeen sons and nine daughters...

The crux of the problem is that he is still a loving father, and he devoted all his paternal love to the rest of the sons except for the silly son born to the eldest wife!
But according to the succession law of the Han Empire, the eldest son inherits the throne, and unless the remaining sons have made great contributions or received favors from the court, they will at most be Bailihou, and after three generations of wealth, they will be wiped out by everyone!
So Han Wangxin tried his best to save money, trying to make his children and grandchildren have enough to eat and drink...

(End of this chapter)

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